1 - 25 of 102 results
You searched for: Subject: is exactly 'Events'
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date Place Address Description
12084Scott Allen Worcester Winning the Southwest Harbor Public Library Auction
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events
  • People
  • Avery - David E. Avery
  • 1983-08-31
  • Southwest Harbor
"Landing The Prize… Scott Worcester of Southwest Harbor receives congratulations from Sallie Hinckley of the Southwest Harbor [Public] Library after winning an acre of land in the recent fund-raising effort of the library and the Harbor House. The 20-year old business administration student at University of Maine at Orono says he plans to hang onto the land, which was donated by Conley Worcester of Southwest Harbor. Margo Stanley, at left, holds the copy of Thornton’s History of Somesville and Southwest Harbor that was won by the Southwest Harbor branch of the First National Bank of Bar Harbor. The second prize, a free, round-trip on Bar Harbor Airlines was won by Vaughn Marshall of Machias. The raffle raised $9,400 to be divided between the Harbor House and the library." – The Bar Harbor Times, Thursday, September 8, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 13.
"Landing The Prize… Scott Worcester of Southwest Harbor receives congratulations from Sallie Hinckley of the Southwest Harbor [Public] Library after winning an acre of land in the recent fund-raising effort of the library and the Harbor House. The 20-year old business administration student at University of Maine at Orono says he plans to hang onto the land, which was donated by Conley Worcester of Southwest Harbor. Margo Stanley, at left, holds the copy of Thornton’s History of Somesville and Southwest Harbor that was won by the Southwest Harbor branch of the First National Bank of Bar Harbor. The second prize, a free, round-trip on Bar Harbor Airlines was won by Vaughn Marshall of Machias. The raffle raised $9,400 to be divided between the Harbor House and the library." – The Bar Harbor Times, Thursday, September 8, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 13. [show more]
153604th of July Celebration, Southwest Harbor, July 3, 1895
  • Reference
  • Events
"The Southwest Harbor Band boys are very busy over their preparations for the celebrations of the Fourth, eagerly watching the signs of the weather clerk, hoping Gen Fog will be given leave to withdraw." - The Bar Harbor Record, July 3, 1895 “The Fourth – How it was Celebrated by the Band at Southwest Harbor – Another milestone in the onward march of the greatest nation on earth has been passed. It was a beautiful day and a great relief after the almost incessant stormy weather. Fire, powder, smoke and noises of every sort were prevalent; the small boy, with unbridled license to make all the noise he possibly could, regardless of anybody or anything, was in his glory. Most of the older ones looked on approvingly and the most sedate could scarcely restrain from relaxing and entering into the spirit of the occasion. The Southwest Harbor band had made ample preparation for the entertainment and there was not a moment when time hung heavily on anyone’s hands. This was the first celebration they had planned and great pains were taken to make it one long to be remembered. The early morning was filled with the clanging of bells and the exploding of fire-arms. Many of the towns in the county celebrated, so the influx from out of town was not as large as it would otherwise have been. Still there was a fair representation from many of the towns near by, and they all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The crowd was as orderly and well behaved as one could find that had gathered to celebrate a like occasion. The customary roisterer and the number who violate decency by getting drunk, were conspicuous by their absence. The first feature of the day was the band concert given the Southwest Harbor band, assisted by Lindall’s band of Boston and Bar Harbor, at the rustic little band stand that had been erected for the occasion. The boat race with three entries was the first to attract the crowd. The boats started from the line at the head of the cove and rowed around the stake boat about half a mile distant. Lewis Robinson and Harry Gilley came in a length ahead, Bert Robinson and Eben Richardson second, and John Ralph and John McKay last. The witnesses were quite enthusiastic over the winner as she is a new boat. In the tub race the following entered: Bennie Allen, Sylvester Brown, John McKay and John Ralph. It was soon plain to be seen that the race was between Allen and Brown, and the other two dropped out. The race was quite exciting and was won by Allen, who came in a short distance ahead. Prize, $1.00. In the bicycle race the entries were Stephen Harman, Clarence Gray and Moses Ralph, the distance three-fourths of a mile. Harman was the first to complete the distance, although having been thrown from his wheel. Ralph was about three hundred yards ahead when he was thrown from his wheel and slightly bruised, in consequence of which he came in third. Prize, $1.50. The foot race of 200 yards, for which there were four entries, was won by Charles Murphy, who was closely followed by Alvin Norwood. Prize, 1.50. This finished the races for the forenoon and a general rush was made for the large tent which had been pitched near the hall, in which tables had been arranged to accommodate about 100 guests. A fine dinner was served consisting of chicken, roast beef and clam chowder and a general array of good things. The band boys waited on the tables and the only fault to be found that so few were able to assist in serving. The tables were filled three times and a number were then turned away. In the afternoon after the band concert the ball game between Northeast Harbor and Bar Harbor nines was called, in the field near the Union church. The game was very close