1 - 25 of 61 results
You searched for: Identifier: is not emptyAND Type: starts with 'Document, Advertising'
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date Place Address Description
12732Acadia Night Sky Poster - 2009
  • Document, Advertising, Poster
  • Events
  • Nordgren - Tyler Nordgren
  • 2009
13440Advertisement for 1914 Model Peerless Bicycle
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Transportation, Cycle, Bicycle
  • Sears, Robuck & Co.
  • 1914
3000Advertisement for Bath Iron Works
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Vessels, Boat
  • 1931
Advertisement in Fortune Magazine, August 1931
Advertisement in Fortune Magazine, August 1931
14428Advertisement for Bath Iron Works
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Vessels, Boat
6054Advertisement for Bay View House, Pretty Marsh, Maine
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Lodge
  • Mount Desert, Pretty Marsh
6423Advertisement for Forest City Side Wheel Steamer
  • Document, Advertising, Poster
  • Vessels, Steamboat
6571Advertisement for Freeman House Hotel
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Stockton - Eliza Stockton
  • Smith & Son, Printers - Artist - Eliza Stockton
  • Southwest Harbor
  • 9 Phillips Lane
6344Advertisement for Freeman House, S.A. Holden, Island House & St. Sauveur House
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • N.K. Sawyer, Printer in Ellsworth
  • 1871
  • Southwest Harbor
Advertisement from "Mount Desert Island and the Cranberry Isles," by Ezra A. Dodge, published by N.K. Sawyer, Printer in Ellsworth, p. 64 – 1871 – Found online using Google Book Search.
Advertisement from "Mount Desert Island and the Cranberry Isles," by Ezra A. Dodge, published by N.K. Sawyer, Printer in Ellsworth, p. 64 – 1871 – Found online using Google Book Search.
13444Advertisement for Hartford Marine Engines
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Object, Other Object
  • Gray & Prior Machine Co.
10134Advertisement for Jordan Pond House
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • 1909
  • Acadia National Park
  • Jordan Pond
7253Advertisement for Jordan Pond House
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • 1918
  • Acadia National Park
5861Advertisement for Jordan Pond House
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Restaurant Business
  • 1910 c.
  • Acadia National Park
  • Jordan Pond
6700Advertisement for S.H. Mayo Motor Boats and Automobiles
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Vessels, Boat
  • 1910
14547Advertisement for the Clifton Melbourne Rich Boat Shop
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Boatbuilding Business
  • 1923
The advertisement appeared on page 54 of the 1923 Southwest Harbor Cottage Directory.
The advertisement appeared on page 54 of the 1923 Southwest Harbor Cottage Directory.
5535Advertisement for the Green Mountain House
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Acadia National Park, HCTPR
6434Advertisement for the Portland, Bangor and Machias Steamboat Company
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Vessels, Steamboat
  • 1874
Describes the schedules for the Sidewheel Steamers City of Richmond and Lewiston in 1874. From the endpages in Mount Desert on the Coast of Maine by Clara Barnes Martin.
Describes the schedules for the Sidewheel Steamers City of Richmond and Lewiston in 1874. From the endpages in Mount Desert on the Coast of Maine by Clara Barnes Martin.
6424Advertisement for the Steamer Golden Rod
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Vessels, Steamboat
5724Advertisement from the Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
  • Businesses, Theater Business
  • Businesses, Store Business
  • 1931
  • Southwest Harbor
The page shows advertisements for: The Southwest Harbor Public Library Park Theater, Southwest Harbor R. L. Hodgkins Electrical Shop Mrs. B. C. Worcester Flowers
The page shows advertisements for: The Southwest Harbor Public Library Park Theater, Southwest Harbor R. L. Hodgkins Electrical Shop Mrs. B. C. Worcester Flowers
5725Advertisements from the Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Automotive Repair Business
  • Businesses, Restaurant Business
  • 1931
  • Southwest Harbor
The page shows advertisements for: The Gordon and White Garage Somes House
The page shows advertisements for: The Gordon and White Garage Somes House
12720Advertising Card for F.C, Weston Photography Studio
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Businesses, Photography Business
F.C. Weston Photographs Ferrotypes First Class Work Moderate Prices 2 Smith Block, Bangor Advertising card 3.235” x 4.988”
F.C. Weston Photographs Ferrotypes First Class Work Moderate Prices 2 Smith Block, Bangor Advertising card 3.235” x 4.988”
5726Advertising from the "Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont"
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Medical Business
  • Businesses, Building Business
  • Neal - George Arthur Neal (1872-1939)
  • 1931
  • Southwest Harbor
Advertising from the "Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont" The top ad reads: “F. S. MAYO - Carpenter and Builder - Fine Furniture Repairing - Woodworker and Cabinet Maker - We take the Machine to the Job. - Electric Floor Finishing. Tel. 9 - Wesley Ave. Southwest Harbor. The bottom ad reads: "Office hours by Appointment - Telephone 28. Dr. G. A. Neal - Special Attention Given to Children - Main Road Southwest Harbor"
Advertising from the "Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont" The top ad reads: “F. S. MAYO - Carpenter and Builder - Fine Furniture Repairing - Woodworker and Cabinet Maker - We take the Machine to the Job. - Electric Floor Finishing. Tel. 9 - Wesley Ave. Southwest Harbor. The bottom ad reads: "Office hours by Appointment - Telephone 28. Dr. G. A. Neal - Special Attention Given to Children - Main Road Southwest Harbor" [show more]
7211Arthur L. Somes - Advertisement
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Businesses, Store Business
  • 1938
  • Southwest Harbor
14996Business Card for Harborside Industries
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Businesses, Other Business
12060Business Card for William Edgar Herrick's Farm, Southwest Harbor
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Businesses, Farming
  • Southwest Harbor
9423Business Card of Charles Leon Lawson
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Businesses, Building Business
  • Brighton MA