Colvin - Grace Hazard (Colvin) Farley (1873-1973) Identifier: 16357 Title: Colvin - Grace Hazard (Colvin) Farley (1873-1973) Type: Reference Subject: People Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted SiblingItem 15660 Colvin - Mabel duPont Colvin (1877-1957)ParentsItem 16345 Sentell - Mary Elizabeth (Sentell) Colvin (1842-)Item 16343 Colvin - William Samuel Colvin (1841-1922)CreatedItem 16355 Library at the Colvin Family HomeItem 16358 Grace Colvin's Room at the Colvin Family Home Relationships Enlarge Citation “Colvin - Grace Hazard (Colvin) Farley (1873-1973),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 9, 2025, 16357 Save this item as a PDF file