4566 results


A.O. Reed Studio

Abbott - Lyman Abbott

Acadia National Park (5)

Adams - Roger Clifton Adams (3)

Adfer Marcus Towne Studio

Adington, Brewer, Me.

Agnes R.

Aiken - P.L. Aiken, Sorrento, Maine (2)

Akeroyd - Bangor Daily News

Allen - Edward Lowe Allen (c. 1830-1914) (5)

Allen - Warren P. Allen (1843-1905) (2)

Allen - William A. Allen

Allgire - Richard Allgire

Andrews - Joseph Andrews (1806-1873)

Appalachian Mountain Club

Arlt - Carl Theodore Arlt (1883-1958)

Associated Press

Avery - David E. Avery

Aylward - William James Aylward (1875-1956)


B. A. Reado, Seattle, WA

Bachrach - Fabian Bachrach Studio

Back - Francis Back (2)

Baedeker - Karl Baedeker

Bakel - Rogier van Bakel, Eager Eye Photo

Ballard - John Robert Ballard (1904-1990)

Ballard - Willis Humphreys Ballard (1906-1980) (718)

Bar Harbor Times (2)

Barlow, Hatch & Co., Photographers

Barrett - Ford Barrett

Bates - Waldron Bates (1856-1909) (10)

Bates - William A. Bates

Beers - Frederick W. Beers

Benzing - Joachim Clarence Benzing Jr. (1880-1970)

Bicknell - John Carleton Bicknell (1871-1956)

Billings, Racine, WI (2)

Blanchard - Peter Parrott Blanchard III (1951-2022) (7)

Blood - Ralph Farnham Blood (1905-1972) (2)

Boomer - Edna Milligan Boomer

Bousfield - Rev. Neal Bousfield

Boyce Photo (2)

Bradley - Bryant Bradley (1838-1890) (42)

Bradley - Henry Lee Bradley (1875-1940) (9)

Bradshaw - Marion John Bradshaw

Brand - Edith Browning (Brand) Hannah (1875-1947) (2)

Brassier - William Brassier

Braun - Duane D. Braun

Brechlin - Earl Brechlin

Breeding - Greg Breeding

Bromley - George W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engineers (3)

Brown - Margaret Coffin Brown (2)

Bryan - John M. Bryan

Buckman - Emma Johns Buckman (1881-1968) (194)

Bunker - W. G. Bunker

Bunker and Savage Architects

Burt - Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892)

Bush - Vannevar Bush

Butler, Brooklyn, NY

Buxton - Henry Buxton


Call Studio

Cameron - Gary A. Cameron

Carroll - Jacob William Carroll (1830-1899)

Carroll - Nellie Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton (1871-1958) (162)

Carter's Real Estate

Cartwright - Steve Cartwright

Cary - Constance (Cary) Harrison (1843-1920)

Case by J. Lewis Baldwin, Thermoplastic Case Manufacturer


CES Inc. (3)

Chalmers Studio

Chamberlain - Samuel Vance Chamberlain (1895-1975)

Champlain - Samuel de Champlain (1574-1635) (5)

Charlotte R. Morrill (2)

Chase - J.G. Chase

Cheek - Richard Cheek

Church - Ellen Church (18)

Church - Richard Lawrence Church Jr. (3)

Church Studio

Clapp - Frederick Gardner Clapp (1879-1944)

Clark the Printer, Ellsworth

Clay - Sharon Clay (5)

Clench, Waterford, WI (2)

Colby & Stewart

Coleman - Thomas Coleman

Colvin - Grace Hazard (Colvin) Farley (1873-1973) (2)

Conner Studio

Cook - Charles Edward Cook Sr. (1840-1927) (7)

Cook - L.W. Cook Studio (2)

Corkum - George W. Corkum (2)

Cornè - Michele Felice Cornè

Corson - Sarah Corson

Côté - Martin Côté

Cotton - Sue Lynn Cotton (2)

Cram - George F. Cram

Crawford - Karen Elizabeth (Crawford) Rich (1939-2001) (2)

Crotty - Frank Crotty


Cummings Studio (2)

Cunningham Studio


D'Entremont - Jeremy D'Entremont

Dale - Lawford Dale

Darley - Felix Octavius Carr Darley (1822-1888)

Davidson - Helen Davidson

Davis - George H. Davis Studio (9)

Davisson - Sven Davisson (2)