and the crowd very enthusiastic, especially the Northeast Harbor nine. Prize, bat and ball. The running race took place while the ball game was still being played and was very interesting. The horses entered were as follows: Gypsy, ridden by John Latty; Tom, ridden by Jesse Demmon, both owned by A.I. Holmes, and Gilchrist, ridden by Eben Hodgkins and owned by J.T.R. Freeman. Gypsy won the prize of $5.00 and Gilchrist came in second. The bicycle race, which was to have been five miles around the sea wall, was changed to spin around Clark’s Point, and was won by Moses Ralph, the only other entry being Clarence Gray. Prize, $5.00. Then followed one of the most amusing features of the day. About ten men and boys tried to catch the greased pig, which weighed 125 pounds and was loosed in the large pasture near the band stand. In five minutes Bennie Allen had caught him by his hind legs, and the pig valued at $10.00 was his. Next to attract the attention was the climbing of the greased pole by Willie Kelly and Bennie Allen. The boys climbed up about half way when they were called to the sack race, after which they returned and finished the feat. Kelly won the prize of $2.00. In the sack race the following boys entered: Moses Ralph, Harry Gilley, Alfred Mayo, Willie Kelly and Bennie Allen. With legs confined in a sack they started on a race of twenty-five yards. In trying to be a little quicker than possible two of them fell. The prize of $2.00 was won by Moses Ralph, Harry Gilley coming next. Dancers then retired to Tremont Hall and passed the remaining afternoon tripping the light fantastic toe to the strains of the band, assisted by Lindall’s orchestra of five pieces. At 6:30 supper was announced and the crowd again filled the tent and partook of as fine a supper as one could wish for. Dancing was again indulged in and continued until midnight, the hall being crowded all evening. A brilliant display of fireworks was much enjoyed. The entire program as advertised was carried out and much credit is due the band boys for the success of the affair. The boys commenced their preparations early in the spring and have worked hard and spared no pains to make this a very enjoyable occasion and they were indeed successful. The Southwest Harbor band need not fear that whatever they undertake in the future will be well patronized. The enjoyment of the day was enhanced not a little by a visit from the fantastics, from Manset. They were well got up and created no end of fun. They stopped in front of Holmes’ store and have a band concert. To the Bar Harbor people there was nothing pleasanter for the day than the sail back and forth on the [steamer] Golden Rod. Capt. Crosby was extremely courteous to his passengers.” – The Bar Harbor Record, July 6, 1895.
"The Southwest Harbor Band boys are very busy over their preparations for the celebrations of the Fourth, eagerly watching the signs of the weather clerk, hoping Gen Fog will be given leave to withdraw." - The Bar Harbor Record, July 3, 1895 “The Fourth – How it was Celebrated by the Band at Southwest Harbor – Another milestone in the onward march of the greatest nation on earth has been passed. It was a beautiful day and a great relief after the almost incessant stormy weather. Fire, powder, smoke and noises of every sort were prevalent; the small boy, with unbridled license to make all the noise he possibly could, regardless of anybody or anything, was in his glory. Most of the older ones looked on approvingly and the most sedate could scarcely restrain from relaxing and entering into the spirit of the occasion. The Southwest Harbor band had made ample preparation for the entertainment and there was not a moment when time hung heavily on anyone’s hands. This was the first celebration they had planned and great pains were taken to make it one long to be remembered. The early morning was filled with the clanging of bells and the exploding of fire-arms. Many of the towns in the county celebrated, so the influx from out of town was not as large as it would otherwise have been. Still there was a fair representation from many of the towns near by, and they all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The crowd was as orderly and well behaved as one could find that had gathered to celebrate a like occasion. The customary roisterer and the number who violate decency by getting drunk, were conspicuous by their absence. The first feature of the day was the band concert given the Southwest Harbor band, assisted by Lindall’s band of Boston and Bar Harbor, at the rustic little band stand that had been erected for the occasion. The boat race with three entries was the first to attract the crowd. The boats started from the line at the head of the cove and rowed around the stake boat about half a mile distant. Lewis Robinson and Harry Gilley came in a length ahead, Bert Robinson and Eben Richardson second, and John Ralph and John McKay last. The witnesses were quite enthusiastic over the winner as she is a new boat. In the tub race the following entered: Bennie Allen, Sylvester Brown, John McKay and John Ralph. It was soon plain to be seen that the race was between Allen and Brown, and the other two dropped out. The race was quite exciting and was won by Allen, who came in a short distance ahead. Prize, $1.00. In the bicycle race the entries were Stephen Harman, Clarence Gray and Moses Ralph, the distance three-fourths of a mile. Harman was the first to complete the distance, although having been thrown from his wheel. Ralph was about three hundred yards ahead when he was thrown from his wheel and slightly bruised, in consequence of which he came in third. Prize, $1.50. The foot race of 200 yards, for which there were four entries, was won by Charles Murphy, who was closely followed by Alvin Norwood. Prize, 1.50. This finished the races for the forenoon and a general rush was made for the large tent which had been pitched