Champlain - Samuel de Champlain (1574-1635) Identifier: 3535 Title: Champlain - Samuel de Champlain (1574-1635) Type: Reference Subject: People Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted ImagesItem 12379 Sketch of Samuel de Champlain - Drawn by Samuel de ChamplainItem 12779 Deffaite Des Yroquois Au Lac De ChamplainItem 12392 Canada Stamp - Samuel de Champlain Surveys the East Coast - 1606 - Issued May 28, 2006Item 12565 Samuel de ChamplainMentioned inItem 13124 Champlain MonumentItem 14378 Samuel de Champlain's Map of the Coast of North America from Western Nova Scotia to Cape Cod - 1607Item 15377 The Stanleys of Cranberry Isles…and Other Colorful Characters.Item 15610 Nooks and Corners of the New England CoastOwnedItem 15883 Champlain's PatacheItem 15884 Champlain's ShallopCreatedItem 12390 Descripsion Des Costs & Isles De La Nouvelle France, Faict et Observes par Le Sr. de Champlain - 1607Item 12380 Samuel de Champlain's Patache - 1613Item 12391 Samuel de Champlain's Shallop - 1613Item 2079 Isle de sainte Croix Relationships Enlarge Citation “Champlain - Samuel de Champlain (1574-1635),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 12, 2025, 3535 Save this item as a PDF file