Day - Holman Francis Day (1865-1935)

Dearborn - H.C. Dearborn

Deas - Michael Deas

DeLonge Studio

DesChamps - Grace DesChapms


Diehl - Douglas S. Diehl (3)

Dix - Frederick William Dix (1861-1886)

Dobbs - Jefferson Grant Dobbs (3)

Dodge - Ezra Herrick Dodge III (1848-1882)

Dole - A.K. Dole

Dole - Winifred S. Dole (1882-1978)


Drake - Samuel Adams Drake


Dunkle - Daniel Dunkle

Dunshee - E.S. Dunshee Studio

Dupee - Isaac H. Dupee (1826-1875) (3)

Duranceau - Suzanne Duranceau

Duryea, 253 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY


Easson & Co., 508 Monument Sq., Racine, WI

Eliot - Charles Eliot (1859-1897)

Eliot - Charles William Eliot (1834-1926) (2)

Elvidge - Edward J. Elvidge (2)

Emery - Ernest E. Emery (1849-1933) (2)

Erich Stahlberg, Camera Portraits


F. Randel

F.C. Weston Photography Studio

Fagans - Lester Fagans (1901-1964) (2)

Falt - Gordon Haliburton Falt

Farrington, St. Stephen, N.B.

Fasch - Clifton Lawrence Fasch


Felton - Elise Latrobe Felton (1926-2013)

Fenn - Harry Fenn (1837-1911) (7)

Filmer - John Filmer (1836-1929)


Fitzgerald - Wesley Chew Fitzgerald

Flagg - Pat Flagg


Folsom and Pennell, Photographers

Foote - Rebecca Carroll (Clark) Foote (2)

Foster - E.G. Foster

Fox - Mary Anna Fox (4)


Galyean - Cherie Galyean

Gamble - W.H. Gamble

Gannett - Henry Gannett

Gardiner & Co., 276 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY

Geo. H. Walker Co. Boston

George Palliser, Palliser, Palliser & Co.

Gerath - Christopher Gerath

Gifford - Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823-1880) (2)

Gilchrist - Charles A. Gilchrist

Gilchrist - Edmund Beaman Gilchrist (1885-1953) (3)

Gilley - Wendell Holmes Gilley (1904-1983)

Goetze - Lydia Goetze

Good - Mark Good

Goodwin - Sue Goodwin

Gould - Anne Bramlee Gould (2)

Gould - Anne Brimley Gould

Grady - Ann Magdalene (Grady) Seavey (2)

Graham - David Graham

Graham - Margaret Dawes (Graham) Kranking (1930-2013)

Gratwick - Harry Gratwick

Gray - C.P. Gray, Mapmaker, 130 Fulton Street, N.Y.


H. Linton - Unknown

H.J. Burrowes Company, Portland, Maine

Hall - Edward W. Hall

Hamabe - Francis Emeritz Hamabe (1917-2002) (2)

Hanson Studio, Portland, Maine

Harbour - Kathy Harbour

Harding, R. Brewster (2)

Hardy - Amory Nelson Hardy (1835-1911)

Harriman - M. Harriman

Harrison - Hal H. Harrison (22)

Haskins - Sturgis Robin Haskins (1940-2012) (5)


Helbig - Elaine Helbig (2)

Helfrich - Helfrich, G. F

Hepburn - Andrew Hopewell Hepburn Sr. (1880-1967)

Hergesheimer - E. Hergesheimer

Herrick - Millard Joseph Herrick aka Middy

Heywood - John D. Heywood (3)

Higgins - Howe Dwain Higgins (1894-1974) (11)

Higgins - John Cheever Higgins (1845-1895) (2)

Hill - J. Frances Hill

Hinckley - Benjamin B. Hinckley, Jr.

