Simeon Holden Mayo's Boatshop and Wharf Identifier: 13798 Title: Simeon Holden Mayo's Boatshop and Wharf Type: Reference Subject: Businesses, Boatbuilding Business Address: 168 Clark Point Road Place: Southwest Harbor State: ME Country: USA Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted ImagesItem 7480 Simeon Holden Mayo and the Martha M. on the wharf at his Boat ShopItem 7481 Simeon Holden Mayo and the Martha M. on the wharf at his Boat ShopItem 7479 Simeon Holden Mayo on the Wharf at his Boat ShopItem 7482 Simeon Holden Mayo and the Martha M.Item 7779 Simeon Holden Mayo's Boat ShopItem 7696 Interior of the Simeon Holden Mayo Boat ShopItem 7781 Simeon Holden Mayo's Boat ShopItem 7780 Simeon Holden Mayo's BoatshopOn MapItem 2520 A.E. Parker - C.E. Clement - SW Boat WharfLocated atItem 12780 168 Clark Point Road, Southwest HarborOwned byItem 13605 Mayo - Simeon Holden Mayo (1867-1933) aka Sim Item 7698 Simeon Holden Mayo's Boat Shop Relationships Enlarge Citation “Simeon Holden Mayo's Boatshop and Wharf,” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 9, 2025, 13798 Save this item as a PDF file