near the hall, in which tables had been arranged to accommodate about 100 guests. A fine dinner was served consisting of chicken, roast beef and clam chowder and a general array of good things. The band boys waited on the tables and the only fault to be found that so few were able to assist in serving. The tables were filled three times and a number were then turned away. In the afternoon after the band concert the ball game between Northeast Harbor and Bar Harbor nines was called, in the field near the Union church. The game was very close and the crowd very enthusiastic, especially the Northeast Harbor nine. Prize, bat and ball. The running race took place while the ball game was still being played and was very interesting. The horses entered were as follows: Gypsy, ridden by John Latty; Tom, ridden by Jesse Demmon, both owned by A.I. Holmes, and Gilchrist, ridden by Eben Hodgkins and owned by J.T.R. Freeman. Gypsy won the prize of $5.00 and Gilchrist came in second. The bicycle race, which was to have been five miles around the sea wall, was changed to spin around Clark’s Point, and was won by Moses Ralph, the only other entry being Clarence Gray. Prize, $5.00. Then followed one of the most amusing features of the day. About ten men and boys tried to catch the greased pig, which weighed 125 pounds and was loosed in the large pasture near the band stand. In five minutes Bennie Allen had caught him by his hind legs, and the pig valued at $10.00 was his. Next to attract the attention was the climbing of the greased pole by Willie Kelly and Bennie Allen. The boys climbed up about half way when they were called to the sack race, after which they returned and finished the feat. Kelly won the prize of $2.00. In the sack race the following boys entered: Moses Ralph, Harry Gilley, Alfred Mayo, Willie Kelly and Bennie Allen. With legs confined in a sack they started on a race of twenty-five yards. In trying to be a little quicker than possible two of them fell. The prize of $2.00 was won by Moses Ralph, Harry Gilley coming next. Dancers then retired to Tremont Hall and passed the remaining afternoon tripping the light fantastic toe to the strains of the band, assisted by Lindall’s orchestra of five pieces. At 6:30 supper was announced and the crowd again filled the tent and partook of as fine a supper as one could wish for. Dancing was again indulged in and continued until midnight, the hall being crowded all evening. A brilliant display of fireworks was much enjoyed. The entire program as advertised was carried out and much credit is due the band boys for the success of the affair. The boys commenced their preparations early in the spring and have worked hard and spared no pains to make this a very enjoyable occasion and they were indeed successful. The Southwest Harbor band need not fear that whatever they undertake in the future will be well patronized. The enjoyment of the day was enhanced not a little by a visit from the fantastics, from Manset. They were well got up and created no end of fun. They stopped in front of Holmes’ store and have a band concert. To the Bar Harbor people there was nothing pleasanter for the day than the sail back and forth on the [steamer] Golden Rod. Capt. Crosby was extremely courteous to his passengers.” – The Bar Harbor Record, July 6, 1895. [show more]
5895Children's Day at the Methodist Church in Northeast Harbor
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events
  • Structures, Ceremonial, Church
  • 1892-06-12
  • Mount Desert, Northeast Harbor
“It shall be the duty of every Pastor to cause every Sunday School under his charge to observe the second Sunday in June, or such other Sunday as may be more convenient, as Children’s Day, and upon said day, as part of the service, he shall take a collection to be devoted to the Sunday School Children’s Fund. The Pastor shall forward the collection aforesaid directly to the same to his Annual Conference under the head of “Children’s Fund;” and all educational money, except the Children’s Fund, shall be reported to the Annual Conference under the head of “Other educational objects.”” Quoted from“The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1892” p. 164 – From the Collection of the Harvard Library, Google Book Search.
“It shall be the duty of every Pastor to cause every Sunday School under his charge to observe the second Sunday in June, or such other Sunday as may be more convenient, as Children’s Day, and upon said day, as part of the service, he shall take a collection to be devoted to the Sunday School Children’s Fund. The Pastor shall forward the collection aforesaid directly to the same to his Annual Conference under the head of “Children’s Fund;” and all educational money, except the Children’s Fund, shall be reported to the Annual Conference under the head of “Other educational objects.”” Quoted from“The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1892” p. 164 – From the Collection of the Harvard Library, Google Book Search. [show more]
13330Halloween Fun Planned for SWH Library
  • Publication, Clipping
  • Events
  • Mount Desert Islander
  • 2016-10-20
A newspaper clipping promoting the annual pumpkin carving and story telling event to be held at the Southwest Harbor Public Library on Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 1 - 5 p.m.
A newspaper clipping promoting the annual pumpkin carving and story telling event to be held at the Southwest Harbor Public Library on Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 1 - 5 p.m.
15003Edgar Bunker's Tractor, Great Cranberry Island
  • Document, Other Documents
  • People
  • Events
  • Motenko - Howie Motenko
  • 2015-05-20
  • Cranberry Isles, Great Cranberry Island
An account of honoring Edgar Bunker and his family by creating a light painting of his tractor on the beach.
An account of honoring Edgar Bunker and his family by creating a light painting of his tractor on the beach.
