12341 results


“Georgie” and Family Dog "Pug"

“Skylands,” Summer Home of Mr. Edsel Ford, Seal Harbor, Maine

“The Eyrie,” Summer Home of Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr., Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine

“The Eyrie,” Summer Home of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Seal Harbor, Maine

11 Apple Lane, Southwest Harbor

14 Clark Point Road

1607 Map of the Coast of Maine

168 Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor

17 Chris's Lane

172 Clark Point Road

1808 Plan of the Moiety of the Island of Mount Desert

184 Clark Point Road

1875 Nautical Chart of Mount Desert Rock, and Frenchman's and Blue Hill Bays and Approaches

1876 Plan of the Real Estate of Thomas Stanley

1880 Map Showing Route of Steamers Connecting Mount Desert Island with Eastern R.R. for Boston

1881 Map of Bar Harbor, Maine

1881 Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1881 Map of Mount Desert Village (Somesville), Maine

1881 Map of the Village of Bar Harbor, Town of Eden, Maine

1883 Topographical drawing of the Crest, Face and Talus of a Granite Cliff. (Eagle Cliff, Mt. Desert Id.)

1885 Map of Mount Desert and Adjacent Islands, Maine

1886 Bird's Eye View of Bar Harbor, Maine

1887 Map of Mount Desert Island and the Coast of Maine, Boston and Maine RR

1887 Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1887 Scientific American Plans for a Residence in Kansas City, Missouri

1889 Bar Harbor Record Newspaper from March 14

1894 Map of Hancock County. Maine

1896 Map of Bar Harbor Maine

1896 Path Map of the Eastern Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1898 $20 Liberty Head Gold Coin

1899 Map of the Railroads of the State of Maine

1904 Map of Bar Harbor, Maine

1908 Chelsea, Massachusetts Fire

1910 Map of Mount Desert Quadrangle

1911 Map of Mount Dessert Island, Maine

1911 Path Map of the Eastern Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1914 - 1920 Map of Seal Harbor, Maine

1914 Model Peerless Bicyle

1916 Map of Sieur de Monts National Monument, Maine

1917 Map of Mount Desert Island Maine

1920 Path-Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1921 Harley-Davidson

1921 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle

1921 Path Map of the Eastern Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1921 Sanborn Map Sheet 1 of Manset Shore and Southwest Harbor, Maine

1921 Sanborn Map Sheet 2 of Downtown Southwest Harbor, Maine

1921 Sanborn Map Sheet 3 of Clark Point, Southwest Harbor, Maine

1921-1934 Southwest Harbor Post Office

1922 Southwest Harbor Fire

1928 Map of Lafayette National Park, Maine

1928 Real Estate Map of Northeast Harbor, Maine

1928 Sketch Map Northeast Harbor, Maine

1930 Path Map of the Eastern Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1930 Path Map of the Western Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1931 Topographic Map of Acadia National Park, Hancock County, Maine

1932 Criterion Theatre

1932 Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1934 Map of Mount Dessert Island, Maine, Showing Acadia National Park

1935 Map of Acadia National Park and Vicinity, Maine

1941 Path and Road Map of the Eastern Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1941 Path and Road Map of the Western Part of Mount Desert Island, Maine

1942 - Army Boat - MT-467 - Design 207-A Built by Henry R. Hinckley Company

1942 Map of Mount Desert Quadrangle

1945 Map of Gott Islands, Hancock County, Maine

1947 Bar Harbor Fire

1947 Map of Areas Burned by Bar Harbor Fire

1951 Map and Cottage Directory of Southwest Harbor, Maine

1955 Southwest Harbor Lemont Building Fire

1956 Topographic Map of Acadia National Park and Vicinity, Hancock County, Maine

1967 Bar Harbor Times Newspaper, Fire of 1947 Anniversary Supplement

1971 Appalachian Mountain Club Map of Mount Desert Island, Acadia National Park, Maine

1971 Map of Acadia National Park and Vicinity, Maine

1972 Sketch Map Northeast Harbor, Maine

1977 Cottage Directory of Northeast Harbor, Maine

198 Apsinwall Ave. House

198 Aspinwall Ave.

198 Aspinwall Ave. House (2)

1994 Cottage Directory of Northeast Harbor, Maine

2013-11-01 Acadia National Park's Oceanfront Cottage

20th Anniversary of the Southwest Harbor Town Band at Dr. R.J. Lemont's Drug Store

20th New England Regional Girl Scout Meeting

26-foot motor tow yawl under construction

297 Main Street

303 Cruiser

309 Cruiser

345 Main Street, Southwest Harbor

35' Fisherman

363 Main Street, Southwest Harbor

37 Shore Road, Manset

400th Anniversary of MDI's First European Settlement

44' Seine Boat Launching

45 Clark Point Road

46 Clark Point Road

48 Shore Road

49 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts

49 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts in the Snow

4th of July Celebration, Southwest Harbor, July 3, 1895

5 Ocean House Road

50 Clark Point Road

60 State Street in Boston

73-foot Yacht is Ready


A Barney Beal Ballad

A Biography of Ruth Moore of Gott’s Island, Maine

A Buckboarding Party at the Bluffs - Echo Lake (2)

A Cheese-shaped Building

A Claremont House Cottage (8)

A Friendship Comes Home

A Gala-Day at Bar Harbor

A Gull From Maine (2)

A Literary Refuge: Ruth Moore and Eleanor Mayo

A Map of the Maine Coast in Washington and Part of Hancock Counties

A Memorial Walk - Bar Harbor to Sieur de Monts

A Naptha Launch on the Mill Pond by the Somes House Hotel

A Natural Heroine

A Residence in Kansas City, Missouri

A Schooner at Sea

A series of interviews of Ralph Stanley conducted by David Spurling

A Sketch at Mount Desert, Maine, 1864

A Southwest Harbor Post Office as a Maud E. (Gooch) Phillips House on Phillips Lane (3)

A Southwest Harbor Post Office as a Private Residence on Phillips Lane

A Stern Chase

A Survey of Lake Champlain and Lake George

A Talk About the Southwest Harbor Public Library (1905-2005)

A Thunder Cave

A Tree and Shore at Norwood's Cove

A View of Houses on Main Street in Somesville from the Water

A Wayside Tangle

A-Boat Whistler

A. Bird Cough Store (2)

A. Bird Cough, Fine Groceries and Provisions

A.C. Smith's Store and House (2)

A.E. Parker - C.E. Clement - SW Boat Wharf

A.E. Parker Boat Shop

A.E. Parker Wharf and Boat Shop

A.I. Holmes Store

A.I. Holmes Stores

A.J. Huston, Rockland, Me.

A.J. Lawler Canning Factory

A.L. Gilley Barber Shop

A.T. Haynes - Small Freighter

A.W. Bee, Stationers

Abandoned Wagon and Barn in Snow at Indian Point

Abandoned Wagon and Farmhouse in Snow at Indian Point

Abbie Lucinda (Nutter) Ober

Abbott - John William Abbott (1834-1897)

Abby K. Bentley - Coasting Schooner

Abby Parsons MacDuffie

Abel - Henry Ransford Abel (1894-1980)

Abel's Lobster at Bernard

Abel's Lobster Pound

Abel's Lobster Pound, Bernard, Maine

Abel's Lobster Pound, Mount Desert, Maine

Abenaki (2)

Abenaki - Rev. Charles Herrick Cutler Cottage

Abenaki - Summer Home of Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Cutler

Abigail Argo (Whitmore) Robinson, Mrs. James E. Robinson (2)

Abigail Argo (Whitmore) Robinson, Mrs. James E. Robinson with Dorinda Robinson and Jim Stanley

Abner Pomroy House (2)

Abner Pomroy House - Bedroom Fireplace Wall

Abner Pomroy House - Front Hall

Abner Pomroy House - Newel Post

Abner Pomroy House - Upstairs Bath

Abner Pomroy House at Dix Point, West Tremont (3)

Aboard the SS Kaiser Wilhelm II

Abraham Richardson - Schooner

Abraham Somes III House (2)

Abram W. Harris Cottage

Abram Winegardner Harris Cottage

Abram Winegardner Harris House

Acadia - St. Sauveur Trail System

Acadia 2016 Centennial, Jordan Pond House, and Digital Archive

Acadia Mountain - a Memorial Gift to Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park (2)

Acadia National Park - Balance Rock - South Bubble

Acadia National Park - Balance Rock on South Bubble (2)

Acadia National Park - Bar Harbor and Porcupines from Cadillac Mountain

Acadia National Park - Before Park Creation in 1916 - Duck Brook (2)

Acadia National Park - Before Park Creation in 1916 - Great Head

Acadia National Park - Bridge Over Rocks on the Hunters Beach Trail

Acadia National Park - Champlain Monument (3)

Acadia National Park - Duck Brook Carriage Road Bridge in the Snow

Acadia National Park - Eagle Lake Looking South

Acadia National Park - Echo Lake and Canada Cliffs

Acadia National Park - Frenchman Bay from the Precipice Trail

Acadia National Park - Hunter Beach Trail

Acadia National Park - Jordan Pond and the Bubbles Before Creation of Sieur de Monts National Monument

Acadia National Park - Jordan Pond House

Acadia National Park - Jordan Pond House - 50th Anniversary Tea - Rolls Royce Saloon Parked in the Field

Acadia National Park - Lafayette National Park - Great Head

Acadia National Park - Lafayette National Park - Jordan Pond (2)

Acadia National Park - Mountains (3)

Acadia National Park - Otter Cliff from Ocean Drive

Acadia National Park - Otter Cliff from Thunder Hole (2)

Acadia National Park - Precipice Trail and Frenchman Bay

Acadia National Park - Precipice Trail on Champlain Mountain (11)

Acadia National Park - Shack on Sand Beach (2)

Acadia National Park - Shore at Little Hunter Beach

Acadia National Park - Surf Along Ocean Drive

Acadia National Park - Surf off Ocean Drive at Thunder Head

Acadia National Park - View to the South on Ocean Drive

Acadia National Park, Founded on Inspiration, Perseverance and Generosity

Acadia National Park's Discarded Sweet Waters of Acadia Slab

Acadia National Park's Forsaken Lakes

Acadia National Park's Little-Known Mountain

Acadia National Park's Other Bar Island

Acadia Night Sky Festival

Acadia Night Sky Poster - 2009

Acadia under sail

Acetylene Beacon Traffic Control Tower

Across Gloucester Bay in Moonlight

Across the Assabet Meadows

Across the Downs

Across the Harbor from the "Castle," the Pemetic Hotel at Southwest Harbor

Across the Sound - East from The Castle

Ada the Cat

Ada, Linda, and Paddy

Adaline W. Fisher and Laura Reeve Cottage - Lilac Cottage (2)

Addie Celestia (Dow) Farrell and Children

Addison Packing Camps (2)

Addison Packing Company (3)

Addison Packing Company and Camps at Southwest Harbor

Addison Packing Company and J.W. Stinson and Son

Addison Packing Company and the Robert Ash House at Southwest Harbor

Addison Packing Company at Southwest Harbor (2)

Addison Packing Company Camps at Southwest Harbor - Summer of 1923

Adelbert Alden Gilley House (2)

Adele Newhouse and Emma Buckman on the Dance Floor at Baker Island

Adelia - Schooner

Adeline W. Fisher and Laura Reeve Cottage

Adelita II - Steam Yacht

Adequate (2)

Adequate - Pleasure Boat

Adirondack Chair in the Moss Garden

Adler - Peter Herman Adler (1899-1990)

Adoniram Judson Robinson

Adoniram Judson Robinson House (2)

Advertisement for 1914 Model Peerless Bicycle

Advertisement for Albert W. Bee, Stationer, Bar Harbor, Maine

Advertisement for Bath Iron Works (2)

Advertisement for Bay View House, Pretty Marsh, Maine

Advertisement for Forest City Side Wheel Steamer

Advertisement for Freeman House Hotel

Advertisement for Freeman House, S.A. Holden, Island House & St. Sauveur House

Advertisement for Hartford Marine Engines

Advertisement for Jordan Pond House (3)

Advertisement for Mrs. Tom Thumb

Advertisement for S.H. Mayo Motor Boats and Automobiles

Advertisement for the Clifton Melbourne Rich Boat Shop

Advertisement for the Green Mountain House

Advertisement for the Portland, Bangor and Machias Steamboat Company

Advertisement for the Steamer Golden Rod

Advertisement for William Underwood & Co

Advertisement from the Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont

Advertisements for the Jordan Pond House

Advertisements from the Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont

Advertising Card for F.C, Weston Photography Studio

Advertising from the "Directory and Hand Book - 1931 - Southwest Harbor, Manset and Tremont"

Aerial image of Southwest Harbor, Clark Point Area, and Greening Island

Aerial photo of Clark Point Road

Aerial Photo of Fernald Point

Aerial Photo of Manset

Aerial Photo of Southwest Harbor Marina

Aerial Photo of The Narrows

Aerial photos of the Hinckley Company boatyard in Manset

Aerial View - Building the Stone Causeway at Deacon's Cove on Clark Point

Aerial View of Bass Harbor

Aerial View of Bass Harbor, Maine

Aerial View of Bernard, Maine

Aerial View of Clark Point, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Aerial View of Great Pond Camp

Aerial View of Great Pond Camp in Winter

Aerial View of Great Pond CCC Camp

Aerial View of Great Pond CCC Camp in Winter

Aerial View of Jordan Pond and the Bubbles

Aerial View of Manset and Southwest Harbor (2)

Aerial View of Manset and Southwest Harbor Looking up Somes Sound

Aerial View of Manset Town Dock to The Henry R. Hinckley Company

Aerial View of Mount Desert Rock Light Station

Aerial View of Philip Moore's House on Gotts Island

Aerial View of Seal Harbor, Maine

Aerial View of Somes Sound From Somesville

Aerial View of Somes Sound From Southwest Harbor

Aerial View of Southwest Harbor - Head of the Harbor and Clark Point

Aerial View of the Appalachian Mountain Club Echo Lake Camp

Aerial View of The Causeway Club

Aerial View of The Claremont Hotel

Aerial View of the Coast Guard Station at Southwest Harbor

Aerial View of the Head of Southwest Harbor, Maine and Blue Hill Bay to the West

Aerial View of The Henry R. Hinckley Company, Manset, and Somes Sound

Aerial View of The Henry R. Hinckley Company, Manset, and Southwest Harbor

Aerial View of the Mariner Hotel, McKinley, Maine

Aerial View of the Pool, Great Cranberry Island

Aerial View of the Seawall Dining Room

Aerial Views of Great Pond CCC Camp

Agawam River - Toad Hole Looking Northeast

Agnes - Steam Passenger Launch

Agnes Chamberlin (Childs) Hinckley and sister Alice Louise Childs

Agnes Chamberlin (Childs) Hinckley, Mrs. Benjamin Barrett Hinckley

Agnes Chamberlin Childs, later Mrs. Benjamin Barrett Hinckley

Agnes M. Trundy House

Agnes Maude Newman Robinson

Air Force Crash Boat Hauled Out for Maintenance at Southwest Boat

Ajax - Lobster Boat

Albacore III - Power Cruiser

Albee - Harry Gilbert Albee (1887-1970)

Albert 'Bert' Robinson House

Albert 'Bert' Robinson House

Albert A. Bartlett with His Nephew Henry David Bartlett and Frank E. Turner

Albert Bartlett House (2)

Albert Bartlett's Sail Loft

Albert Bartlett's Sail Loft and House, Manset, Maine

Albert Erastus Hodgdon Moving the Outhouse, Dodge Point, Tremont

Albert Ernest Stanley and Unknown Girl

Albert Mathews

Albert P. Torrey House

Albert Pancoast Neilson and Harry Rosengarten Neilson Jr. - Northeast Harbor 1934

Albert Pancoast Neilson and Lewis Gilley Stanley Aboard Leader

Albert Pancoast Neilson and Lewis Gilley Stanley Aboard Motor Yacht Placida

Albert Pancoast Neilson and Ralph Warren Stanley

Albert Pancoast Neilson, Alberta Pancoast (Reath) Neilson and "Pete" Aboard Leader

Albert Paris Torrey House

Albert Willson Bee Cottage

Albert Wilson Bee Cottage (2)

Albert Wilson Bee II

Albert Wilson Bee III and Charles Everett Bee

Albert Wilson Bee, Stationery Stores, Bar Harbor, Maine 1887

Albert Wilson Bee's Bar Harbor Store Building in 2012.

Albert Wilson Bee's Cottage, Sleepy Hollow By-the-Sound - View From the Castle (2)

Albert Wilson Bee's Stationery Store and Shop

Albert Wilson Bee's Store - A.W. Bee, Stationer, Bar Harbor

Albion K.P. Lunt House (2)

Alcyone Rogers Bullen with Susan Lane Bullen in Baby Carriage

Alden - John Gale Alden (1884-1962)

Alden Designs

Alden Yawls Nirvana and Valhalla

Aldrich - Abby Greene (Aldrich) Rockefeller (1874-1948)

Alert - Sloop

Alesa Beatrice Young

Alexandra Cottage - Dr. Abigail Mary (Redman) Fulton Carriage House

Alexandra Cottage - Dr. Abigail Mary (Redman) Fulton Cottage (4)

Alexandra Cottage - Dr. Abigail Mary (Redman) Fulton Cottage - Garden of Elise Latrobe Felton

Alexandra Cottage - Dr. Abigail Mary (Redman) Fulton Cottage as the Frederick Fox Cottage (2)

Alfred Gilley Stanley (3)

Alfred Gilley Stanley (1879-1950)

Alfred Gilley Stanley and Friend

Alfred Gilley Stanley and Mabel Florence (Moore) Stanley, Marion E. Stanley and Charles Warren Stanley

Alfred Gilley Stanley and Mabel Florence (Moore) Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gilley Stanley (3)

Alfred Gilley Stanley with Daughter Marion E. Stanley

Alfred Gilley Stanley's Daughter Marion E. Stanley

Alice (Carroll) Young and Fred Young with children

Alice C. Allyn House

Alice C. and Fred E. Young House

Alice Carpenter Allyn

Alice Carpenter Allyn (1849-1938) (2)

Alice Carpenter Allyn House

Alice Carroll Young and Children

Alice Carroll, Mrs. Fred Eaton Young, and Family

Alice E. (Gilley) Gilley House

Alice E. (Gilley) Gilley, Mrs. Charles Brown Gilley

Alice J. (Gilley) Morris House

Alice J. Dolliver House (2)

Alice J. Morris House

Alice Julia Hall (Gould) Dwinell (3)

Alice Julia Hall Gould - Mrs. Daniel Gould

Alice K. - Sport Fisherman

Alice M. (Orr) Thurston, Mrs. Eugene Shubal Thurston (2)

Alice M. (Orr) Thurston, Mrs. Eugene Shubal Thurston and children and Children

Alice M. Leland - Schooner

Alice S. Wentworth - Schooner

Aljava Celestine (Carver) Norwood (1844-1917)

Allen - Arthur Allen

Allen - Edward Lowe Allen (c. 1830-1914)

Allen - Frederick Allen (1813-1885)

Allen - Joseph Allen (1870-1946)

Allen - Lorraine (Allen) Saunders (1933-2018)

Allen - Nettie C. (Allen) Higgins (1848-1915)

Allen - Richard E. Allen

Allen - Warren P. Allen (1843-1905)

"Allen Green" and cutter "Androscoggin" - Schooners

Allen J. Lawler Canning Factory (2)

Allen J. Lawler's Clam Factory - White Star Clams Label

Allen Jacob Lawler House (2)

Allison Sylvester Bunker Aboard Utility Boat O.K.

Allyn - Alice Carpenter Allyn (1849-1938)

Alma A. Newman Ward House (2)

Alma E. Hallenborg

Alma E. Hallenborg House (2)

Alma H. Judson on a Dock

Almira or Elmira Myra C. Gott

Almira T. (Verrill) Dix and Captain Charles B. Dix Boat House

Almira T. (Verrill) Dix and Captain Charles B. Dix House

Almon B. Carter

Almon Frank Ramsdell’s 2nd Garage (2)

Aloha I - Brig Rigged Yacht

Along the Shore of Little Boar's Head in the Rain

Alonzo Colt Yates Cottages

Alonzo Hodgdon Store

Alonzo Yates Cottages

Alton Billings House

Alton E. Farnsworth and Workers at the Farnsworth Fish Factory, Southwest Harbor (2)

Alton Elwell Trundy House (2)

Alton Elwell Trundy's I.G.A. Store, Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor

Alvah D. Rich, Blacksmith Shop

Alvah Dalton Rich Blacksmith Shop

Alvah Dolliver House (2)

Alvah Foss House

Alvah Murch Allie Batchelder

Alvin Alonzo Walls

Amanda E. Crafts and Robert A. Dyer Dancing

Amanda E. Richardson

Amberjack II - Schooner

Ambrose Alden Stanley House (2)

America - Sardine Carrier

American Art Post Card Co., Boston and Brookline, Mass.

American Legion

American Legion and Auxiliary, Eugene M. Norwood Post 69

American Legion and Auxiliary, Eugene M. Norwood Post 69, Southwest Harbor

American Legion Shown on Town of Southwest Harbor - Tax Map 6

Amity - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Among the Lily Pads at Echo Lake

Amos B. Newman House (2)

Amos Dolliver House (2)

Amos Herrick Bracy House (2)

Amos Sheldon Brown House (2)

Amos Swan - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Amos Swan Underway

Amsterdam Montalbaans Tower - Photo 67

Amsterdam Montalbaans Tower - Photo 68

An Act to Incorporate the Island Telephone Company

An Act to Incorporate the West Tremont Brick Company

Anchorage I

Anderson - George W. Anderson (1859-1916)

Andrew Bennett House

Andrew Edward Parker House (2)

Andrew Hepburn Cottage

Andrew Hopewell Hepburn Cottage (2)

Andrew J. Butler and Eleanor Lena E. (Schuman) Butler in Front of Their House

Andrew J. Butler House

Andrew J. Butler in Front of His House

Andrew J. Butler's Daughters Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy Lawton, Minnie C. (Butler) Stanley and Annie May (Butler) Harper

Andrew McInnes sailing Venture

Andrew Nebinger - Schooner

Andrew Tarr House

Andrew Tarr II House (2)

Andrew Tarr Property (2)

Andrew Tucker / Andrew H. Haynes House

Andrew Tucker/Andrew H. Haynes House (2)

Andrew Walter Bennett House

Andrews - Caroline (Andrews) Allen

Andrews - Joseph Andrews (1806-1873)

Andy's Little Store (3)

Andy's Little Store - Left Building (2)

Andy's Little Store as Andy's Restaurant

Andy's Restaurant

Anemone Cave (3)

Anemone Cave - Acadia National Park (2)

Anemone Cave from the Inside

Anemone Cave from the Outside

Anemone Cave, Mt. Desert Island

Ann Clarbour (Tagg) Buckman Reading on the Shore at the Claremont House

Anna Beatrice Carroll

Anna Beatrice Carroll and Nero

Anna Beatrice Carroll and Unknown Gentleman in the Bean Blossoms

Anna Beatrice Carroll at Houlton, Maine

Anna Beatrice Carroll on a Windy Day

Anna Beatrice Carroll with Ricker Flag

Anna Eleanor (Roosevelt) Roosevelt as a Guest of Mary Elisabeth Dreier

Anna Holden Payson Bee - Mrs. Albert Wilson Bee and Children

Anna Johnston and Jack Wellington at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Anna Johnston at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Anna L. Sanborn - Coasting Schooner

Anna Margaretta Wakefield Reading on the Back Steps in Dedham.

Anna Nan Maria Gott

Anna S. (Robinson) Hopkins Passing Boyington & Sons Market and Mayo & Stanley, Carpenters & Builders

Annabelle E. Robbins (2)

Annabelle's: Untying the Apron Strings at a "Backside" Institution

Annapolis Valley

Anne (Coffey) Lawlor and Kate Coffey Dempsey

Anne (Coffey) Lawlor, Mrs. Christopher Wendell Lawlor and Rosemary Lawlor

Anne (Coffey) Lawlor, Mrs. Christopher Wendell Lawlor and Two Children

Anne and "Spooky" - TopGallant Under Construction

Anne and Sue Goodman Burning Brush

Anne Brimley Gould at Queen Elizabeth Conference

Anne Brimley Gould Cottage

Anne Longfellow Thorp

Anne on RoofDuring Construction

Annie (Sawyer) Downs, Mrs. Samuel Morse Downs

Annie Downs Clark (3)

Annie Downs Clark and School Students

Annie Downs Clark at The Eastern State School, Castine, Maine (2)

Annie May (Butler) Harper

Annie T. - Lobster Style Cabin Launch

Annual Halloween Pumpkin Carving and Story Telling at the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Annual Lantern Walk and Story Telling at the Causeway

Annual Report - Peaked Hill Bar Life Saving Station, 1885

ANP - Duck Brook Bridges

ANP 2011 - NPS

Ansel Lyman Harper

Ansel Lyman Harper and his New Barn

Ansel Lyman Harper House (2)

Anson I. Holmes (1855-1929)

Anson I. Holmes Cottage

Anson Irving Holmes House (2)

Anson Irving Holmes House and Store

Anthony & Josephine - Side Trawler

Anthony House

Antique Shop in the Old Post Office, Bernard, Maine

Antoinette (Brown) Harmon, Mrs. John Cummins Harmon (2)

Antoinette (Brown) Harmon, Mrs. John Cummins Harmon's Calling Card

Appalachian Mountain Club Camp

Appalachian Mountain Club Camp - Southwest Harbor

Apple Blossoms and Lobster Traps

Apple Blossoms in Gloucester

Apple Tree in the Meadow

Apple Trees at East Gloucester

Approach to Fox Dens Bungalow (2)

Approach to Green Pond in Moonlight

Approach to Long Pond

Approach to the Fox Dens Bungalow

Approaching the Tarn, Stratte-Eden Path

Aquarelle II

Aquarelle II - Pleasure Cruiser

Araho - Schooner

Aram Tilden Ober

Archibald - Isaac Edson Archibald (1860-1949)

Archie Eugene Harper

Architect's Drawing by Benjamin Linfoot of the Robert Kaighn Residence, Pine Lodge

Arent Schuyler Crowninshield Cottage

Arethusa III - Pleasure Cruiseraka Waterbed

Arlington Gate

Arlt - Carl Theodore Arlt (1883-1958)

Army-Navy E Award Presentation to Southwest Boat Corporation / Manset Boat Corporation (4)

Arnold - Benjamin Walworth Arnold Jr. (1865-1932)

Arnold Arboretum

Arnold Arboretum in Relation to the Rand and Winslow House in Jamaica Plain

Arnold Augustus Rand as "Ching Wing Chinaman"

Arnold Augustus Rand at Fox Dens

Arnold Augustus Rand on the Piazza at Fox Dens

Arnold Augustus Rand Reading on the Piazza at Fox Dens

Arnold Augustus Rand, Frank Mortimer Wakefield and "Q" at Fox Dens

Arnold Lunt aboard a Northeast Harbor Fleet Committee Boat

Arrangement of Anenome Japonica Alba

Arrangement of Cherokee Roses

Arrangement of Cosmos in Vase (2)

Arrangement of Daisies

Arrangement of Iceland Poppies

Arrangement of Nicotiana

Arrangement of Spiraea Van Houttei

Art and his wife Leone

Art and Nan Kellam

Art and Nan Kellam approaching Bass Harbor Landing in the BLB

Art and Nan Kellam in the BLB

Art and Nan Kellam in the Garden Outside Homewood

Art and Nan Kellam inside their home on Placentia Island

Art and Nan Kellam on Placentia

Art and Nan Kellam on the Shore of Placentia Island (2)

Art and Nan Kellam on their porch at Homewood

Art and Nan Kellam outside at their home on Placentia Island

Art and Nan Kellam Outside Homewood

Art and Nan Kellam rowing the BLB

Art and Nan Kellam with Corey the Dog

Art and Nan Kellam's House on Placentia Island

Art and Nan Kellam's House on Placentia Island with Visitors

Art and Nan Rowing the BLB

Art Kellam and Bob Church on the Shore of Placentia

Art Kellam Building Homewood on Placentia Island

Art Kellam Carrying Wood to Homewood

Art Kellam Having Coffee at Homewood

Art Kellam in the Garden

Art Kellam on Placentia Island (2)

Art Kellam with the BLB

Art Kellam with Three Children Bringing Shingles to Placentia

Art Kellam's Cartoon

Art Kellam's Original Hand Drawn Map of Placentia

Art Kellam's Valentine Cartoon

Artemas Jean Haines Richardson House (2)


Arthur Allen sawing with white dog

Arthur Alonzo Gilley

Arthur Alonzo Gilley with his mother, Julia I. (Moore) Gilley and wife, Mildred I. (Robertson) Gilley

Arthur Alonzo Gilley with his wife, Mildred I. (Robertson) Gilley

Arthur B. Homer - Great Lakes Steam Freighter

Arthur Calvert Smith Cottage (2)

Arthur Foote II and Rebecca (Clark) Foote

Arthur Foote II and Rebecca (Clark) Foote at Meadville Theological School, Chicago, Illinois

Arthur Foote II and Rebecca (Clark) Foote on Holiday at Hearst Ranch

Arthur Foote II and Rebecca (Clark) Foote on their Wedding Day

Arthur Garfield Kellam

Arthur L. Somes - Advertisement

Arthur L. Somes at the Counter of A.L. Somes & Son in the Second Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor

Arthur L. Somes at the Wheel of his Automobile at the First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor

Arthur L. Somes House (3)

Arthur L. Somes on the Steps of his Store in the First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor - Before 1922

Arthur L. Somes Store

Arthur Millis and Leone Marie (Wemmert) Kellam Home

Arthur Millis Kellam and Clyde Page Kellam

Arthur Millis Kellam, Katheryne (Page) Kellam, and Clyde Page Kellam

Arthur Osborne Willauer Cottage (3)

Arthur P. Butler House

Arthur Pierce and Lydia Raguet Farnham Butler - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierce Butler

Arthur Pierce Butler and Lydia Raguet (Farnham) Butler - Christmas Card

Arthur Pierce Butler House (2)

Arthur R. & Dorothy J. Lurvey House (2)

Arthur Robinson House

Arthur S. Woodward - Lobster Smack

Arthur T. Richardson House (2)

Article about John Lenzy Stanley in Maine - A History

Article About Rich and Grindle Boatbuilders

Article About the Board of Selectmen in the Town of Tremont - 1905

Article and Photograph About Howe D. Higgins' Hobby Business

Article from "The Day" about the Schooner Pendleton Sisters

Article from Happy Days - Civilian Conservation Camp Newspaper

Articles about the dismantling of the Eyrie.

Artists of Mount Desert Island (2)

Ash - Ida Melinia (Ash) Richardson (1862-1923)

Ashmont Hotel (2)

Assabet River Bridge and Meadows

Assorted Maps and Pamphlets related to Mount Desert Island

Asticou - Passenger Boat

Asticou Hill

Asticou Hotel (2)

Asticou Inn, Asticou, Mount Desert Island

Asticou's Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000.

At Hadlock Pond

At Head of Southwest Harbor

At Schooner Head

At the dedication of a tablet to the memory of George Edward Street, pastor, in Phillips church, Exeter, New Hampshire, January 14, 1906

At the Gate of Patch Farm

Atherton - Dorcas Foster (Atherton) Rich (1819-1898)

Atherton - George Delorin Atherton (1848-1935)

Athol M. Kane Higgins - Mrs. Howe Dwain Higgins on her Porch

Atlanta - Auxiliary Sail Steamer

Atlantic, Me. Golden Gate.

