Farnsworth - Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich (1911-1989) Identifier: 3631 Title: Farnsworth - Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich (1911-1989) Type: Reference Subject: People Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted ImagesItem 9645 Gay Nineties Ball - 1950Item 9667 Grand March - The Sou'westers Gay Nineties Ball - 1951Item 9672 Gay Nineties Ball - 1952Item 12021 Baby Shower for Ruth Mae (Thurston) Grindle, Mrs. Ralph Merrill GrindleMarried toItem 3630 Rich - Roger Clifton Rich (1913-1996)ChildrenItem 3634 Rich - Meredith Adelle (Rich) Hutchins (1939-2016)Item 3635 Rich - Philip Clifton RichGrandchildrenItem 12804 Hutchins - Kristin Rebecca HutchinsItem 12807 Hutchins - Laura Claire (Hutchins) BrookesItem 12806 Hutchins - Anne Elizabeth (Hutchins) Richards Item 12291 Elizabeth (Farnsworth) Rich, Mrs. Clifton Melbourne Rich with Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich, Mrs. Roger Clifton Rich Relationships Enlarge Citation “Farnsworth - Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich (1911-1989),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 9, 2025, https://swhpl.digitalarchive.us/items/show/8688.Item 3631 Save this item as a PDF file