Manzer - Gladys (Manzer) Muir (1886-1977) Identifier: 14418 Title: Manzer - Gladys (Manzer) Muir (1886-1977) Type: Reference Subject: People Description: Rev. Gladys Muir was a teacher and pastor for communities and islands in New Hampshire and Maine. She was a member of the Maine Seacoast Mission. Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted Mentioned inItem 3709 Obituary for Gladys (Manzer) MuirWorked forItem 3710 Maine Seacoast Mission Relationships Enlarge Citation “Manzer - Gladys (Manzer) Muir (1886-1977),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 9, 2025, 14418 Save this item as a PDF file