Atterbury - Grosvenor Atterbury (1869-1956)

Attrypa - Lobster Boat

Atwater Kent - Inventor, Industrialist and Philanthropist

Audubon Boy (2)

Augustus Bowman Farnham Cottage (2)

Augustus Clark

Augustus Clark (1846-1938) (2)

Augustus Clark House

Augustus Clark’s Store, Barn & Bowling Alley

Aunt Belle's House - Belle M. (Higgins) Trask House

Aunt Emme's Camp At Gotts Island

Aunt Jennie Harding House

Aunt Mary and Bessie

Austin - Calvin Austin (1855-1936)

Austin - Ethel V. (Austin) Rich (1900-1990)

Austin 'Castle' in Maine Has Odd History

Austin's Castle

Automobiles and Esso Pump at Gordon & White Garage

Automobiles Parked at the Claremont Hotel

Autumn Scene painting by Howe D. Higgins

Auxiliary Sail Steamer "Atlanta" (3)

Auxillary Sail Steamer Chicago

Auxillary Sail Steamer Chicago, Firing

Auxillary Sail Steamship Kronprinzessin Cecilie at Bar Harbor

Auxillary Sail Steamship Olivette

Auxillary Sail Steamships "Petrel" and "Philadelphia" with Fleet off Bar Harbor

Avelia Smallidge Holmes


Avenue , Gate and Turnstile - Entrance to "Fox Dens" and "Squirrelhurst"

Avenue and Sign

Avery Rock Lighthouse

Avon Klotz on 'his' pink granite bridge in Acadia National Park

Ayer - Frederick Wellington Ayer (1855-1936)

Aylward - William James Aylward (1875-1956)


B.R. Simmons Lobster Business

Babbidge - Frank Austin Babbidge (1880-1957)

Babbidge - Martin Van Buren Babbidge (1836-1916)

Babson - Julia Ann Haynes (Babson) Clark (1816-1895)


Baby in Arms of Unknown Man

Baby on Rug - Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Fox Dens

Baby Rose - Dragger (2)

Baby Shower for Ruth Mae (Thurston) Grindle, Mrs. Ralph Merrill Grindle

Baby Standing on Chair

Back Beach (5)

Back of Cottage with Deck and Flagpole

Back of Cottage with Flagpole

Back Shore Near the Causeway at Southwest Harbor

Back Shore, Southwest Harbor

Bacon - George Edwin Bacon (1868-)

Bacon - Howard Nelson Bacon (1881-1948)

Baddeck from the Hill (3)

Baddeck Looking West

Baddeck Main Street Looking East

Baddeck Wharves from the Steamer

Baddeck, Nova Scotia

Badenhausen - Captain Edmund Badenhausen (1840-1902)

Bailey - Thalia Rebecca Bailey Nutting (1893-1978)

Bailey Light, Lake Cobbossee Lake

Bairds Quarry, Swans Island (2)

Bait for Sale

Baker - Loran Ellis Baker (1831-1899)

Baker - Marion L. (Baker) Mills (1893-1982)

Baker - William Avery Baker (1911-1981)

Baker Island (5)

Baker Island Dance Floor

Baker Island Light (3)

Baker Island Light from the North

Baker Island Light Station (2)

Baker Island Light Station from the Garage Drive

Baker Island Light Station From the Northeast

Balance Rock (2)

Balance Rock and Frenchman’s Bay

Balance Rock and Frigate Portsmouth

Balance Rock on South Bubble

Balance Rock, Bar Harbor, Maine (3)

Bald Mountain

Bald Porcupine Island (2)

Bald Porcupine Island from Bar Harbor

Bald Porcupine Island from Bar Harbor Shore

Bald Porcupine Island from Shore Path at Bar Harbor - with two women

Balla Cragga (2)

Balla Cragga From the Water

Ballard - Diane Eleanor (Ballard) Michael (1932-2008)

Ballard - Willis Humphreys Ballard (1906-1980)

Baltz - Harry Rudolph Baltz (1860-aft 1937)

Bangor Mental Health Institute

Bangor, Maine Waterfront

Banks - Goodman Banks (1903-1973)

Baptist Church, Manset, Me.

Bar Beach, Islesford, Maine

Bar Harbor (5)

Bar Harbor - Emery's Black and White Cottages

Bar Harbor - Shore Path

Bar Harbor - Yarmouth Ferry Terminal

Bar Harbor Airport (2)

Bar Harbor and Mountains

Bar Harbor and Mountains from Bar Island

Bar Harbor and the Porcupine Islands from the Pulpit Rock Trail, Acadia National Park (4)

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Company and United States Post Office in the John Lawler Commercial Building

Bar Harbor Boat Landing

Bar Harbor Casino (2)

Bar Harbor Days (2)

Bar Harbor Express (2)

Bar Harbor from Green Mountain

Bar Harbor from the Club Float

Bar Harbor Hotel

Bar Harbor Pier

Bar Harbor Record

Bar Harbor Shore Path (3)

Bar Harbor Shore Path - Sea Wall Walk

Bar Harbor Wharf and Steamer Mount Desert

Bar Harbor, ME. in 1874

Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Maine

Barbara Carol - Lobster Boat

Barbara Elaine Mayo and George William Terry at their Wedding

Barbara Elaine Mayo at 1 year old

Barbara Elaine Mayo Standing on Clark Point Road

Barbara Haxall Grundy and Sophronia Phrony Pegram Grundy at Journey's End

Barbour - Samuel H. Barbour (1839-1896)

Barn on Placentia Island (2)

Barque at Dock in Gloucester Harbor

Barque Beach Inn (2)

Barque Beach, Bernard, Maine


Barrett - Marion Whitney (Barrett) Stubing (1924-2011)

Barrett - Myra Ellen (Barrett) Lord Dresser (1846-?)

Bartlett - Albert Bartlett (1819-1895)

Bartlett - Emily Mayo (Bartlett) Dix (1838-1898)

Bartlett - Henry David Bartlett (1893-1962)

Bartlett Sail Loft

Barton Haxall Grundy and Daughter, Barbara Haxall Grundy at Journey's End

Barton Haxall Grundy and Daughter, Barbara Haxall Grundy on Drive at Journey's End

Barton Haxall Grundy Cottage, "Journey's End" (2)

Barton Haxall Grundy in Monogrammed Canoe Near Journey's End

Barton Haxall Grundy's Cottage, Journey's End

Barton Haxall Grundy's Cottage, Journey's End From the Water (2)

Bass Harbor (3)

Bass Harbor Aerial

Bass Harbor Boat Shop (2)

Bass Harbor Boat Shop - Pleasure Boat - Marlona II - Under Construction for Dr. Marcus Allen Torrey

Bass Harbor Boulder

Bass Harbor Boulder on Marsh Creek (3)

Bass Harbor Country Store

Bass Harbor from Bernard (2)

Bass Harbor from Bernard Showing Weaver's Ledge

Bass Harbor Head Light (18)

Bass Harbor Head Light - In the Moonlight

Bass Harbor Head Light - The Red Lens

Bass Harbor Head Light - View Down the Stairs

Bass Harbor Head Light at Night

Bass Harbor Head Light from the East

Bass Harbor Head Light from the West

Bass Harbor Head Light in the Snow

Bass Harbor Head Light in Winter

Bass Harbor Head Light Keeper and Wife, Eugene Leslie Coleman and Amanda (Varner) Coleman with Posey

Bass Harbor Head Light with Boat House and Ways (2)

Bass Harbor Head Light, Southwest Harbor, ME

Bass Harbor Librarian Vesta E. (Spear) McRae, Mrs. Colin McRae's House, Bernard, Maine

Bass Harbor Light

Bass Harbor Marsh (6)

Bass Harbor Marsh and Barn

Bass Harbor Marsh and Western Mountain

Bass Harbor Memorial Library (4)

Bass Harbor Post Office (3)

Bass Harbor Shore

Batchelder - Alvah Murch Allie Batchelder (1879-1961)

Batchelder - George H. Batchelder (1898-1989)

Bates - Waldron Bates (1856-1909)

Bates Street

Bath Iron Works

Bathing Baby

Bathing Beach and Shore Club, Bar Harbor

Bay State - Sidewheel Steamer

Bay View (4)

Bay View House (2)

Beach And Snow

Beach at Great Cranberry Island

Beach at Katwyk - Photo 69

Beach at Katwyk - Photo 70

Beach at Scheveningen - Photo 78

Beach at Tinker's Island

Beach on Race Point, Great Cranberry Island

Beal - Barnabas Coffin Beal II (1804-1862)

Beal - Barnabas Coffin Beal III (1835-1899) aka Barna, aka Tall Barney Beal

Beal - Beulah W. (Beal) Stevens (1904-1985)

Beal - Charles Henry Beal (1872-1951)

Beal - Douglas Emerson Beal Jr. (1952-2015)

Beal - Elmer Lawrence Beal (1920-2010)

Beal - Harold R. Beal (1925-2020)

Beal - Harvard Riley Beal (1897-1967)

Beal - Maurice Roosevelt Beal (1894-1965)

Beal - Nancy Jane (Beal) Mitchell

Beal - Samuel Wayne Beal (1945-2011)

Beal - Velora (Beal) Ellis (1915-2003)

Beal - Vinal Osmond Beal (1867-1944)

Beal and Kelley Children

Beal Boat Yard

Beal Yard later Morris Yard

Beal's Bowling Alley

Beal's Bowling Alley at Southwest Harbor

Beal's Bowling Spa - 1951

Beal's Bowling Spa Opened Last Week in Southwest Harbor

Beal's Fish Wharf (4)

Beal's Wharf

Beals Lobster Wharf

Bean - Merit Walton Bean (1922-1987)

Bear Island (4)

Bear Island From Southwest with the Lighthouse and Coal Shed and Dock

Bear Island Light (13)

Bear Island Light and the Coal Dock

Bear Island Light and the Coal Wharf From Northwest

Bear Island Light with Schooner Yacht and Coast Guard Buoy Boat

Beatrice and Eleanor

Beatrice Carroll and Carl Edward Kelley on their Wedding Day

Beatrice Hall Hodgdon

Beatrice M. Black House

Beatrice M. Seavey Black House

Beatrice M. Seavey Black interviewed by David Spurling

Beatty - Robert Beatty Jr. (1850-1907)

Beaver Brook (2)

Beaver Brook in Winter

Beaver Brook Reservation

Beaver House at Lurvey Brook (2)

Bedrock Geology of Mount Desert Island

Bedroom in North Annex

Bedroom Window in Aunt Maggie Trask House on Gotts Island

Bee - Albert Wilson Bee I (1821-1863)

Bee - Albert Wilson Bee II (1854-1924)

Bee - Albert Wilson Bee III (1882-1949)

Bee - Charles Everett Bee (1884-1938)

Bee family photographs and postcards

Bee's Bar Harbor Store

Beech Cliff and Echo Lake (3)

Beech Cliff from South End of Echo Lake - Echo Cliffs

Beech Cliff, Acadia National Park

Beech Cliff, Echo Lake (2)

Beech Cliff, Lafayette National Park (2)

Beech Hill (2)

Beech Hill from Parking Area

Beech Mountain - Beech Cliff Trail System

Beech Mountain and Beech Cliff

Beech Mountain from Manset in Snow

Beech Path at Jamaica Pond

Bees & Honey

Beetle Boat Corp.

Belfast - Passenger Steamer

Belfast Bridge

Bell - Mysie Black Bell (1883-1958)

Bellagio - Photo 25

Bellagio - Photo 27

Bellagio and Lake Como, Italy

Below Seal Cove Bridge

Bemis - Jonathan Wheeler Bemis (1810-11-1895) aka Dr. Bemis

Bemis - Lucy Ellis Bemis (1869-1958)

Bemis House

Benj. F. Jones - Miniature Tugboat

Benjamin B. Hinckley House (2)

Benjamin Barret Hinckley, Jr. photographs and documents

Benjamin Barrett Hinckley - Painting the Well Cover at The Moorings

Benjamin Barrett Hinckley House (2)

Benjamin Barrett Hinckley Jr. at his desk at the Hinckley Company.

Benjamin Barrett Hinckley's House - The Colonel John Stoddard House, The Manse, Northampton, Massachusetts

Benjamin Benson House

Benjamin Conley Worcester House (2)

Benjamin Conley Worcester Store (2)

Benjamin Dolliver House (2)

Benjamin F. Dolliver House (2)

Benjamin Franklin Joy Photography Studio

Benjamin M. Robinson Ice Pond

Benjamin M. Robinson Wharf

Benjamin Moore House (2)

Benjamin Robinson Smokehouse

Benjamin Robinson Wharf

Benjamin Thomas Dolliver

Benjamin Thomas Dolliver and Julia Estella (Torrey) Dolliver with granddaughter Louise

Benjamin Thomas Dolliver and Julia Estella (Torrey) Dolliver, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Thomas Dolliver (2)

Benjamin Thomas Dolliver House (2)

Benjamin Thomas Dolliver, Julia Estella (Torrey) Dolliver and their Family

Benjamin Ward House (5)

Bennett - Charles H. Bennett (1922-1984)

Bennett - Edward Harold Bennett (1890-1965) aka Harry

Bennett - Ralph Clarence Bennett (1913-2000)

Bennett Paint Shop (2)

Bennett's Cove, Chebeague

Benson - Benjamin Benson (1772-1859)

Benson - David Brazer Benson

Benson - Estella (Benson) Stanley (1855-1940)

Benson - Frances Elizabeth (Benson) Bachman (1921-2014)

Benson - Jordan Bennett Benson (1887-1945)

Benson - Katharine Gertrude (Benson) Bjorndal (1929-1982)

Benson - Margery Ann (Benson) Emmott (1933-1989)

Benson - Peter Theodore Benson III

Benson - Peter Theodore Benson Jr. (1891-1963)

Benson - Peter Theodore Benson Sr. (1862-1910)

Benson - Prudence M. (Benson) Beal (1920-2012)

Benson - Ralph Gardener Benson (1893-1975)

Benson - Viola Helen (Benson) Watson (1859-1940)

Benson - William Benson

Benson - William H. Benson (1828-1877)

Benson - William Valentine Benson (1917-1997)

Benson Wharf (2)

Benson's Laundromat

Bentley - Andrew Jackson Bentley (1827-1895)

Benzing - Joachim Clarence Benzing Jr. (1880-1970)

Berlin Austin Gott

Berlin Austin Gott and Blanche Helen (Lunt) Gott and Children

Bermuda 40 Yawl Jaan Under Sail Off Southwest Harbor


Bernard Elementary School

Bernard from McKinley - Showing Dr. Watson's Lobster Smack Onaway

Bernard in the Snow

Bernard Mountain

Bernard Post Office

Bernard School

Bernard Shore (2)

Bernard to McKinley

Bertha (Mrs. Alfred) Herrfeldt House

Bertha C. Murphy Neal, Mrs. George Arthur Neal at Home in Southwest Harbor (2)

Bertha Chester Stanley House

Bertha Emily Robinson (2)

Bertha Herrfeldt House

Bertha M. Gott, Evelyn Rachel Gott, Flavilla Margaret Gott and Marion Gott

Bertha M. Morrill (2)

Bertha M. Morrill and her brother Leslie William Morrill

Bertha M. Morrill and Two Unknown People

Berzinis - Jeffrey Peter Berzinis (1944-)

Bessie L. - Sardine Carrier

Bessie M. Noyes and Students on the Steps at Ocean House Cottage/Annex

Bessie Stanley Clark (3)

Bessie Stanley Clark - Graduation from The Maine Central Institute

Bessie Stanley Clark and Graduation Class from The Maine Central Institute

Bessie Stanley Clark and Mary S. Whitmore

Bessie Stanley Clark at Eastern State School, Castine

Bessie Stanley Clark with Fellow Students at Eastern State School Graduation

Bethlehem Band

Bette S. - Lobster Boat

Betty Lou - Lobster Boat

Between Cow Island Ponds

Between Pretty Marsh and High Head

Beulah W. Beal - Waitress at Jordan Pond House

Bicknell - John Carleton Bicknell (1871-1956)

Big Tree, Islesboro

Bill Herrick - William Horace Herrick

Bill Leading the Horses at Lawlor Ice Business

Bill Robinson Mending Nets

Billie XXX - Lobster Style Cabin Launch

Billings - Alton M. Billings (1876-1922)

Billings - Edna S. (Billings) Sprague (1904-2001)

Billings - John Latty House

Billings - Kenneth E. Billings (1915-2002)

Billings - William Wescott Billings (1916-2000)

Bion B. Reynolds House

Bion Reynolds House

Birches on Seal Cove Road

Bird's Eye View of Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island

Bird's Eye View of Eastport

Bird's Eye View of Houlton, Me. Aroostook County Seat.

Bird's Eye View of Peak's Island, Portland Harbor

Bird's Eye View of Pittsfield, Maine Looking Northwest

Bird's Eye View of the City of Bangor

Birding on Little Duck Island

Birdseye view of Manset, Me

Birlem - Charles Wallace Birlem (1914-1976)

Birlem - Doris Spurling (Birlem) Rush Stubbs (1917-1990)

Birlem - E. Augustus Birlem (1841-1918)

Birlem - Fred Alberton Birlem (1876-1950) aka Bert

Birlem - Lynne Marie Birlem

Birlem Garage and Apartment

Birlem Garage and Apartment Behind the 1921-1934 Southwest Harbor Post Office

Birlem Garage Apartment

Bishop Alexander Mackay-Smith Cottage

Bishop Mackay-Smith Obituatry

Black - Frederick M. Black (1926-1999)

Black - William Hiram Black (1883-1957)

Black Guillemot Nesting Habitat on Little Duck Island

Black Island (3)

Black Pearl - Brigantine

Blackpoll Warbler Nesting Habitat

Blanchard - Peter Parrott Blanchard III (1951-2022)

Blanche Dolliver

Blanche Helen (Lunt) Gott, Mrs. Berlin Austin Gott

BLB - Traditional Dory

Blood - Ralph Farnham Blood (1905-1972)

Blood - Ruth Farnham (Blood) Ballard (1909-1990)

Blue Hill Bay Light (2)

Blue Hill, Maine - Village Landing

Blue Water Baby - Cruiser

Blueberry - Lobster Style Cabin Launch

Blueberry Ledge

Blueberry Mooring

Bluenose I - Passenger and Motor Vehicle Ferry

Bluenose I at the Bar Harbor - Yarmouth Ferry Terminal

Bluenose I Ferry

Bluffs at Echo Lake

Boardwalk to Shore on Placentia Island

Boardwalk to the Shore of Placentia

Boat House and Dock at The Claremont House (2)

Boat House at Great Duck Light Station

Boat House at the Claremont House

Boat House on Great Duck Island

Boat House with Yellow Door

Boat Houses and Dock

Boat Houses, Islesford

Boat in the Ice at Manset

Boat Launching in the Fog

Boat Launching Scene

Boat Shop Selling Hartford Marine Gas Engines

Boat Show Display

Boat Storage at Henry R. Hinckley Company as Manset Boat Yard

Boat Under Construction at Southwest Boat Corporation


Boathouses, Little Cranberry Island

Boating Group at the Dock of The Claremont House

Boats at Beal’s Fish Wharf

Boats at Clifton Dock, Northeast Harbor, Maine

Boats at J. L. Stanley Fishery Wharf

Boats at Low Tide - Head of the Harbor

Boats at Southwest Boat Corporation

Boats Built By Ralph Stanley

Boats in the Ice at Great Cranberry Island (2)

Boatswain Denies Writing Report

Bob Church and Art Kellam on the Shore of Placentia

Bob Howe Catches a Herring Gull

Bob Howe Inspects a Baby Herring Gull

Bobill II - Sloop (2)

Bonaventure - Dragger

Bonaventure - Launching

Bonaventure - Production

Bonaventure - Refit

Book Bound for the Southwest Harbor Public Library by Grace M. Simmons

Boone Island Light

Boots and Flowers Outside Hot Flash Anny

Boston & Bangor Steamship Co. Receipt Envelope

Boston and Bangor Steamship Lines, Fosters Wharf (2)

Boston and Harbor

Boston Floating Hospital - Steamer

Botanical Specimen Boxes

Bouchard - Normand Joseph Bouchard (1912-1973) aka Norm

Boulder on Marsh Creek, Head of Bass Harbor, ME

Bounder II

Bowdoin Cottage being built in Bar Harbor

Boy and Baby

Boy with Watermelon at the Carroll Family Fourth of July Party

Boynton - Florence Evelyn (Boynton) Pettigrove (1904-1988)

Boynton - Harriet Eliza Boynton (1862-1938)

Boys of the Wemmert Family

Brace's Cove Pond (2)

Brace's Cove Pond, East Gloucester

Bracy - Amos Herrick Bracy (1848-1928)

Bracy - Lester Charles Bracy (1936-1990)

Bracy - Thelma Gwendolyn (Bracy) Hinckley (1913-2005) aka Gwen

Bracy - Wesley Peterson Bracy Jr. (1938-2021) aka Junior

Bracy - Wesley Peterson Bracy Sr. (1906-2000)

Bradford and Frances Wetherell Cottage

Bradley - Bryant Bradley (1838-1890)

Bradley - Henry Lee Bradley (1875-1940)

Bradley's Bar Harbor Studio

Bradley's Southwest Harbor Studio

Bragdon - Addie (Bragdon) Gilley (1905-1983)

Brainard R. and Flora B. Simmons House

Brainard Randall Simmons House (2)

Brand - Edith Browning (Brand) Hannah (1875-1947)

Bras D'Or Lake

Bras d'Or Lake at North End of St. Peter's Canal

Brewer - Freelove (Brewer) Sawyer (1896-1971)

Brewster - Ralph Owen Brewster (1888-1961)

Brian L. Lunt, High School Graduation

Brick Sheds at Clay Pits - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Bridge at Fernald Cove and Flying Mountain

Bridge at Head of Bass Harbor, The Osborne Milton Kittredge House and the Boulder on Marsh Creek

Bridge East of President Eliot's House

Bridge Near President Charles William Eliot's House in Northeast Harbor

Bridge of Sighs, Venice - Photo 16

Bridge on the Fernald Cove Road

Bridge over Outlet of Kendall's Pond

Bridle Path to Sieur de Monts Spring (2)

Brig "Venice"

Brigantine Black Pearl on Mooring

Brigantines - Brig "Venice"

Briggs - John Hamilton Briggs (1906-1969)

Bristol - Eugene Stuart Bristol (1843-1910)

Bromley & Company, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts

Bronze Plaque on Little Duck Island

Brook and Bridge in Sudbury

Brook and Hemlock Hill at the Arnold Arboretum


Brooklin, Maine

Brooks - Betty Lou (Brooks) Sprague (1931-2009)

Brooks Maine

Brooks, Maine

Brother and Sister Fred Eugene Butler and Luella C. Butler

Brothers Clarence and Augustus Clark at the Capt. Clark House, Southwest Harbor, Maine.

Brothers Montelle D. Gott and Berlin Austin Gott

Brown - Antoinette (Brown) Harmon (1840-1921)

Brown - Charles Moulson Brown (1794-1871)

Brown - Eleanor Mary (Brown) White (1917-2002)

Brown - Mary Caroline (Brown ) Robinson (1904-1997)

Brown - Sylvester B. Brown (1868-1944)

Brown - William Sheldon Brown (1883-1930)

Brown Bungalow

Brown Mountain Gate Lodge

Brown Mountain Gate Lodge, Acadia National Park

Brown Mountain Gatehouse

Brown Mountain Road - Near Hadlock's Upper Pond

Browne - Eleanor Webster (Browne) Gallishaw (1891-1983)

Browne - George Henry Browne (1857-1931)

Browns Head Light, Vinalhaven

Brunnow - Rudolph Ernest Brunnow (1858-1917)

Bryan - James McCall Ward Bryan (1848-1922)

Bryant Bradley Logo on back of Stereograph

Bryant Bradley Studio, Bar Harbor

Bryant Bradley Studio, Southwest Harbor

Bryon Heman Mayo House

Bubble Pond

Bucephalus - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Buck - Frank Charles Buck (1885-1975) aka Francis Charles Buchenberger

Buck - Lucy Knowlton (Buck) Ellsberg (1893-1978)

Buck - Mary Louise (Buck) Hinckley (1920-2009)

Buck's Harbor, Machiasport

Buckboard Group at High Head

Buckboard Party Passing Sand Beach

Buckboard Party to The Caves

Buckboard Party with Driver in Derby Hat

Buckboard Riding (2)

Buckboards in the Woods

Buckman - Emma Johns Buckman (1881-1968)

Buckman - James Buckman (1846-1924)

Buckman - Mary Knight Buckman (1876-1961)

Bucksport and Prospect Ferry

Bucksport Narrows and Fort Knox on the Penobscot River

Bucksport, Hancock Co.

Bucksport, Waterfront

Bud Long captures a Black Guillemot

Bud Long Receiving an Award

Bud Long Takes Notes a Herring Gull Nest

Bud Long's Birding Notebook from 1949

Budahn - Frances Louise (Budahn) Hitchcock (1905-2000)

Buggies at Steamboat Wharf

Buggy at Steamboat Wharf

Building Lobster Boat Miss Julie for Robert P. Stevens (2)

Building Demolition Changes SWH Landscape

Building Lobster Boat Nancy & Ricky

Building Lobster Boat Nancy & Ricky for Ernest Richard Davis (2)

Building of Arts, Eden (3)

Building the Better Lobster Trap

Building the House at Mt. Desert Rock (2)

Building TopGallant, View from the Water Side

Buildings at Great Duck Light Station

Buildings on Shore Road in Manset (2)

Buildings on Shore Road, Manset, from Water

Buildings on the Shore Road in Manset

Bulger - Ella Florence (Bulger) Joy Spurling (1867-1938)

Bulger - Emma Frances (Bulger) Spurling (1860-1934) (2)

Bulger - Hilda A. (Bulger) Spurling (1902-1987)

Bulger - Marjorie Emma (Bulger) Phippen (1905-2002)

Bulger - Michael Bulger (1799-1859)

Bulger - Oscar Spurling Bulger (1872-1943)

Bulger - Samuel Newman Bulger (1835-1919) aka Capt. Samuel Newman Bulger

Bullen - Alcyone Rogers Bullen

Bullen - Susan Lane Bullen

Bungalow Annex from "Fox Dens" Point

Bunker - Allison Sylvester Bunker

Bunker - Emma Beatrice (Bunker) Stanley (1895-1937)

Bunker - Francis Winfield Bunker (1880-1943)

Bunker - Hannah B. (Bunker) Woodworth Gilley (1835-1921)

Bunker - Henry Alton Bunker (1872-1941)

Bunker - Lyndon Henry Tud Bunker (1909-2000)

Bunker - Nellie Augusta (Bunker) Spurling (1875-1958)

Bunker - Percy Edgar Bunker (1887-1980)

Bunker - Raymond Adelbert Bunker (1906-1994)

Bunker - Susan Margaret (Bunker) Newman (1941- )

Bunker - Wilfred Allison Bunker (1920-2012)

Bunker - William Gleason Bunker (1872-1957)

Bunker & Ellis - Pleasure Cruiser Arethusa III (2)

Bunker & Ellis - Pleasure Cruiser Kittiwake II

Bunker & Savage Architects

Bunker and Ellis Boat Company

Bunker Head, Islesford, Maine

Bunkhouse Interior at Great Pond CCC Camp

Buoy at the Buoy Depot. Clark Point (2)

Buoy Depot on Clark Point at Old Steamboat Wharf Site

Buoys at the Buoy Depot. Clark Point (2)

Buoys for Sale

Burke - Charles R. Burke (1850-)

Burke - Edmund Stevenson Burke Jr. (1879-1962)

Burnham - Ella Maria (Burnham) Cousins (1854-?)

Burnt Coat Harbor Light

Burnt Coat Harbor Light, Swans Island

Burnt Island Light, Boothbay Harbor

Burt - Charles Kennedy Burt (1823-1892)

Business Card for Harborside Industries

Business Card for William Edgar Herrick's Farm, Southwest Harbor

Business Card of Charles Leon Lawson

Butler - Alfred H. Butler (1865-?)

Butler - Andrew Jackson Butler (1838-1922)

Butler - Annie May (Butler) Harper (1878-1966)

Butler - Arthur Pierce Butler Jr. (1908-2000)

Butler - Arthur Pierce Butler Sr. (1866-1953)

Butler - Chester Arthur Butler (1881-1967)

Butler - Edwin Farnham Butler (1909-2006)

Butler - Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy Lawton (1867-1946)

Butler - Fred Eugene Butler (1896-1956)

Butler - George W. Butler (1846-1919)

Butler - George W. Butler (1874-1942)

Butler - Herbert G. Butler (1883-1942)

Butler - Jacob Butler (1803-1860)

Butler - Jacob L. Butler (1869-1943)

Butler - Luella C. (Butler) Farrell Kelley (1898-1979)

Butler - Mildred G. (Butler) Freeman Seavey (1887-1969)

Butler - Minnie C. (Butler) Bennett Stanley (1871-1963)

Butler - William Lawton Butler (1877-1943) aka Bill

By the Causeway Bridge

By-Water Cottage

Bygone Bar Harbor - A Postcard Tour of Mount Desert Island and Acadia National Park

Byron "Bide" Lewis Robinson

Byron "Bide" Lewis Robinson and his wife Mary Caroline Brown Robinson

Byron “Bide” Lewis Robinson

Byron Bide Lewis Robinson and Walter Hill Walking to Greening Island on the Ice

Byron Heman Mayo - Hinckley House

Byron Heman Mayo / Henry Rose Hinckley II House

Byron Heman Mayo property as the Western Way Condominiums

Byron Lewis Robinson House (2)

Byron Robinson House

Byron's Model Ships


C. Walter Marion House

C.B. Clark - Schooner

C.E. Clement Boatyard - Lobster Boat Three Brothers Built for Harvard Riley Beal

C.E. Clement’s Boat Shop

C.E. Cook, Bangor, Maine

C.H. Rich & Co.

