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You searched for: Subject: contains 'Structures'AND Type: contains 'Reference'AND Title: is exactly 'Penury Hall'
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date Place Address Description
12843J. T. R. Freeman House
Penury Hall
  • Reference
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Southwest Harbor
  • 374 Main Street
J. T. R. Freeman purchased the discarded schoolhouse about 1865, moved it to his lot, remodeled and added to it as his residence. He built a small building to the north which was used for a long time as a post-office while Mr. Freeman was postmaster. This building is now a part of the Freeman Store. About 1887 he built the present store building and enlarged his business which is now [1938] carried on by his daughter, Mrs. Fred A. Walls.
J. T. R. Freeman purchased the discarded schoolhouse about 1865, moved it to his lot, remodeled and added to it as his residence. He built a small building to the north which was used for a long time as a post-office while Mr. Freeman was postmaster. This building is now a part of the Freeman Store. About 1887 he built the present store building and enlarged his business which is now [1938] carried on by his daughter, Mrs. Fred A. Walls.
15823John T.R. Freeman House
Katherine Walls House
Jerry and Karen Craig House
Gretchen and Prentice Strong House
Penury Hall
  • Reference
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
  • Southwest Harbor
  • 374 Main Street
John T.R. Freeman House
Katherine Walls House
Jerry and Karen Craig House
Gretchen and Prentice Strong House
Penury Hall