12647The Landing of the Pilgrims 1620 after Edwin White
  • Image, Print, Intaglio Print, Engraving
  • People
  • Events
  • White - Edwin D. White (1817-1877)
  • Burt - Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892)
  • United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • 1620
  • Plymouth MA
Bureau of Engraving and Printing engraved vignette Landing of the Pilgrims. Digital copy of a print made from an etching and engraving on steel. Original Artist: White – Edwin White (1817-1877) Engraver: Burt – Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892) Engraving Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Bureau of Engraving and Printing engraved vignette Landing of the Pilgrims. Digital copy of a print made from an etching and engraving on steel. Original Artist: White – Edwin White (1817-1877) Engraver: Burt – Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892) Engraving Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
13559Children's Book Week
  • Reference
  • Events
  • 1941-11
Children's Book Week Themes at the Southwest Harbor Public Library included: November 12-18, 1939 - "Around the World" November 2-8, 1941 - "Forward with Books"
Children's Book Week Themes at the Southwest Harbor Public Library included: November 12-18, 1939 - "Around the World" November 2-8, 1941 - "Forward with Books"
5620Children's Book Week 1941
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
  • Ballard - Willis Humphreys Ballard (1906-1980)
  • 1941-11-02
  • Southwest Harbor
  • 338 Main Street
Children’s Book Week - November 2-8, 1941 - “Forward With Books” This photograph shows the 1939 addition to the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The view is from the front of the library looking back – Reference Room - Shows the Charles Morris Young painting, "Clark's Wharf."
Children’s Book Week - November 2-8, 1941 - “Forward With Books” This photograph shows the 1939 addition to the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The view is from the front of the library looking back – Reference Room - Shows the Charles Morris Young painting, "Clark's Wharf."
12559Pilgrims Landing at Plymouth - Original Pilgrim Shallop
  • Image, Photograph, Picture Postcard
  • People
  • Events
  • 1620
  • Plymouth MA
Date: Circa 1908 Media: Tinted collotype Title: Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 1620 from the Mayflower Subject: Pilgrim Shallop Publisher: Published in Germany for G.W. Morris, Portland, Maine Postage: 1¢ for United States and Island Possessions, Cuba, Canada and Mexico, 2¢ for foreign. Number: 84972 Addressed to Mrs. Eliza S. Gott, McKinley, Maine, Box 22. Front message: "Send me a postcard from Grace E. Gott" Postcard from Grace E. Gott (1896-1920) to her grandmother, Eliza Sawyer Butler, Mrs. Israel Gott (1847-1924) Grace E. Gott married Charles Lewellyn McKay on December 16, 1915. She signed the postcard as Grace E. Gott so archivists conclude that it was sent before that date. Judging by her handwriting, it is probable that she wrote the card c. 1908-1910. G.W. Morris printed their tinted collotype postcards in Germany in the early years of their existence (1901-1922). Archivists have therefore date the postcard as c. 1908.
Date: Circa 1908 Media: Tinted collotype Title: Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth 1620 from the Mayflower Subject: Pilgrim Shallop Publisher: Published in Germany for G.W. Morris, Portland, Maine Postage: 1¢ for United States and Island Possessions, Cuba, Canada and Mexico, 2¢ for foreign. Number: 84972 Addressed to Mrs. Eliza S. Gott, McKinley, Maine, Box 22. Front message: "Send me a postcard from Grace E. Gott" Postcard from Grace E. Gott (1896-1920) to her grandmother, Eliza Sawyer Butler, Mrs. Israel Gott (1847-1924) Grace E. Gott married Charles Lewellyn McKay on December 16, 1915. She signed the postcard as Grace E. Gott so archivists conclude that it was sent before that date. Judging by her handwriting, it is probable that she wrote the card c. 1908-1910. G.W. Morris printed their tinted collotype postcards in Germany in the early years of their existence (1901-1922). Archivists have therefore date the postcard as c. 1908. [show more]
12833Sleeping Homecomers Victims of Rear-end Collision
  • Publication, Clipping
  • Events
  • Transportation, Railroad
  • 1913-09-13
Describes the crash of the Bar Harbor Express and the White Mountain Express on Sept. 2, 1913. 21 people were killed and 50 were injured.
Describes the crash of the Bar Harbor Express and the White Mountain Express on Sept. 2, 1913. 21 people were killed and 50 were injured.