C.H. Rich Wharf, McKinley (2)

C.M. Rich Boat Shop

C.M. Rich Boatbuilder - Shop Sign

C.W. Lawler Ice Advertisement

Cabin of CCC Commander Paul A. Harris

Cabin of Commander Paul A. Harris

Cabins at the Harbor View Motel

Cadillac - Antoine Laumet dit La Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac (1658-1730)

Cadillac Mountain in Winter

Cadillac Mountain Road, Acadia National Park

Cadillac, Kinney and Fish Sticks

Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell, Mrs. Henry Lucius Leffingwell at Gray Rocks with her granddaughters

Caldwell - Rebecca Appleton Caldwell (1859-1952)

Calico Rock at Great Gott Island

Camden - Passenger Steamer

Camden City, NJ

Camden Road and Hills (Bald Rock)

Camden Road and Hills (Bald Rock) From Field

Camp Aim-Al

Camp Beech Cliff Marching in the Flamingo Festival Parade

Camp Champlain - 1880 and 1881

Camp Site on Little Duck Island

Campbell - Alice M. (Campbell) Butler (1889-1925)

Canada Cliffs

Canada Stamp - Don de Dieu - Issued May 16, 2008

Canada Stamp - Pierre Dugua de Mons - 1604 - Issued June 26, 2004

Canada Stamp - Samuel de Champlain Surveys the East Coast - 1606 - Issued May 28, 2006

Canal and Windmills - Photo 63

Canal at Zaandam, Holland - Photo 60

Canton Marshes

Cap't Bunker's Boy

Cape Ann "Old Mother Ann"

Cape Cod - Dragger (2)

Cape Cod - Provincetown

Cape Elizabeth Lightship

Cape Plans Royal Salute on M-Day

Capen - Milton Sanders Capen (1873-1941)

Capitol Corner Filling Station

Capt. and Mrs. O.L. Mills House (2)

Capt. Capen on the Claremont House Dock

Capt. Capen on the Claremont House Dock with Capt. Charlie Gott

Capt. Clark House and Albert Wilson Bee Cottage

Capt. Henry E. and Mrs. Kate M. Stanley Cottage

Capt. Henry Everett Stanley Cottage

Capt. Howard P. Robbins and Child at Baker Island Light (2)

Capt. Jacob S. Mayo House

Capt. James Long House

Capt. John Latty Aboard Schooner Theoline in New York City

Capt. Joseph B. Norwood House

Capt. Joseph Bassett Norwood House

Capt. Levi Robinson House

Capt. M. Nicholas Tucker Jr. House

Capt. Nathan Clark House (2)

Capt. Robert B. Dix House

Capt. Robert B. Dix Store

Capt. Robie M. Norwood House - Southwest Harbor

Capt. Thomas Norwood; George C. Whitmore; Jay N. Whitmore House

Capt. Thurston's Death Recalls Old Shipwreck

Capt. W. Stanley House

Capt. William Bill Horace Herrick Leading John Whitmore's Fast Speed Horse To Be Shot (2)

Captain and Mrs. Nicholas Tucker House

Captain B.N. Pepper

Captain Charles B. Dix Boat House, Bass Harbor - as the Lyle Arlington Reed House (2)

Captain Charles B. Dix Boat House, McKinley, Maine

Captain Chester Warren Stanley

Captain Enoch Boynton Stanley

Captain Franklin Leslie Stanley and Crew at the Cranberry Isles Life-Saving Station

Captain Gilbert Theodore Hadlock at Steamboat Wharf in Seal Harbor

Captain Harry Brown Dobbins and Ida C. Faulkingham Dobbins at Bear Island Light Station

Captain Jacob Schoppy Mayo House (2)

Captain James E. Robinson

Captain James K. Kelley IV

Captain James Long House

Captain Jesse H. Pease

Captain John Theodore Stanley

Captain Joseph Whitmore - Alton Billings House

Captain Joseph Whitmore House

Captain Levi Robinson House

Captain Nathan Adam Reed House (6)

Captain Nathan Smallidge

Captain Nathan Smallidge (1817-1874)

Captain Percy Edgar Bunker with Elin Forslund and Laddie - Aboard the Morsman's Boat

Captain Percy Edgar Bunker with Gertrude Maria (Spurling) Bunker and Emma Larson - Aboard the Morsman's Boat

Captain Robert E. Dix House, West Tremont, Maine

Captain William Harland Kelley in Command of the USS Constitution (2)

Carl Bennett interviewed by David Spurling

Carl Colson Lawson Jr. House

Carl E. & Elene Dolliver Cottage

Carl E. Kelley House

Carl Edward Kelley House

Carl Edward Kelley Sr. and Anna Beatrice Carroll at William Lloyd Carroll's Cash Market

Carl F. & Elene M. Dolliver House

Carl Fulton Dolliver and Rudolph Eugene Dolliver

Carl Fulton Dolliver House

Carl Moore, Helen Moore and Newman Moore

Carlton B. & Elise Gilley House

Carlton Bridge from Phoenix Hotel, Bath Maine

Carlton Bridge, Bath, Maine

Carlton Hill House

Carmarette - Motor Yacht

Carol Anne - Cruiser (2)

Caroline Andrews-Allen, Librarian, Southwest Harbor Public Library

Caroline C - Schooner

Caroline Elizabeth Cope on her 100th Birthday

Caroline Gray - Coasting Schooner

Caroline Prescott Zelie Cottage (2)

Caroline Robinson Lawler

Caroline Susan (Luyster) Underwood, Mrs. Charles James Underwood at Squirrelhurst

Caroline VanCott Burch Cottage (2)

Carpenter - Byron Sabine Carpenter (1867-1956)

Carpenter and Higgins Family Reunion At Wonderland (2)

Carpenter and Higgins Family Reunion At Wonderland - Mayos

Carrie F. Dix - Brig

Carrie Frances (Dix) Phillips (2)

Carrie Frances (Dix) Phillips and Vienna Sophia (Dix) Lawler in front of John Dix House

Carrie M. Moore Cottage (2)

Carrie M. Richardson - Coasting Schooner

Carrie V. Davis Torrey House

Carrie V. Torrey House

Carroll - Alice (Carroll) Young (1879-1964)

Carroll - Anna Beatrice (Carroll) Kelley (1887-1974)

Carroll - Charles Bradley Carroll (1902-1983)

Carroll - Elizabeth Cook (Carroll) Lawler (1823-1905) aka Lizzie

Carroll - Fannie Edith Carroll (1874-1890) aka Fan

Carroll - Gertrude Whitmore Carroll (1873-1917)

Carroll - Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark (1882-1949)

Carroll - Hannah (Carroll) Lurvey (1825-1888)

Carroll - Helena Thornton (Carroll) Beal (1921-1993) aka Nellie

Carroll - Isabel Rose Carroll (1918-1993)

Carroll - Jacob William Carroll (1830-1899)

Carroll - James Francis Carroll (1930-1968) aka Frank

Carroll - John Carroll (1790-1867)

Carroll - John Carroll (1875-1964)

Carroll - John Carroll II (1875-1964)

Carroll - Katherine (Carroll) Bacon (1877-1949) aka Kate

Carroll - Marilyn (Carroll) La Haye (1930-1995)

Carroll - Mary Ann Carroll (1835-1926)

Carroll - Nellie Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton (1871-1958) (2)

Carroll - Philip Tracy Carroll (1904-1966)

Carroll - Rachel (Carroll) Phalen (1913-1999)

Carroll - Richard Thornton Carroll (1908-1993)

Carroll - Sarah Tenney (Carroll) Kittredge (1880-1960)

Carroll - Wesley Boynton Carroll (1899-1962)

Carroll - William Lloyd Carroll (1884-1971)

Carroll - Winfred Russell (Carroll) Pottle (1898-1988)

Carroll Building (2)

Carroll Daughter as a Bride

Carroll daughter in the Back Yard on High Street

Carroll Drug Store

Carroll Drug Store Advertisement

Carroll Drug Store in the Snow

Carroll Drug Store Pharmacy Department

Carroll Drug Store Soda Fountain

Carroll Family - Fourth of July at the Mountain House

Carroll Family - Noon Dinner at the Mountain House

Carroll family Fourth of July Party - 1904

Carroll Family Group

Carroll Grandchildren

Carroll Grandchildren at Fourth of July Party 1913

Carroll Grandchildren at Fourth of July Pary 1913

Carroll Grandchildren Swimming

Carroll Hill Cemetery (2)

Carroll S. Tyson, Jr. "Camp" Cottage (2)

Carroll Tyson Cottage

Carry All II - Lobster Style Cabin Launch

Cart Bridge

Cart Bridge at Dedham

Carter - Almon B. Carter (1902-1964)

Carter - Robert Malcom Carter (1905-1975) aka Bob

Caruso - Soly Edward Caruso (1896-1994)

Cary - Constance (Cary) Harrison (1843-1920)

Cary Burton Lunt - High School Graduation

Cary Burton Lunt and Child with large Teddy Bear at Lyle Arlington Reed's Store, McKinley, Maine

Casco Bay Steamship Company

Casey - John Andrew Casey (1880-1945)


Castle Head, Mount Desert - 1872

Castle in Maine Mournful Relic of Mining Boom

Catalog Page for 1924 Essex Automobile

Catboat "Lanita" (3)

Catboat "Lanita" Becalmed

Catboat "Lanita" from Tender

Catboat "Lanita" Off Greenings Island

Catboat "Pusheen Gra" with Agnes Swift Aboard (2)

Cathedral Rock

Cathedral Rock and Sand Point

Catherine - Schooner

Catherine M. Butler - Sardine Carrier

Cathrine K. Johnson Cottage (4)

Cathrine K. Johnson House

Cattleya Eldorado Lind. var Lindeni Hort. - Cattleya Eldorado Lind. var. Oweni Hort.

Causeway Club

Causeway Club House

Causeway Dam Construction (4)

Causeway Dam Construction at Southwest Harbor

Cave of the Sea, Schooner Head

CCC Commander's House

CCC Eagle Lake Camp

CCC Great Pond Camp

CCC Lieutenant Darcy

CCC Member

CCC Member - Harold Cass

CCC Member Carrying a Log

CCC Member George Hall

CCC Member George Hall Snow Shoeing a Trail to Mountain

CCC Member in Southwest Harbor Across from Park Theater

CCC Member in Winter (2)

CCC Member Snow Shoeing

CCC Members (16)

CCC Members and Camp Sign

CCC Members at Building Number 7

CCC Members Constructing Southwest Harbor Village Green (2)

CCC Members in Front of Mac's Cabin

CCC Members in the Snow

CCC Members Moving a Tree

CCC Members Ralph M. Moore, George W. Hawker, Earle Francis Bennett and Walter R. Haddock

CCC Members With Snow Shoes (2)

CCC Members With Tractor

Cecile Edna Clement

Cecilia Catherine Kennedy Johnson Cottage

Cedarcroft (2)

Cedarcroft - The Lamb Cottage

Celebration for a Major Catch, Probably at Stanley Fisheries

Celestia Gertrude Dix Robinson

Celestia Gertrude Dix Robinson, Mrs. Ralph Judson Robinson

Celia Maud (Wilson) Hamilton

Cemetery on Great Gott Island

Centennial Hall (2)

Centennial Hall - As W.H. Ward Jr. Store

Centennial Hall - As W.H. Ward Jr. Store - Ruins After the Fire

Centennial Hall - As W.H. Ward Jr. Store on the Manset Shore

Centennial Hall as Originally Built on Seawall Road, Manset, Maine

Center School (3)

Central Filing Station

Central Filling Station

Central Filling Station - Tydol Service Station on Clark Point Road

Central Filling Station - Tydol Service Station on Clark Point Road (3)

Central House (2)

Central House, Bar Harbor, ME

Certificate of Marriage for Arno Preston Stanley and Mabel Estelle Stanley

Certificate to Neal L. Murphy From Louise M. Heath


Chalets Near Hotel - Photo 34

Chalets near Hotel - Photo 44

Chalmers - Daniel O. Chalmers (1946-) aka Dan

Chamberlain - Samuel Vance Chamberlain (1895-1975)

Champlain - Samuel de Champlain (1574-1635)

Champlain Memorial Overlooking Hunter's Beach, Acadia National Park.

Champlain Monument (2)

Champlain Monument - Original Site

Champlain Society at Hadlock Pond Brook in 1881

Champlain Society - Camp Pemetic - "Shore by Old Campground" (3)

Champlain Society - Camp Pemetic - "View up Somes Sound from the Old Campground"

Champlain Society - Camp Pemetic - Original "Old Campground" (2)

Champlain Society - In the Parlor Tent at Camp Pemetic

Champlain Society - View of Camp Pemetic from the Hill to the East

Champlain Society - Visitors at Camp Pemetic on Somes Sound (2)

Champlain Society Members at Camp Pemetic

Champlain Society Members at Camp Pemetic - Group at the Fence Overlooking Somes Sound

Champlain Society's Camp Pemetic (2)

Champlain's Patache

Champlain's Shallop

Chana Sherwood (Mayo) Trenholm, Mrs. Douglas E. Trenholm (2)

Chance - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Chance Foundering in Union River Bay - Friendship Sloop

Chandler - Thirza Helena (Chandler) Wass (1917-2009)

Chapin - Chester William Chapin, Jr. (1842-1922)

Charder - Mary (Charder) Stanley (1706-1748)

Charles A. Townsend House (2)

Charles Adelbert Gilley and Family at the William Gilley House on Bakers Island

Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh with Lockheed Vega 5 Airplane

Charles B. Hazeltine House (2)

Charles Barrett Morrill at the Computer with Sara Anstiss Morrill

Charles Barrett Morrill House

Charles Crosby Rogers with Granddaughters Alcyone Rogers and Susan Lane Bullen

Charles D. Rea Cottage

Charles Drummond Rea Cottage

Charles E. Charlie Wakefield with his Saxophone

Charles E. Cook House

Charles E. Cook Jr.

Charles E. Haynes House (2)

Charles E. Stanley House (2)

Charles Eaton Spurling (2)

Charles Eaton Spurling and Friend on a Dock

Charles Eaton Spurling House (2)

Charles Eaton Spurling Store

Charles Eliot (1859-1897)

Charles Eliot at Brush Hill

Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect, A Lover Of Nature And Of His Kind, Who Trained Himself For A New Profession, Practised It Happily And Through It Wrought Much Good

Charles F. Carter House (2)

Charles Fletcher Dole

Charles Fletcher Dole Cottage - The Ledge (2)

Charles Glidden Grindle and son, Ralph Merrill Grindle with Stephen Richardson

Charles Goddard Weld Cottage

Charles Goddard Weld House, Boston

Charles H & Christine M. B. Gilley House

Charles H. Harding House

Charles H. Rich House

Charles Herrick Cutler - As an Older Man

Charles Herrick Cutler As a Young Man

Charles L. Stanley House

Charles Leon Lawson

Charles Leon Lawson and Helen (Nyberg) Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson

Charles Leon Lawson and Willis Watson

Charles Luther Whittaker

Charles Luther Whittaker (1820-1847)

Charles Morris Young Painting, Clark's Wharf Hanging in the Claremont Hotel

Charles Morris Young Studio (2)

Charles P. Torrey House (2)

Charles River Above "Broad Oaks"

Charles River Approach to Dedham

Charles River below Nickerson Bridge

Charles River By Hildreth's Woods

Charles River by Lyons Bridge

Charles River By Riverdale

Charles River Near Riverdale

Charles River With Willows

Charles Rudd Burke Cottage (3)

Charles S. Stratton (General Tom Thumb ), Lavinia Warren (Bump) Stratton, Mrs Charles S. Stratton and Unknown Man

Charles Stanhope and Candy Emlen Marching in the Flamingo Parade

Charles W. Gott at Nineteen

Charles W. Gott Rowing in the Pool, Great Gott Island

Charles Wallace Birlem (4)

Charles Wallace Birlem and Margaret (Mulholland) Birlem

Charles Wallace Birlem and Margaret (Mulholland) Birlem with F. Dwight and Adella H. (Ames) Perkins Celebrating their Mutual Wedding Anniversary.

Charles Wallace Birlem House (2)

Charles Walter Marion House

Charles Warren Stanley

Charles William Eliot House in Northeast Harbor

Charles-Edward Amory Winslow and Anne Fuller Rogers in Hammock on the Porch

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades and Milton Norwood in front of The Field House

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades at Christmas Time

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades at Norwood Cove

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades at the Causeway at Norwood Cove

Charlotte "Si" Rhoades at the Stanley Fish Wharf

Charlotte "Si" Rhoads with 1954 Cadillac

Charlotte Baldwin (Kelley) Rich, Flavilla R. Trask, and Janette "Jennie" M. Trask Manchester

Charlotte Baldwin Kelley, later Mrs. Llewellyn Louie J. Norwood

Charlotte Frances Reed Robbins - Mrs. Colson J. Robbins and Irene R. Gilley Dunbar - Mrs. Linwood N. Dunbar

Charlotte Helen (Riebel) Morrill

Charlotte Howard Conant and Martha Pike Conant Cottage (3)

Charlotte Howard Conant and Martha Pike Conant Cottage - Guest House

Charlotte's Legendary Lobster Pound

Chart of the Outer Islands of Mount Desert Island

Cheese House, Trenton, Maine

Chef Red Long

Chef Red Long Prepares Another Lobster Dinner

Chelsea Fire Ruins (3)

Chelsea Fire Ruins (Bellingham Hill from Chester Avenue)

Chelsea Fire Ruins from Bellingham Hill

Chester Arthur Butler

Chester C. Robbins House

Chester Calvin Robbins House

Chester Eben Clement

Chester Eben Clement at the helm of Princess Anne

Chester Eben Clement House

Chester Harvard Clement and Mildred Rich Clement with Diane Ruth Clement

Chester Harvard Clement House (2)

Chester Harvard Clement, Mildred Rich Clement with Diane Ruth Clement and Chester Eben Clement

Chester Pike - Fish Vessel

Chester T. Marshall

Chester T. Marshall - Lobster Smack

Chester Warren Stanley and Bertha Emily (Robinson) Stanley at Phoebe Rose Stanley's Wedding

Chester Warren Stanley and Bertha Emily (Robinson) Stanley with their First Child - Ralph Warren Stanley

Chester Warren Stanley at Rock End Dock, Northeast Harbor

Chester Warren Stanley at the Helm of Leader

Chester Warren Stanley at the Helm of Yawl, Cinchona (2)

Chester Warren Stanley House

Chester Warren Stanley Sailing the Neilson Family in Friendship Sloop, Reliance (2)

Chester Warren Stanley, Bertha Emily (Robinson) Stanley and Celestia Gertrude (Dix) Robinson

Chesuncook Lake

Chesuncook Lake, Maine

Chicago - Auxiliary Sail Steamer

Chicken of the Sea - Lobster Style Pleasure Boat

Chief Asticou

Child Playing in front of Stanley Wharf Ruins after Fire

Child with a Book

Children at Baddeck

Children at Lawlor Ice Business

Children at Native American Camp in Southwest Harbor - "Indian Lot"

Children at the Lawlor Ice Business

Children Cutting Sardines at the Fish Factory, Echo Bluffs, Maine

Children Digging in the Sand Near Lighthouse

Children of Almond George Reed

Children on the Shore at Southwest Harbor

Children Roasting Marshmallows

Children with Rich & Grindle Lobster Boat

Children's Book Week

Children's Book Week 1938 (4)

Children's Book Week 1939 (3)

Children's Book Week 1941 (2)

Children's Day at the Methodist Church in Northeast Harbor

Childs - Agnes Chamberlin (Childs) Hinckley (1877-1941)

China Mill in Suncook Village, Pembroke NH

Chisholm Brothers, Portland, Maine

Chisholms Mount Desert Guide Book

Chisholms Mount Desert Guide Book, page 72

Chisolm's Mount Desert Guide-Book, page 75

Chopping Match at John Henry Robinson's House at Center, Maine

Chris's Pond (2)

Chris's Pond: A Town's Memories are Etched in Ice

Christ Church

Christ Church from Garden Street

Christ Church from Graveyard

Christ Church, Cambridge Massachusetts

Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts, from Graveyard

Christening Cygnet II for Dr. Bill Swan of Brooksville, Maine

Christening the Mary Rose

Christian Carson Febiger Cottage

Christian Point / Try House Point (2)

Christmas Greeting from Unknown Minister at the Manset Baptist Church

Christopher - Sardine Carrier

Christopher Gerath House

Christopher Wendell Lawler House

Christopher Wendell Lawlor (1893-1956) with "Dick" and "General"

Christopher Wendell Lawlor and Anne (Coffey) Lawlor with Joseph Christopher Lawlor at the Christopher Lawlor house

Christopher Wendell Lawlor and Anne Coffey Lawlor on their Wedding Day

Christopher Wendell Lawlor and Family

Christopher Wendell Lawlor Driving His Ice Wagon

Christopher Wendell Lawlor Driving the Ice Wagon

Christopher Wendell Lawlor Haying on Fernald Point

Christopher Wendell Lawlor House

Christopher Wendell Lawlor Plowing with Team

Christopher Wendell Lawlor with daughter, Rosemary Lawlor and Two Ice Wagons with Percherons

Christopher Wendell Lawlor with His Daughter Rosemary

Christopher Wendell Lawlor with Work Horse "General"

Christopher Wendell Lawlor, William "Bill" Lawlor, and (Possibly) Ralph Stanley

Christopher Wendell Lawlor's Children - Rosemary, Bill, and Joe

Christopher Wendell Lawlor's Children on Shore in Southwest Harbor

Christopher Wendell Lawlor's Children with Anne (Coffey) Lawlor's Friend

Christopher Wendell Lawlor's Family in a Sleigh (2)

Chromo - Schooner

Chronometer from the Rebecca R. Douglas Schooner

Church Choral Group - West Tremont, Maine

Church of the Messiah (5)

Cimbria - Passenger Steamer

Cinchona - Yawl

Circumstance - Sloop (2)

City of Bangor (Penboscot Co.)

City of Bangor, Maine

City of Belfast, Maine

City of Belfast, Waldo Co.

City of Cambridge, Massachusetts

City of Ellsworth (2)

City of Ellsworth, Maine

City of Richmond - Sidewheel Walking Beam Steamer

City of Rockland - Sidewheel Steamer

Civil Defense Aircraft Spotting Post on Roof of Pemetic High School

Civil Defense Nursing Class, Southwest Harbor

Civilian Conservation Corps - Company 154

Civilian Conservation Corps Commander's Cottage (2)

Civilian Conservation Corps, Company 158, Great Pond Camp, Acadia National Park

Clambake at Long Pond

Clapp - Frederick Gardner Clapp (1879-1944)

Clapp - Sophronia Louisa (Clapp) Bee (1830-1925)

Clara A. Richardson House (2)

Clara Adelaide Driscoll Phillips - Mrs. Joseph Dana Phillips

Clara Augusta Rosengarten, Mrs. Lewis Levick Neilson Aboard Leader

Clara Louise Rust Brigham Cottage

Clara Rust Brigham Cottage

Clara Winifred Winnie Stanley Rich - Mrs. Leslie James Rich

Claremont Croquet Company (2)

Claremont Hotel photo albums

Claremont Hotel renovations 2020

Claremont Hotel, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Claremont House From the Water

Clarence and Mary Zantzinger House

Clarence Clark (1852-1940)

Clarence Clark in a Garden

Clarence Elmer Wallace House

Clarence Freeman Joy House (2)

Clarence L. Lunt's New Boat, Elsie, at Power and Robinson, Bass Harbor

Clarence Lunt Reading the "Maine Coast Fisherman"

Clarence M. & Cora M. Noyse

Clarence M. Gott, Eva Reed House

Clarence Mortimer Gott

Clarence Mortimer Gott / Eva Colson Dorr Reed House

Clarence Wallace House

Clark - Ada Eldora (Clark) Parker (1850-1917)

Clark - Amelia Mary (Clark) Holmes (1831-1905)

Clark - Annie Downs Clark (1888-1976)

Clark - Augustus Clark (1846-1938)

Clark - Bessie Stanley Clark (1891-1974)

Clark - Clarence Clark (1852-1940)

Clark - Eben Babson Clark (1851-1922)

Clark - Edwin A. Clark (1871-1939)

Clark - Eleanor Lucille (Clark) Gessner (1907-1998) aka El

Clark - Ella Marie (Clark) Kittredge (1845-1896)

Clark - George Freeman Clark (1889-)

Clark - Grace Darling (Clark) Pease (1848-1917)

Clark - Henrietta (Clark) Robinson (1840-1908)

Clark - Henry Clark (1841-1919)

Clark - Henry Higgins Clark (1811-1897) aka Deacon Clark

Clark - John Clark (1804-1831)

Clark - Lida Ellen (Clark) Cousins (1864-1951)

Clark - Marion F. Clark (1896-1973)

Clark - Nathan Clark II (1780-1848)

Clark - Nathan Clark III (1843-1907)

Clark - Rebecca Carroll (Clark) Foote (1912-1993)

Clark - Roderick Pepper Clark (1880-1965)

Clark - Sara A. (Clark) Reed (1835-1917)

Clark - Schuyler Randall Clark (1872-1953)

Clark - Seth Eaton Clark (1814-1874)

Clark - Seth Higgins Clark (1816-1896)

Clark - Thomas Clark (1840-1916)

Clark and Parker 2nd Store (2)

Clark and Parker Original Store

Clark and Parker Small Wharf (2)

Clark and Parker Store

Clark and Parker's Second Store

Clark Cove

Clark Family Burying Ground (2)

Clark Family Photos

Clark Hopkins House (2)

Clark Point (2)

Clark Point After 1937 (3)

Clark Point and Claremont Hotel from Manset

Clark Point and Fernald Point Showing the Clark Home and the Foote Cottage

Clark Point Area from the Freeman House

Clark Point Circa 1885 - Annotated

Clark Point from Head of the Harbor

Clark Point from J.W. Stinson and Son in Southwest Harbor

Clark Point from Manset - 01

Clark Point from Manset - 02

Clark Point from Manset Looking North up Somes Sound

Clark Point from the Air (2)

Clark Point from the James Freeman House

Clark Point in Southwest Harbor

Clark Point Road

Clark Point Road - Laying Telephone Wire

Clark Point Road - May 3, 2015

Clark Point Road - View to West to Main Street Bandstand

Clark Point Road - View West to Main Street

Clark Point Road - View West to Main Street in the Snow

Clark Point Road and Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Clark Point Road at Maple Lane

Clark Point Road From Three Chimneys to the James Francis Ross House

Clark Point Road in the Snow

Clark Point Road Looking West Toward Main Street (2)

Clark Point Road with a View of Manset

Clark Point to Manset View

Clark Point Working Area

Clark Point, Southwest Harbor - View from Manset

Clark's Cove

Clark's Cove, Southwest Harbor (2)

Clark's Point from Head of Harbor, S. W. Harbor, Me.

Clark's Point from Head of Harbor, Southwest Harbor

Clark's Point from Head of Harbor, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Clark's Wharf and Lobster Factory

Clark's Wharf, Southwest Harbor by Charles Morris Young

Clarke - Samuel Fessenden Clarke (1851-1928)

Clay Pit Railroad Pump Station - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Clay Pits

Clay Pits in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Clay Pits Pumping Station (2)

Cleaves - Charles Poole Cleaves (1869-1932)

Clement - Cecile Edna (Clement) Rich (1916-2010)

Clement - Chester Eben Clement (1881-1937)

Clement - Chester Harvard Clement (1911-1984)

Clement - Diane Ruth (Clement) White Martin


Cliffs at Sutton Island and Bear Island

Clifton Dock

Clifton House and Dock

Clifton House Hotel (2)

Clifton House Hotel, Northeast Harbor

Clifton M. Rich House and Shop

Clifton Melbourne Rich

Clifton Melbourne Rich at Work in his Boat Shop with Edwin F. Hamblen

Clifton Melbourne Rich Garage

Clifton Melbourne Rich House

Clifton Melbourne Rich's Family on a Picnic at the Shore

Clock Given in Memory of Sarah Franklin Ripley Cutler - The Southwest Harbor Public Library

Cloisters and Isolated Rock at Sutton Island

Closson - Lillian (Closson) Cox (1904-?)

Clouds in Western Sky

Clyde Page Kellam and Arthur Millis Kellam

Clytie - Schooner Yacht

Coal Storage Plant

Coal Storage Plant in McKinley

Coast Guard utility boat

Coasting Schooner and the Manset Shore

Coasting Schooner Caroline Gray (4)

Coasting Schooner Caroline Gray Clearing the Fog

Coasting Schooner Gamecock (3)

Coasting Schooner John Somes

Coasting Schooner Model Made by Roger Clifton Rich

Coasting Schooner off Bakers Island in Boston Harbor

Coasting Schooner off Isle au Haut

Coasting Schooner Stephen Taber, on a Windjammer Cruise

Coasting Schooners at Southwest Harbor

Cobbossee Lake Lighthouse

Coburn - Nellie May Coburn McIntire (1870-1952)

Coffey - Anne (Coffey) Lawlor (1894-1964)

Coffin's Beach (3)

Coffin's Beach - South Dunes (4)

Coggins - Arvilla W. (Coggins) Clark (1938-1920)

Coggins - Emma J. (Coggins) Norwood (1872-1951)

Cogswell - Margaret Elizabeth Cogswell (1869-1949)

Coleman - Eugene Leslie Coleman (1888-1966)

Collection of 8 Placecards for Jordan Pond House - I

Collection of 8 Placecards for Jordan Pond House - II

Collin A. Campbell Driving a Pung at Leonard Stanley's House

Collista F. (Mullen) Gott, Mrs. Solomon T. Gott

Collista F. (Mullen) Gott's House

Collista F. (Mullen) Gott's House at Gotts Island

Collista F. Mullen, Mrs. Solomon T. Gott

Color snapshots of Henry Rose Hinckley II

Colquhoun - James Robert Colquhoun (1945-)

Colson Henry Robbins, Gordon Eugene Robbins and Georgia M. (Ray) Robbins at the McKinley Post Office

Colton Boater’s Shed

Colton Boating Shed

Colton Estate Boat House (2)

Colton Estate Guest House (2)

Columbus Day at the Old Center Meeting House - Wednesday, October 12, 1892

Colvin - Grace Hazard (Colvin) Farley (1873-1973)

Colvin - Mabel duPont Colvin (1877-1957)

Colvin - William Samuel Colvin (1841-1922)

Colvin Family Home

Comeau - Margaret C. (Comeau) Trask (1847-1924) aka Maggie

Comerest Lobster Pound

Commodore Arthur Curtiss James' Brigantine Aloha and Steam Yacht Lorna at Southwest Harbor

Commodore Arthur Curtiss James' Brigantine Aloha I at Southwest Harbor

Communal nesting of Double-Crested Cormorants

Community Hall

Community House

Community Sailing Center

Conant - Charlotte Howard Conant (1862-1931)

Conant - Martha Pike Conant (1869-1931)

Conant Cottage in Winter

Conant Sisters Cottage

Concord Turnpike - Willows

Condon - Harriet (Condon) Hinton (1904-1984)

Congregational Church Parsonage (3)

Congregational Church, Bar Harbor, Maine

Congregational Church, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Congregational Parsonage

Connecticut - Dragger

Connecticut Under Way

Constance Irene Joy

Contention Cove on the Union River Bay

Continental - Sardine Carrier

Cook - Charles Edward Cook Sr. (1840-1927)

Cook - Mary Amory (Cook) Zantzinger (1910-2008) aka Polly

Cook - Nancy Clyde Cook (1884-1962)

Cooksey - George Borwick Cooksey (1851-1922)

Cooksey Drive

Cooper - Joseph Walter Cooper II (1869-1933)

Cooper - Joseph Walter Cooper III (1899-1972))

Cooper - Mary (Cooper) Kaighn (1845-1905)

Cooper - Rebecca Fulmer (Cooper) Morton (1872-1915)

Cooper - Samuel Champion Cooper (1840-1904)

Cooper - Samuel Inman Cooper (1894-1974)

Cooper and Kaighn Cottages

"Cooper Family", Mrs. Marian Cooper Rogers Cottage

Cooper Point

Coopers in Scheveningen - Photo 73

Cope - Eleanor Tyson (Cope) Foote (1879-1973)

Cora Abby (Robinson / Richardson) Rosebrook, Mrs. Gilbert H. Rosebrook and Mabel Estelle Stanley

Cora Enola Mills

Cora Enola Mills and Jesse Newell Mills

Cora Enola Mills and Jesse Newell Mills at J.N. Mills & Co. Cash Store

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward at Home

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward in Front of Ward's Lunch

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with Franklin Henry Ward and Ingrid Ward

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with Franklin, William, and Ingrid Ward

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with Grandson Rodney Franklin Ward at Home

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with Ingrid, William, and Franklin Ward on Unknown Beach

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with son Franklin Henry Ward

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward with William Eugene Ward and Leslie Hamblen Ward on Unknown Boat

Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Ward, Mrs. Franklin Dolliver Ward at Home

Cornerstone Baptist Church

Cornerstone Baptist Church, West Tremont

Corps Member Albert Labin at Long Pond

Correspondence with Howe D. Higgins as Customs Officer

Corson - Northeast Harbor

Cottage Street, Northeast Harbor, Maine (2)

Cottage with Bell's Point in the Distance

Cough - Adoniram Bird Cough (1872-1949)

Cough - Bernard K. Cough (1927-2007) aka Sonny

Cough - Daniel Cough (1840-1906)

Coulter - Charles H. Coulter (1870-1916)

Coulter - Ethel May (Coulter) Wheeler (1893-1928)

Country Road

Couple at the Jacob William Carroll Family Fourth of July Party

Court Street

Cousins - Edgar Fuller Cousins (1888-1983)

Cousins - Edgar Millard Cousins (1850-1928)

Cousins - Herbert Burnham Cousins (1894-1921)

Cousins - Ida Caroline (Cousins) Clark (1854-1930)

Cousins - Irene Cousins (1887-1973)

Cousins - Mary Longfellow Cousins (1892-1974)

Cousins - Nehemiah Higgins Cousins (1816-1858)

Cousins Rachel, Isabel, and Carleton

Cove on Rocky Neck, Gloucester

Cove's End

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House (4)

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - Dining Room

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - Entry Hall

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - First Floor Plan

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - Living Room

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - North Side

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - South Side (3)

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - Southwest Side

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - Upstairs Hall

Cove's End - The John C. Harmon House - The Grace M. Simmons House - West Side

Cover and Brochure in a Box of One Dozen 4 x 5 Glass Stanley Dry Plates

Cow Island Pond

Cow on Shore Near Hadlock's Pond Brook (2)

Cows Near Fresh Pond (2)

Cows on St. Anne's Road

CR&M - Sardine Dragger

Crab Pickers at Machiasport Canning Company, C.H. Rich's Wharf, Mckinley

Crabtree Ledge Light (2)

Crafts - Amanda E. (Crafts) Bowen

Cram - Robert Jackson Cram (1881-1961)

Cram - William Sampson Brooks Cram (1872-1933)

Cranberry Isles Life Saving Station (2)

Crane - Clinton H. Crane (1873-1958)

Cranes at Hall Quarry

Crayon Portraits

Creation - Tiffany Stained Glass Window depicting Great Head, Mount Desert, Maine

Crescent Beach, Great Gott Island, ME.

Crew Aboard Schooner Emma at Bernard

Crew at the Addison Packing Company, Southwest Harbor

Crew at the Old Factory of the William Underwood Company Lobster Cannery at Steamboat Wharf, Southwest Harbor

Crew at Work in the Boat Shop at Rich & Grindle Boatbuilders

Crew in front of Boiler Room Door of the New Underwood Factory at McKinley - After 1912

Crew in the Cartoning Room of the Underwood Factory, McKinley, Maine

Crew of Russian Sailors from the S.S. Cimbria at Steamship Wharf in Southwest Harbor

Crew of Sardine Carrier Ida Mae sitting on Bags of Salt

Crewmember on Schooner off of Mt. Desert

Crocker - Alvah Crocker III (1910-1973)

Crocker Park (2)

Crockett - James T Crockett (1864-1941)

Crockett Cove

Crockett Cove, Bernard

Crockett Point Looking Toward John's Island

Crocus and Snowdrops Garden Bed at Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House

Cromwell Harbor Road (2)

Crosby Greening Mills at Clark Point (2)

Crosby Greening Mills Looking at Southwest Harbor

Crows' Nest

Crozier - Annie Matilda (Crozier) Rand (1856-1921)

Cruiser interiors

Cruiser Sou'wester off Mount Desert Island


Curt Teich Co., Chicago, Illinois

Cushing - Sarah Eliza Sigourney Cushing (1832 - 1915)

Custom House

Custom Open Launch Raven - Built for Anne Allegra (Longfellow) Thorp by C.E. Clement Boat Builders in 1932 (2)

Customs House (2)

Customs House, Eastport (2)

Cutler - Charles Herrick Cutler (1859-1946)

Cutter - Mary Todd (Cutter) Parker (1807-1859)

Cutting a log for the horn timber for "Endeavor"

Cutting Ice at Lawlor Ice Business (2)

Cutting Ice at Stanley Fisheries Ice Pond

Cutting Ice on Christopher Lawlor's Pond (2)

Cutting Wood for New Timbers (2)

Cuz Caf

Cuz Cafe After it Burned

Cuz' Cafe

Cygnet II - Ketch

Cyndy - Auxiliary Sloop

Cythera - Pilot 35 Yawl


D. L. Mayo's Cash Store

D. Marino & Co's. Store, Hall Quarry, Me.

D. T. Sheridan, Monhegan

D.L. Mayo Store in the John Thompson Crockett House

"Daisy on Daisy" - Margaret Arnold Rand Side Saddle at Bar Harbor

"Daisy" and Misses Smith on Round Bottom Skiff "Undine"

"Daisy" on "Daisy" and Mr. M. Mounted on "Lillie"

Dalen Crosby Mills

Damaged by Sunday's Storm

Danforth Marcyes House

Daniel Cough House and Store (2)

Daniel Cough's House

Daniel Cough's House and Store, Bernard, Maine (2)

Daniel Cough's Store as a Private House

Daniel Fairfield Norwood (2)

Daniel Fairfield Norwood House

Daniel Leland Jr. House

Daniel Webster Brewer's Mountain House on Green Mountain (2)

Darley - Felix Octavius Carr Darley (1822-1888)

Daughter of Jacob William Carroll on the Causeway at Southwest Harbor

Dave's Dairy Delight

David Alfred Worcester's Birthday Party

David B. Benson and Myrna Elisabeth Fahey

David B. Benson with his Son, William Benson, at Lobsterland Restaurant - Just Moved

David Brazer Benson and Family at Lobsterland - June 1961

David Brazer Benson at Dave's Dairy Delight, Southwest Harbor, Maine

David Brazer Benson's Lobsterland Restaurant - Playhouse Jacked Up to Move (2)

David Brazer Benson's Lobsterland Restaurant - Playhouse Moving on to Lawler Lane

David Brazer Benson's Lobsterland Restaurant - Playhouse Moving on to the Seawall Site

David Brazer Benson's Southwest Shoppes

David Gott's Family - The Gott Ladies, Seal Cove, Maine

David King House (2)

David M. Robbins House

David Robbins House

David Wilbur Fuller

Davie - Charles Nelson Davie (1860-1943)

Davis - Elizabeth Emma (Davis) Moore Young (1875-) aka Lizzie

Davis - Elizabeth Emma (Davis) Moore Young (1875-1920) aka Lizzie

Davis - Ernest Richard Davis (1933-)

Davis - Grandville W. Davis (1897-1979) aka Sim

Davis - Mary Lou (Davis) Mayo

Davis - Nathalie Mabel (Davis) Gott (1909-1997)

Davis - Sarah Ann (Davis) Butler (1816-?)

