Mathews - Albert Mathews (1820-1903)
Mathews - Albert Mathews (1820-1903)
Albert Mathews, "of New York", was an early benefactor of the Southwest Harbor Public Library. He contributed, "books and generous checks…" "The first magazine which the Library subscribed for was The Century and later, by the advice of Mr. Albert Mathews, Harper's and The Atlantic Monthly were added to the list…"
"The secretary's records in 1889 show "480 books in the library, exclusive of 42 volumes sent by Mr. Mathews."…Mr. Mathews was a most generous friend and the records show frequent gifts of $100 and more with wise suggestions as to its use…"
“Tremont public library has again received a generous gift of valuable books from Albert Mathews of New York, a dozen volumes of Bancroft’s historical works being among the number.” - Lewiston Evening Journal, Thursday, May 16, 1895
After the Library was built, in 1896, "The wall around the library grounds was built at the suggestion of Albert Mathews and with money contributed by him." - Traditions and Records of Southwest Harbor and Somesville, Mount Desert Island, Maine by Mrs. Seth S. Thornton, p. 114-115, 117 - 1938.
"Mr. Mathews’ gift, Gibbon’s "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," in six volumes still sits on the shelf. Mr. Mathews’s name is on the title page of volume one with the notation Tremont 4/99 in pencil. It appears therefore, that he gave the library the set more than a hundred years ago in 1899. People back then, gave us solid tomes to "make us better men and women," as Mr. Fuller had hoped. The first volume of Gibbon’s Decline and fall has been borrowed thirty times, but only six people made it all the way to volume six. Gibbon, however, is still available at the Southwest Harbor Public Library!" - Meredith Hutchins 2005
"The secretary's records in 1889 show "480 books in the library, exclusive of 42 volumes sent by Mr. Mathews."…Mr. Mathews was a most generous friend and the records show frequent gifts of $100 and more with wise suggestions as to its use…"
“Tremont public library has again received a generous gift of valuable books from Albert Mathews of New York, a dozen volumes of Bancroft’s historical works being among the number.” - Lewiston Evening Journal, Thursday, May 16, 1895
After the Library was built, in 1896, "The wall around the library grounds was built at the suggestion of Albert Mathews and with money contributed by him." - Traditions and Records of Southwest Harbor and Somesville, Mount Desert Island, Maine by Mrs. Seth S. Thornton, p. 114-115, 117 - 1938.
"Mr. Mathews’ gift, Gibbon’s "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," in six volumes still sits on the shelf. Mr. Mathews’s name is on the title page of volume one with the notation Tremont 4/99 in pencil. It appears therefore, that he gave the library the set more than a hundred years ago in 1899. People back then, gave us solid tomes to "make us better men and women," as Mr. Fuller had hoped. The first volume of Gibbon’s Decline and fall has been borrowed thirty times, but only six people made it all the way to volume six. Gibbon, however, is still available at the Southwest Harbor Public Library!" - Meredith Hutchins 2005
“Mathews - Albert Mathews (1820-1903),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed September 17, 2024, 15005