12562United States Stamp - Pilgrim Tercentenary Stamp - Landing of the Pilgrims - 1620-1920 - Issued December 21, 1920
  • Object, Stamp, Postage Stamp
  • Events
  • Vessels, Boat
  • Huston - Clair Aubrey Huston (1857-1938)
  • Smillie - George Frederick Cumming Smillie (1854-1924)
  • Weeks - Edward Mitchell Weeks (1866-1959)
  • Schofield - Louis Sartain Schofield (1868-1938)
  • United States Postal Service
  • 1920
  • Plymouth MA
Engraved postage stamp Vessel: Pilgrim Shallop - Shallop Title: Pilgrim Tercentenary 1620-1920 – Landing of the Pilgrims Scott Cat. Number: 549 Subject: Pilgrim Landing 1620 Media: Flat plate engraving Designer: Huston - Clair Aubrey Huston (1857-1938) Design Inspiration - art: White – Edwin White (1817-1877) Design Inspiration – engraving: Burt – Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892) Vignette Engraver: Smillie – George Frederick Cumming Smillie (1854-1924) Letter Engraver: Edward Mitchell Weeks (1866-1959) Frame Engraver: Louis Sartain Schofield (1868-1938) Printer: United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing Color: Carmine Rose Size: 1” x 1.25” Country: United States Postage Value: 2 cents Issue Series: 2nd in the Pilgrim Tercentennial Series. Issue Origin: The Pilgrim Tercentennial was a national celebration from December 1920 to the summer of 1921. Issue Date: December 21, 1920 Issue Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts Issue Size: 196,037,327 See Also: "The Engraver’s Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & Postage Stamp Art" by Gene Hessler, BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio, 1993. Page 4 and 5 explain the production steps taken to turn original art into an engraved postage stamp. Worth reading as the engraver works from the beginning on a plate of about 3.5” x 4,” engraving a stamp at its finished size. Engraving is used for very few stamps today and, when one reads about the process, one can understand why. The author even provides particular engraver’s recipes for the acid they used, including that of James Smillie, the famous landscape engraver. Smillie - James Smillie (1807-1885)
Engraved postage stamp Vessel: Pilgrim Shallop - Shallop Title: Pilgrim Tercentenary 1620-1920 – Landing of the Pilgrims Scott Cat. Number: 549 Subject: Pilgrim Landing 1620 Media: Flat plate engraving Designer: Huston - Clair Aubrey Huston (1857-1938) Design Inspiration - art: White – Edwin White (1817-1877) Design Inspiration – engraving: Burt – Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892) Vignette Engraver: Smillie – George Frederick Cumming Smillie (1854-1924) Letter Engraver: Edward Mitchell Weeks (1866-1959) Frame Engraver: Louis Sartain Schofield (1868-1938) Printer: United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing Color: Carmine Rose Size: 1” x 1.25” Country: United States Postage Value: 2 cents Issue Series: 2nd in the Pilgrim Tercentennial Series. Issue Origin: The Pilgrim Tercentennial was a national celebration from December 1920 to the summer of 1921. Issue Date: December 21, 1920 Issue Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts Issue Size: 196,037,327 See Also: "The Engraver’s Line: An Encyclopedia of Paper Money & Postage Stamp Art" by Gene Hessler, BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio, 1993. Page 4 and 5 explain the production steps taken to turn original art into an engraved postage stamp. Worth reading as the engraver works from the beginning on a plate of about 3.5” x 4,” engraving a stamp at its finished size. Engraving is used for very few stamps today and, when one reads about the process, one can understand why. The author even provides particular engraver’s recipes for the acid they used, including that of James Smillie, the famous landscape engraver. Smillie - James Smillie (1807-1885) [show more]
12779Deffaite Des Yroquois Au Lac De Champlain
  • Image, Art, Drawing
  • Events
  • 1613
From Champlain's description of his 1609 voyage, this sketch depicts a battle between the Iroquois and Algonquian tribes near Lake Champlain.
From Champlain's description of his 1609 voyage, this sketch depicts a battle between the Iroquois and Algonquian tribes near Lake Champlain.
15520Digital Archive Debut
  • Image, Photograph, Digital Photograph
  • People
  • Events
  • Milner - Craig Milner
  • 2017-07-09
  • Southwest Harbor
From left to right, George Soules, Ralph Stanley, and Charlotte Morrill pose for this photo following George and Charlotte's presentation of the debut of the Digital Archive in the Holmes Room at the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The second photo is of George during his presentation.
From left to right, George Soules, Ralph Stanley, and Charlotte Morrill pose for this photo following George and Charlotte's presentation of the debut of the Digital Archive in the Holmes Room at the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The second photo is of George during his presentation.
7802WWI Duty Status Leave Card - Andrew Isaac Herrick
  • Document, Permission
  • Events
  • 1919-04-11
Front and reverse of Andrew Isaac Herrick's 1919 Duty Status Leave Card and a page from "Rules for the Troops" in WWI
Front and reverse of Andrew Isaac Herrick's 1919 Duty Status Leave Card and a page from "Rules for the Troops" in WWI
12784The Dollar Social at Southwest Harbor
  • Reference
  • Events
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
In 1892 the ladies of Southwest Harbor gathered together to raise money for land upon which to build a library building and then reported how they raised their dollar..The Dollar Social was the first fundraising event held for the Southwest Harbor Public Library and the poem describing it was famous in the community for many years.
In 1892 the ladies of Southwest Harbor gathered together to raise money for land upon which to build a library building and then reported how they raised their dollar..The Dollar Social was the first fundraising event held for the Southwest Harbor Public Library and the poem describing it was famous in the community for many years.