Davis Agency

Day - Brown - Cook - Mann House

Day - Henry Edmond Day (1819-)

Day - Holman Francis Day (1865-1935)

Day - Thomas Wesley Day (1843-1918)

Deacon Henry Higgins Clark and Child Driving a Buggy at Deacon's Cove on Clark Point Road

Deacon Henry Higgins Clark and the Staff of the Island House Hotel

Deacon Henry Higgins Clark Brickyard

Deacon Henry Higgins Clark Shipyard

Deacon's Cove (2)

Deacon's Cove and Beech Hill Mountain with Two Houses

Deacon's Cove, Southwest Harbor

Dead Man's Point (3)

Deborah Ann Mayo and Stephen Saladino at their Wedding

Deck of S.S. Yarmouth

Deck Plan of the Sidewheel Steamer J.T. Morse

Dedication of Eugene M. Norwood Square - Memorial Day, May 28, 1923

Deep Cove (2)

Deep Cove at High Head

Deer Isle Thoroughfare Looking West

Deffaite Des Yroquois Au Lac De Champlain

Delano - William Adams Delano (1874-1960)

Den at the Frank Mortimer Wakefield House in Dedham, Massachusetts

Dennings Brook

Dennings Pond (Long Pond)

Dennis Driscoll and His Dog

Dennis Driscoll House (2)

Dennis Driscoll Wheeling Mrs. Peterson in a Wheelbarrow

Dennison - Bertha Luella (Dennison) Howell (1896-1993)

DePass - Alice Witherspoon (DePass) Hinckley (1914-2002)

Depot Waiting Room and Ticket Counter at Steamboat Wharf, Southwest Harbor

Derby Stanley House (4)

Descendants of Daniel Cough

Descripsion Des Costs & Isles De La Nouvelle France, Faict et Observes par Le Sr. de Champlain - 1607

Design Influence for Southwest Boat Corporation Sou'wester Cruiser

Devil's Thumb - Sutton Island

Devil’s Den and Schooner Head - 1872

Dexter - Helen Ruthven (Dexter) Faber (1869-?)

Diane Ballard on a Buoy at the Buoy Depot. Clark Point

Diane Ballard with a Buoy at the Buoy Depot. Clark Point

Diaphone at Great Duck Light Station

Dickey - Virginia Louise (Dickey) Strickland (1868-1962)

Dickey - William P. Dickey

Dickey - William Patch Dickey (1838-1917)

Dictator - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Digital Archive Debut

Digital Archive posters created by COA students

Dining Room at Frank Mortimer Wakefield's House in Dedham, Massachusetts

Dining Room on the Steamer Moosehead

Dinner at the George Lyman Hinckley House

Dinner Doily Signed by Officers and Guests at Great Pond CCC Camp

Dinner on Little Duck Island

Directory and Hand Book

Dirigo Hotel (2)

Dirigo Hotel - South Side (2)

Dirigo Hotel and Beach

Dirigo Hotel Fire (2)

Dirigo Hotel from "The Castle"

Dirigo Hotel recipe for Queen Elizabeth Cake

Dirigo Hotel Ruins After the Fire

Dirigo Road Looking North to the Robert Gott House, Southwest Harbor

Discharging Coal

Dispensary at Great Pond CCC Camp

Dix - Carrie Frances (Dix) Phillips (1863-1892)

Dix - Celestia Gertrude (Dix) Robinson (1875-1961) aka Lessie

Dix - Charles B. Dix (1836-1906)

Dix - Etherlinda Bartlett (Dix) Ralph (1867-)

Dix - Frederick William Dix (1861-1886)

Dix - Holden - Boathouse Site - Mary Jones House

Dix - John Dix (1829-1910)

Dix - Robert B. Dix (1837-1901)

Dix - Simeon Amasa Holden Boat House

Dix - Simeon Amasa Holden House

Dix - Vienna Sophia (Dix) Lawler (1871-1955)

Dix Family Stable

Dix Vestry of the West Tremont Methodist Church

Dobbins - Harry Brown Dobbins (1887-1966)

Dobbs - Jefferson Grant Dobbs

Dockside Motel

Dodge - Abigail (Dodge) Lurvey (1795-1887)

Dodge - Abigail (Dodge) Lurvey (1795-1887) - Mrs. Isaac Lurvey

Dodge - Caira Caroline (Dodge) Leffingwell (1832-1912)

Dodge - Ezra Herrick Dodge III (1848-1882)

Dodge - Thomas Ellison Oliver Dodge

Dodge - Thomas Ellison Oliver Dodge (1841-1934)

Dog "Carl"

Dog and Flying Mountains

Dog And Flying Mountains From Southwest Harbor

Dog And Flying Mountains From Southwest Harbor II

Dog Mountain

Dog Mountain and Flying Hill, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Dole - Charles Fletcher Dole (1845-1927)

Dole - Winifred S. (Dole) Mann (1882-1978)

Dolliver - Adeline (Dolliver) Gilley (1821-1876)

Dolliver - Alice W. (Dolliver) Robinson (1914-2002)

Dolliver - Audrey Emeline Dolliver (1897-1985)

Dolliver - Benjamin Thomas Dolliver (1860-1941)

Dolliver - Blanche Dolliver (1892-1909)

Dolliver - Carl Fulton Dolliver (1903-1979)

Dolliver - Clifford Harding Dolliver (1876-1957)

Dolliver - Dudley B. Dolliver (1829-1885) aka Captain Dolliver

Dolliver - Dudley Bunker Dolliver II (1875-1966)

Dolliver - Edward T. Dolliver (1831-1911)

Dolliver - Eldora Flye (Dolliver) Ward (1868-1938)

Dolliver - Ethel Johnson (Dolliver) Robbins Closson Albee (1886-1974)

Dolliver - Fannie (Dolliver) Mayo (1854-1924)

Dolliver - Ferdinand Moore Dolliver (1905-1984)

Dolliver - George Benjamin Dolliver (1889-1963)

Dolliver - Harold W. Dolliver (1917-1998)

Dolliver - Henry Calvin Dolliver (1884-1945)

Dolliver - John Stanley Dolliver (1800-1864)

Dolliver - Louise Estelle (Dolliver) Maynard (1931- )

Dolliver - Marilyn Eva Dolliver (1938-2004)

Dolliver - Milton Haynes Dolliver (1901-1996)

Dolliver - Morris Augustus Dolliver (1902-1997)

Dolliver - Peter Dolliver IV (1798-1871)

Dolliver - Peter Dolliver Jr. (1755-1828)

Dolliver - Robert Henry Dolliver (1911-1973)

Dolliver - Rudolph Eugene Dolliver (1899-1975)

Dolliver - Ruth Dolliver (1906-1910)

Dolliver - Sarah Newman (Dolliver) Mayo (1827-1898)

Dolliver - Sophia C. (Dolliver) Mooney Thompson (1822-1907)

Dolliver - Stillman Stanley Dolliver (1862-1942)

Dolliver - Wilder Hilton Dolliver (1898-1994)

Dolliver - William H. Dolliver (1838-1923)

Dolliver - Willis H. Dolliver (1850-1941)

Dolphin - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Domestic Science Classroom

Donald Colton Esty Cottage

Donald Esty Cottage

Donald Orman Worcester and Mary L. O'Brien on Their Wedding Day

Donnell - Orrin A. Donnell (1859-1947)

Dora Dode Lucinda Parker, Edward Fisher Teague and Mary Adeline Childs

Dora E. Torrey House

Doris (Birlem) Rush Stubbs, Mrs. William Charles Rush

Doris Fielding Reid Cottage (2)

Doris Spurling Birlem

Dorothea and Jeremiah Mead Cottage

Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center

Dorothy & Edith - Fishing Vessel

Dorothy & Edith, Lobster Smack, Chester T. Marshall and Dragger, Sandra & Jean at Southwest Boat Corporation

Dorothy Elder Marcus and Mme. Mordvinoff at Seawall

Dorothy Elder Marcus Cottage

Dorothy Elder Marcus Cottage - High Tide

Dorothy Elder Marcus House

Dorothy R. Stanley & Merritt P. Fitch House (2)

Dorothy Rush and Lynne Birlem in Front of the Charles Eaton Spurling Store

Dorr - George Bucknam Dorr (1853-1944)

Dorr's Oldfarm Estate - Volunteer Cleanup

Dorris E. (Mrs. Howard E.) Robinson House (2)

Dory & Net Reel

Dory at Southwest Boat Corporation

Dory at Thurston's Wharf

Dory BLB - Built for Arthur and Nan Kellam - Copper and Bronze Braces

Dory BLB - Built for Arthur and Nan Kellam - Name Carved into the Stem

Dory BLB - Built for Arthur and Nan Kellam

Dot and Rick Church at Homewood with Corey the dog

Dot Church and Marianne New with Corey

Dot Church and Nan Kellam on the Shore of Placentia Island

Dot Church, Dolf Portman, and Marianne New in the Woods of Placentia Island

Double Deck Road on Ocean Drive

Double-Crested Cormorant Phalacrocirax Auritus Nests

Doubling Point Lighthouse

Dougherty - Marion Elizabeth Dougherty (1887-1975)

Douglas Stuart Diehl's Cottage, Journey's End With New Dormers

Dovekie - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Dovekie in the Boat House (3)

Dow - Addie Celestia (Dow) Farrell (1873-1948)

Dow - Bessie Clara (Dow) Billings Wheelden (1883-1931)

Dow - George Bradford Dow (1894-1967)

Dow - Zelinda Josephine (Dow) Cook (1856-1954)

Down River from Cart Bridge

Down the Assabet River

Downs - Samuel Morse Downs (1836-1909)

Doyle - Lucinda (Doyle) Beal

Dr. Abram W. Harris House

Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Grandgent Cottage

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Clark Holden off the Claremont Hotel in their Cruiser, Rachel (4)

Dr. and Mrs. George Arthur Neal at Home

Dr. and Mrs. John Johnston Cottage

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dana Phillips and their Children

Dr. Archibald L. Dix and sister Myra Verrill Dix

Dr. Elias Craig Neal House

Dr. Frederick Clark Holden

Dr. George A. Neal Upon his Graduation from Baltimore Medical College in 1905.

Dr. George Arthur Neal and a Group of People in Front of His Main Street House

Dr. George Arthur Neal in His Garden (2)

Dr. George Arthur Neal in His Model T Ford Automobile

Dr. George Arthur Neal Residence

Dr. George Arthur Neal with Horse and Sleigh

Dr. George Arthur Neal's Horse, Buggy and Dog at Home

Dr. George Arthur Neal's Horse, Buggy and Dog in Front of His Home

Dr. George D. Snell

Dr. George W. Anderson House and Dental Office

Dr. Hyman D. Millstein (1910-1960) House

Dr. John Johnston Cottage

Dr. Jonathan Wheeler Bemis and Pigeons

Dr. Jonathan Wheeler Bemis House

Dr. Joseph D. Phillips House

Dr. Joseph Dana Phillips

Dr. Lemont Store II

Dr. Loren Bascom Taber Johnson

Dr. Valdemar Mandell Jordan

Dr. Valdemar Mandell Jordan Aboard Skål (2)

Dr. Weld's Point, North Haven, Maine

Dr. Willis Watson Reading the Bangor Daily News

Dr. Willis Watson's Automobile (2)

Dr. Willis Watson's House, Bernard, Maine I

Dr. Willis Watson's House, Bernard, Maine II

Dr. Willis Watson's Store

Dr. Willis Watson's Store, Bernard, Maine (2)

Dragger Bonaventure, Built by Southwest Boat Corporation

Dragger CR&M at Southwest Boat Corporation Dock in Southwest Harbor

Dragger Hornet Launching at Southwest Boat

Dragger Jacqueline at Southwest Harbor

Dragger Medric at Southwest Harbor After a Snowfall

Dragger Rhode Island at Southwest Harbor Town Dock

Dragger Under Construction

Dragger, Sea Fox - Sea Trials by Southwest Boat Corporation (2)

Draggers at Southwest Boat Corporation Dock

Draggers Medric and Jacqueline at Southwest Harbor

Draggers Sea Fox and Rose Marie and Pile Driving Scow, Little Abner at the Southwest Boat Corporation Dock

Draggers Sea Fox and Rose Marie and Pile-Driving Scow Little Abner at the Southwest Boat Corporation Dock

Dresser - Franklin Perry Dresser (1862-1928)

Drexel - Katharine Drexel (1858 - 1955)

Dri-Ki at Great Duck Light Station

Dried Cod, and Fish Flakes

Driftwood - Lobster Style Pleasure Boat

Driscilla (Gott) Ward with son Rodney Franklin Ward

Driscoll - Clara Adelaide (Driscoll) Phillips (1872-1964)

Driscoll - Dennis Driscoll (1843-1928)

Driscoll - Sara L. (Driscoll) Capen (1880-1955)

Dry Dock Cafe

Drying Fish at J.L. Stanley & Sons, Manset, Maine

Drying Sails at James Parker's Wharf on the Manset Shore

Duck Brook (3)

Duck Brook Carriage Road Bridge (2)

Duck Brook Motor Bridge (2)

Duck Brook Motor Bridge 1953 - Drawing

Duck Brook Motor Bridge, complete

Ducks on Ipswich River, Ipswich, Massachusetts

Dudley B. Dolliver House

Dudley B. Dolliver I House (2)

Dudley L. Mayo House

Dudley Luther Mayo and Sara Elizabeth (Kimball) Mayo with Grandchildren Richard E. Trenholm and Eleanor Ruth Mayo

Dudley Luther Mayo at Dudley L. Mayo Store

Dudley Luther Mayo House

Dudley Luther Mayo's children and Douglas E. Trenholm

Dudman - Richard Beebe Dudman (1918-2017)

Dunbar - Charles Russell Dunbar (1925-1991)

Dunbar - Henry E. Dunbar (1914-1982)

Dunbar - John Edwin Dunbar (1911-1991)

Dunbar - Lewis Girrard Dunbar (1885-1951)

Dunbar - Linwood N. Dunbar (1904-1942)

Dunbar - Nancy (Dunbar) Bulger (1935-2004)

Dunbar - Robert M. Dunbar (1922-2005)

Dunes at Coffin's Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts

Dunn - Gano Sillick Dunn

Dunn - Gano Sillick Dunn (1870-1953)

Dupee - Isaac H. Dupee (1826-1875)

Durgain Wharf Site

Durgain Wharf, Manset

Dutch Girl, Katwyk - Photo 71

Duxbury Beach

Dwight Morrow Cottage

Dwight Morrow House at North Haven, Maine

Dwinell - Frank Thomas Dwinell (1834-1910)

Dyer - Robert A. Dyer (1942-1992)

Dymond - Helena G. (Dymond) George (1902-1998)


E. Augustus and Emma Elvira (Hamor) Birlem with their grandson, Charles Wallace Birlem

E. Augustus Birlem House (2)

E. Benson Stanley Cottage

E. Robinson

E. T. Hamor - Schooner

E. Wilder & Son Store - Pembroke, Maine

E.A. Lawler House

E.A. Lawler Paint Company (2)

E.D.'s House

E.G. Stanley House

E.S. Thurston House

E.S.S. Horatio Hall at Portland, Maine

Eagle Island Light Near North Haven

Eagle Lake (6)

Eagle Lake and Cadillac Mountain

Eagle Lake Camp

Eagle Lake Camp - Civilian Conservation Corp

Eagle Lake from Currens Cove

Eagle Lake from the North End

Eagle Lake from the North End at Nick's Cove (3)

Eagle's Perch (2)

Eagle's Perch Tea House Advertisement

Earll Williams Gott House (2)

Early Fireplace

East Door - Gray Rocks, Bernard, Maine

East Maine Conference Seminary (2)

East of Seal Harbor

East Side of Seal Harbor (2)

Eastern Illustrating & Publishing Company

Eastern Maine Class M Basket Ball Championship - Pemetic High School Team and Cheerleaders

Eastern Maine General Hospital and Penobscot River, Bangor, Maine

Eastern Maine Insane Hospital (2)

Eastern Maine Insane Hospital - Now the Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center

Eastern Point Light Station, Gloucester

Eastern Point Light, Gloucester

Eastern Point, The Road by Niles Farm

Eastern State Normal School

Eastern State Normal School, Castine, Maine (2)

Eastern Steamship Company

Eastern Steamship Company and Wharf at Belfast

Eastern Steamship Company, Boston

Eastern Trails No 1

Eastern Trails No 2

Eastern Way from Manset

Eastern Yacht Club Pier (2)

Eastern Yacht Club Pier at Bar Harbor - From the Shore at Birch Point

Eastern Yacht Club Pier at Eden

Eastern Yacht Club Pier, Eden, Maine (2)

Eaton - Ebenezer Eaton (1756-1841)

Ebed Wilder House (2)

Ebed Wilder Residence

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 01

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 02

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 03

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 04

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 05

Ebed Wilder Residence, Pembroke, Maine - 06

Eben and Daniel Fernald Double House

Eben B. Clark House (2)

Eben Fernald and Aaron Ross on Flying Mountain Looking South to Southwest Harbor

Eben M. Hamor (1822-1910)

Eben M. Hamor House and Store (2)

Echo Lake

Echo Lake and Somes Sound from Beech Mountain

Echo Lake and Somes Sound Viewed From Beech Cliff (2)

Echo Lake Camp - Appalachian Mountain Club - Southwest Harbor, Maine (2)

Echo Lake From Appalachian Mountain Club

Echo Lake From Beech Cliff, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Echo Lake Girl Scout Camp

Echo Vista Restaurant

Echo Vista Restaurant and Beech Cliff on Echo Lake (2)

Eckford - Josephine Eugenia (Eckford) Rhoads (1901-1995)

Eclipse - Hinckley Pilot 35

Eden Hall

Eden Hall: Summer Home of T.B. Musgrave

Edgar and Georgia Hodgdon at the Old Hodgdon House

Edgar Bunker's Tractor, Great Cranberry Island

Edgar M. Cousins Cottage

Edgar Martin Morsman Jr. Cottage (2)

Edgar Millard Cousins

Edgar Millard Cousins Cottage (2)

Edgar Newman - Oscar Seavey House

Edgar Newman House (2)

Edgar's Tractor, Great Cranberry Island

Edgecliff - Summer Residence of Samuel Morse and Annie Sawyer Downs (2)

Edgecliff - Summer Residence of Samuel Morse and Annie Sawyer Downs - Details - 1186

Edgecliff - Summer Residence of Samuel Morse and Annie Sawyer Downs - Line Drawing

Edgecliff - Summer Residence of Samuel Morse and Annie Sawyer Downs - Now Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelley's Cottage (2)

Edith Bowdoin and Her Horse Troughs

Edith C. (Mrs. Lewis H.) Dolliver House

Edith Cook Swansburg

Edith Gilman (14)

Edith Gilman and Tent Platform at Saranac Lake

Edith Gilman and Unknown Couple

Edith Gilman and Unknown Friend

Edith Gilman and Woman

Edith Gilman at a Flax Wheel

Edith Gilman at Tea

Edith Gilman at Tea with a Friend

Edith Gilman at Tent - Saranac Lake (2)

Edith Gilman Before the Fireplace (3)

Edith Gilman on the Staircase

Edith Gilman with Parasol

Edith Gilman's Friend Pouring Tea

Edith Hamilton (1867-1963)

Edith Hamilton and Doris Fielding Reid Seawall Photo Album

Edith Hamilton Lanman

Edith Hamilton Lanman House

Edith Hamilton, Newspaper Article Written by LaRue Spiker

Edith S. Cushing House (2)

Edith Stanley Cottage (2)

Edmund Beaman Gilchrist

Edmund Blanchard Reed II

Edmund Blanchard Reed II House (2)

Edmund Blanchard Reed II with Horse

Edmund Blanchard Reed Jr.

Edmund Blanchard Reed. and Hollis Gardner Reed Sr. in Front of the Captain Nathan Adam Reed House

Edmund Stevenson Burke Jr. House (2)

Edna Billings

Edna M. Jellison House (2)

Edna May Thompson Whitmore with Daughters Janet “Jane” Whitmore and Gladys Whitmore

Edsel Ford Cottage, Skylands, Seal Harbor, Maine

Edward and Georgianna Parker (Miller) Johnson, Mrs. and Mrs. Edward Johnson

Edward and Lucy Buck Ellsberg House (2)

Edward and Rufus McKay Property

Edward C. & Harriet C. Hawes Cottage (2)

Edward Dolliver Mayo

Edward Dolliver Mayo and Emma (Mayo) Casey, Mrs. John Casey

Edward F. Dunbar and his Meat Cart in Pickering Square, Bangor, Maine

Edward Johnson House (2)

Edward L. Beal Mill Building (2)

Edward Lee Beal's House, Boat Shop and Trap Mill

Edward Lothrop Rand and Buckboard Party on High Head

Edward Lothrop Rand and Group at High Head (2)

Edward Lothrop Rand and Party at Sea Wall House Hotel Pavilion

Edward Lothrop Rand Memorial (2)

Edward Lothrop Rand's Vasculum

Edward M. - Sardine Carrier

Edward McKay House

Edward McKay House and Property

Edward McLean House

Edward Northwood Kenway - Three Years Old

Edward Northwood Kenway House

Edward Reid McLean House (2)

Edward S. Macomber Cottage (2)

Edward Sprague Rand III Estate

Edward Sprague Rand III's Horticultural Background

Edward Sumner Macomber Cottage

Edward Wyatt Evans Cottage (3)

Edwin "Ned" W. Lawson House, West Tremont

Edwin A. Clark

Edwin A. Clark House (2)

Edwin A. Clark House and Three Chimneys

Edwin A. Lawler House

Edwin Albert and Vienna Dix Lawler House

Edwin Albert and Vienna Dix Lawler House (3)

Edwin Albert Lawler Rental House

Edwin Albert Lawler, E.A. Lawler

Edwin L. Higgins at his Blacksmith Shop with Simeon Holden Mayo (2)

Edwin L. Higgins Blacksmith Shop Site - Clark Point Gallery

Edwin L. Watson Cottage

Edwin Lemuel Higgins House (3)

Edwin Leon Higgins House (2)

Edwin Leon Higgins, House Carpenter and Crew, at Work on His House

Edwin Lucius Watson Cottage

Edwin Lucius Watson House (2)

Edwin Melville Higgins and Daughter

Egg Rock Light (2)

Egg Rock Light Station

Eggemoggin Light

Eight images of Duck Brook Motor Bridge under construction

El Placita - Schooner Steam Yacht

Eldering Cottage (4)

Eldering Cottage - Dining Area

Eldering Cottage - Living Room

Eldering Cottage - Piano

Elderling Cottage

Eldora Flye (Dolliver) Ward with Two Unknown Men

Eldora Flye (Dolliver) Ward, Mrs. William Henry Ward Jr.

Eldora Flye Ward House (4)

Eleanor "El" Lucille Clark and Herbert Mortimer Gesner Jr. on Their Wedding Day

Eleanor "El" Lucille Clark and Herbert Mortimer Gesner Jr. Wedding

Eleanor (Jarvis) Newman, Mrs. Laurence Saunders Newman

Eleanor D. Peterson

Eleanor J. Schieffelin House (2)

Eleanor Launching

Eleanor Lena Shuman Butler Making Hogshead Cheese

Eleanor Lena Shuman Butler, Mrs. Andrew J. Butler

Eleanor Lucille Clark (4)

Eleanor Lucille Clark and an Aunt

Eleanor Lucille Clark at Water's Edge

Eleanor Lucille Clark Having a Sun Bath

Eleanor Mayo House

Eleanor R. Mayo Collection

Eleanor Reed Van Horn

Eleanor Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a Guest of Mary Elisabeth Dreier

Eleanor Ruth Mayo (6)

Eleanor Tyson Cope - Later Mrs. Henry Wilder Foote - Newly Engaged at Bear Island

Eleanor Tyson Cope Foote at the Helm Wearing Henry's Harvard Sweater

Eleanor Webster Browne - Two Years Old (3)

Eleazer B. Homer House in Providence, Rhode Island

Eleazer Bartlett and Elizabeth Frances Hough Homer

Eleazer Bartlett Homer (1864-1929)

Eleazer Bartlett Homer Cottage (3)

Eleazer Bartlett Homer House

Eleazer Bartlett Homer House in Belmont, Massachusetts

Eleazer Bartlett Homer House in Belmont, Massachusetts

Electron II - Yawl

Elias H. Ginn House (6)

Elias Heavenly Crown Rich - Tombstone

Elias Heavenly Crown Rich - Tombstone - Reverse

Eliot - Charles William Eliot (1834-1926)

Eliot - Charles William Eliot Jr. (1859-1897)

Eliot - Samuel Atkins Eliot I (1798-1862)

Eliot - Samuel Atkins Eliot II (1862-1950)

Eliot Mountain

Elisha Crane House

Elisha Crane House as Thomas Clark House

Elisha Gilley House

Elisha Gilley House - Gilley - Elisha Bunker Gilley (1807-1901)

Eliza Carver Rumill

Eliza Gott

Eliza H. Robinson House

Eliza Jacobus (Newkirk) Rogers (1877-1966)

Eliza Robinson House

Eliza S. (Mrs. Fred) Robbins House

Eliza S. Robbins House

Elizabeth "Betsy" Winstead (Garrison) Barton

Elizabeth (Farnsworth) Rich, Mrs. Clifton Melbourne Rich with Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich, Mrs. Roger Clifton Rich

Elizabeth (Farnsworth) Rich, Mrs. Clifton Melbourne Rich with twin sons, Roger Clifton Rich and Ronald Dean Rich

Elizabeth Cook (Carroll) Lawler aka Lizzie

Elizabeth Cook (Carroll) Lawler and Smallidge Family

Elizabeth Cook Carroll Lawler

Elizabeth Farnsworth Rich and Family

Elizabeth Febiger Spahr House

Elizabeth Foster Kelley

Elizabeth Harmon and George Lewis Harmon

Elizabeth Lawler (2)

Elizabeth Lawler, John Dix Lawler and their Cousin Esther Mabelle (Stanley) Spurling

Elizabeth M. Thurston, Mrs. Stanwood Hart King

Elizabeth M. Thurston, Mrs. Stanwood Hart King and son, Stanwood Leslie King on a Horse

Elizabeth Packard Cottage

Elizabeth Packard Staff Cottage

Elizabeth Rae Cogswell & Jean H. Smalley Cottage

Elizabeth Rebecca Whitmore (2)

Elizabeth Rebecca Whitmore and Gladys Ella Whitmore (2)

Elizabeth S. Talcott Site

Ella Frances Fanny (Spurling) Fernald and Her Nieces, Nettie Florence Beal and Vera Ardella Beal at Great Cranberry Island

Ella L. W. Fuller House

Ella Maria (Burnham) Cousins, Mrs. Edgar Millard Cousins

Ella Maria (Burnham) Cousins, Mrs. Edgar Millard Cousins and Family

Ella Maria (Burnham) Cousins, Mrs. Edgar Millard Cousins and Four Children

Ellen Brookes at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Ellen Kaighn McInnes House (2)

Ellen Maria (Lurvey) Milan, Mrs. Thomas R. Milan

Ellen Marie - Lobster Boat (2)

Ellen R. Brown House

Ellis - Ralph Fulton Ellis Jr. (1910-1994)

Ellis Boat photographs

Ellsberg - Edward W. Ellsberg (1891-1983)

Ellsworth City Hall (4)

Ellsworth City Hall - The New City Hall

Ellsworth Courthouse

Ellsworth High School

Ellsworth Public Library (2)

Elm at Winchester

Elmer A. Stanley House

Elmer Adelbert Spurling and Hilda A. (Bulger) Spurling

Elmer Billings House (2)

Elmer Ellsworth Smallidge House (2)

Elmer Stanley House (2)

Elmwood Cafe (3)

Elsie - Lobster Style Fishing Boat

Elsie Maude (Joyce) Twining

Elsie May Robinson (2)

Elsie V. Reed

Elsie Williams and Friends at Fox Dens

Elva L. Beal

Elva L. Beal - Purse Seiner - Dragger

Elvira 'Vira' Jane (Robinson) Mayo, Lisa Caroline Mayo and Friends at Steamboat Wharf

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Group on an Outing

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson at Jordan Pond

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Lisa Caroline Mayo

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Lisa Caroline Mayo in Southwest Harbor

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Lisa Caroline Mayo on a Picnic

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo and Party on the Shore

Elvira "Vira" Jane (Robinson) Mayo, Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson, Jane (Wilkinson) Morehouse, and Sally Morehouse - Four Generations

Elvira Higgins Cough with her Children

Elvira Jane (Robinson) Mayo, Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson, and Joan Wilkinson in Bennington, Vermont

Elvira Jane Robinson Mayo - Mrs. Simeon Holden Mayo at Home in Southwest Harbor

Elvira Jane Robinson Mayo, Mrs. Simeon Holden Mayo with Date Palm

Emeline H. Morse House

Emerson - William Ralph Emerson (1833-1917)

Emery - Ernest E. Emery (1849-1933)

Emery - Osmond Emery (1856-1932)

Emily Billings House

Emily Herrick Higgins and William Higgins House

Emily Howe House

Emily M. Ray

Emily Maria (Rich) Trask

Emily Maria (Rich) Trask and children, Ethel Falvey Rich, Charles Orville Trask and Millicent F. Trask

Emily Mayo Bartlett Dix and Carrie

Emily Robinson Farnsworth and Sisters on the Steps of Her Millinery Shop

Emily Robinson Farnsworth, Mrs. Alton E. Farnsworth, on a Donkey

Emily Robinson Farnsworth's Millinery Shop and Post Office (2)

Emily S. Rogers Cottage (2)

Emily Staples House

Emily Staples House

Emily W. Howe and Harriet H. Williams

Emily W. Howe and Harriet H. Williams.

Emily W. Howe, Harriet H. Williams, and friend.

Emita - Passenger Steamer

Emma - Mackerel Schooner

Emma (Mayo) Casey, Mrs. John Casey and William Dolliver Mayo

Emma Almira Mitchell Reed

Emma Jane (Widener) Kite Cooper, Mrs. Samuel Champion Cooper

Emma Joyce Gott's Camp (2)

Emma Meme Elvira (Hamor) Birlem, Mrs. E. Augustus Birlem

Emma R. Harvey - Coasting Schooner

Emma Reynolds at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Endeavor - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Endeavor on the Ocean Floor

Endeavor Sinking at Rockland

Enoch Arno Stanley House

Enoch Boynton Stanley Boat Shed at The Pool at Low Tide

Enoch Boynton Stanley Property (2)

Enoch Boynton Stanley Sr. House, Boat House, and Wharf

Entrance of Somes Sound from Southwest Harbor

Entrance of the Grand Canal, Venice - Photo 18

Entrance to Great Pond CCC Camp

Entrance to Great Pond CCC Camp

Entrance to Long Pond, Southwest Harbor

Entrance To Somes Sound, Mt. Desert (2)

Entrance to Somes Sound, Northeast Harbor

Entrance to The Bar Harbor Club

Epidendrum atropurpureum var. Randi L. Lind. & Rod.