Hinckley - George Lyman Hinckley (1921-2000) (3)

Hinckley - Henry Rose Hinckley II (1907-1980) (2)

Hinckley - Sarah Hinckley (2)

Historic American Engineering Record, National Park Service (2)


Holmes - Jane M. Holmes

Holway - Mary Holway (2)

Homand - Mary Guild Leighton (Homand) Jones (1937-2014) (52)

Hood - Thomas Hood

Hope, 233 Broadway, NY

Horner - Carl J. Horner Studio

Howard Studio, Lewiston

Hoyle - Charles A. Hoyle Studio

Huisman - Tijs Huisman

Huston - Clair Aubrey Huston (1857-1938)

Hutchinson - S.S. Hutchinson

Hyde - William Henry Hyde (1858-1943) (9)



Irish - Elwood W. Irish


J.E. Purdy & Co., Photographers and Limners, 145 Tremont Street, Boston

J.M. Peck's Photograph Rooms, Ellsworth, Maine (2)

Jackson - Nevin C. Jackson

Jacobsen - Antonio Jacobsen

Jaques - Herbert Jaques (1857-1916) (10)

Jarvis - Eleanor Jarvis Newman (1909-2006) (2)

Jellison - Constance "Connee" Tryphena (Hanscom) Jellison (1932-2012)


Johnson - Mercy Johnson

Johnson - Rita (Johnson) Kenway (1931-2011)

Johnson - Robert Emerson Lamb Johnson

Johnston - John S. Johnston

Jordan - Phil Jordan

Jordan - Roger Paul Jordan, Portland, Maine

Joy - Benjamin Franklin Joy (1848-1912) (3)

Jurgenson - Eric Jurgenson


Kainz - K.H. and E.J. Kainz, Millbridge, Maine

Karst - John C. Karst (1836-1922)

Kay - Warren Kay, Boston

Kellam - Arthur Millis Kellam (1911-1985) aka Art (2)

Kelley - James Templeton Kelley (1855-1929)

Kenway - Edward Northwood Kenway (1924-2017) (9)

Kenway - Nancy Hilda (Kenway) Rigdon

Kilburn - Benjamin West Kilburn (1827-1909) (5)

Knaut - Paul A. Knaut, Jr. (8)

Knauth - Steve Knauth

Knowles - Jerome H. Knowles, Jr.

Koch - Augustus Koch

Koehler, - J. Koehler, New York

Komusin - Bruce Komusin (2)


L. Lorini or Lorimi (3)

Laffin - Charles Laffin

Lamb - Aimée Lamb (1893-1989)

Lamson Studio

Lane - Fitz Henry Lane (1804-1865)

Lansil - George Lansil Studio - Bangor (2)

Lapham - William Berry Lapham

Laurel Hill Cemetery

Lavergne - André Lavergne

Leffingwell - Lucia Dodge Leffingwell (1866-1944)

Lenahan - Donald Patrick Lenahan (64)

Lenhard - Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates (1900-1983) (24)

Leonard, Racine, WI (2)

Leslie "Les" Frank White Jr.

Levy - Harry Levy (1865-1942)

Lewiston Journal

Lincoln - Nan Lincoln (3)

Linden - J. Linden (2)

Lindsay Photo

Linfoot - Benjamin Linfoot

Linton - William James Linton (1812-1897)

Loder's Studio, Pittsfield, Maine (2)

Loftus - Jack Loftus (5)

Long - Ralph H. Long, Jr. (1932-1992) aka Bud (3)

Longsworth - Gordon Longsworth

Lord - Alice Frost Lord (1877-1966)

Lorey - Gustave Lorey

Loring Studios Inc.

Lowe - Jet Lowe

Lunt - Elsie Lunt

Lyford - Philip Lyford (1887-1950)


Madeira - Marcia Madeira

Malden Art Co. Cin. O


Margolies, John


Marshall - Frank W. Marshall Studio

Marshall - Therese A. Marshall

Mayo - Eleanor Ruth Mayo (1920-1981) (3)

McBride - Bunny McBride

McCormick (3)

McIntosh - G.F. McIntosh Studio

McKenna - Peggy McKenna (1947-) (2)

McMullin - Kate Pickup McMullin (4)

Mendelsohn - Janet Mendelsohn

Mfg. By T.B., Cambridge, Mass.

Miller - William M. Miller (1824-after 1894)

Mills - Olaus L. Mills (1856-1939) (2)

Milner - Craig Milner (22)

Mitchell - W.H. Mitchell, Philadelphia, Pa.