13556Southwest Harbor Public Library Auction
  • Reference
  • Events
  • 1983-09
In 1983 Ben Conley Worcester, Jr. of Southwest Harbor gave a lot of land in his Salem Towne Woods development off the Long Pond Road to be raffled off to benefit Harbor House and the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The proceeds from the raffle would be split between the two institutions. At the time Warren R. Worcester, library trustee, and Brian Worcester, his nephew, who was a Harbor House trustee, "talked about the raffle...and decided it best to try to sell 500 tickets at $20 each." On January 17, 1983 at its annual meeting the library trustees voted to participate in the raffle in conjunction with Harbor House. People who live in small towns often have multiple connections to one another and it would be erroneous to assume that, because of the shared surname of Worcester, the raffle was a family scheme to benefit two of Southwest Harbor's most cherished institutions. Ben Conley Worcester was a distant cousin of Warren and Brian Worcester and the Worcester families had come at different times to Mount Desert Island from down Washington County. Their primary connection in Southwest Harbor would have been the fact that the Ben Conley Worcester family could have bought its groceries at Sawyer's Market, owned by Brian Worcester's family and the Brian Worcester family sent its garbage to the [Conley] Worcester Associates town dump. Further, the writer of this piece, former Southwest Harbor librarian, Meredith Hutchins, (ret. 1981) grew up in the Clark Point Road house formerly owned by the Ben Conley Worcester family. "Landing The Prize… Scott Worcester of Southwest Harbor receives congratulations from Sallie Hinckley of the Southwest Harbor [Public] Library after winning an acre of land in the recent fund-raising effort of the library and the Harbor House. The 20-year old business administration student at University of Maine at Orono says he plans to hang onto the land, which was donated by Conley Worcester of Southwest Harbor. Margo Stanley, at left, holds the copy of Thornton’s History of Somesville and Southwest Harbor that was won by the Southwest Harbor branch of the First National Bank of Bar Harbor. The second prize, a free, round-trip on Bar Harbor Airlines was won by Vaughn Marshall of Machias. The raffle raised $9,400 to be divided between the Harbor House and the library." – The Bar Harbor Times, Thursday, September 8, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 13.
In 1983 Ben Conley Worcester, Jr. of Southwest Harbor gave a lot of land in his Salem Towne Woods development off the Long Pond Road to be raffled off to benefit Harbor House and the Southwest Harbor Public Library. The proceeds from the raffle would be split between the two institutions. At the time Warren R. Worcester, library trustee, and Brian Worcester, his nephew, who was a Harbor House trustee, "talked about the raffle...and decided it best to try to sell 500 tickets at $20 each." On January 17, 1983 at its annual meeting the library trustees voted to participate in the raffle in conjunction with Harbor House. People who live in small towns often have multiple connections to one another and it would be erroneous to assume that, because of the shared surname of Worcester, the raffle was a family scheme to benefit two of Southwest Harbor's most cherished institutions. Ben Conley Worcester was a distant cousin of Warren and Brian Worcester and the Worcester families had come at different times to Mount Desert Island from down Washington County. Their primary connection in Southwest Harbor would have been the fact that the Ben Conley Worcester family could have bought its groceries at Sawyer's Market, owned by Brian Worcester's family and the Brian Worcester family sent its garbage to the [Conley] Worcester Associates town dump. Further, the writer of this piece, former Southwest Harbor librarian, Meredith Hutchins, (ret. 1981) grew up in the Clark Point Road house formerly owned by the Ben Conley Worcester family. "Landing The Prize… Scott Worcester of Southwest Harbor receives congratulations from Sallie Hinckley of the Southwest Harbor [Public] Library after winning an acre of land in the recent fund-raising effort of the library and the Harbor House. The 20-year old business administration student at University of Maine at Orono says he plans to hang onto the land, which was donated by Conley Worcester of Southwest Harbor. Margo Stanley, at left, holds the copy of Thornton’s History of Somesville and Southwest Harbor that was won by the Southwest Harbor branch of the First National Bank of Bar Harbor. The second prize, a free, round-trip on Bar Harbor Airlines was won by Vaughn Marshall of Machias. The raffle raised $9,400 to be divided between the Harbor House and the library." – The Bar Harbor Times, Thursday, September 8, 1983, Sec. 1, p. 13. [show more]
13375Annual Lantern Walk and Story Telling at the Causeway
  • Reference
  • Events
  • Southwest Harbor
In November, the Southwest Harbor Public Library holds a lantern walk as an observance of the changing season and a celebration of the darkening days. Participants meet at dusk in the High Road parking lot and a walk down Causeway Lane to Causeway Bridge, where a seasonal story is told. A lantern making event occurs prior to the walk. After the walk, participants are invited to go to the library around for a simple meal of soup and bread.
In November, the Southwest Harbor Public Library holds a lantern walk as an observance of the changing season and a celebration of the darkening days. Participants meet at dusk in the High Road parking lot and a walk down Causeway Lane to Causeway Bridge, where a seasonal story is told. A lantern making event occurs prior to the walk. After the walk, participants are invited to go to the library around for a simple meal of soup and bread.
11753Ralph Warren Stanley Receives the National Endowment for the Arts Award as Master Artist
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Events
  • 1999-09-28
  • Washington DC
Left to Right: First Lady Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (1947-) Ralph Warren Stanley (1929-2021) Governor John Elias Baldacci of Maine (1955-) On September 28, 1999 the Folk & Traditional Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts recognized Ralph W. Stanley as a Master Artist “who has contributed to the shaping of our artistic traditions and to preserving the cultural diversity of the United States” and gave him a National Heritage Fellowship at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. attended by First Lady Hillary Clinton.