Epps Hadlock House

Epps L. Hadlock House (2)

Equinox - Shoal Draft Schooner

Erastus L. Gott

Ernest A. Murphy. Jr. and Four Children

Ernest Archibald Kidston - "Old Man with Beard" (4)

Ernest E. Emery's Photography Studio Logo - Reverse of a Cabinet Card

Ernest Emery Photography Studio

Ernest in Sleigh with Prince

Ernest Lovering and Edward Lothrop Rand at Squid Cove

Ernest Stanley House

Ernest T. Richardson's Maplewood Lunch and Tourist Camps (3)

Estella Benson Stanley

Estella Benson Stanley Cottage

Esther A. (Thurston) Williams and William G. Williams Jr., Mr. And Mrs. William G. Williams Jr.

Esther A. (Thurston) Williams, Mrs. William G. Williams Jr.

Esther A. (Thurston) Williams, Mrs. William G. Williams Jr. and Children

Esther A. (Thurston) Williams, Mrs. William G. Williams Jr. and William G. Williams III

Esther Gott, Harry H. Gott and Mabel L. Gott

Esther I - Lobster Boat

Esther II - Lobster Boat

Esther LaVerne (Stanley) Willis, Mrs. Michael Willis and Arthur Stough

Esther LaVerne Stanley

Esther Moore on the Lawn of the Philip and Lovina Ethel (Joyce) Moore House, Gotts Island

Ethel Johnson Dolliver

Ethel Johnson Dolliver and Henry Calvin Dolliver

Ethel Johnson Dolliver Robbins Closson Albee and Harry Gilbert Albee, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert Albee

Ethel Johnson Dolliver, Mrs. Charles Lewis Closson

Ethel M. III - Stop Seiner

Ethel Mae James House (2)

Eugene H. Reed

Eugene Hale Reed

Eugene M. Norwood Square (4)

Eugene M. Norwood Square Shown on Town of Southwest Harbor - Tax Map

Eugene Millard Norwood

Eugene Norwood American Legion Post Production of Hometown USA Show

Eugene S. Thurston House (2)

Eugene Shubal Thurston and Alice M. (Orr) Thurston, Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Shubal Thurston

Eugene Shubal Thurston and Alice M. (Orr) Thurston, Mr. And Mrs. Eugene Shubal Thurston Sr.

Eugene Shubal Thurston and Children

Eugene Shubal Thurston and Eugene Shubal Thurston Jr. Fishing from a Lawn Rowboat

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Eugene and Friends

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Eugene Fishing from a Canoe

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Eugene with Wheelbarrow Full of Fish

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Lawrence Dana Phillips with Wheelbarrow Full of Fish

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Philip Tracy Carroll and Lawrence Dana Phillips Fishing

Eugene Shubal Thurston Fishing Party at Moosehead Lake - Philip Tracy Carroll with Wheelbarrow Full of Fish

Eugene Shubal Thurston Jr. (2)

Eugene Shubal Thurston Sr.'s Appointment to Southwest Harbor Postmaster

Eugene Shubal Thurston with mother, Lizzie E. (Moulden) Thurston and wife Alice M. (Orr) Thurston

Eugene Shubal Thurston. Twenty Years Old

Eugene Shubal Thurston's daughters at the Dirigo Hotel

Eugene Shubal Thurston’s Post Office

Eugene Sprague Robbins and Howard Ernest Robinson in costumes at the Worchester Lumber Operation on Forest Avenue.

Eugene Stuart Bristol Cottage

Eunice Emery

Euryale - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Eva and Ralph Benson with Sarah Speare and Rhoda Watson

Eva Anita - Lobster Boat

Eva Clark - Waitress at Jordan Pond House

Eva Grace - Sardine Carrier

Eva Grace, Lawrence Wayne and El Placita in the Snow at Clark Point, Southwest Harbor

Eva M. Springer Tolman, Mrs. Oscar Arey Tolman

Evans - Edward Wyatt Evans (1882-1976)

Evans - Grace (Evans) Rhoads (1874-1958)

Evans - Jonathan Evans (1842-1911)

Evans Islander Heeling (2)

Evelyn Kittredge

Evelyn Kittredge and doll

Evelyn Kittredge and houses across the Street

Evelyn Kittredge on the Porch of the Kittredge Store, Tremont

Evelyn Mae Sarns and Russell Godon Manchester at The Live Yankee and The Captain's Walk Stores, Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Evelyn Mae Sarns and Russell Gordon Manchester at The Captain's Walk, Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Events at Pemetic High School

Events of the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Everett Cottage

Everett E. and Fannie S. Truette Cottage

Everett George Stanley

Everett George Stanley House (2)

Everett N. & Doris I. Closson House

Everett Randall Rich and Madeline Heath

Everett Randall Rich in Front of the Kitt Store and House

Everett S. Torrey and George A. Noyes with Power Ice Saw

Everett S. Torrey and Robert Parsons Foss with Power Ice Saw

Everett S. Torrey House

Evergreen Cemetery (2)

Everton L. Gott House

Everton Livingston Gott as a child (2)

Everton Livingston Gott House

Everton Livingston Gott's House

Ex-Banker in Sanitarium: Effort to Secure Thomas B. Musgrave's Release

Excerpts about the State Normal School at Castine, Maine

Excursion Steamer M & M Off Valley Cove - Flying and Dog Mountain

Exterior Views of the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Ezekial Moore House (2)

Ezra D. Lurvey House

Ezra Herrick Dodge I House (2)

Ezra Herrick Dodge III

Ezra R. Norwood - Octavia Fifield House (2)

Ezra Robinson House


F.C. Weston Photography Studio

Fagans - Lester Fagans (1901-1964)

Fahey - Frances E. Fahey (1907-1985) aka Micky

Fahey - Myrna Elisabeth Fahey (1933-1973)

Failure of T.B. Musgrave

Fairhaven Queen - Sardine Carrier

Fairhaven Queen, Irma, Medric and Five Other Fishing Vessels at Southwest Boat Corporation


Fairlee - Pleasure Cruiser

Falvey - Ethel (Falvey) Rich (1888-1972)


Family with House and Barn

Famous Hotel's End - Rodick House

Fannie and Donald Mayo Obituary

Fannie Earl - Schooner

Fannie S. (Mrs. Everett E.) Truette Cottage

Fanny at Tea Table (2)

Far Horizons (2)

Faraway (2)

Farley - Giles Horey Farley (1878-1962)

Farley - Herman Farley (1867-1959) aka Herm

Farley - Susie M. (Farley) Reed (1882-1972)

Farnham - Augustus Bowman Farnham (1839-1918)

Farnham - Lydia Raguet (Farnham) Butler (1869-1954)

Farnsworth - Alton E. Farnsworth (1866-1926)

Farnsworth - Elizabeth (Farnsworth) Rich (1887-1969)

Farnsworth - Lucile Arline (Farnsworth) Rich (1911-1989)

Farnsworth Fish Factory

Farnsworth Store

Farnsworth's Millinery Shop and Post Office (2)

Farrand - Beatrix Jones Farrand (1872-1959)

Farrell - Albion H. Farrell (1870-1968)

Farrell - Atwood Robbins Farrell (1899-1977)

Farrell - Beulah Adelia (Farrrell) Ingalls (1905-1945)

Farrell - Madelene Edna (Farrell) Moore (1903-1975)

Father and Child

Febiger - Christian Carson Febiger (1845-1930)

Federal of Mt. Desert - Schooner

Feeding the Gulls at Fox Dens

Felton - Samuel Morse Felton (1926-2015)

Fenn - Harry Fenn (1837-1911)

Ferdinand M. Dolliver

Ferdinand Reed House

Fern Bank from the Fox Dens Piazza

Fernald - Fred Fernald (1875-1931)

Fernald - Louise Lawton (Fernald) Goulding (1873-1963)

Fernald - Rosamond P. (Fernald) Apte (1906-1984)

Fernald Cove Bridge (2)

Fernald family portraits

Fernald Farm (2)

Fernald Point (2)

Fernald Point and Mountains from Claremont Hotel Area

Fernald Point from the Back Shore of Clark Point

Fernald Point with Dog (St. Sauveur), Flying, and Robinson (Acadia) Mountains

Fernald's Point, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Fernald's Store (2)

Fernald's Store, Library and Somes Cottage, Somesville, Maine

Fernalds Point and Fernald Cove Bridge

Ferry Landing at East Gloucester from Rocky Neck (2)

Ferry Vinalhaven II Under Construction (5)

Ferry Wharf

Fiddle Making

Field at Land's End

Field in Rowen, New Hampshire

Field on Placentia Island

Field with Cows

Filmer - John Filmer (1836-1929)

Findelen Glacier - Photo 39

Findelen Glacier - Photo 42

Findelen Valley - Photo 45

Findelen Valley - Photo 46

Finishing the Boat (4)

Finlay - Walter Stevenson Finlay Jr. (1882-1953)

Fire at the First Masonic Hall, Southwest Harbor

Fire at the Second Masonic Hall, Southwest Harbor (2)

Fire Pumper and Three Horses Racing to a Fire

Fire Station

Fire, Obliteration, Mission 66, and Park Trails Program, 1943-2003

Fireplace at TopGallant

Fireplace in the Benjamin Barrett Hinckley House

Fireplace in the Parlor

Fireplace Wall With Bookcases

Fireplace with Wall Board Ready for August Tenants

First Baptist Church After the Fire

First Bookmark Published by the Southwest Harbor Public Library

First Congregational Church

First Congregational Church and Parsonage, Bangor, Maine - Postmarked 1914

First Congregational Church Bangor, ME

First Corps Cadets on Parade on State Street, Boston

First Day Cover of Acadia National Park with Great Head Stamp - October 2, 1934

First Flag Raising - Flag Going Up

First Flag Raising at TopGallant

First Football Team at the Southwest Harbor High School (2)

First Odd Fellows Building - Southwest Harbor (2)

First Odd Fellows Building, F.J. Higgins Company & Wagon, and Seth W. Norwood Law Office Sign

First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor

First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor, Maine - Showing Spanish Civil War Addition

First or Second Grade Students at the Southwest Harbor Primary School

Fish Factory and Wharf at Echo Bluffs, Maine

Fish Factory Crew

Fish Factory Workers in Southwest Harbor with Horse Mackerel and Halibut

Fish Flakes at a Codfish Station at Manset

Fish Flakes at Higgins Wharf in Bernard

Fish Flakes at Higgins Wharf in Bernard - Cod Drying in the Open Air

Fish Flakes at Manset, Maine

Fish Hawk - Sardine Carrier

Fish House with Barrel at Norwood's Cove

Fish House with Lobster Trap at Norwood's Cove

Fish Houses - Preble's Cove

Fish Houses and Dories at East Gloucester

Fish Packers on Factory Dock

Fish Weir Off Greening Island

Fisherman's House at Baddeck

Fishermans Beach (3)

Fishing at Long Pond

Fishing Boats

Fishing Boats A.T. Haynes, Surfman and Helen McColl at Southwest Boat Corporation

Fishing Boats at Southwest Boat Corporation Wharf, Southwest Harbor

Fishing Boats at Southwest Harbor - Helen McColl and Glen Ellen

Fishing Boats Hauled Up in Crockett Cove, Bernard (3)

Fishing Boats on Beach at Scheveningen - Photo 77

Fishing Boats Romance, Ruthyeolyn and Charles Arthur Smiley's Boat in the Ice at Manset

Fishing Fleet at Bass Harbor

Fishing Fleet at Bass Harbor, ME

Fishing Freighter Myra J. Wooster at a Wharf

Fishing Schooner and Catboat in Gloucester Harbor

Fishing Schooner in Gloucester Harbor

Fishing Schooner Ralph F. Hodgdon and others at Gloucester Wharves

Fishing Schooner Rover's Bride and Iron Turbine Windmill at the Newman Wharf in Manset

Fishing Schooners at Gloucester Wharves

Fishing Schooners Near Steamboat Wharf (2)

Fishing Schooners off Manset

Fishing Schooners Tacking to Anchor at Southwest Harbor (2)

Fishing Vessels at Lower Town Dock

Fishing Vessels at Southwest Harbor (2)

Fishing Vessels at Southwest Harbor from Clark Point

Fishing Vessels at Southwest Harbor Lower Town Dock

Fishing Weir Possibly Near Rumill's Hub

Five 32' boats

Five of Arno Preston and Mabel Estelle (Stanley) Stanley's Children

Five of John Dodge Lurvey's Daughters

Five of Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll's Grandchildren

Five Oldest Children of Arno Preston Stanley on Bear Rug

Five Portraits of Wilford Howard Kittredge

Flag at CCC Camp Entrance

Flag of the United States Customs Service

Flamingo Festival Parade

Flamingo Lane

Flavilla M. (Gott) Reed, Mrs. Lyle Arlington Reed

Fleet of Offshore Fishing Schooners - Mackerel Fleet

Fleet of Offshore Fishing Schooners - The Mackerel Fleet in Southwest Harbor, Maine

Flewelling - Julia A. (Flewelling) Lemont (1849-1917)

Floor Plans and Site Plans of the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Flora (Richardson) Latty Thurston and Dog

Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy and Kathlyn (Murphy) Reed

Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy Lawton

Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy Lawton House (2)

Florence - Passenger Launch

Florence - Steamer

Florence C. Parritt Young House

Florence C. Parritt Young House and Shop in the Snow

Florence Gladys (Mayo) Crocker, Mrs. Paul Edward Crocker

Florence M. Reed and Genevieve R. Reed

Florence N. Stanley, Mrs. Clarence Clark (2)

Flower Border at Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House

"Fluffy", Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand - Mrs. Edward Sprague Rand's Cat (2)

Flye - Hiram Flye (1811-1892)

Flying Mountain

Flying Mountain and Road to Fernald's Point

Flying Mountain, S. W. Harbor, Me.

Fog and Afterglow

Foggy Dew - Pleasure Cruiser

Foggy Dew - Pleasure Cruiser Built for William D'Olier Lippencott

Foggy Dew - Pleasure Cruiser Built for William D'Olier Lippincott (2)

Foggy Dew with William D'Olier Lippincott at the Helm

Foggy Morning at Southwest Harbor - Excursion Boat Seal and Bunker & Ellis Lobster Boat Eva Anita at the Dock

Foote - Arthur C. Foote II (1911-1999)

Foote - Henry Wilder Foote II (1875-1964)

Forbes - Mary Ann Forbes (1832-1915)

Forbes - Peter Forbes (1942-)

Foreign Steamship in Boston Harbor

Forest City - Sidewheel Walking Beam Passenger Steamer

Former Fiddler's Restaurant

Former shoemaker shop of Robert Ash, Cranberry Island

Former St. John the Divine (Episcopal) Rectory

Forrest I. & Mamie R. Barry House

Foss - Eliza (Foss) Dickey (1839-1920)

Foss - Robert Parsons Foss (1897-1975)

Foster - Anne B. (Foster) Benson (1934-)

Foster - Francis Charles Foster (1829-1915)

Fosters Wharf

Fosters Wharf, Boston

Foundation of Art and Nan Kellam's House on Placentia Island

Four Cows at the Downs at Eastern Point

Four Generations - Captain Jacob Schoppy Mayo and His Family

Four Generations of Johns

Four Generations of the Bee Family

Four images of Duck Brook Motor Bridge

Four members of Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll's Family

Four Men at the First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Four Men with Fish Carts Near the Stanley Fisheries Wharf

Four of Arno Preston Stanley's Children

Four of John Gott Richardson II's Children and Their Spouses - All Married Over 50 Years

Four Winds House in Magnolia

Four-Masted Schooner Pendleton Sisters

Four-Masted Schooner Theoline in Somes Sound

Fourth of July Party 1913 - After Dinner

Fourth of July Party 1914 (3)

Fox - DeGrasse Fox (1838-1904)

Fox Dens (3)

Fox Dens Annex Garden on Eastern Promenade

Fox Dens Boat House Site (2)

Fox Dens Camp

Fox Dens Gazebo

Fox Dens Point and Norwood Cove by Moonlight (2)

Fox Dens Site

Fox Dens Site from the Water

Fox Dens Steps from Above

"Fox Dens" - Bungalow and Birches

"Fox Dens" - Bungalow and Nasturtiums

"Fox Dens" - Bungalow and Point

"Fox Dens" - Bungalow from West

"Fox Dens" - Underwood Dog "Raynor" (2)

"Fox Dens" and Rat

"Fox Dens" In the Snow (2)

Fox Island Thoroughfare

Fox Island Thoroughfare - Vessel by Moonlight (2)

Fox Island Thoroughfare Between North Haven and Vinalhaven (4)

"Fox" and Lucretia at "Fox Dens"

"Fox" at Fox Dens

Fragment of a Wooden Box from the Clark & Parker Store

Frances "Fanny" Anna Lathrop Wakefield

Frances "Fanny" Anna Lathrop Wakefield at Home

Frances (Mrs. Ralph P.) Plaisted

Frances (Pepper) Scott Cottage

Frances & D. Bradford Wetherell Cottage

Frances Anna (Lathrop) Wakefield - Aunt Fannie

Frances Budahn Hitchcock and Isabel Colquhoun

Frances E. Mickey Fahey and Roger Clifton Rich Caulking Pilgrim Shallop II

Frances E. Norwood

Frances Fannie Newell (Walls) Wasgatt Leighton Greening Savage - Probably as Mrs. James Greening (2)

Frances Franna Rose Hinckley and her mother Agnes Chamberlin (Childs) Hinckley, Mrs. Benjamin Barrett Hinckley

Frances Inez - Lobster Boat

Frances Parsons - Schooner

Frances Robinson Richardson, Mrs. Perry Warrington Richardson

Frances Scott "Bungalow"

Francis Avenue in the Snow

Francis B. Gilman House (2)

Francis C. Young

Francis Charles Foster Cottage (2)

Francis D. Eaton House

Francis Emeritz Hamabe Poster, Southwest Harbor

Francis Gilley House

Francis Hinckley

Francis Johnson Page

Francis Johnson Page with Clyde Page and Arthur Millis Kellam

Francis McMullin Sr. House

Francis Milton Spurling House

Francis Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Looking North (2)

Francis T. Chalmers Jr. & Mildred B. Chalmers House

Francis Thompson Chalmers Jr. House

Frank A. Johnson House

Frank and Jennie Manchester

Frank Austin Babbidge

Frank Austin Babbidge Posing for The Lobster Fisherman

Frank Austin Babbidge, Lura B. (Hodgkins) Babbidge with Children, Merrill Francis and Raymond E. Babbidge

Frank Benjamin Smith House

Frank Bernard Rich With Builder's Model of the Brig M.P. Rich Built by his Grandfather

Frank Cram House

Frank Jones - Sidewheel Steamer

Frank L. and Janette Jennie M. (Trask) Manchester - At Home in McKinley

Frank L. and Janette Jennie M. (Trask) Manchester House

Frank L. Gilley and Maud F. (Holmes) Gilley with Wendell Holmes Gilley

Frank Leslie Hodgdon and His Wife Idella "Ida" J. (Perry) Hodgdon

Frank Leslie Hodgdon's Horses Drinking from the Frog Pond Below the Old Center Meeting House

Frank Leslie Smith House

Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 1, 1878

Frank Louis Black House

Frank McMullen and wife Mary (Torrey) McMullen

Frank Mortimer Wakefield House

Frank Mortimer Wakefield Sailing Lanita at Pretty Marsh Harbor

Frank Mortimer Wakefield, Anna Margaretta Wakefield and Margaret "Daisy" Arnold Rand

Frank Pettigrove Rich and His Wife Ethel M. (Falvey) Rich

Frank S. Rich - Broken Mast Gravestone - Frenchboro, Long Island

Frank Smith House

Frank Spurling House (2)

Frank Thomas Dwinell

Frank Thomas Dwinell and Dock Scene

Frank W. Ramseyer Cottage

Frank Wells and Linda Chapin Marcus Ramseyer

Frank Wells Ramseyer

Frank Wells Ramseyer Cottage

Frank Wells Ramseyer Jr. (1905-1974)

Frank Wilbur Gott

Franklin Dolliver Ward (2)

Franklin Dolliver Ward and Child in Front of his Machine Shop

Franklin Dolliver Ward and Malcolm Ward

Franklin Henry Ward (3)

Franklin Henry Ward and Ingrid Ward (2)

Franklin Henry Ward with Cat

Franklin Henry Ward, Leslie Hamblen Ward and William Eugene Ward

Franklin Henry Ward, William "Willie" Ward, and Ingrid Ward

Franklin Island Light

Franklin Perry and Winnie Leigh (Fanning) Dresser - Baptist Minister Of Manset Church (2)

Franklin Ward Machine Shop (2)

Franklin Ward Machine Shop Photographs

Franklin Ward's Children at the Franklin Ward Machine Shop, Manset

Frazer - Thomas Frazer

Fred & Alice Young House

Fred Alberton "Bert" Birlem (1876-1950)

Fred Alberton Bert Birlem House, Great Cranberry Island (2)

Fred Alberton Birlem

Fred Alberton Birlem House

Fred Albertson Birlem House

Fred and Lillian Mayo House

Fred C. Holden - Schooner

Fred Cutter Parker and Melissa "Millie" C. Lawton on the "See Saw"

Fred Cutter Parker, Jack Cutter Parker and William "Willie" Edwin Parker on a Buckboard

Fred Eaton Young House

Fred Eaton Young in his Blacksmith Shop, Main Street, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Fred Fernald House (6)

Fred Fernald Lobster Business

Fred James Higgins Store (2)

Fred Lawton House

Fred M. Robbins House

Fred Mayo's Carpenter Shop - 1st Location

Fred Mayo's Carpenter Shop - 2nd Location

Fred Mayo's Ice Cream Parlor

Fred Noyes House

Fred Sidney Mayo (2)

Fred Sidney Mayo - Camp At Long Pond

Fred Sidney Mayo - Navy - Spanish America War (2)

Fred Sidney Mayo and Cousin Emma Casey

Fred Sidney Mayo at F.S. Mayo Construction in the Herrick Building (2)

Fred Sidney Mayo holding a fish

Fred Sidney Mayo House

Fred Sidney Mayo on Great Gott Island

Fred Sidney Mayo on Steps of Mayo's Ice Cream Parlor

Fred Sidney Mayo, Lauchlan McKay Swansburg, and Edith Swansburg on Cadillac Mountain

Fred Sydney Mayo House

Fred V. Thurston

Fred V. Thurston and Flora M. Richardson Latty Thurston

Fred W. Lawton House

Fred, Harriet Knox, and Mary Louise Buck

Freddie B.

Frederic Schoff Cottage

Frederick A. Farrar Cottage

Frederick A. Farrar Cottage

Frederick Allen House

Frederick J. Lovatt - Schooner

Frederick M. Black House

Free Rides to See Mayflower Thrills Provincetown Youth

Freedom - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Freedom - Putting On the Cabin.

Freedom Molds Set Up and the Ribbands Going On

Freeman - Carmelita Marie Freeman (1884-1962)

Freeman - James Albert Freeman (1844-1916)

Freeman - James Richardson Freeman (1810-1896)

Freeman - John T.R. Freeman (1834-1916)

Freeman - May W. (Freeman) Brown aka Mamie (1864-1939)

Freeman Annex

Freeman Cottage

Freeman Gott / Trask House - Bernard

Freeman Grammar School

Freeman Grammar Students - 5th and 6th Grade

Freeman House at Pretty Marsh (2)

Freeman House Hotel (2)

Freeman Store (3)

Freeman Store, Southwest Harbor

Freeman's Boat House at Tracy Cove

Freeman's Store and Carroll's Drug Store, Southwest Harbor

Freeman's Wharf

Freeman's Wharf, Southwest Harbor (3)

Freeman's Wharf, Southwest Harbor - Farnsworth's Lobster, Clam and Sardine factory

Freeman’s Store as Southwest Cycle Shop


Freezer Department at Stanley Fisheries

Freezes to Death After Going Mad


Freight Bill from the Sidewheel Steamer Rockland

Freighter Unloading Coal at the J.T.R. FreemanCoal Wharf, Southwest Harbor

French - Apphia Kezar (French) Stanley (1819-1874)

French - Eliphalet Webster French (1836-1902)


Frenchman's Bay - Passenger Vessel

Frenchman's Bay from Cadillac Mountain in Winter (2)

Frenchman’s Bay from Cadillac Mountain Road

Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2)

Freshet at Somes Stream

Friendship Sloop Amity Rebuilt for James Russell Wiggins (5)

Friendship Sloop Dictator - Plans for the Fiberglass Jarvis Newman 31

Friendship Sloop Dictator Before Restoration

Friendship Sloop Dictator During Restoration (2)

Friendship Sloop Dictator Rebuilt and on the Water 1973

Friendship Sloop Dictator Stripped Down

Friendship Sloop Endeavor (3)

Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Before Rebuild

Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Carved Bowsprit After Gilding (2)

Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Carved Bowsprit Before Gilding

Friendship Sloop Morning Star - Construction

Friendship Sloop Morning Star Going Down the Ways

Friendship Sloop Sinks, Five Aboard Rescued

Friendship Sloops Endeavor and Salatia at Sea

Friendship Sloops Morning Star and Freedom in Somes Sound

Frolic - Passenger Launch

From Bass Rocks (5)

From Hotel Belvedere Showing Furke and Grimsel Routes near River Rhone - Photo 57

From Rear of Bras D'Or House

From Southeast Window of Henry Clark Cottage

From the Lighthouse Rocks

From the Southeast

From the top of Flying Mountain

Front Porch of the Henry Lathrop Rand House, Eliot Street, Boston, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts (2)

Frying Fish at the Underwood Factory, McKinley, Maine

Fuller - David Wilbur Fuller (1907-2001)

Fuller - George Ripley Fuller (1857-1937)

Fulton - Dr. Alexander Fulton (1812-1888)


G.W. Billings Blacksmith

G.W. Morris, Portland, Maine

Gabled Porch in Mckinley

Gabriella Sophia Shaler and Anne Page Shaler at the Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Summer Home

Gaff-Rigged Sloop in Somes Sound

Galley - Cora Lavinia (Galley) Pettigrove (1889-1971)

Gamecock - Coasting Schooner

Gamma - Sou’wester Jr "30 Footer" - fiberglass

Garden at Blaireyrie, Bar Harbor, Maine

Garden at Kenarden Lodge, Bar Harbor, Maine

Garden at the Grand Hotel Bellagio - Photo 29

Garden at the Henry Harry Seaton Rand Estate, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Garden of Charles Bellows Hazeltine, Belfast, Maine

Gardiner - Julia Thurston (Gardiner) Gayley Dunn (1864-1937)

Gardner Adam Reed and His First Cousin, Millicent F. Trask

Gary A. Parsons Hauls One of his New Wire Lobster Traps

Gary Alan - Sardine Carrier

Gatcomb - Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson aka Kath (1889-1982)

Gatcomb - James Y. Gatcomb (1861-1936)

Gate, Turnstile and Avenue (2)

Gates - Katherine Curtis (Gates) McCoy

Gates - Millicent Anne (Gates) Ponce

Gates - Patricia Sovereign (Gates) Norris (1932-2016)

Gates - Thomas Sovereign Gates Jr (1906-1983)

Gateway to Garden, Placentia Island

Gathering Firewood on Little Duck Island

Gay Nineties Ball - 1949 (6)

Gay Nineties Ball - 1950 (16)

Gay Nineties Ball - 1952 (9)

Gay Nineties Ball - 1953

Gay Nineties Ball - 1954 (4)

Gay Nineties Ball - 1956 (13)

Gay Nineties Ball - 1957

Gayley - Agnes Malcolm (Gayley) Milliken (1887-1970)

Gazebo from the Shore

Gazebo on Ocean House Lawn and View to Clark Point

Geese on Jamaica Pond

Gelouba - Custom 41’ Cutter (2)

General View of Five Islands, Maine

Genevieve Marie Mimi Harris at Commander Harris' Cabin

Genevieve R. Reed and Florence M. Reed

Geo. A. Lurvey, Justice of the Peace, Southwest Harbor Records and Index

Geology and Topography of Mount Desert Island

George A. & Thelma M. Ward House

George A. and Frances T. Rhoads Cottage

George A. and Francis T. Rhoads Cottage

George A. Neal House

George Ashbridge and Frances Tatum Rhoads

George B & Addie A. Dolliver House

George B. Dow and His Wife Mildred W. (Gray) Dow

George B. Reed House (3)

George Benjamin Dolliver Aboard His No-Name Wesley Bracy Boat at Beal's Fish Wharf

George Benjamin Dolliver House (2)

George Billings House

George Borwick Cooksey Cottage

George Borwick Cooksey Cottage, Glengariff, Seal Harbor, Maine

George Bucknam Dorr - the Father of Acadia National Park

George Cameron Cottage

George Delorin Atherton House (2)

George E. Klinck - Schooner

George Edward Sanford House (2)

George H. Kirkpatrick House (3)

George Hamilton House (2)

George Harrison and Bennie Long in a "pup tent"

George Henry Browne House (2)

George Henry Browne Tracing Figures on Fresh Pond

George Kennard Hooper House

George Lovejoy

George Lyman and Mary Louise (Buck) Hinckley on their Wedding Day

George Lyman Hinckley (4)

George Lyman Hinckley - Pilot

George Lyman Hinckley House (2)

George Lyman Hinckley's Airplane

George Montelle Dorr Gott

George R. Fuller House

George R. Fuller Law Office

George Ripley Fuller House

George Ripley Fuller Working in his Law Office

George Ripley Hunter Cottage

George S. and Lillian B. (Walls) Hodgdon House

George Soules and Charlotte Morrill

George W. Anderson House and Dental Office

George W. Billings Blacksmith Shop

George W. Billings Blacksmith Shop, Tremont, Maine

George W. Butler

George W. Fiske Delivering Mail to Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton at Houlton, Maine

George William Kern Newbold Watercolor

George William Terry in Uniform

George, Penny, and Mary Louise Hinckley

Gerath - Christopher Gerath (1955-)

Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson

Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson at Seawall Farm

Gertrude Whitmore Carroll - Ready for the Flower Show

Gertrude Whitmore Carroll and Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton

Gesner - Clark Gesner (1938-2002)

Gesner - Herbert Mortimer Gesner Jr. (1905-1966)

Getting Off the Boat next to the Pinky Zanita

Geyelin - Patricia Agnes (Geyelin) Godfrey Drexel (1921-2000)

Gibraltar - Photo 06

Gibraltar Europa Point with Lighthouse - Photo 07

Gibraltar from the South with Lighthouse - Photo 08

Gibralter from the Southeast - Photo 09

Gifford - Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823-1880)

Gilbert - Mary Louise Gilbert (1911-1993)

Gilchrist - Edmund Beaman Gilchrist (1885-1953)

Giles H. Farley and His Wife Eva M. (Reed) Farley

Gilley - Adelbert Alden Gilley (1851-1906)

Gilley - Alice E. (Gilley) Gilley (1856-1938)

Gilley - Arthur Alonzo Gilley (1886-1947)

Gilley - Charles Adelbert Gilley (1847-1914)

Gilley - Frank Leslie Gilley (1879-1920)

Gilley - Harriet (Gilley) Coulter Taylor (1838-1930)

Gilley - Harriet (Gilley) Coulter Taylor (1838-1930) and Her Family

Gilley - Harriet (Gilley) Coulter Taylor (1838-1930) at the Joseph Warren Gilley House on Baker Island

Gilley - Irene R. (Gilley) Dunbar (1911-1940)

Gilley - John Gilley (1822-1896)

Gilley - Joseph Warren Gilley Jr. (1859-1918) aka Skip

Gilley - Joseph Warren Gilley Sr. (1813-1894)

Gilley - Matilda (Gilley) Allen (1817-1909)

Gilley - Montriville Clark Gilley (1862-1930)

Gilley - Nancy (Gilley) Stanley (1854-1932)

Gilley - Phoebe Jane (Gilley) Stanley (1842-1929)

Gilley - Wendell Holmes Gilley (1904-1983)

Gilley - William Gilley III (1805-1894)

Gilley - William Gilley Jr. (1782-1872)

Gilley - William Lancaster Gilley (1835-1912)

Gilley Plumbing

Gilley Plumbing Company Sign

Gilley Plumbing Company, Clark Point Road, Southwest Harbor, Maine (2)

Gilman - Edith (Gilman) Thacher (1876-1944)

Gilpatrick - Abram Gilpatrick (1863-1943)

Gilpatrick - Hannah Richardson (Gilpatrick) Smallidge (1822-1910)

Ginn - Linwood A. Ginn (1932-2012)

Girl and B(u)oy on the Maine Coast

Girl Dressed as Harem Girl

Girl Scout Camp at Echo Lake

Girl with Unknown Woman

Gladiator - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Gladys Butler (Whitmore) interviewed by Alice Long

Gladys Ella Whitmore and Students at the Manset School (3)

Gladys Ella Whitmore and Unknown Lady at Gladys' Cabin at Ike's Point on Echo Lake

Gladys Ella Whitmore's Cabin at Echo Lake

Gladys Ella Whitmore's Students at the Primary School, Southwest Harbor

Gladys' Cabin at Ike's Point on Echo Lake (2)

Gleaners' Hall

Glen Ridge


Glenn Geary - Sardine Carrier

Glennie E. (Mrs. Fred) Knowles House (2)


Godfrey - Peter Godfrey

Golden Rod - Steamer

Gooch - Maud E. (Gooch) Phillips (1902-1987)

Goodman - Sue Goodman

Goodwin - Henry Sage Goodwin (1904-2002)

Goodwin - Timothy Wayne Goodwin (1954-)

Goose Cove Sardine Cannery and Steamboat Wharf

Goose Gables - The Samuel M. Hammill House (2)

Gordon - Earl W. Gordon (1893-1964)

Gordon & White Garage

Gordon & White Garage Site as Restaurant, Store and Art Galleries

Gordon & White Garage with Automobiles

Gordon & White Garage with Automobiles and Trucks

Gordon & White Garage with Five Taxis and their Drivers

Gordon & White Garage with Gas Pumps

Gordon and White Garage (2)

Gordon and White Garage Playing Cards

Gordon Manchester III at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Gorham H. Wood Cottage

Gorner Glacier - Photo 47

Gorner Glacier - Photo 48

Gorner Glacier - Photo 49

Gott - Almira or Elmira C. Gott (1849-?) aka Myra

Gott - Andrew J. Gott (1838-1914)

Gott - Anna Maria Gott (1871-1944) aka Nan

Gott - Berlin Austin Gott (1877-1955)

Gott - Bertha Maud (Gott) Sprague (1909-1998)

Gott - Caroline L. (Gott) Morrill (1872-1894)

Gott - Charles W. Gott (1897-1987)

Gott - Clarence Mortimer Gott (1887-1966)

Gott - Driscilla (Gott) Ward (1930-2018)

Gott - Earll Williams Gott (1889-1950)

Gott - Elmer E. Gott (1862-1899)

Gott - Erastus Littlefield Gott (1843-1922)

Gott - Esther Eleanor Gott (1892-?)

