Stewart - Jonathan Stewart (1886-1966)
Stewart - Jonathan Stewart (1886-1966)
Jonathan Stewart (1886-1966) was born on July 7, 1886 to Charles and Katherine Stewart in Aberdeen, Scotland near the famous Rubislaw Quarry. When he entered the United States, at the age of 28, he listed his father's house as 6 Ord Street, Rubislaw, Aberdeen. Ord Street is about three blocks from the quarry on the Hill of Rubislaw.
Rubislaw Quarry was opened in 1740 at the Hill of Rubislaw in the west end of the Scottish city of Aberdeen. In 1778, the Aberdeen City Council sold it to a businessman, as it was not thought to be a source of good building material. However, over the next 200 years, an estimated six million tons of granite were excavated from the quarry, giving Aberdeen the name of 'The Granite City'. Rubislaw Quarry is one of the biggest man-made holes in Europe. Some of Aberdeen's best known buildings were built in the early 19th century from Rubislaw granite. Waterloo Bridge in London, the terrace of the Houses of Parliament and the Forth Rail Bridge were also constructed with granite from Aberdeen.
Jonathan, a paving cutter, came to America to settle in Barre, Vermont, in 1914. He arrived in Boston on May 5, 1914 aboard the "Numidian" with his wife, Isabella Jane Calder (1890-1915) and his little daughter, Jeannie.
Isabella apparently died shortly after their arrival. Jonathan married Violet Lilley (1899-1984) of Barre. He and his family came to Southwest Harbor some time before 1935 when he built his first house. By 1940, he was listed there in the census as a superintendent in a quarry. He was active in the community, serving as a selectman and singing in church choir and at various fetes.
"Friends of Jonathan Stewart of Manset are pleased to know that he has purchased a lot of land on the Somesville road, near the Hall Quarry junction and plans to do stone work there. Mr. Stewart is an expert in quarrying of all kinds and in finishing stone and there should be a demand for that kind of material and work on the Island. The machinery at Hall Quarry is being dismantled and removed and what was once a very busy place, employing many men is now very quiet." - The Bar Harbor Times, October 12, 1939.
"A group of Scottish character songs by Jonathan Stewart of Manset was much enjoyed [at a meeting of the Friday Club in Southwest Harbor] and Mr. Stewart was called back several times." - The Bar Harbor Times, February 1, 1940.
According to Jonathan's son, Winston's obituary, Jonathan built three houses in the area. He built his first house, on land acquired from Mattie Isabelle (Moore) Dolliver (1863-1945), in 1935 at Seawall - 361 Seawall Road, Manset - Map 18 - Lot 77, MHPC #405-1000 - See SWHPL 10300.
Rubislaw Quarry was opened in 1740 at the Hill of Rubislaw in the west end of the Scottish city of Aberdeen. In 1778, the Aberdeen City Council sold it to a businessman, as it was not thought to be a source of good building material. However, over the next 200 years, an estimated six million tons of granite were excavated from the quarry, giving Aberdeen the name of 'The Granite City'. Rubislaw Quarry is one of the biggest man-made holes in Europe. Some of Aberdeen's best known buildings were built in the early 19th century from Rubislaw granite. Waterloo Bridge in London, the terrace of the Houses of Parliament and the Forth Rail Bridge were also constructed with granite from Aberdeen.
Jonathan, a paving cutter, came to America to settle in Barre, Vermont, in 1914. He arrived in Boston on May 5, 1914 aboard the "Numidian" with his wife, Isabella Jane Calder (1890-1915) and his little daughter, Jeannie.
Isabella apparently died shortly after their arrival. Jonathan married Violet Lilley (1899-1984) of Barre. He and his family came to Southwest Harbor some time before 1935 when he built his first house. By 1940, he was listed there in the census as a superintendent in a quarry. He was active in the community, serving as a selectman and singing in church choir and at various fetes.
"Friends of Jonathan Stewart of Manset are pleased to know that he has purchased a lot of land on the Somesville road, near the Hall Quarry junction and plans to do stone work there. Mr. Stewart is an expert in quarrying of all kinds and in finishing stone and there should be a demand for that kind of material and work on the Island. The machinery at Hall Quarry is being dismantled and removed and what was once a very busy place, employing many men is now very quiet." - The Bar Harbor Times, October 12, 1939.
"A group of Scottish character songs by Jonathan Stewart of Manset was much enjoyed [at a meeting of the Friday Club in Southwest Harbor] and Mr. Stewart was called back several times." - The Bar Harbor Times, February 1, 1940.
According to Jonathan's son, Winston's obituary, Jonathan built three houses in the area. He built his first house, on land acquired from Mattie Isabelle (Moore) Dolliver (1863-1945), in 1935 at Seawall - 361 Seawall Road, Manset - Map 18 - Lot 77, MHPC #405-1000 - See SWHPL 10300.
“Stewart - Jonathan Stewart (1886-1966),” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 10, 2025, 13185