Left to Right: First Lady Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (1947-) Ralph Warren Stanley (1929-2021) Governor John Elias Baldacci of Maine (1955-) On September 28, 1999 the Folk & Traditional Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts recognized Ralph W. Stanley as a Master Artist “who has contributed to the shaping of our artistic traditions and to preserving the cultural diversity of the United States” and gave him a National Heritage Fellowship at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. attended by First Lady Hillary Clinton. [show more]
7263Eleanor "El" Lucille Clark and Herbert Mortimer Gesner Jr. Wedding
  • Image, Photograph
  • People
  • Events
  • 1934-07-15
  • Southwest Harbor
Left to Right: Probably mother of Herbert Mortimer Gesner II Unknown woman Herbert Mortimer Gesner II - groom Unknown man Eleanor Lucille Clark Gesner - bride Arthur Foote II - brother-in-law of the bride Rebecca Carroll Clark Foote - Maid of Honor - sister of the bride Roderick Pepper Clark - father of the bride Grace Clark Carroll Clark - mother of the bride Unknown minister - Herbert Mortimer Gesner? - father of the groom? Unknown man - probably brother of Herbert Mortimer Gesner II - brother of the groom
Left to Right: Probably mother of Herbert Mortimer Gesner II Unknown woman Herbert Mortimer Gesner II - groom Unknown man Eleanor Lucille Clark Gesner - bride Arthur Foote II - brother-in-law of the bride Rebecca Carroll Clark Foote - Maid of Honor - sister of the bride Roderick Pepper Clark - father of the bride Grace Clark Carroll Clark - mother of the bride Unknown minister - Herbert Mortimer Gesner? - father of the groom? Unknown man - probably brother of Herbert Mortimer Gesner II - brother of the groom [show more]
5617Children's Book Week 1939
  • Image, Photograph
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
  • Events
  • Ballard - Willis Humphreys Ballard (1906-1980)
  • 1939-11-18
  • Southwest Harbor
Looking toward the back of the library
Looking toward the back of the library
5618Children's Book Week 1939
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events
  • Organizations, Civic, Public Library
  • Ballard - Willis Humphreys Ballard (1906-1980)
  • 1939-11
  • Southwest Harbor
Looking toward the back of the library toward the back door
Looking toward the back of the library toward the back door
13553Removal of Original Trees at Southwest Harbor Library
  • Reference
  • Events
  • 2006
Members of the community and the staff at the library were sad when age and disease caught up with the last of the original library trees and it had to be removed. Local artist, Philip Clifton Rich (1941-), whose family were long time residents of the area and who had grown up within walking distance of the library, made the beautiful desk and chair from the wood that could be saved from the tree. He and his niece, Kristin Rebecca Hutchins (1959-), daughter of former librarian Meredith Rich Hutchins (1938-2016), also made several wooden cutting boards from the very last of the wood. The boards were raffled for the benefit of the library.
Members of the community and the staff at the library were sad when age and disease caught up with the last of the original library trees and it had to be removed. Local artist, Philip Clifton Rich (1941-), whose family were long time residents of the area and who had grown up within walking distance of the library, made the beautiful desk and chair from the wood that could be saved from the tree. He and his niece, Kristin Rebecca Hutchins (1959-), daughter of former librarian Meredith Rich Hutchins (1938-2016), also made several wooden cutting boards from the very last of the wood. The boards were raffled for the benefit of the library. [show more]
13450Advertisement for Mrs. Tom Thumb
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Events
  • Bar Harbor Record
  • 1896-07-29
Mrs. Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump, aka Lavinia Warren, the wife of General Tom Thumb, continued to tour after her husband's death. In this advertisement, the newspaper misprinted her name as Gevena in the announcement for her visit to Bar Harbor in 1896.
Mrs. Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump, aka Lavinia Warren, the wife of General Tom Thumb, continued to tour after her husband's death. In this advertisement, the newspaper misprinted her name as Gevena in the announcement for her visit to Bar Harbor in 1896.