Gott - Evelyn Rachel (Gott) Reed (1902-1970)

Gott - Everton Livingston Gott (1875-1954)

Gott - Flavilla Margaret (Gott) Reed (1904-1992)

Gott - Frank Wilbur Gott (1881-1951)

Gott - George Montelle Dorr Gott (1881-1963)

Gott - Grace E. (Gott) McKay (1896-1920)

Gott - Harry H. Gott (1890-1909)

Gott - Hollis Melvin Gott (1916-1994)

Gott - Irma Josephine (Gott) Reed Silver Symonds (1916-2003)

Gott - Lewis Freeman Gott (1857-1926)

Gott - Mabel Louise (Gott) Brown (1892-1990)

Gott - Marion (Gott) Sprague (1912-1989)

Gott - Mercy Jane (Gott) Mason (1825-1903)

Gott - Montelle D. Gott (1882-1963)

Gott - Nellie Hannah (Gott) Joyce (1853-1930)

Gott - Rachel W. (Milliken) Gott (1845-1901)

Gott - Robert Gott II (1839-1931)

Gott - Rodney Wilder Gott (1907-1997)

Gott - Rose Standish (Gott) Driscoll (1845-1924)

Gott - Samuel M. Gott (1813-1895)

Gott - Shirley L. (Gott) Berry (1900-1976)

Gott - William Erastus Gott (1874-1939) aka Will

Gott and Craig Family Photos

Gott's Island

Gott's Island Methodist Church

Gott's Island Methodist Church and Congregation

Gott's Store Celebrates 75 Years

Gotts Island

Gotts Island Maine - Its People 1880-1992

Gotts Island Methodist Church

Gotts Island, Maine by Jane M. Holmes

Goudy's Point, Grand Lake Stream

Goudy's Point, Grand Lake Stream, Maine

Gould - Alice Julia Hall (Gould) Dwinell (1831-after 1915)

Gould - Anne Brimley Gould

Gould - Anne Brimley Gould (1928-)

Gould - Dr. Daniel Gould (1789-1856)

Grace A. Smallidge and Emma L. Smallidge

Grace Carroll Clark with Eleanor and Rebecca in Carriage

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark and Eleanor Lucille Clark

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark and Eleanor Lucille Clark - Eleanor's First Picture

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark and Eleaonor Lucille Clark

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark, Eleanor Lucille Clark, and Winifred Russell Carroll

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark, Mrs. Roderick Pepper Clark - Picking Balsam Buds

Grace Clark (Carroll) Clark, Rodney Pepper Clark, and Eleanor Lucille Clark

Grace Clark Carroll Clark with Daughters Rebecca Carroll Clark and Eleanor Lucille Clark

Grace Clark Carroll on her Eighteenth Birthday

Grace Clark Pease House

Grace Colvin's Room at the Colvin Family Home

Grace Cribby

Grace Darling (Clark) Pease, Mrs. Jesse H. Pease

Grace Darling (Clark) Pease, Mrs. Jesse H. Pease, and Staff, The Claremont House

Grace Evans Rhoads at Indian Lot Cottage

Grace L. Lunt Clement, Mrs. Chester Eben Clement

Grace M. Cribby - Lobster Smack

Grace M. Lurvey House (2)

Grace M. Simmons Children's Room

Grace Marian Simmons at the "House of Many Steps"

Grace's Clambake

Grading the Dirt Road in front of the Benson House - The Home of Dr. Elias C. Neal, Tremont, Maine - After 1888

Grading the Dirt Road near the Simeon Amasa Holden House, Tremont, Maine

Graduation Photograph of Charles Samuel Spurling

Graduation Picture of Frederick Millard Nice

Grady - Ann Magdalene (Grady) Seavey

Graham - Daniel J. Graham (1943-2011)

Graham - Margaret Dawes (Graham) Kranking (1930-2013)

Grammie Rice House on Sutton Island

Gramps - Lobster Boat

Grampy Webster's House

Grand Jury - October Term - 1893

Grand Lake Stream

Grand March - Sou'westers Gay Nineties Ball - 1951

Grand March - The Sou'westers Gay Nineties Ball - 1951 (3)

Grand Pré

Granite Quarries of Mount Desert Island (2)

Graniteville, Massachusetts

Grapevine Cove (2)

Grapevine Cove Surf (3)

Grave of Alfred Gilley Stanley's Son, Robert Stanley

Grave of Elizabeth S. Peterson at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Graves Light Construction Crew

Graves Light Under Construction

Gravestone of Henry Lathrop and Marion Quincy Winslow Rand

Gray - Howard Robert Gray Sr. (1903-1994) aka Bob

Gray - Joseph M. Gray (1866-1944)

Gray - Kathelyn E. Gray (1905-1934)

Gray - Mildred W. (Gray) Dow

Gray Rock Cottage

Gray Rocks

Gray Rocks at Barque Beach, Bernard, Maine - Bell from Barque William Carey

Gray Rocks at Barque Beach, Bernard, Maine - Chair from the Barque William Carey

Gray Rocks Cottage

Gray Rocks from the Water (2)

Gray Rocks, Bernard, Maine (3)


Great Cranberry Island (15)

Great Cranberry Island - Main Street Looking North to the Birlem and Charles Eaton Spurling Houses and Store

Great Cranberry Island School - Teacher and Students

Great Duck Island (4)

Great Duck Island and Light Station

Great Duck Island Lighthouse

Great Duck Island Lighthouse Keeper Joseph M. Gray

Great Duck Light Station (3)

Great Duck Light Station - Great and Little Duck Islands - Aerial View

Great Dune

Great Gott Island (12)

Great Gott Island - Gott's Island and Little Gott's Island

Great Gott Island - Pool and Bar

Great Gott Island - Weir in the Fore Harbor

Great Gott Island Bar

Great Gott Island Village

Great Gott Island Weir (2)

Great Head (5)

Great Head at Acadia National Park (2)

Great Head Before Creation of Acadia National Park

Great Head from Ocean Drive

Great Head, Sand Beach and J. P. Morgan

Great Head, Sand Beach, and Otter Cliffs

Great Northern Paper Company Steamer West Branch No. 2 on Chesuncook Lake

Great Pond Camp, Company 158 - Civilian Conservation Corp

Great Pond CCC Camp

Green - Isaac Henry Green Jr. (1858-1937)

Green Lodge Willows (5)

Green Mountain and Eagle Lake

Green Mountain from Eagle Lake

Green Mountain House (2)

Green Mountain House - New and Open for Business.

Green Mountain House, Mt. Desert, Me.

Green Mountain Railway (7)

Green Mountain Railway - View from Green Mountain to Steamboat Wharf on Eagle Lake

Green Mountain Railway Excursion Steamer Wauwinet on Eagle Lake

Green Mountain Railway Terminal at Eagle Lake

Green Mountain Railway, Mt. Desert, Me. (2)

Green Mountain, later Cadillac Mountain (2)

Greening - Jeanett May (Greening) Mills (1862-1939)

Greening Island (3)

Greens Landing in the Moonlight

Greetings from Bernard, Maine (4)

Greetings from Maine: A Postcard Album

Greetings from Manset, Me.

Greta Wood Snider Cottage

Gretchen and Prentice Strong House

Grey Rock

Griffin - Joy May (Griffin) Mayo (1929-2016)

Griffin's Cove, Cliff Island

Grindle - Augusta M. (Grindle) Gilley (1879-1931)

Grindle - Ralph Merrill Grindle - Obituary

Grindle - Ralph Merrill Grindle (1915-2005)

Grindle - Ruthann (Grindle) Ellis Fenton (1942-)

Grounds and Buildings of the Great Pond Camp

Group at High Head

Group at Pulpit Rock on the Shore Path, Eden, Maine

Group at the Stanley House (2)

Group in Rowboat - Great Duck Island

Group of Children - Possibly Bracy Cove in Northeast Harbor

Group on Beech Cliff, Lafayette National Park (2)

Group on Great Gott Island

Group on Greening Island

Group on Little Duck Island

Group on Steamboat Wharf - Southwest Harbor

Group Photo of Teacher and Students, Including Seven Carroll Children, at the Norwood Cove School

Group Photos of Grammar School Students

Group Photos of Pemetic High School Students

Group Photos of Southwest Harbor High School Students

Grulich - Anne Theresa Grulich (1954 -2022)

Gulls Feeding

Gulls Hatching on Great Duck Island

Gulls on Great Duck Island (3)

Gulls on the Back Shore at Southwest Harbor

Guptill - Caroline Hall (Guptill) Stanley (1822-1907)


H. G. Reed House

H. G. Reed Store

H. Wesley Reed House

H.G. Reed - Hollis Gardner Reed with F.W. Lunt's Grocery Cart

H.G. Reed House

H.G. Reed Store (3)

H.G. Reed, Inc. (2)

H.G. Reed, Inc. - Neptune Theater - Entrance

H.G. Reed, Inc. - Neptune Theater - Seats from the Front

H.G. Reed, Inc. Burning (5)

H.G. Reed's Store, McKinley, Maine

H.R. Beal & Sons (3)

H.S. Crocker Co. Publishing, San Francisco, CA.

Hadlock - Agnes M. (Hadlock) Spurling (1862-1945)

Hadlock - Gilbert Theodore Hadlock (1837-1917)

Hadlock Pond Brook

Hadlock Pond Brook in 1890

Hadlock's Pond Brook

Hadlock's Upper Pond

Hal Harrison Hand-Feeding a Flock of Birds

Hall - Alice Julia (Hall) Gould (1805-1901)

Hall - Inza (Hall) Gile (1904-2004)

Hall Quarry (3)

Hall Quarry School

Hallenborg - Alma E. Hallenborg (1899-1982)

Halloween Fun Planned for SWH Library

Hamabe - Francis Emeritz Hamabe (1917-2002)

Hamblen - Cora Myrtle (Hamblen) Hancock Ward (1908-2007)

Hamblen - John E. Hamblen (1906-1981)

Hamblen - Leslie Elroy Hamblen (1878-1924)

Hamlin - Cyrus N. Hamlin (1918-2017)

Hammond Street, Bangor, Maine

Hamor - Eben M. Hamor (1822-1910)

Hamor - Elihu T. Hamor (1844-1908)

Hamor - Emma Elvira (Hamor) Birlem (1856-1947) aka Memmie

Hamor - John Henry Hamor (1866-1947)

Hamor Tea House

Hamor Wharf (2)

Hancock County Jail and Court House (2)

Hancock County Jail and Courthouse

Hancock Maine, Main Street looking West

Hand Drawn Cottage Map of Seal Harbor

Hand Drawn Cottage Map of Seal Harbor Maine - after 1923

Hand Drawn Map of Clark Point

Hand Drawn Map of Clark Point, Southwest Harbor, Maine, Circa 1885

Hand Drawn Map of Placentia Island - Human and Special Features

Hand Drawn Map of Placentia Island - Vegetation

Hand Drawn Map of Seal Cove

Hand Drawn Map of the Area of the Village of Center and Seal Cove Pond

Hand Made Gun


Hanna - William F. Hanna (1859-1936)

Hannah Bunker Gilley’s Millinery and Fancy Goods

Hannah C. Lawrence and Thomas C. & Hannah L. Schuller Cottage (2)

Hannah C. Lawrence Cottage

Hannah Carroll - Later Mrs. John Dodge Lurvey

Hannah Elizabeth Lizzie (Kimball) Mayo, Mrs. Jacob Leo Mayo

Hannah Kent Schoff Cottage - Ledgemere

Hannah M. Cleveland House (2)

Hansen - Gunnar Milton Hansen (1947-2015)

Harbor and Fleet (2)

Harbor and Pine Islands, Mt. Desert, ME

Harbor Cottage Inn

Harbor De Grace, Long Island

Harbor House

Harbor View - Manset Maine

Harbor View Motel (5)

Harbor View Motel - Nearing Completion

Harbor View So. West Harbor, Me.

Harbor Woods (2)

Harborside Industries

Harborside Industries Bass Harbor Head Light Plaque by Howe D. Higgins

Harborside Studio - Lamps, Souvenirs, Frames, Novelties

Hard Wood Factory, Ellsworth, Maine (2)

Harding - Clarence E. Harding (1895-1993)

Harding - Horace William Harding (1894-1965)

Harding - Millie Adell (Harding) Bulger (1882-1976) aka Pink

Harding - William R. Harding (1920-1981) aka Bill

Harding's Wharf (2)

Harding's Wharf in Fog

Harding's Wharf, Bernard, Maine

Harding's Wharf, Bernard, Maine in Winter

Hardwick - Katharine Davis Hardwick (1886-1974)

Hardwood Island (5)

Hardy - Amory Nelson Hardy (1835-1911)

Harkins - Mary A. (Harkins) Sargent (1927-)

Harmon - Fannie Carnes (Harmon) Herrick (1871-1962)

Harmon - George Lewis Harmon (1766-1855)

Harmon - John Cummins Harmon (1827-1894)

Harmon - Ronald C, Harmon (1907-1976)

Harmon Block

Harold L. Wedge Aboard His Passenger Launch Frolic at the Rock End Dock

Harold L. Wedge's Passenger Launch, Frolic

Harold Newman, Byron Lewis, and Howard Ernest Robinson

Harper - Ansel Lyman Harper (1876-1952)

Harper - Archie Eugene Harper (1905-1969) aka Eugene

Harper - Ermine Townley (Harper) Emery (1864-1937) aka Mina

Harper - Osmond Emery Harper (1887-1972) aka Ozzie

Harriet (Knox) Buck

Harriet Eliza Boynton

Harriman - Mary (Harriman) Carroll (1910-2003)

Harris - Abram Winegardner Harris (1858-1935)

Harris - Genevieve Marie Harris (1927-2010) aka Mimi

Harris - Paul A. Harris (1893-1971)

Harrison - Burton Norvell Harrison (1838-1904)

Harrison - Harold Holmes Harrison aka Hal (1906-1999)

Harry A. Brown House

Harry and Hettie M. Lawson House

Harry E. and Mildred G. Newman House

Harry Edward Newman House

Harry Garner Haskell Sr.'s Motor Yacht, Placida - Off Mt. Desert

Harry Iskin Cottage B (2)

Harry Iskin House A (2)

Harry J. Jordon House

Harry L. Koopman Cottage

Harry Miller Cottage

Harry Rosengarten Neilson Jr., Albert Pancoast Neilson and Lewis Gilley Stanley Aboard A Boat Nevis

Harry Rosengarten Neilson Jr., Lewis Gilley Stanley and Albert Pancoast Neilson

Hartford Marine Gas Engines

Harvard Beal's Bait Scow and Beal's Boat Yard During Hurricane Edna

Harvard Beal's Boat Shed

Harvard Beal's Workshop

Harvard R. Beal's Bait Scow

Harvard Riley Beal House

Harvard Riley Beal's Boat Shed

Harvard Riley Beal's Bowling Alley (3)

Harvard University

Harvard University Shown on Plate 18, Part of Ward 8, City of Cambridge

Harvesting Ice at Chris's Pond (2)

Harvey A. Moore Working on Traps - A Maine Lobster Fisherman's Workshop

Harvey Hodgkins - Roland and Abbie M. Lunt House

Has Come Here for 68 Summers: A.L. Higgins Tells of Henry Rand's First Visits

Haskell - Harry Garner Haskell Jr. (1921-2020)

Haskell - Harry Garner Haskell Sr. (1870-1951)

Haskins - Sturgis Robin Haskins (1940-2012)

Hatfield - Marjorie Alice (Hatfield) Craig (1904-1991)

Hattie J. Allen - Schooner

Hauling a Ronald Dean Rich boat at Rich & Grindle Boat Shop

Hauling the Nets From a Dory in Gloucester Harbor

Hawthorne Inn Boat Slip

Hawthorne Inn Lane

Hay at Ipswich Marshes, Ipswich, Massachusetts

Hay Tedder - William H. Smith

Haying on Dr. Willis Watson's Field, Bernard, Maine

Haying on Fernald Point (3)

Haying on Great Cranberry Island (3)

Haynes - Lura Belle (Haynes) Dolliver (1880-1966)

Hayseed Ball, Bar Harbor Casino

HCTPR - Acadia National Park's Newest Memorial

Head Harbor Point and Light, East Quoddy, Maine

Head of Somes Sound

Head of the Harbor

Head of the Harbor Restaurant and Lounge

Head of the Harbor School

Heath - Katherine L. (Heath) Pray (1862-1941)

Heath - William Webster Allen Heath (1834-1912)

Heath Store

Heavenly Crown Rich

Heber R. Wilson and his wife Annie L. Thomas Wilson

Helen B. Putnam Cottage

Helen Chapin, Captain Hadlock and Dorothy Elder Marcus at Steamboat Wharf in Seal Harbor

Helen Clark Swazey

Helen Clark Swazey - Woman in Row Boat

Helen E. (Turnbull) Kelley

Helen Frances Wooster

Helen Haupt, Ann Lenhard, Mary Lenhard, and Ruth Haupt as Children

Helen Knox (Leach) Stanley and Her Son Durmont Neal Stanley

Helen Knox (Leach) Stanley on Her 100th Birthday

Helen Louise Mayo at Seawall

Helen M. Kelley at Roger Clifton Rich's Capitol Corner Filling Station as Norwood's Premier Shop

Helen McColl - Sardine Carrier

Helen Nathalie Turner Smallidge (2)

Helen Nathalie Turner Smallidge and Her Husband Robert Lindsay Smallidge Sr.

Helen Nathalie Turner Smallidge at Her Loom at her Home in Northeast Harbor

Helen Ruthven Dexter

Helen Ruthven Dexter House (2)

Henrietta Gardiner Cottage (2)

Henrietta Robinson House

Henry “Harry” Seaton Rand in Costume

Henry A. and Linnie Trundy House (2)

Henry Arthur Inman Cottage - Sutherlands (2)

Henry B. and Henry Wass House

Henry Bucknam Wass and Charles Henry Rich at Machiasport Canning Company, C.H. Rich Wharf, McKinley

Henry Bucknam Wass House

Henry Butler Mowing

Henry C. Dolliver House

Henry C. Moore House

Henry C. Rand & Co.

Henry C. Rand & Co. - 45 Merchants Row, Boston, Massachusetts (2)

Henry Clark and William Gilman Parker Houses

Henry Clark House (2)

Henry Clay Rand House (2)

Henry E. Newman House

Henry E. Tracy Ice Pond

Henry Edmund Day House (4)

Henry Edwin Newman House

Henry Harry Seaton Rand

Henry Harry Seaton Rand Estate

Henry James Sr. Cottage

Henry L. Rand and Camera at Bill Herrick's Shack on Clark Point Road

Henry L. Rand: Photographer & Visual Diarist

Henry Lathrop Rand

Henry Lathrop Rand and Camera at Bill Herrick's Shack

Henry Lathrop Rand and Marion Winslow Quincy Rand at Fox Dens

Henry Lathrop Rand as "Solomon Levi" at the helm of his catboat Lanita

Henry Lathrop Rand at "Fox Dens"

Henry Lathrop Rand at Fox Dens

Henry Lathrop Rand at Picnic on Somes Sound

Henry Lathrop Rand Cottage

Henry Lathrop Rand House

Henry Lathrop Rand House in Southwest Harbor

Henry Lathrop Rand House on High Road

Henry Lathrop Rand House, Boston, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

Henry Lathrop Rand House, Eliot Street, Boston, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts

Henry Lathrop Rand in Bathing Costume

Henry Lathrop Rand in Bathing Costume at Fox Dens Shore

Henry Lathrop Rand Mending the Fishbox

Henry Lathrop Rand on the Eastern Promenade

Henry Lathrop Rand on the Eastern Promenade of Fox Dens

Henry Lathrop Rand with Charles-Edward Amory Winslow and Anne Fuller Rogers

Henry Lathrop Rand Writing on the Piazza

Henry Lathrop Rand's Catboat Lanita off Bear Island

Henry Lathrop Rand's cousin Jean Tewksbury Rand and Miss Caldwell

Henry Lathrop Rand's cousin Jean Tewksbury Rand and Miss Caldwell

Henry Lathrop Rand's cousin Jean Tewksbury Rand and Miss Caldwell in a Hammock with dog

Henry Lathrop Rand's cousin Jean Tewksbury Rand and Miss Caldwell under an apple tree

Henry Lathrop Rand's European Trip

Henry Lathrop Rand's European Trip in 1896

Henry Lathrop Rand's Office at 50 State Street, Room 17, Boston, Massachusetts

Henry O. Underwood - Sardine Carrier

Henry R. Abel & Co.

Henry R. Hinckley Company

Henry R. Hinckley Company - Boat Production

Henry R. Hinckley Company - Military Boats

Henry R. Hinckley Company - Office and Sheds

Henry R. Hinckley Company Photographs

Henry R. Hinckley's Boatyard

Henry Rose Hinckley II aboard Islander

Henry Rose Hinckley II Aboard a Sailboat

Henry Rose Hinckley II House

Henry Rose Hinckley II With Camera

Henry Rose Hinckley II, Agnes Chamberlin (Childs) Hinckley, Mrs. Benjamin Barrett Hinckley and Unknown Woman

Henry Seaton Rand in Costume

Henry Stan Stanley Mitchell Caulking a Deck

Henry Tracy House (2)

Henry W. Sawyer with Oxen "Crook" and "Straight"

Henry W. Sawyer Working a Yoke of Oxen on Ann's Point

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's The Village Blacksmith on a Blackboard

Henry Ward House

Henry Wilder Foote II and Eleanor Tyson (Cope) Foote

Henry Wilder Foote II and Eleanor Tyson (Cope) Foote and Family (2)

Henry Wilder Foote II and fiance Eleanor Tyson Cope (2)

Henry Wilder Foote II at Harvard

Henry Wilder Foote II Cottage - House of Four Winds (2)

Hens at East Gloucester

Hepburn - Andrew Hopewell Hepburn Sr. (1880-1967)

Herbert C. Moore House (2)

Herbert G. Butler

Herbert Guy La Count working on a Navy Yawl

Herbert M. Leighton Sr. & Frances J. Leighton

Herbert M. Leighton Sr. & Frances J. Leighton House

Herbert Perry Richardson and his son, Douglas Leffingwell Richardson

Herm Farley's Barn

Herman Farley's Barn

Herman Newell Treworgy and Adeline Addie L. (Smith) Treworgy and Four Daughters

Herman Oscar Joyce

Heron Neck Light

Heron Neck Light, Vinalhaven, ME (2)

Herreshoff - Lewis Francis Herreshoff (1890-1972)

Herrick - Andrew Harmon Herrick (1897-1992)

Herrick - Anne Woster (Herrick) Phippen (1933-)

Herrick - Kenneth Louis Herrick (1907-1996)

Herrick - Millard Joseph Herrick (1905-1969)

Herrick - Nelson Herrick (1900-2001)

Herrick - Richard Wilbur Herrick (1937-1999)

Herrick - Samuel Watson Herrick (1828-1916)

Herrick - Steven Linwood Herrick (1942-)

Herrick - William Edgar Herrick (1868-1949)

Herrick - William Horace Herrick (1827-1909)

Herrick - Woodrow Wilson Herrick (1913-2002)

Herrick Child in a Basket at Herrick's Field

Herring Gull eggs on Little Duck Island

Herring Seiners on the Maine Coast

Hesper - Pilot Schooner

Hibbard - Mayo - Carpenter House

Hichborn - Edward Everett Hichborn (1913-2004)

Hickman - Robert Henry Hickman (1897-1939)

Hieronymus - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Hieronymus wins 2019 Friendship sloop races

Higgins - Belle M. (Higgins) Trask (1882-1944)

Higgins - Climenia (Higgins) Allen (1824-1897)

Higgins - Edwin Lemuel Higgins (1849-1938)

Higgins - Edwin Leon Higgins (1867-1939)

Higgins - Edwin Melville Higgins (1841-1922)

Higgins - Elvira (Higgins) Cough (1845-1897)

Higgins - Fred James Higgins (1881-1961)

Higgins - Howe Dwain Higgins (1894-1974)

Higgins - John Cheever Higgins (1845-1895)

Higgins - Katherine Gertrude (Higgins) Gatcomb (1861-1933)

Higgins - Mercy (Higgins) Clark (1787-1868)

Higgins - Milton Wallace Higgins (1944-2015) aka Bub

Higgins - Seth H. Higgins (1823-1877)

Higgins - Walter E. Higgins (1918-2010)

Higgins - Walter Eugene Higgins Jr. (1942-2008) aka Gene

Higgins Blacksmith Shop (2)

Higgins Sawmill

Higgins Wharf

Higgins' Sawmill at Sound

High Head (2)

High Street North from Dirigo House, Southwest Harbor, Maine

High Street North from the Dirigo House

High Tide

Hiking the Trails of Acadia NP's Schoodic Peninsula

Hilda A. (Bulger) Spurling, Mrs. Elmer Adelbert Spurling and Ethel B. On Great Cranberry Island

Hinckely Company

Hinckley - Ann Chamberlin (Hinckley) Levy (1939-)

Hinckley - Benjamin Barrett Hinckley (1875-1940)

Hinckley - Benjamin Barrett Hinckley Jr. (1913-2004)

Hinckley - Donald Rose Hinckley (1869-1901)

Hinckley - Edward Barrett Hinckley (1868-1949)

Hinckley - Edward Wright Hinckley (1937-2010) aka Bud

Hinckley - Frances (Hinckley) Morriss Templeton (1909-1973)

Hinckley - George Lyman Hinckley (1879-1936)

Hinckley - George Lyman Hinckley (1921-2000)

Hinckley - Henry Barrett Hinckley (1871-1940)

Hinckley - Henry Rose Hinckley (1838-1918)

Hinckley - Henry Rose Hinckley II (1907-1980)

Hinckley - Henry Rose Hinckley III (1949-)

Hinckley - Jane Williams (Hinckley) Hosack (1942-)

Hinckley - Laurel Chamberlain (Hinckley) Towers aka Laurie

Hinckley - Margaret (Hinckley) Smith aka Midge

Hinckley - Mary Anne (Hinckley) Mead

Hinckley - Penelope Hinckley aka Penny

Hinckley - Robert Lyman Hinckley (1935-)

Hinckley - Rose Hinckley (1874-1963)

Hinckley 21

Hinckley 28

Hinckley 32

Hinckley 36

Hinckley Advertising

Hinckley at the New York Boat Show - 1959

Hinckley Bermuda 40

Hinckley Boat Production and Construction

Hinckley Boat Yard

Hinckley Boatyard and Facilities

Hinckley Christmas Tree in Melrose, Massachusetts

Hinckley Dock West to Cranberry Isles Dock on the Manset Shore

Hinckley Family Party at the Petit Chalet

Hinckley H-41

Hinckley Hardware Photographs

Hinckley Hardware Photographs Produced by Willis Ballard

Hinckley House

Hinckley Islander Sloop

Hinckley Logo with Talaria symbol

Hinckley Marketing

Hinckley Military Boats

Hinckley Mine Yawls

Hinckley Picket Boats

Hinckley Pilot 35

Hinckley Pilot 35 interiors mid cabin galley model with dinette

Hinckley Pleasure Boats

Hinckley Sou'wester 30

Hinckley Sou'wester 34

Hinckley Sou'wester Jr.

Hinckley Sport Cruiser 30

Hinckley US MTLs - Motor Towing Launches (MTLs)

Hinckley Working Boats

Hinckley Yacht in Southwest Harbor

Hinckley Yachts

Hinckley Yachts: An American Icon

Hinckley Yawl in Transpacific Yacht Club Race

Hinckley Yawls in Newport to Annapolis Race

Hinton's Antique Shop

Hiram Hadlock House

Hiram Houston & Eben F. Richardson House

Hobo - Lobster Boat

Hockomock Head Light (2)

Hodgdon - Alonzo Atherton Hodgdon (1863-1926)

Hodgdon - Edgar W. Hodgdon (1893-1912)

Hodgdon - Frank Leslie Hodgdon (1869-1941)

Hodgdon - George S. Hodgdon (1871-1905)

Hodgdon - Georgia B. (Hodgdon) Stanley Sr. (1895-1923)

Hodgdon - Hosea Wardwell Hodgdon (1856-1910)

Holden - Abbie May (Holden) Lawton (1854-1929)

Holden - Cummings Milliken Holden (1837-1895)

Holden - Frederick Clark Holden (1868-1944)

Holden - Simeon Amasa Holden (1844-1901)

Holland and Belgium

Holley - Jenny Wood (Holley) Wilkinson (1866-1947)

Holley Albert Wilkinson, Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson with Walter Atherton and Marjorie (Frank) Fuller

Hollis Gardner Reed

Hollis Gardner Reed and His Wife Lillian May Rich Reed

Hollis Melvin Gott at Five Years Old

Hollis Melvin Gott in Portland, Maine

Holmes - Annie S. (Holmes) Rice (1888-1964)

Holmes - Anson Irving Holmes (1855-1929) aka Ans

Holmes - Harold Leonard Holmes (1886-1954)

Holmes - Jane M. Holmes

Holmes - Josephine M. Holmes (1894-1960)

Holmes - Maud F. (Holmes) Gilley (1884-1954)

Holmes - Presley Dixon Holmes (1899-1964)

Holmes - William Herbert Holmes (1860-1930)

Holmes - William Thomas Holmes II (1851-1925)

Holmes House

Homand - Mary Guild Leighton (Homand) Jones (1937-2014)

Home of Frederick Allen

Home of Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll on High Road, Southwest Harbor

Homer - A.B. Homer Obituary

Homer - Arthur Bartlett Homer (1896-1972)

Homer - Constance (Homer) Goldstein Rawls (1923-2005)

Homer - Eleazer Bartlett Homer (1864-1929)

Homer - Richard Wellington Homer (1927-2013)

Homesick For That Place: Ruth Moore Writes About Maine


Homewood Garden (2)

Homewood on Placentia Island - Partially Built

Hooper - Kathrine A. (Hooper) Butler (1906-1936)

Hopkins - Dorothy Menalaus (Hopkins) Johnston (1885-1953)

Hopkins - Ernest Martin Hopkins (1877-1964)

Horace Durgain Wharf site

Horace Mann II House

Horace William Harding


Hornet - Sardine Carrier

Horse Drinking Fountain and Southwest Harbor School Bell

Horse Mackerel and Halibut Salted in Butts at Parker's Shed, Manset, Maine

Horse Trough Memorial in Acadia National Park - a Mystery

Horses at Top of Sluice

Horseshoe Curve on Cadillac Mountain in Winter

Hosea H. and Alice M. Hodgdon House

Hosea Wardwell Hodgdon House

Hot Flash Anny

Hotel Florence

Hotel Florence and Village Green, Bar Harbor, Maine

Hotel Florence, Bar Harbor, Me.

Hotel Holmes

Hotel Porcupine

Hotel Rifelalp - Photo 43

Hotel Staff at Unknown Hotel

House at Seawall Campground

House at the Location of the Simeon Holden Mayo's Blacksmith and Bicycle Shop

House in Baddeck

House in Snow

House On Main Street In Tremont

House with Women and Children

Houses at Hall Quarry

Houses on Great Gott Island

Houtmarkt and Turfmarkt Nieuwe Kerk at end of Canal - Photo 79

Howard A. & Janet I. Vine House (2)

Howard Cooper Johnson Cottage (2)

Howard Cooper Johnson Cottage - Ledge End

Howard E. Robinson Garage

Howard Ernest Robinson House

Howard Ernest Robinson in Merchant Marine

Howard Homestead (2)

Howard Homestead and Barn

Howard Milton Reed Near the Stanley Fisheries Ice Sluice

Howard Milton Reed with Dog

Howard N. Bacon - L Sterling Newell Jr. Cottage I

Howard N. Bacon Cottage

Howard Nelson Bacon Cottages

Howard Robert Gray Sr.

