Morning Star - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat Identifier: 13962 Title: Morning Star - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat Type: Reference Subject: Vessels, Boat, Sailboat, Friendship Sloop Description: The 28’ “Morning Star” was built in 1912 by Albion F. Morse in Cushing, Maine. Ralph Stanley completely rebuilt her in 1976 with a Westerbeke 20 HP 2-cylinder diesel engine for Robert Wolfe. Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted ImagesItem 12540 Morning Star and Freedom at SeaItem 11638 Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Before RebuildItem 11639 Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Carved Bowsprit Before GildingItem 11640 Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Carved Bowsprit After GildingItem 11641 Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Carved Bowsprit After GildingItem 12543 Friendship Sloop Morning Star - ConstructionItem 11642 Launching Morning StarItem 11643 Launching Morning StarItem 11644 Launching Morning StarItem 11645 Launching Morning StarItem 12542 Friendship Sloop Morning Star Going Down the WaysItem 12541 Interior of the Morning StarItem 16617 Morning Star with alternate planks removed during rebuildItem 16619 The Morning Star is launchedItem 16620 Ralph Warren Stanley and Richard Stanley aboard the newly launched Morning StarItem 16621 The "sister ships" Morning Star and FreedomShow 10 more Item 11646 Friendship Sloops Morning Star and Freedom in Somes Sound Relationships Enlarge Citation “Morning Star - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat,” Southwest Harbor Public Library, accessed February 12, 2025, 13962 Save this item as a PDF file