12646The Landing of the Pilgrims aka Plymouth Rock, 1620 after Peter Frederick Rothermel
  • Image, Print, Intaglio Print, Engraving
  • People
  • Events
  • Rothermel - Peter Frederick Rothermel (1817-1895)
  • Andrews - Joseph Andrews (1806-1873)
  • Miller - William M. Miller (1824-after 1894)
  • United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • 1620
  • Plymouth MA
Original Artist: Rothermel - Peter Frederick Rothermel (1817-1895) Engraver: Andrews - Joseph Andrews (1806-1873) Engraving Printer: Miller - William M. Miller (1824-after 1894) Digital copy of a print made from an etching and engraving on steel. Pilgrims shown in the engraving landing at Plymouth in November 1620, as described by Mantle Fielding: Myles Standish standing on the rock assisting his wife, Rose, about to step off the boat. Isaac Allerton standing in the center of the shallop grasping a long pole to steady the boat. Behind Allerton is William Bradford at the stern of the boat pulling the ropes that hold the boat. Edward Winslow next to Bradford is gazing at the scene before him. Mrs. Allerton and her daughter Mary are following Rose Standish off the boat. John Howland stands in the water at the foreground, holding the rope at the bow of the boat. Stephen Hopkins is at the stern of the boat taking a turn of the stern rope around a jutting point. Elder William Brewster is on the shore in an attitude of thanksgiving surrounded by Mrs. White holding her infant son, Peregrine, and Mary Chilton. See: "The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography," Volume 31, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1907, "Joseph Andrews," by Mantle Fielding, p. 110-112. Myles Standish (c.1584-1656) Rose (Unknown) Standish (-1621) Issac Allerton (c.1586-1658/9) William Bradford (c.1590-1657) Edward Winslow (1595-1655) Mary (Norris) Allerton (c.1590-1621) – Mrs. Isaac Allerton Mary Allerton (c.1616-1699) John Howland (c.1591-1672/3) Stephen Hopkins (1581-1644) William Brewster (c.1566-1644) Susannna (Unknown) White (c.1595-1654-1675) – Mrs. William White Peregrine White (1620-1704) Mary Chilton (1607-1679) See: The Mayflower and Mount Desert Island – Stanley.pdf
Original Artist: Rothermel - Peter Frederick Rothermel (1817-1895) Engraver: Andrews - Joseph Andrews (1806-1873) Engraving Printer: Miller - William M. Miller (1824-after 1894) Digital copy of a print made from an etching and engraving on steel. Pilgrims shown in the engraving landing at Plymouth in November 1620, as described by Mantle Fielding: Myles Standish standing on the rock assisting his wife, Rose, about to step off the boat. Isaac Allerton standing in the center of the shallop grasping a long pole to steady the boat. Behind Allerton is William Bradford at the stern of the boat pulling the ropes that hold the boat. Edward Winslow next to Bradford is gazing at the scene before him. Mrs. Allerton and her daughter Mary are following Rose Standish off the boat. John Howland stands in the water at the foreground, holding the rope at the bow of the boat. Stephen Hopkins is at the stern of the boat taking a turn of the stern rope around a jutting point. Elder William Brewster is on the shore in an attitude of thanksgiving surrounded by Mrs. White holding her infant son, Peregrine, and Mary Chilton. See: "The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography," Volume 31, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1907, "Joseph Andrews," by Mantle Fielding, p. 110-112. Myles Standish (c.1584-1656) Rose (Unknown) Standish (-1621) Issac Allerton (c.1586-1658/9) William Bradford (c.1590-1657) Edward Winslow (1595-1655) Mary (Norris) Allerton (c.1590-1621) – Mrs. Isaac Allerton Mary Allerton (c.1616-1699) John Howland (c.1591-1672/3) Stephen Hopkins (1581-1644) William Brewster (c.1566-1644) Susannna (Unknown) White (c.1595-1654-1675) – Mrs. William White Peregrine White (1620-1704) Mary Chilton (1607-1679) See: The Mayflower and Mount Desert Island – Stanley.pdf [show more]
13376Lantern Walk and Story Telling at the Causeway
  • Image, Photograph
  • Events
  • Soules - George John Soules
  • 2013-11-06
  • Southwest Harbor
  • Causeway Lane
Photographer George Soules posted the following on his blog for Nov 16, 2013: Last night the Southwest Harbor Public Library on Mount Desert Island held a Lantern Walk. "As the days start to grow shorter we start to think about light and ways we can celebrate it. A lantern walk is an observance of the changing season." In preparation for this event, all were invited to come to the library the Thursday before to make lanterns. Janice was there as a volunteer helping the children glue colored paper onto tall glass wide mouth jars. On Friday, participants met at 5:00 PM at the High Road parking lot in Southwest Harbor and walked down Causeway Lane with lanterns lit. Then, aided by the glow of a full moon, they carefully navigated the path down to the water and gathered on the rocks for some storytelling before heading back. Janice and I tagged along with the hope of getting some pictures that captured the feel of this magical evening. I used a Canon 5D Marl II DSLR mounted on a tripod with a Canon 24-70mm lens at f/2.8. I exposed the scene for 2 seconds at ISO 1600. Thanks to the moonlight, the surrounding area was nicely exposed as well.
Photographer George Soules posted the following on his blog for Nov 16, 2013: Last night the Southwest Harbor Public Library on Mount Desert Island held a Lantern Walk. "As the days start to grow shorter we start to think about light and ways we can celebrate it. A lantern walk is an observance of the changing season." In preparation for this event, all were invited to come to the library the Thursday before to make lanterns. Janice was there as a volunteer helping the children glue colored paper onto tall glass wide mouth jars. On Friday, participants met at 5:00 PM at the High Road parking lot in Southwest Harbor and walked down Causeway Lane with lanterns lit. Then, aided by the glow of a full moon, they carefully navigated the path down to the water and gathered on the rocks for some storytelling before heading back. Janice and I tagged along with the hope of getting some pictures that captured the feel of this magical evening. I used a Canon 5D Marl II DSLR mounted on a tripod with a Canon 24-70mm lens at f/2.8. I exposed the scene for 2 seconds at ISO 1600. Thanks to the moonlight, the surrounding area was nicely exposed as well. [show more]