Howard Wesley Reed (2)

Howard Wesley Reed at the Helm

Howard Wesley Reed House

Howe - Lois Lilley Howe (1864-1911)

Howe D. Higgins House (3)

Howe D. Higgins in His Workshop at Harborside Industries

Howe D. Higgins' Documents Containing Information on Rum Running

Howe D. Higgins' Report of Mounted Inspector to Collector of Customs

Howe D. Higgins' Reports of Seizures and Related Documents

Howe D. Higgins' Work Logs as Customs Officer

Howell - Jacqueline (Howell) Lazareth (1927-2013)

Howell - William L. Howell (1896-1968)

Howie Motenko at Door Point

Howie Motenko on Moebius

Hugh L. & Margarita L. Stanley House (2)

Huguenot Head

Hulbert - Charles Stephen Hulbert (1918-1970) aka Junior

"Humorous Poems" by Thomas Hood

Hunnewell - Popham Beaches (2)

Hunter Beach Head

Hunters at Stanwood Hart King's Camp, "Tom Brooks"

Hunters Beach and Hunters Beach Head (2)

Hunters Beach Head (3)

Hunters Beach Point

Hunters Beach Shore

Hunting Jackrabbits on Flying Mountain

Hurricane Edna - 1954

Huston - Clair Aubrey Huston (1857-1938)

Hutchins - Abbie (Hutchins) McEachern Herrick (1902-1984)

Hutchins - Anne Elizabeth (Hutchins) Richards

Hutchins - Frank Hutchins (1863-1941)

Hutchins - Jasper Chamberlin Hutchins (1897-1972)

Hutchins - Kenneth Urban Hutchins

Hutchins - Kristin Rebecca Hutchins

Hutchins - Laura Claire (Hutchins) Brookes

Hutchins - Urban Kenneth Hutchins (1903-1957)

Huts on Dunes, Scheveningen - Photo 76

Hyde - William Henry Hyde (1858-1943)

Hyman D. Millstein House


I.L. Hammond and Co., Lewiston, Maine

I.T. Moore's Photography Studio

Ice Cream Shop on the Manset Shore Road

Ice Harvest on Mt. Desert, Maine (2)

Ice Harvesting on the Kennebec

Iced Birches at Southwest Harbor

Icicles on Moore's Garage from the Edwin Albert Lawler House

Ida Mae

Ida Miriam (Lewis) Dix, Mrs. Hiram A. Dix Jr.

Ike Stanley's Antique Shop (2)

Ilex - Steam Powered Buoy Tender

In the Narrows - Photo 87

In the Pasture of the Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Summer Home

In Valley Cove

Ina Caroline Cad (Robinson) Lawler, Mrs. Allen Jacob Lawler and Family

Ina Caroline Cad Robinson Lawler, Mrs. Allen Jacob Lawler and Students at Manset School

Ina Caroline Cad Robinson Lawler, Mrs. Allen Jacob Lawler and Students at Manset School Spring Picnic

Incoming Fog at Somes Sound

Index of 35mm slides for 1999 MHPC surveys of Southwest Harbor

India Stamp - William Carey (1761-1834)- Issued January 9, 1993

Indian Island Lighthouse

Indian Lot (3)

Indian Lot Cottage (2)

Indian Lot Cottage - Grace Evans Rhoads

Indian Pipe

Indian Villages - Bar Harbor

Indians and Canoes on the Shore at Bar Harbor

Indigenous Ceremony Pageant at Fernald Point

Indigenous Family at Wigwam

Indigenous Wigwams at Bras d'Or Lake (3)

Ingrid Ward in front of Stanley Fish & Lobster Co.

Inlet to Echo Lake

Inman - Kaighn - Goodwin and Bee Cottages

Inman - Nellie Sue (Inman) Cooper (1870-1947)

Inn at Southwest Harbor

Inn Lane

Inner Harbor - Southwest Harbor

Inquest Report of the Death of Elizabeth S. Peterson - Gotts Island

Inside the Machiasport Canning Company

Interior - Art and Nan Kellam's House

Interior and exterior photos of Hinckley military boats

Interior of Carroll Drug Store

Interior of New Greenhouse at the Henry Harry Seaton Rand Estate, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Interior of T.W. Jackson & Son's Market (3)

Interior of T.W. Jackson & Son's Market with Richard Benson Jackson at Work

Interior of the Jordan Pond House

Interior of the Machiasport Canning Company (2)

Interior of the Morning Star

Interior of the Simeon Holden Mayo Boat Shop

Interior Panorama of 1932 Criterion Theatre

Interior Photographs of a Hinckley Sloop

Interior photographs of a Hinckley Yawl

Interior Photos of TopGallant

Interior Views of Fox Dens

Interior Views of the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Interior Westerly Side

Interiors 24’ sloop H. R. Hinckley Co.

International One Design - Number 12 - Northeast Harbor Fleet

International One Design Race (3)

Interview of Andrew Herrick

Interview of Arthur and Fredrica Black

Interview of Athol Higgins

Interview of Calvin and Edna Alley

Interview of Eleanor Gilley

Interview of Elene Dolliver

Interview of Elmer "Buzzy" Lawrence Beal

Interview of Harold R. Beal

Interview of Henry and Elizabeth Guthrie

Interview of Irma Gott

Interview of Laurence Newman

Interview of Marguerite Hancock

Interview of Mildred Hill

Interview of Nelson Herrick

Interview of Ralph Benson

Interview of Ruth Grindle

Interview with Ruth Carroll (Kittredge) Dolliver about the Kittredge and Clark Properties in Tremont

Interviews of Richard Carroll about the Carroll family

Invitation to a Conundrum Social for the Benefit of the Seal Cove Cemetery Fence Fund

Inza Hall - Waitress at Jordan Pond House (2)

Inza Hall and Marjorie Alice Hatfield - Waitress at Jordan Pond House


Ipswich Village Business Directory

Ipswich, Massachusetts

Irene Cousins and Mary Longfellow Cousins at the Nehemiah Higgins Cousins House in Southwest Harbor, Maine

Irene R. Gilley and Linwood N. "Jake" Dunbar, later Mr. and Mrs. Linwood N. Dunbar

Irona II - Lobster Style Pleasure Boat

Irving Street and Kirkland Street Corner in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2)

Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts - In the Snow

Isaac F. & Minnie C. Stanley House

Isaac F. and Minne C. Stanley House

Isaac Freeman Lurvey

Isaac H. Dupee's Photographic Tent at the Ocean House, Eden, Maine

Isaac Herrick House (3)

Isaac Ike F. Stanley in his Antique Shop

Isaac Marshall Lurvey House

Isaac Mayo House

Isaac Stanley Whitmore

Isaac Stanley Whitmore and His Wife Rachel S. (Robinson) Whitmore

Isaac Stanley Whitmore House (2)

Isaac Stanley's Wonderland Lobster Pound at Seawall and Abel's Pound at Richville

Isaac T. Murphy

Isaac T. Murphy House

Isaac T. Murphy, Edmund Blanchard Reed Jr., and Herbert Reed

Isaac Whitmore House

Isabel B. Wiley and the Bloomer Loading Granite at Hall Quarry - After 1906

Isabel Dolliver Harper House (2)

Isabel Rose Carroll and Helena Nellie Thornton Carroll

Island House

Island House Cottage (Annex)

Island House Dock

Island House Dock and Slip

Island House from the Slip

Island House Hotel

Island House Slip in the Fog

Island House Tennis Court (2)

Island Telephone Company


Islander Sloop at Sea (2)

Isle de sainte Croix


Islesford - Sawtelle Museum

Islesford Boat Houses (2)

Islesford Boat Houses at Sunset

Islesford Harbor

Islesford Historial Museum

Islesford Historical Museum

Islesford, Maine, Looking West

Islesford, Maine, Looking West from Hotel

Issac Stanley House

Italian Garden at "Kenarden," Bar Harbor, Maine

Italian Garden at "Kenarden" (6)

Items found during renovation of The Cedars

Items from Southwest Harbor History - early 20th Century


J. J. OBrien and His Jesuit Settlement Memorial

J. L. Stanley Fishery Wharf in Winter

J. L. Stanley Wharf Fire of 1918

J. T. R. Freeman House (2)

J.A. Somes - Nutting House

J.A. Thompson, Ellsworth, Me.

J.C. Ralph Store

J.C. Ralph Studio and Store

J.C. Ralph Studio on Main Street Looking South, Southwest Harbor

J.D. Phillips House to Congregational Church

J.E. Wass House

J.I. Simmons Ends Life in Home in Montclair

J.L. Stanley & Sons (2)

J.L. Stanley Fisheries Ice Pond

J.L. Stanley Fishery

J.L. Stanley Fishery in Winter

J.N. Mills & Co. Cash Store (2)

J.N. Mills Oil Co.

J.N. Mills Oil Company and Storage Facility

J.N. Mills Storage Facility and Fuel Trucks on Clark Point (2)

J.T. Morse - Side-Wheel Steamer

J.T.R. Freeman Coal Company

J.T.R. Freeman's House and Post Office

J.W. Stinson & Son - Sardine Carrier Surfman at the Wharf

J.W. Stinson and Son

J.W. Stinson and Son - Coal Shed and Shute

J.W. Stinson and Son - Interior (5)

J.W. Stinson and Son - View from Head of the Harbor

J.W. Stinson and Son in Southwest Harbor

Jaan - Bermuda 40 Yawl

Jack - The Bemis Family Horse (3)

Jack and Billy Moore

Jack Cutter Parker, Fred Cutter Parker and William Willie Edwin Parker Digging Gravel at Indian Lot

Jack Tar - R-Class Racing Sloop

Jackson - Nevin C. Jackson

Jackson - Richard Benson Jackson (1893-1959)

Jackson - Thomas W. Jackson (1848-1919)

Jackson House Area

Jackson Laboratory

Jackson Market (2)

Jacob Pike - Sardine Carrier

Jacob Schoppy Mayo House (2)

Jacob William and Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll at The Mountain House

Jacob William Carroll Family - Group of Four

Jacob William Carroll Family - Tea Party in Honor of General Woodhall

Jacob William Carroll Family - Three Grandchildren

Jacob William Carroll Family - Two Granddaughters

Jacob William Carroll Family 4th of July Party

Jacob William Carroll letters (2)

Jacob William Carroll with daughter Alice and two of his grandchildren

Jacqueline - Dragger

Jamaica Pond (2)

Jamaica Pond Shore

James A. Freeman House (2)

James Albert Freeman Post Office

James Baldwin House

James Buckman and Ann Clarbour (Tagg) Buckman on the Back Shore at Southwest Harbor

James Buckman and wife, Ann Clarbour (Tagg) Buckman, with Daughter on the Claremont House Piazza

James Buckman and Woman at the Claremont House

James Buckman family and friends picnicking on the rocks at Black Island (2)

James Buckman with Family and Friends at Sieur de Monts Spring, Lafayette National Park

James Cook

James Crockett House (3)

James E. Robinson House (2)

James F. Ross

James F. Whitmore and brother John Lawler Whitmore (2)

James Francis Frank Carroll (2)

James Francis Frank Carroll, William Lloyd Carroll and Helena Nellie Thornton Carroll

James Francis Ross House

James H. Rich Boatyard

James K. Dolliver House

James Lawton - George A. Neal House

James Lawton House

James M. Parker G.A.R. Post #105

James North Stanley - 2nd Cottage

James North Stanley - 1st Cottage

James North Stanley - 2nd Cottage

James North Stanley at the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company and A.I. Holmes Stores

James P & Frances Theodora Kennedy Cottage (2)

James Parker's Shed, Manset, Maine

James Parker's Wharf (4)

James Parker's Wharf - Shed and Cod Shed

James Robinson House (2)

James Ross Store on Pemetic Hotel Site (2)

James S. Fernald House (2)

James Soulis House

James T. Chekolanes and Rosamund B. Davis House

James Tyler Whitmore

James W. Bryan Garland, Nebraska House

James W. Lawler

James Whitmore

James Whitmore and his great-grandson James Franklin Whitmore (1875-1951)

James Whitmore House (3)

Jane Augusta "Jennie" (Lathrop) Rand, Margaret Arnold Rand and "Aunt Mary" - Maria Margaretta (Lathrop) Hall

Jane Augusta "Jennie" (Lathrop) Rand's Home

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's Family Cat - “Tucker”

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House (7)

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House - Southeast From Henry Lathrop Rand's Window

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House and Street in Winter - Looking West from House

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House in Snow

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House in Winter (2)

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House Looking West

Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House Northeast from Henry Lathrop Rand's Balcony

Jane Augusta (Lathrop) Rand (1837-1918)

Jane Augusta Jennie (Lathrop) Rand House

Jane Augusta Jennie (Lathrop) Rand, Mrs. Edward Sprague Rand's New House

Jane Augusta Jennie Lathrop Rand, Margaret Arnold Rand and Anna Maria Aunt Mary Margaretta Lathrop Hall

Jane Elizabeth Cooper with Granddaughter Elizabeth Jane "Betsy" Cooper

Jane Maria Perry (Wakefield) Baker

Jane Maria Perry (Wakefield) Baker - Mrs. Clifton Prentiss Baker

Janet May - Schooner

Janette Jennie M. (Trask) Manchester with Elsie Twining, Lizzie Lancaster and Ned Grindle

Janette Jennie M. (Trask) Manchester, Mrs. Frank L. Manchester (2)

Janie C

Jaques - Herbert Jaques (1857-1916)

Jarvis - Eleanor (Jarvis) Newman (1909-2006)

Jarvis Newman

Jarvis Newman Boat Yard (2)

Jarvis Ward Newman at his shop in Manset

Jasper C. Hutchinson House

Jasper C. Hutchinson House on Robinson Hill Road

Jasper Chamberlin Hutchins (1897-1972)

Jasper Chamberlin Hutchins House

Jay N. Whitmore, Eleanor G. Hodgdon Whitmore, and Byron Lewis Robinson

Jean Falconer (Perkins) Finlay and Friends

Jean Tewksbury Rand (7)

Jean Tewksbury Rand and Helen

Jean Tewksbury Rand and Helen Caldwell, Walking

Jean Tewksbury Rand and Helen in Hammock

Jean Tewksbury Rand and Helen on Settee

Jean Tewksbury Rand Pouring Tea

Jefferson Grant Dobbs

Jefferson Torrey House (2)

Jennie A. (and Oscar) Morrison House (2)

Jennie Mason Obituary

Jenny Rand House

Jenny Wilkinson, Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson and Elvira "Vira" Jane Robinson at Southwest Harbor

Jerry and Karen Craig House

Jerry Tapley and his Granddaughter, Sierra Tapley's Lobster Buoys

Jerry Wallace Tapley House

Jesse Newell Mills

Jesse Newell Mills House

Jesse Newell Mills in WWI Uniform (2)

Jesse Newell Mills Obituary

Jesse Newell Mills on the Fence at The Lindens

Jessica (Hogdgon) Gretchel's yard

Jessie A. Marsh

Jessie B. Farrar House & Store

Jessie C. Lawton Typing at the Seth W. Norwood Law Office in the First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor

Jessie K. Hayt Cottage

Jessie M. Tatlock Cottage

Jessie Rea Cottage (2)

Jessie Sellers Colton Cottage (2)

Jesuit Field on Fernald Point

Jesuit Spring - East on Fernald Point, Southwest Harbor

Jesup Memorial Library

Jesup Memorial Library and Y.W.C.A., Bar Harbor, Maine

Jimmy's Point (2)

Jimmy's Point on Great Cranberry Island, Cranberry Isles, Maine (2)

Jimmy’s Lunch Room, Lobster Pound and Gas Station

Joanna (Mayo) Lurvey

Joanna (Whitmore) Whittaker (1825-1851), Mrs. Charles Luther Whittaker

Joanna Whitmore Whittaker, Mrs. Charles Luther Whittaker

Joe and Chris Lawlor on a Work Wagon with Rubber Wheels

John "Talking John" Melbourne Rich

John & Jean Desjardin House (2)

John A. Hopkins House

John Allen Somes House

John and Emma (Mayo) Casey with Choice

John and Esther Ward Nichols House (2)

John and Leon Wilson House

John and Mary Lawson Stoddard Cottage

John and Viola Benson (Tracy) Carroll

John and Viola Benson (Tracy) Carroll and Five Children

John and Viola Benson (Tracy) Carroll and Four Children (3)

John and Viola Benson (Tracy) Carroll and Six Children

John and Viola Benson (Tracy) Carroll's Four Children

John Andrew Walls House

John Billings House (2)

John C. Harmon House

John C. Harmon House (2)

John C. Ralph / Charles Wallace Birlem House (2)

John C. Ralph House (3)

John Carroll - Member of the Second Traverse Jury, October Term, 1913

John Carroll and Family

John Carroll and Fish

John Carroll and his children

John Carroll and other Family Members

John Carroll Family (2)

John Carroll House

John Carroll Lawler (3)

John Carroll's 75th Birthday Party

John Carroll's youngest three children

John Caston and the Flagpole Topped with Byron Lewis Robinson's Ship Model

John Clark House - Freeman House Hotel - Dr. Joseph Dana Phillips House

John Clement Clem Walls

John Cummins Harmon House (2)

John Cummins Harmon House II

John Cummins Harmon II - Simmons House

John D. Rockefeller, Jr’s Memorial

John Dix

John Dix Farm on Bartlett's Island

John Dix House

John Dix House on Bartlett's Island

John Dodge Lurvey House (2)

John Dunbar House

John E. Hamblen House (2)

John E. Hersey House

John Frank Closson's Lobster Boat at Beal's Wharf

John G. Trufry House (2)

John G. Wilson House

John Gilley (1822-1896) (2)

John Gilley and his Second Wife, Mary Jane (Wilkinson) Gilley, at Home on Sutton Island

John Gilley House on Sutton (2)

John H. & Mary Shepley Briggs House (2)

John Henry Hamor House

John Henry Robinson House at Center, Maine

John J. Leonard House

John Lathrop Wakefield House

John Lathrop Wakefield, Julius Ross Wakefield and Anna Margaretta Wakefield

John Latty and his wife Sylvia M. (Rich) Latty

John Latty House

John Lawler Commercial Building (2)

John Lawler Whitmore (2)

John Lawler Whitmore and Brother, James F. Whitmore, and John's Family in Southwest Harbor - 1924

John Lawler Whitmore in the Hawaiian Pineapple Fields

John Lenzey Stanley House (5)

John Leonard Stanley's Daughters

John Lindsay Newman House (2)

John M. Williams Cottage (2)

John Manchester Gilley Farmhouse

John Melbourne Rich House III With Family on Steps - Between 1909 and 1912

John Melbourne Rich House I (2)

John Melbourne Rich House I in 2004

John Melbourne Rich House III (2)

John Melbourne Rich House III - After 1900 (2)

John Melbourne Rich House III - Original House Plans

John Melbourne Rich House III Before 1998

John Melbourne Rich House III in 1985 (3)

John Morgan Gott Sr. House (2)

John R. Tinker House

John Reynold I House

John Reynolds I

John Reynolds I House

John Robinson House at Center (2)

John S. Moore Farm

John S. Moore House

John Somes - Coasting Schooner

John Stanley House

John T. Finney House

John T. Reeve House

John T.R. Freeman House (2)

John T.R. Freeman's Wharf (2)

John Trufry House

John Tyler Murphy and wife Viola A. (Marshall) Murphy

John Tyler Murphy and wife Viola A. (Marshall) Murphy on their Wedding Day

John Tyler Murphy Leaving the Loren W. Rumill Store, West Tremont

John Williams and Lyford Stanley

Johnnie Rowing Away from "Lanita" at Anchor

Johns Island from Bernard

Johns Island in Bass Harbor

Johnson - Nellie P. (Johnson) Benson (1855-1925)

Johnson - Edward Johnson (1840-1906)

Johnson - Judge Alfred Johnson (1789-1852)

Johnson - Loren Bascom Taber Johnson (1875-1941)

Johnson - Loren Bascom Taber Johnson Rental (4)

Johnson - Louise Miller (Johnson ) Pratt (1876-1963)

Johnson - Rita (Johnson) Kenway (1931-2011)

Johnston - John Johnston (1881-1950)

Johnston - William Valentine Johnston (1919-1965)

Jonah Corson House (2)

Jonah Corson House, Northeast Harbor

Jonathan Brown House

Jonathan Edwards and Family at Pond

Jonathan Evans and Family on Porch

Jonathan Evans Family at Pond

Jonathan Stewart House - 1st House (2)

Jonathan Stewart House - 2nd House (3)

Jonathan Stewart House I (2)

Jonathan Stewart House II

Jonathan Stewart's Neighborhood - Aberdeen, Scotland. (2)

Jones - Frances Eleanor (Jones) Musgrave (1841-1918) aka Fannie

Jones - Franklin Jones (1832-1902)

Jones - Roxanne (Jones) Homer (1932-2011) aka Rocky

Jordan - Dr. Valdemar Mandell Jordan (1910-1995)

Jordan Mountain (2)

Jordan Pond (5)

Jordan Pond - Before Park Creation in 1916 (2)

Jordan Pond - Lafayette National Park

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles (4)

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles - Before Park Creation in 1916 (4)

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles from the Field

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles from the Shore - Before Park Creation in 1916

Jordan Pond and the Bubbles View

Jordan Pond from Jordan Mountain - Before Park Creation in 1916 (2)

Jordan Pond Gate Lodge

Jordan Pond House (3)

Jordan Pond House Dining Room

Jordan Pond House from the Lawn

Jordan Pond House meal receipt

Jordan Pond House men's dormitory with Snow

Jordan Pond House parking lot with snow

Jordan Pond House Tea Lawn with Snow

Jordan Pond in Winter

Jordan Stream and Trout Brook - Before Park Creation in 1916

Jordan Stream Falls

Joseph Alison Scott

Joseph Allen Cottage

Joseph and Margaret Reynolds House

Joseph B. Mason

Joseph B. Mason House (2)

Joseph C. Lawlor

Joseph C. Lawlor at the Blue Hill Fair Horse Pulling Contest

Joseph C. Lawlor with friends and "Barney"

Joseph Dana Phillips House (2)

Joseph E. Brown and Janet Booth Brown Cottage (2)

Joseph E. Brown Cottage

Joseph Elwood Spurling in his Spray Hood Lobster Boat at Beal's Float in Southwest Harbor

Joseph Epes Brown Jr. Cottage (2)

Joseph Gilbert Thorp Summer Cottage (2)

Joseph Gilley House (2)

Joseph Gilman Parker Jr. House

Joseph Heslin Rumill House

Joseph Kelley Robinson

Joseph King House

Joseph Walter Cooper Children in Baby Carriage with Nurses

Joseph Warren Gilley Jr. and His Family on Baker Island - Circa 1917

Josephine and Avon Klotz in Washington DC

Josephine and Avon Klotz on their wedding day

Josephine, Lucy Ellis Bemis and Margaret Arnold Rand

Josephine, Margaret Arnold Rand and Lucy Ellis Bemis

Josephine, Margaret Arnold Rand and Lucy Ellis Bemis in the Rose Garden

Joshua Francis Hart House

Joshua Moore House (2)

Josiah K. Mayo House

Journey's End

Joy - Benjamin Franklin Joy (1848-1912)

Joy - Clarence Freeman Joy (1893-1988)

Joy - Constance Irene Joy (1917-2004)

Joy May (Griffin) Mayo (2)

Joyce - Elsie Maude (Joyce) Twining (1892-1975)

Joyce - Emma Lillian (Joyce) Gott (1877-1954)

Joyce - Lovina E. (Joyce) Moore aka Vina (1878-1956)

Joyce Marie - Sardine Carrier

Juanita (Dorr) Wilson and Clora (Dorr) Lyle at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Judge Smith's Cottage

Judge Smith's Cottage Fireplace - Somesville

Judge Smith's Cottage in Somesville

Judith "Judy" (Rhoades) Obard and William "Billy" Evans Rhoades

Judkins - David Roby Judkins (1836-1909)

Judkins - Etta Hazle (Judkins) Weaver (1891-1974)

Julia A. (Mrs. Benjamin) Moore House

Julia Avelia Rice Speakman and Harry Freeman Rice Jr.

Julia Booth (Norwood) Gott and Child

Julia Booth (Norwood) Gott and Friend with Bicycles

Julia Booth (Norwood) Gott as a Child

Julia Booth Gott, Shirley L. Gott, and Augusta M. Gilly

Julia Child and Donald Worcester at Sawyers Market

Julia Child House (2)

Julia Frances (Higgins) Turpie, Mrs. David Turpie and Katherine Gertrude (Higgins) Gatcomb, Mrs. James Y. Gatcomb

Julia L. Whittier Cottage (2)

Julia Russell Long Whittier Cottage (2)

Julius Mitchell House

Julius Ross Wakefield at Brace's Cove Pond

Julius Ross Wakefield Departing from Boston on the S.S. Canopic (3)

Junction at High Head and Somesville Roads

Junior High School Operetta Tom Sawyer

"Juniper Farm" - Eugenia Ketterlinus House

Just like Iwo Jima


Kada II

Kada II and her Builders at the Bass Harbor Boat Shop

Kaelber - Edward Graham Kaelber (1924-2018)

Kaighn - Robert Kaighn (1837-1918)

Kaign - Ellen Cooper (Kaighn) McInnes (1874-1958)

Kamdenia - Cruiser

Kane - Athol M. (Kane) Higgins (1897-1995)

Karban - Otmar Franz Karban (1909-1996) aka Otto

Karst - John C. Karst (1836-1922)

Katahdin - Side-wheel Steamer

Kate L. Pray - Schooner

Kathelyn E. Gray (2)

Katherine "Kate" Carroll, later Mrs. George Edwin Bacon (2)

Katherine "Kate" Carroll, later Mrs. George Edwin Bacon - with niece and nephew

Katherine "Kate" Carroll, later Mrs. George Edwin Bacon and Anna Beatrice Carroll, later Mrs. Carl Edward Kelley

Katherine Febiger Spahr Cottage

Katherine Febiger Spahr Cottage

Katherine Kate Ann (Wilson) Mason, Mrs. William Emerson Mason

Katherine Noble

Katherine Noble and Family

Katherine Noble R.N.

Katherine Walls House

Katheryne "Carrie" Winstead Page at 17 years old

Katheryne "Carrie" Winstead Page Kellam with Clyde Page Kellam and Arthur Millis Kellam

Katheryne Winstead Page

Kathie Dreams

Kathlyn L. Murphy Reed (2)

Kathlyn L. Murphy Reed and Rev. and Mrs. Atwood and Baby on Buckboard

Kathlyn L. Murphy Reed with Her Mother, Flora Belle Butler Murphy Lawton

Kathlyn L. Murphy Reed with Son Edmund Blanchard Reed III

"Katie" at Fox Dens

Keene - William R. Keene (1851-1878) aka Daredevil Keene

Keeper and Child in Bath at Great Duck Light Station

Keeper Leverett Sherman Stanley Painting the Tower at Bass Harbor Head Light

Keeper Roscoe G. Lopaus and Anna Annie Rebecca (Kelley) Lopaus at Minots Ledge Light

Keeper Roscoe G. Lopaus and Family, Baker Island Light Station

Keeper's House at Great Duck Island Light

Keigher - Donald C. Keigher (c.1900-1960)

Kellam - Arthur Garfield Kellam (1880-1966)

Kellam - Arthur Millis Kellam (1911-1985) aka Art

Kellam - Clyde Page Kellam (1908-1965)

Kelley - Abbie Hannah (Kelley) Robinson (1851-1918)

Kelley - Anna Rebecca (Kelley) Lopaus (1844-1920)

Kelley - Carl Edward Kelley Sr. (1889-1976)

Kelley - Carlton Carroll Kelley (1919-1971)

Kelley - Charlotte Baldwin (Kelley) Norwood (1888-1970)

Kelley - Charlotte Baldwin (Kelley) Rich (1856-1925)

Kelley - Elizabeth Foster (Kelley) Barrows (1893-1976)

Kelley - Hattie S. (Kelley) Farley (1876-1961)

Kelley - James K. Kelley III (1815-1894)

Kelley - James K. Kelley IV (1859-1939)

Kelley - James Templeton Kelley (1855-1929)

Kelley - Lester Albert Kelley (1921-1987)

Kelley - William Harland Kelley (1935-2014)

Kempton - Elizabeth Ryers (Kempton) Winslow (1844-)

Kendall's Pond (2)

Kennebunkport hotelier buys the Claremont Hotel

Kennedy - Cecilia Catherine (Kennedy) Johnson (1884-1955)

Kennedy Cottage - Kenarden (2)

Kenneth & Ruth Amiro House (2)

Kenneth and Ruth Amiro's Seawall Dining Room

Kenneth C. Brookes at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Kenneth E. Billings Clearing the Land for the Southwest Motor Inn

Kenneth E. Billings House

Kenneth Louis Herrick Loading Hay - Summer 1945

Kenneth Melvin Reed

Kenneth Urban Hutchins and Cousin William Carter on a Fishing Trip

Kenneth Urban Hutchins and Meredith Adelle Rich Before the 1956 Prom

Kenneth Usher and His Dog in his 1930 Ford Model A Roadster

Kent - Arthur Atwater Kent Sr. (1873-1949)

Kenway - Edward Northwood Kenway (1924-2017)

Kenway - Nancy Hilda (Kenway) Rigdon

Kenyon - Janice Lorraine (Kenyon) Soules (1957-)

Ketch Rose Built for Peter Godfrey (8)

Ketch Ticonderoga In For Repair at Southwest Boat Corporation (3)

Kidston - Ernest Archibald Kidston (1877-1955)

Kidston Island Light

Kilburn - Benjamin West Kilburn (1827-1909)

Kimball - Clarence Abraham Kimball (1852-1935)

Kimball - Daniel Kimball (1802-1887)

Kimball - Hannah Elizabeth (Kimball) Mayo (1848-1914) aka Lizzie

Kimball - Loren Eugene Kimball (1855-1931)

Kimball - Sarah Elizabeth (Kimball) Mayo (1852-1937)

Kimball House Hotel (2)

King - Leslie S. King (1879-1936)

King - Lottie Rea (King) Reed (1890-1957)

King - Marguerite S. King (1882-1981)

King - Maxine (King) Rankin (1908-1983)

King - Stanwood Hart King (1905-1996)

King - Stanwood Leslie King (1930-2004)

King - William Ward King (1854-1942)

King family photographs

King Fisher - Sardine Carrier

Kingfield Maine

Kings Point (2)

Kings Point, Manset From the Water

Kingsleigh Inn (2)

Kinney - Abby (Kinney) Bentley (1828-1874)

Kipper - A-Boat (2)

Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Looking West

Kitchen in Aunt Maggie Trask House on Gotts Island

Kittiwake II - Pleasure Cruiser

Kittredge - Arthur Kittredge (1920-2005)

Kittredge - Charmian (Kittredge) London (1871-1955)

Kittredge - Evelyn (Kittredge) Jordan (1912-1986)

Kittredge - Milton Donald Kittredge (1905-1986)

Kittredge - Osborne Milton Kittredge (1844-1928)

Kittredge - Ruth Carroll (Kittredge) Dolliver (1907-2004)

Kittredge - Wilford Howard Kittredge (1881-1960)

Kittredge Family

Kittridge Family--Osborne M. Kittredge and grandson Milton

Klotz - Avon Roberts Klotz (1914-1985)

Knaut - Paul A. Knaut Jr. (1917-2008)

Knights of Pythias Hall

Knights of Pythias Hall, West Tremont, Maine

Knights of Pythias, Tremont, Maine

Knox - Harriet Pratt (Knox) Buck (1885-1974)

Kona - Yawl

Krantz - Arvid Emery Krantz (1920-1997)

Krantz - Francis (Krantz) Johnson (1946-)

Krantz - Oscar Ove Krantz (1888-1968)

Kristin Rebecca Hutchins

Kristin Rebecca Hutchins Picnicing with an Anne Gould party on Placentia Island

Kronprinzessin Cecilie - Steamship


L & G Stanley

L and G Stanley Directory and Handbook

L. Nathan Winchester Whitney House

L. Sterling Newell Jr. Cottage

La Mothe - Marie Therese (La Mothe) Cadillac de Gregoire (1733-1811)

La Rochelle

La Rochelle as the Maine Sea Coast Mission

Ladd - Lewis E. Ladd (1854-1942) aka Lew

Ladies of the Original Millay Study Club

Ladies of the Rebekah Lodge at Odd Fellows Hall

Ladies on the Dock at the Ocean House in Manset

Lady - Costumed - George Washington's Birthday

Lady at Cape Ann

Lady Lurene - Sardine Carrier

Lady on the Rocks, Sutton Island

Lafayette National Park - Precipice Path, Champlain Mountain, Bar Harbor, Me.