Monteleon - Ronald W. Monteleon

Moon - Thomas C. Moon (1851-1933) (6)

Moore - Isaac Thomas Moore (1872-1963) (8)

Moore - Ruth Moore (1903-1989)

Moretto - Mario Moretto

Morgan - F. Allan Morgan Studio (3)

Morrill - Charles Barrett Morrill (1934-2020) (7)

Morris - William B. Morris

Morse - Frederick Wesley Morse (1870-1929) (11)

Mosely - Gordon G. Mosely

Motenko - Howie Motenko (17)

Mount Desert Islander

Mount Desert Memories Group

Mullin Studio (2)

Murphy - Steve R. Murphy


Nancy Stanley

National Park Service (2)

Neal - George Arthur Neal (1872-1939) (244)

Neilson - Harry Rosengarten Neilson Jr. (1928-1994) (10)

New York Gallery, Oregon City, Oregon

Newbold - George William Kern Newbold

Newkirk - Eliza Jacobus (Newkirk) Rogers (1877-1966)

Newman - Eleanor Newman

Newman - Mrs. Laurence S. Newman

Nietz - Marjorie Nietz


Nordgren - Tyler Nordgren

Norris - Geo. E. Norris (2)

Norton and Brown, 138 State St., Chicago

Norwood - Laurel (Murphy) Norwood

Norwood - Robie Melvin Norwood Jr.

Norwood - Seth Wademere Norwood (1878-1966)

Nye - Albert E. Nye Studio (6)


O. L. Sturtz, Red Jacket, MI

O'Neil - Gladys O'Neil

Olan Mills Studio

Osgood - Irving Osgood (1845-1914) (6)

Owens Bros. - Hillson Co., Boston, Mass.


Passenger Department of Boston & Maine Railroad

Patten - Mary Patten

Pepper - Charles H. Pepper Jr. (1866-1889) (3)

Perry Studio, Bangor, Old Town, Millinocket, Maine

Philbrick, Biddeford, ME

Phillips - Augustus Dewey Phillips (1898-1975) (9)

Phillips - Luther Savage Phillips (1891-1960) (5)

Pickard's Penny Photographs (2)

Pickering - Lucy Frances (Pickering) Griffin (1859-1927)

Pirrong & Son, Photographers, 322 North Second Street, Philadelphia

Pixley - Jennifer Craig Pixley

Pollock - Charles Pollock (1828-1900)

Poole - A. F. Poole

Potter - Alice MacDonald (Potter) Long

Prebble - S.B. Prebble

Preble - Samuel L. Preble, Waterville, Maine (2)

Price - Benjamin Detwiler Price (1845-1922)

Prins - Harald E. L. Prins

Private Mailing Card Authorized by Act of Congress of May 19, 1898


Quarterly - Frederick William Quarterly (1808-1866) (2)


Rahner - F. Victor Rahner Studio

Ralph - John C. Ralph (1868-1949) (10)

Rand - Edward Lothrop Rand (1859-1924) (10)

Rand - Henry Lathrop Rand (1862-1945) (1431)

Rand - Margaret Arnold Rand (1868-1930)

Rea - William H. Rea

Redfield - Emanuel Redfield (7)

Reed - Raymond Wilson Reed

Reichner Bros., Boston

Reinhart - Charles Stanley Reinhart (1844-1896) (2)

Rhoads - Judith Jameson (Rhoads) Obbard (1936-2014)

Rich - Karen Elizabeth (Rich) Crawford (1939-2001) (6)

Rich - Meredith Adelle (Rich) Hutchins (1939-2016) (36)

Rich - Roger Clifton Rich (1913-1996) (24)

Richardson - Charles Richardson (3)

Riebel - Charlotte Helen (Riebel) Morrill (85)

Rinehart - H. E. Rinehart, Denver, CO

Roach - William A. Roach (1888-1969)

Roberts - Gilroy Roberts (1905-1992)

Roberts Studio, Portland, Maine

Robicheau - Leanne M. Robicheau (2)

Roche - John Patrick Roche (1909-1973)


Rothermel - Peter Frederick Rothermel (1817-1895)

RRL - Radio Research Laboratory

Rudder Magazine

Rugen - J. Rugen, 295 Thames St., Newport, R.I.

Russell - Jack Russell

Rzasa - Steve Rzasa


Salsbury - May Salsbury (2)

Samanta - Shanka Samanta

Sambides - Nick Sambides Jr.

