Dodge - Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell (1832-1912) Identifier: 14591 Title: Dodge - Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell (1832-1912) Type: Reference Subject: People Description: Caira Leffingwell was the mother of one of the owners of Gray Rocks, Lucia Dodge Leffingwell Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted ChildItem 13954 Leffingwell - Lucia Dodge Leffingwell (1866-1944) Item 10716 Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell, Mrs. Henry Lucius Leffingwell at Gray Rocks with her granddaughters Relationships Enlarge Citation “Dodge - Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell (1832-1912),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 9, 2025, 14591 Save this item as a PDF file