Emily Robinson Farnsworth’s Millinery Shop
The building south of [Eben F. Richardson’s house on Main Street in Southwest Harbor] was built about 1870 by James Robinson from lumber which had been part of his smokehouse on the shore. His daughter, Emily, afterward Mrs. Alton E. Farnsworth, had a millinery and dry goods store in the front part and Mr. Robinson sold groceries in the rear. For several years Mrs. Farnsworth was postmistress and had the post-office in her store." - “Traditions and Records of Southwest Harbor and Somesville, Mount Desert Island, Maine” by Mrs. Seth S. Thornton, p. 155 - 1938.
Southwest Harbor Then & Now 2015
- Introduction by Meredith Hutchins
- The Clark Point Area and Greening Island
- Eugene M. Norwood Square
- Cove's End
- The George Ripley Fuller House
- Dr. George Arthur Neal Residence
- Gordon & White Garage
- The Southwest Harbor Primary School
- The Southwest Harbor Public Library
- Corner of Main Street and Clark Point Rd
- Main Street Looking South
- Main Street Looking North
- Main Street Before and After the 1922 Fire
- The Cedars - Sylvester B. Brown House
- The Freeman Cottage and Ashmont Stable
- Freeman's Store
- The John T.R. Freeman House and Post Office
- Emily Robinson Farnsworth’s Millinery Shop
- The James E. Robinson House and Barn
- Byron Heman Mayo House
- The Joseph Dana Phillips House
- The First Masonic Hall
- Clark Point Road
- Moore's Garage Co.
- Eugene Shubael Thurston’s Post Office
- Edwin L. Higgins Blacksmith Shop
- Clark Point Road Looking East
- Simeon H. "Sim" Mayo and his Bicycle Shop
- William Irving Mayo House
- Samuel Watson Herrick Store and Custom House
- View Northeast on the High Road
- The Island House
- Clark's Cove Area
- Indian Lot on Clark Point
- Exhibit Brochure - PDF