Sand - Edie Sand

Sargent Studio

Sarony, 680 Broadway, NY

Sassaman - Barbara Sassaman (3)


Sawyer - Mina Titus Sawyer

Scenic Gems (2)

Schofield - Louis Sartain Schofield (1868-1938)

Schoof - Jill Schoof

Schreiber - Laurie Schreiber (3)


Sharpe - Jim Sharpe (1936-2005)

Shaw - Gordon Shaw (4)

Shaw - W. Shaw


Silsby - Herbert T. Silsby II

Slade - Marshall Perry Slade (1861-1950) (9)

Smallidge - Emma Dean (Stoneking) Smallidge

Smallidge - Robert Lindsay Smallidge Jr. (1936-2010) (14)

Smallidge - Sarah Louise (Lawler) Smallidge or Helen Nathalie (Turner) Smallidge

Smillie - George Frederick Cumming Smillie (1854-1924)

Sommerfeld Photo Film, Auburn, Mass.

Soules - George John Soules (103)

Spiker - LaRue Spiker (1912-1995) (2)

Spurling - Arlene Dolliver Spurling

Stanley - Esther LaVerne (Stanley) Willis (1936-1984)

Stanley - Ralph Warren Stanley (1929-2021) (10)

Stets - Mary Anne Stets

Stockton - Eliza Stockton

Strong - Janet Strong (6)

Stubing - Paul Timothy Stubing

Sweetser - M. F. Sweetser (3)


The American News Company, New York

The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlantic Reporter

The Century Co., New York

The Davis Agency, Southwest Harbor

The Ellsworth American (2)

The Farrington Studio (4)

The Ford Motor Company

The Hall Studio, Bar Harbor, Me. (5)

The Hunter Tuppen Co. Studio, Syracuse, NY

The Klein Studio, Houlton, Maine

The Klyne Studio, Bangor, Maine (2)

The Maine Group (2)

The National Survey, Chester VT (2)

The New York Times (8)

The Outlook Monthly Magazine (3)

The Pueblo Indicator

The Robbins etc.

The Rotograph Co., N.Y. City (2)

The Seekins Studio

The Seeline Studio Pittsfield, Maine

The Selectmen of Tremont

The Stanley House photographer

The Tuttle Studio, Belfast, Me.

The Vickery Art Studio - Haverhill, Massachusetts (2)

The Washington Times

The Wendell White Studio, Portland, Maine

Thomas Studio, Racine, WI (2)

Thompson - Charles Thompson (2)

Thompson - Deborah Thompson (394)

Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass. - "Tichnor Quality Views"

Tonone - Valentine Tonone (1896-1982)

Town - Salem Town Jr. (1780-1872)

Town of Tremont (3)

Townsend - Charles A. Townsend (1871-1932) (78)

Trask - Muriel (Trask) Davisson-Fahey

Trotter - Bill Trotter (3)

Troup - A.M. Troup (2)

Trump - Van Trump

Turner - Helen Nathalie (Turner) Smallidge

Tuttle - W.C. Tuttle, Belfast, Maine

Tuttle & Stevens Cottage Studio, Middleboro, Mass.


U. S. Coast Survey

U.S. Geological Survey (7)

United States Coast Guard

United States Coast Guard - 1st Coast Guard District

United States. General Land Office

Unknown Subjects

Upham - C. Upham


Vail - James T. Vail (1907-)

Vekasi - Jim Vekasi

von Marilaun - Anton Kerner von Marilaun

Voulgaris - Nick Voulgaris III


W.J. Anderson & Co.

W.T.O. for F.W. Dodge & Co.

Walker - George H. Walker & Co., Lithographer, Boston (3)

Walsh - 353 Perry St. - Trenton, New Jersey

Walsh - Carol Reed Walsh

Walsh - Elizabeth Cantril (Walsh) Colquhoun aka Leza (8)

Walsh - Warren Bartlett Walsh

Ware Brothers, Philadelphia

Warner - Stephen Warner

Weaver - Miles Waverly Weaver (1923-2014) (7)

Webber - Jon Webber


Weeks - Edward Mitchell Weeks (1866-1959)

Welch - Charles Harding Welch (1861-c.1938)

Welke - Robert A. Welke (2)

Wells - William B. Wells (1874-1942)

Wells - James A. Wells

Wells - James William Wells (1842-1938)

Wemmert - Leone Marie (Wemmert) Kellam (1911-2001) aka Nan (2)

West - Mildred West

Westphal - David Westphal

White - Edwin D. White (1817-1877)

Whittier - John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)

Wildnauer - Max George Wildnauer (1858-1922)

Williams - Harriet Williams and Emily Howe (14)

Wolak - Anne Wolak

Worth (3)


Young - Charles Morris Young (1869-1964) (4)