Lafayette National Park, Western Slope, Acadia Mountain - Showing Entrance of Somes Sound, Mt. Desert Island, Maine

Lake Champlain

Lake Como

Lake George

Lamb - Aimée Lamb (1893-1989)

Landing at Lobster Cove (2)

Landing Freight at Great Duck Island Light (2)

Landing of the Pilgrims Stamp

Landing the Dinghy at Great Duck Island

Landscape painting by Howe D. Higgins

Lane - Fitz Henry Lane (1804-1865)

Lane to The Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Summer Home

Lane to Whale Cove - Merridale's Farm

Langdon W. Wood and Russell G. Manchester House

Lanita - Catboat

Lanita - Henry Lathrop Rand as "Solomon Levi" at Helm

Lanman - Charles Rockwell Lanman (1850-1941)

Lanman - Edith Hamilton Lanman (1892-1992)

Lansing - Gerrit Livingston Lansing (1942-2010)

Lantern Walk and Story Telling at the Causeway

Lapstrake Dory in Valley Cove

LaRita Tapley with Bobtail Kittens

Last of the Original Trees in Front of the Library

Lathrop - Anna Maria Margaretta (Lathrop) Hall (1834-1880) aka Aunt Mary

Lathrop - Frances Anna (Lathrop) Wakefield (1828-1908) aka Fanny

Lathrop - Jane Augusta (Lathrop) Rand (1837-1918)

Lathrop - John Pierce Lathrop (1796-1843)

Latrobe - Elise (Latrobe) Felton (1926-2013)

Latty - Drexel Madison Latty (1913-1999)

Latty - Hannah E. (Latty) Murphy (1863-1902)

Latty - Harry E. Latty (1887-1926)

Latty - John Latty (1880-1961) aka Captain John Latty

Latty - Madeline A. (Latty) Spriggs (1915-1988)

Latty - Mertie (Latty) Murphy (1912-1996)

Latty - Richmond L. Latty (1848-1930)

Latty - Roger Leslie Latty (1913-1971)

Latty - Wavie A. (Latty) Murphy (1882-1961)

Latty Ladies

Launch and Sloops in Southwest Harbor

Launch day for Endeavor

Launching Cruiser Thalia B. Built for O.C. Nutting at Southwest Boat Corporation

Launching Friendship Sloop Freedom Built for Richard Beebe Dudman

Launching Lobster Boat Miss Julie for Robert P. Stevens (2)

Launching Lobster Boat Nancy & Ricky at Lower Town Dock

Launching Lobster Yacht Albacore III at Robert Farnsworth Rich, Bass Harbor Boat Inc.

Launching Mary Rose

Launching Morning Star (4)

Launching Scallop Dragger Connecticut at Southwest Boat Corporation

Launching Steamer Arthur B. Homer

Launching the Elva L. Beal for Harvard R. Beal at Southwest Boat Corporation

Launching the Lobster Boat Built for Russell Edgar Pettigrove

Launching the Lobster Boat Frances Inez Built for Arvid Emery Krantz

Laundry Day at Pine Lodge or Balla Cragga

Laura M. Mayo House

Laura, Lovina, Louise, and Esther Moore on Great Gott Island


Laurel Hill Cemetery, Pennsylvania (2)

Lauren T.

Laurence S. Newman House

Laurence Saunders Newman Aboard His Lobster Boat (3)

Laurence Saunders Newman House

Laurence Saunders Newman's Lobster Boat

Laurie Chamberlain (Hinckley) Towers on Baker Island

Laurie, Midge, Mary Anne, Mary Louise, and Penny Hinckley at Baker Island

Lawler - Allen Jacob Lawler (1863-1933)

Lawler - Christopher Wendell Lawler (1893-1956) aka Chris

Lawler - Edwin Albert Lawler (1856-1930)

Lawler - Elizabeth Lawler (1903-1975)

Lawler - James Whitmore Lawler (1847-1877)

Lawler - John Carroll Lawler (1852-1872)

Lawler - John Dix Lawler (1906-1997)

Lawler - Lucy Ella (Lawler) Whitmore (1849-1934)

Lawler - Mark Robinson Lawler (1897-1977)

Lawler - Mary Elizabeth (Lawler) Smallidge (1851-1928)

Lawler - Sarah Louise (Lawler) Smallidge (1859-1940)

Lawler - William Lawler (1817-1892)

Lawler Clam Factory and Little Island

Lawler Ice Business, Harvesting Ice at Chris's Pond

Lawler Paint Co. Building (2)

Lawler Paint Company Painting the Steeple of the Southwest Harbor Congregational Church

Lawley - George S. Lawley Sr. (1823-1915)

Lawlor - Dennison Josiah Lawlor (1824-1892) aka Dennis

Lawlor - Joseph Christopher Lawlor (1925-2002)

Lawlor - Rosemary (Lawlor) Theriault (1921-1999)

Lawlor - William Joseph Lawlor (1924-2017) aka Bill

Lawlor Family

Lawlor Ice Business (6)

Lawlor Ice Business, Harvesting Ice

Lawn Tennis at the Island House

Lawrence - Ruth Eleanor Lawrence (1905-1992)

Lawrence "Lonnie" B. Sawyer and Ox

Lawrence Dana Phillips House

Lawrence Dudley Mayo - 15 months

Lawrence Dudley Mayo and Leonard Neal Mayo - First Overalls

Lawrence Dudley Mayo and Michael Mayo

Lawrence E. Murphy House

Lawrence Enoch Lurvey (2)

Lawrence Enoch Lurvey and an Aunt - Lawrence Leaves For Home

Lawrence Wayne - Seiner

Lawson - Carl Colson Lawson Jr. (1921-2005)

Lawson - Charles Leon Lawson (1863-1943)

Lawson - George Lawson (1825-1870)

Lawson - Lizabeth H. (Lawson) Rich (1912-1978)

Lawson - Perry L. Lawson (1905-1990)

Lawson - Rhoda M. (Lawson) Watson (1861-c.1938)

Lawton - Fred Warren Lawton (1863-1947)

Lawton - Jessie C. (Lawton) Gordon (1888-1972)

Lawton - John Thomas Lawton (1854-1954)

Lawton - Melissa C. (Lawton) Pettigrove Gaudet (1883-1945) aka Mildred

Lawton - William Lawton Jr. (1850-1940)

Lawton - William Lawton Sr. (1824-1881)

Lawton Block (2)

Laying out a tennis court on the Roberts House lawn

Le Croix - Marguerite (Milly dit Le Croix) Stanley (1733-c.1833)

Leach - Helen Knox (Leach) Stanley (1906-2009)

Leach's Storm-Petrel Bird with Egg in Burrow

Leach's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma Leucorhoa

Leader - Passenger Launch

Leader - Schooner

Leaving San Miguels - Photo 05

Ledge and Cottage Stakes

Ledge End

Ledgemere (2)

Leffingwell - Lucia Dodge Leffingwell (1866-1944)

Leffingwell Cottage

Leffingwell Estate Lawsuit

Leighton - Adam Philips Leighton (1851-1922)

Leighton - Hugh Chisholm Leighton (1878-1943)

Leland - Sylvia Bessie Leland (1906-1981)

Lemont - Robert James Lemont (1842-1926)

Lemont Building Destroyed by Fire in 1955

Lena G. Norwood Mitchell at Eastern Star Meeting in Portland, Maine

Lenahan - Donald Patrick Lenahan

Lenhard - Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates (1900-1983)

Lennox "Bink" Sargent House (2)

Lennox L. Bink Sargent and Chester Warren Stanley with Framework for a Mine Yawl at Southwest Boat Corporation

Lennox Ledyard Bink Sargent and His Son, David Lennox Sargent

Lennox Ledyard Sargent - Design for a Christmas Card as Bing Sargent

Lennox Sargent ("Spec") House (4)

Leola Mae Pomroy - later Mrs. Walter Eugene Higgins - Watering the Family Cows

Leonard - Sylvanus G. Leonard (1844-1915)

Leonard Neal Mayo (2)

Leonard Neal Mayo Leaving Home

Leonard Neal Mayo and Joy May (Griffin) Mayo - Wedding

Leonard Neal Mayo in Long Pants

Leonard Y. Stanley's House (2)

Leone Marie (Wemmert) Kellam (2)

"Leopard" at Fox Dens

Leslie C. Ober House (2)

Leslie Frank White House

Leslie Hamblen Ward (2)

Leslie William Morrill House

Lester A. Kelley Standing in the Doorway of the Nathan H. Stanley House

Lester E. Lunt

Lester E. Young

Lester L. Wass with Wheelbarrow Full of Fish

Lester Leighton Wass

Leta H. Murphy

Leta Murphy Burnside House (2)

Letter from Antoinette (Brown) Harmon, Mrs. John Cummins Harmon to her Husband

Letter from Eliza Jacobus (Newkirk) Rogers to Mrs. Coates and Dr. Rhoades

Letter from Jacob William Carroll to Mr. Clark

Letter from Lawrence Phillips to William E. Rhoads

Letter from Leone Marie (Wemmert) Kellam to Marjorie Ellen (Page) Copeland

Letter from the Charles J. Jager Co. to Jesse H. Pease Regarding a New Water Pump and Windmill

Letter to the Southwest Harbor Public Library from Charles Morris Young (2)

Letter Written by Nathan Clark III to His Father, Seth Higgins Clark

Letterhead from the Stanley House

Levi Woodbury - U.S. Revenue Cutter

Levy - Harry Levy (1865-1942)

Lewis Frederick Newman House

Lewis Freeman Gott House / Trask House (2)

Lewis Freeman Gott Launching Merry Wing in Bernard, Maine Circa 1903

Lewis Freeman House (3)

Lewis Gilley Stanley (1869-1957)

Lewis Gilley Stanley Aboard Schooner Niliraga

Lewis Gilley Stanley Aboard the Milliken family's "Gambol"

Lewis Gilley Stanley at the Door of His Boathouse on Cranberry Island

Lewis Gilley Stanley House and Wharf

Lewis Gilley Stanley's Boat House at Cranberry Island

Lewis H. & Margaret Lay Crofts House

Lewis H. Alley in a Passenger Launch

Lewis H. Dolliver House

Lewis Holmes House

Lewis Kennison Robinson (2)

Lewis Kennison Robinson and Children

Lewis Kennison Robinson and daughter, Elsie May Robinson Dolliver, Mrs. Milton Haynes Dolliver

Lewis Kennison Robinson and Family

Lewis Kennison Robinson and Family Listening to the Radio

Lewis Kennison Robinson and Son Byron Lewis Robinson

Lewis Kennison Robinson and William S. Trask

Lewis Kennison Robinson at Home in Southwest Harbor

Lewis Kennison Robinson Family in Snow

Lewis Kennison Robinson Family on a Picnic at Oak Point

Lewis Kennison Robinson House I

Lewis Kennison Robinson House II

Lewis R. French

Lewiston - Sidewheel Steamer

Lewiston - Sidewheel Walking Beam Steamer

Leza and James R. Colquhoun House

Leza Colquhoun Photographing the Obbard Garden

Liberty - Sightseeing Boat

Librarian Lorraine (Allen) Saunders with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Roscoe Worcester

Librarian Lorraine (Allen) Saunders with Staff and Children at the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Librarian Meredith Hutchins at Her Desk in the Library

Librarian Meredith Hutchins in the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Librarian Meredith Hutchins in the Spring of 1984

Library at the Colvin Family Home

Library Book Sale at the Flamingo Festival

Lida Ellen Clark Cousins

Lida M. Murphy

Lida Mae II - Lobster Boat

Lieutenant Paul A. Harris, CCC Commander

Life Boat on the Ways at Great Duck Light Station

Life-Saving Service Crew at Great Duck Light Station

Life-Saving Service Crew Launching Boat at Burnt Island in Boothbay Harbor

Light House, Cobbossee Lake

Light House, Petit Manan Island, Me.

Lighthouse and Seascape Oil Painting

Lighthouse at Great Duck Island

Lighthouse Keeper Elmer Staples Reed

Lighthouse on Great Duck Island

Lighthouses and Life Saving Stations of Mount Desert Island

Ligure - Schooner

Lilian Hunter Cutler Cottage

Lilla Dimock Cope Cottage (2)

Lilla Dimock Cope House (2)

Lillian - Schooner

Lillian Closson

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo and Emma (Mayo) Casey

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo Rowing a Boat

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo with Daughters Barbara Elaine and Eleanor Ruth Mayo

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo, Mrs. Fred Sidney Mayo in Her Garden

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo, Mrs. Fred Sidney Mayo on Christmas Day

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo, Mrs. Fred Sidney Mayo on Her Honeymoon at Long Pond

Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo's Children

Lillian E. Mullins (2)

Lillian E. Mullins in Bathing Suit

Lillian E. Mullins, Five Years Old

Lillian Mary Trites

Lily Lake House

Lily Lake House at Seal Cove, Maine

Lily Pond at Thorndike Cottage

Linda Chapin Marcus Ramseyer

Linda G. - Lobster Boat

Linda Maria (Landenberger) Carter House

Linda W. Perkins Cottage (2)


Lindenwood Inn (2)

Linscott - Henry Lewis Linscott (1907-1992)

Linscott - Marion Louise (Linscott) Stanley (1933- )

Linton - William James Linton (1812-1897)

Linus the Long-Haired Wonder Horse Advertising Card

Linwood A. Ginn

Lionel Clark House

Lippincott - William D'olier Lippincott (1919-2000)

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson (9)

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson and Friend at Columbia Teacher's College

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson and Georgia M. "Georgie" Ray on Bartletts Island

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson and Holley Albert Wilkinson on their Wedding Day in Southwest Harbor, Maine (2)

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson at Beal’s Fish Wharf

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson at Long Pond

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson at the Captain Jacob Schoppy Mayo House

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson on Bartlett Island with Ray Family Member

Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson on Bartletts Island with Ray Family

Lisa Caroline Mayo and Christopher Wendell Lawler

Lisa Caroline Mayo and Emma Mayo

Lisa Caroline Mayo and High School Friends in Bangor, Maine

Lisa Caroline Mayo on the Steps of the Bartlett Island School

Lisa Caroline Mayo with her Grandmother, Sarah Newman (Dolliver) Mayo

Little Abner - Scow

Little Boars Head (2)

Little Boy - Hester (2)

Little Cow Island Pond

Little Cranberry Island (3)

Little Cranberry Island - Islesford Dock (2)

Little Duck Island (4)

Little Folly - Friendship Sloop - Maine Sloop Boat

Little Girl (2)

Little Good Harbor Beach

Little Long Pond (3)

Little Long Pond, Seal Harbor, Maine

Little River

Lively Lady

Living Room and Fireplace

Lizzie A. Tolles - Schooner

Lizzie E. (Moulden) Thurston, Mrs. Charles Dix Thurston

Lizzie Mayo Holmes, Harvard Beal House

Llewellyn Cleveland House (3)

Llewellyn J. Norwood's Livery Stable

Llewellyn J. Norwood's Livery Stable, Bernard, Maine

Loading Ice on to the Sluice (2)

Loading Washing Machines at Benson's Laundromat

Lobster and Traps

Lobster Bake on the Lawn at The Moorings

Lobster Boat Built for Merit Bean

Lobster Boat Built for Merit Walton Bean (2)

Lobster Boat Built for Oscar Ove Krantz - At the Wharf

Lobster Boat Built for Oscar Ove Krantz - In the Shop

Lobster Boat Built for Oscar Ove Krantz - In the Water

Lobster Boat Built for Oscar Ove Krantz - Moving the Boat

Lobster Boat Built for Oscar Ove Krantz - Moving the Boat on a Wooden Skid

Lobster Boat - Meredith II (4)

Lobster Boat - O.K. - Dragger - Hornet and a Dragger at the Lower Town Dock in Southwest Harbor

Lobster Boat Ajax Built for Carl Colson Buddy Lawson Jr. (3)

Lobster Boat Ajax Built for Carl Colson Buddy Lawson Jr. - Before Launch at Lower Town Dock

Lobster Boat at the Charles Henry Rich & Company Wharf, Southwest Harbor

Lobster Boat Barbara Carol Built for Lester Charles Bracy

Lobster Boat Betty Lou Built for Roland James Sprague (2)

Lobster Boat Built for Harold Alley

Lobster Boat Built for Howard Lester Power

Lobster Boat Built for Louise (Webber) Jackson O'Brien (2)

Lobster Boat Built for Merit Walton Bean

Lobster Boat Built for Russell Edgar Pettigrove (3)

Lobster Boat Frances Inez - Moving the Boat for Launching

Lobster Boat Frances Inez Built for Arvid Emery Krantz

Lobster Boat Lida Mae II Built for Carol Pearl Chapin (4)

Lobster Boat Lida Mae II Built for Carol Pearl Chapin - Owned by Paul Veino

Lobster Boat Linda G

Lobster Boat Linda G Built for Daniel J. Graham (2)

Lobster Boat Linda G Built for Daniel J. Graham - After Launching

Lobster Boat Meredith I at Work

Lobster Boat Meredith I in the Yard Before Cabin Built

Lobster Boat Miss Beth at the F.W. Thurston Company Wharf

Lobster Boat Nancy & Ricky Now Rigged as Dragger Northern Lights

Lobster Boat Nancy & Ricky Now Rigged as Research Vessel Mariah and Megan (2)

Lobster Boat Rachel Ann Built by Ralph W. Stanley for Emerson Forbes Spurling Sr. (4)

Lobster Boat Seven Girls as Breadwinner

Lobster Boat Seven Girls as Breadwinner at Brooklin, Maine.

Lobster Boat Seven Girls and Friendship Sloop Endeavor in Southwest Harbor (2)

Lobster Boat Seven Girls Built by Ralph W. Stanley for his Father, Chester Warren Stanley (3)

Lobster Boat Style Pleasure Boat Driftwood - now Chicken of the Sea (3)

Lobster Boat Style Pleasure Boat Driftwood at Bass Harbor

Lobster Boat Style Pleasure Boat Driftwood at Jarvis Newman's Boat Yard

Lobster Boat Style Pleasure Boat Driftwood being restored at Jarvis Newman's Boat Yard

Lobster Boat Trailaway

Lobster Boat Trailaway as Maddy Sue

Lobster Boat Trailaway At Cranberry Isles

Lobster Boat Trailaway with the Sunbeam in the Ice at Cranberry Isles

Lobster Boat Tucker Hyde off the Eastern Shore of Placentia Island

Lobster Boat Wandabob Built for Shirley Moore Phippen

Lobster Boat Willie Marie Built for Elwyn McCauley

Lobster Boat Willie Marie Rebuild in Port Townsend, Washington

Lobster Boat Wolfhound Built for Wendell Sherbon Seavey (3)

Lobster Boat, Ellen Marie

Lobster Boats and Lobster Boat Trailaway in the Ice

Lobster Cars on Shore at John's Island, Bernard, Maine

Lobster Fishermen at Otter Cove, Acadia National Park

Lobster Lane in Magnolia

Lobster Pots in the Snow - Thurston's Wharf, Bernard

Lobster Shack in Bernard

Lobster Smack Grace M. Cribby

Lobster Style Boat Built for John Wolf

Lobster Style Pleasure Boat Driftwood off Tracy Cove (2)

Lobster Style Pleasure Boat Irona II

Lobster Traps - History and Development

Lobster Traps at Norwood's Cove

Lobster Traps at the Narrows

Lobster Traps on Wharf in Bernard, Maine (2)

Lobster Wharf At Bernard Looking Across to Bass Harbor

Lobster Wharf at Goose Cove, Tremont, Maine (2)

Lobster Yacht

Lobster Yacht Blueberry at Anchor in Southwest Harbor

Lobster Yacht Built for Howard Lester Power (2)

Lobster Yacht Built for Lloyd Deming Yates (2)

Lobster Yacht Built for Patricia Agnes (Geyelin) Godfrey (2)

Lobster Yacht Nathaniel

Lobster Yacht Nathaniel Piloted by Richard Lewis Stanley

Lobster Yacht Sarah Holloway

Lobster Yacht Skipper Built for Patricia Agnes (Geyelin) Godfrey (3)

Lobsterland in a Storm

Lobsterland Restaurant

Lobsterland, Seawall, Maine

Location of Bryant Bradley Studio, Bar Harbor, Maine

Location of Goddard Weld Cottage

Location of James Baldwin House

Location of Southwest Harbor High School and Freeman Grammar School

Location of the Cheese House, Aerial Photo of Trenton

Location of the Tapley House from Twenty-first Century Southwest Harbor Map

Location of USS Constitution

Logan Waller Page and Henry Lathrop Rand at Nathaniel Southgate Shaler's cottage, "Seven Gates," on Martha's Vineyard

Logging Camp at Long Pond

Logo of B.F.Joy's Photographic Art Studio on the reserve of a cabinet photo

Logo on the Reverse of a Cabinet Card

London - John Griffith London (1876-1916)

Lone Pine on Robinson Mountain

Lone Tree

Long - James Long (1814-1895)

Long - Maria Margarette (Long) Lathrop (1805-1876)

Long - Ralph H. Long, Jr. (1932-1992) aka Bud

Long Cove

Long Cove, Maine

Long Pond (2)

Long Pond as Great Pond

Long Pond Road (2)

Long Pond Road and Western Mountain

Long Pond, Seal Harbor

Longfellow - Anne Allegra (Longfellow) Thorp (1855-1934)

Longfellow Park (2)

Longwood Houses

Looking Across Burnt Coat Harbor Towards Minturn

Looking down Bass Harbor, McKinley, Maine

Looking Down Chestnut Street, Vinalhaven, Maine

Looking East from Hotel Islesford, Islesford, ME

Looking North from Bartletts Island

Looking North on Main Street, Southwest Harbor

Looking North Past the Francis Milton Spurling House to the Charles Eaton Spurling House, Great Cranberry Island

Looking Seaward, From Ocean Drive

Looking South from Castle, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Looking South from the Bubbles - Before Park Creation in 1916

Looking South on Main Street, Southwest Harbor (2)

Looking up Northeast Harbor to The Roberts House

Looking Up Somes Sound - From Ocean House Slip

Looking Up Somes Sound from Pine Lodge or Balla Cragga

Looking West From Jane Augusta “Jennie” (Lathrop) Rand's House in the Snow

Lopaus - Roscoe G. Lopaus (1845-1912)

Lord - Seth R. Lord (1845-1873)

Loren and Catherine Johnson Cottage (2)

Loren Bascom Taber Johnson Cottage

Loren Bascom Taber Johnson Rental (3)

Loren Wilbur Rumill and Wife Myra E. Clark Rumill

Lorenzo S. Trask House (2)

Lorilynn - Lobster Boat

Loring - Phoebe Francis (Loring) Francis (1889-1964)

Loring L. Marshall Cottage

Loring Studios Inc.

Lost Bar Harbor

Lottie R. King and Howard Milton Reed

Lottie R. King and Howard Milton Reed Holding Animals

Lottie Rea (King) Reed, Mrs. Howard Milton Reed

Lottie Rea King with Horses

Lou Ann - Sardine Carrier

Louis A. von Gaertner House

Louise (Fernald) Goulding Cottage

Louise Fernald Goulding Cottage

Louise Hatfield (Spurling) Sorenson, Mrs. W.O. Nels Peter Sorensen

Louise J. LaCount House

Louise Lawton (Fernald) Goulding, Mrs. Lynn Morse Goulding House

Louise Miller (Johnson) Pratt and Hollyhocks at the Johnson Homestead, Belfast, Maine

Louise Miller (Johnson) Pratt and Tree Seat at the Johnson Homestead, Belfast, Maine

Louise Miller (Johnson) Pratt in Kimono with Iris at the Johnson Homestead, Belfast, Maine

Louise Miller (Johnson) Pratt in Kimono with Lillies at the Johnson Homestead, Belfast, Maine

Louise Miller (Johnson) Pratt in the Garden at the Johnson Homestead, Belfast, Maine

Louise, Nelson and Barbara Spurling With Boat Models on the Shore

"Love," Carrie, Francis & H.O'C.R.


"Love" with Family Dog and Cat - "Pug" and "Muffin"

Lovejoy - George A. Lovejoy Jr. (1901-1964)

Lovering - Ernest Lovering (1859-1932)

Lovering - Pansy B. (Lovering) Robbins (1881-1967)

Lovers Lane, McKinley, Maine

Lower Town Dock (2)

Lower Town Dock, Southwest Harbor


Lucia Dodge Leffingwell Cottage

Lucinda Stanley Johnson House

Lucy (Buck) Ellsberg

Lucy Ann Noonan Benson - Mrs. William H. Benson

Lucy Ella (Lawler) Whitmore and Family

Lucy Ella (Lawler) Whitmore (1849-1934)

Lucy Ella (Lawler) Whitmore, Gladys Ella Whitmore and Family at Pulpit Rock.

Lucy Ella Lawler - About 19 Years Old

Lucy Ella Lawler - Mrs. William Holden Whitmore

Lucy Ella Lawler about 16 Years Old

Lucy Ella Lawler At the Well

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore and Family

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore and Family Dog, "Pat"

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore and Whitmore Women

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore Feeding Chickens

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore Taking Tea with her Sister-in-Law, Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore with Daughter and Grandson

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore with Granddaughters

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore, Mrs. William Holden Whitmore (3)

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore, Mrs. William Holden Whitmore, and daughter Mary S. Whitmore

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore, Mrs. William Holden Whitmore, with Children

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore, Mrs. William Holden Whitmore, with Children (2)

Lucy Ella Lawler Whitmore, with Mary Ann Carroll and Edna May Thompson Whitmore

Lucy Ellis Bemis (3)

Lucy Ellis Bemis and Helen Ruthven Dexter (2)

Lucy Ellis Bemis and Jack

Lucy Ellis Bemis with Hollyhocks

Lucy Ellis Bemis, Margaret Arnold Rand with Josephine

Lucy Stanley Cottage

Luggage Tag from the Stanley House

Lumber Schooners (2)

Luncheon Group and Fireplace Bookcase

Lunt - Abner W. Lunt (1908-1975)

Lunt - Arnold Watson Lunt (1904-1954)

Lunt - Blanche Helen (Lunt) Gott (1890-1980)

Lunt - Cary Burton Lunt (1947-)

Lunt - Clarence LeForest Lunt (1922-1989)

Lunt - Grace Louise (Lunt) Clement (1890-1987)

Lunt - Harold Raymond Lunt (1906-1979) aka Jake

Lunt - Harriet Gertrude (Lunt) Latty (1880-1958)

Lunt - Lester E. Lunt (1903-1984)

Lunt's Harbor (2)

Lunt's Harbor - 1900 - 1905

Lunt's Harbor and Two Children, Frenchboro

Lunt's Harbor, Frenchboro (2)

Lunt's Harbor, Frenchboro, Long Island

Lura Belle (Haynes) Dolliver with her son Milton Haynes Dolliver

Lurlene Barbara Rumill

Lurvey - Cyrus H. Lurvey (1830-1901)

Lurvey - Enoch Boynton Lurvey Jr. (1835-1868)

Lurvey - Enoch Edwin Lurvey (1868-1929) aka Ene

Lurvey - John Dodge Lurvey (1823-1893)

Lurvey - Lawrence Enoch Lurvey (1895-1968)

Lurvey - Rachel Foster (Lurvey) Carroll (1791-1881)

Lurvey - Samuel J. Lurvey Jr. (1817-1893)

Lurvey - Seth W. Lurvey (1848-1922)

Lurvey Brook (2)

Lurvey Burying Ground

Lurvey Family Gathering

Lurvey Family Lands

Lurvey Lands

Luther S. Phillips, Bangor, Maine

Luxury yacht Vanda anchored in Southwest Harbor

Luyster - Caroline Susan (Luyster) Underwood (1828-1915)

Lydia - Made for Evelyn Kittredge by her Grandmother, Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll

Lydia J. Murphy, later Mrs. Frank S. Mitchell

Lyford - Philip Lyford (1887-1950)

Lyle Arlington Reed and Cary Burton Lunt with Cary's Lobster Boat The Little One

Lyle Arlington Reed House

Lyle Arlington Reed Store (2)

Lyle D. Newman Bungalow

Lyle Frost House

Lyman Harper House (2)

Lyman Leverett Stanley

Lyman Leverett Stanley House

Lyndon Henry Tud Bunker in a Passenger Launch

Lynne Birlem

Lynne Birlem in Wonderland

Lynne Marie Birlem (4)

Lynne Marie Birlem and Charles Wallace Birlem

Lynne Marie Birlem and Charles Wallace Birlem, Jr. (2)

Lynne Marie Birlem Riding a Tricycle


M. E. Church, Southwest Harbor, Maine

M.P. Rich - Brig

M.T. Sheahan Publisher, Boston, Mass.

Mabel duPont Colvin (2)

Mabel Florence (Moore) Stanley, Mable Florence Stanley and Marion E. Stanley with Friends on a Sawhorse

Mabel Whitney Underwood at Pigeon Cove, Magnolia, Massachusetts

MacDuffie - John MacDuffie III (1861-1941)

MacDuffie - Malcolm Angus MacDuffie (1902-1976)

MacDuffie School

MacDuffie School for Girls

MacDuffie Trail Sign in Acadia National Park - John MacDuffie III

Machiasport Canning Company

Machiasport Canning Company, McKinley - Conveyor Belt

Mack McMillan Pinckly House (3)

Mack McMillan Pinckly House - 1907

Mackay-Smith - Bishop Alexander Mackay-Smith (1850-1911)

Mackerel Cove

Mackerel Cove, Swans Island

Mackerel Seiner Towing a Seine Boat in Boston Harbor

Mackerel Seiner Towing Two Seine Boats, Gloucester, Massachusetts

MacKinnon - Marcella Katherine (MacKinnon) Stanley (1904-1986)

MacMann's Camp at Alamakoukus, Moro Plantation, Aroostook County, Maine

Maddy Sue - Pleasure Boat

Madeira house

Madeline A. Latty and Drexel M. Latty at the Old Marsh School

Madeline A. Latty at Head of the Harbor School

Madelyn J. Sprague

Madge at Afternoon Tea

Maggie A. Fernald House (2)

Magic Lanterns

Magnolia - Woods

Magnolia Beach and Point (3)

Magnolia Woods

Magnolia, Massachusetts

Mai Tai

Main St. Bernard, ME

Main Street - The Carroll Building - Southwest Harbor

Main Street from Cottage Street - View of the Bradley Block and the Rodick Hotel - Bar Harbor

Main Street in Somesville Looking South

Main Street Looking North (2)

Main Street Looking North - Southwest Harbor

Main Street Looking North - Southwest Harbor - Postcard

Main Street Looking North One Year After the Fire

Main Street Looking North to the Library (3)

Main Street Looking South (2)

Main Street Looking South - Somesville 1875

Main Street Looking South - Southwest Harbor

Main Street Looking South, Somesville, Maine

Main Street Looking South, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Main Street Looking Toward Dog (Saint Sauveur) Mountain

Main Street Opposite Odd Fellows Hall Site

Main Street Southwest Harbor Looking South Before 1922

Main Street, Bar Harbor

Main Street, Bar Harbor, ME

Main Street, Ellsworth

Main Street, Fairfield

Main Street, Southwest Harbor (3)

Main Street, Southwest Harbor - View South from Pemetic School Sidewalk

Main Street, Southwest Harbor, Maine - Looking North (2)

Main Street, Sullivan, Maine

Main Street. Southwest Harbor - Looking South to the Post Office, Ashmont Hotel and Holmes House

Maine Central Ferry Landing at Bar Harbor from the Newport House Piazza

Maine Central Institute (3)

Maine Central Railroad Advertisement

Maine Central Railroad Fleet Steamer Rangeley

Maine Central RR Wharf (2)

Maine Central RR Wharf and Ferry Landing (2)

Maine Central Steamboat Wharf, Hancock

Maine Central Wharf, Hancock

Maine Cottages: Fred L. Savage and the Architecture of Mount Desert

Maine Fishermen

Maine Seacoast Mission

Maine Sloop Boat "Chance" Foundering in Union River Bay

Maine Sloop Boat - Friendship Sloop Gladiator at Sea

Maine Sloop Boat "Beulah" Off Bear Island

Maine Sloop Boat "Chance" Foundering in Union River Bay (2)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Before Sinking (2)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Rebuilding (3)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection (12)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 01

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 02

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 03

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 04

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 05

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 06

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 07

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 08

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 09

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 10

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 11

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 12

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 13

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 14

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 15

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 16

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 17

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 30

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 31

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 32

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 33

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 34

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 35

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 36

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 37

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 38

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 39

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 40

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Resurrection - 41

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Endeavor - Richard Lewis Stanley Aboard

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Hieronymus - Built for Albert Albie Pancoast Neilson (4)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Hieronymus - Built for Albert Albie Pancoast Neilson - Children and Grandchildren Aboard

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Hieronymus - Built for Albert Albie Pancoast Neilson - In the Shop (2)

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Hieronymus - Built for Albert Albie Pancoast Neilson - On the Lawn

Maine Sloop Boat (Friendship Sloop) Hieronymus - Built for Albert Albie Pancoast Neilson - On the Shore

Maine Sloop Boat / Friendship Sloop off Manset

Maine Sloop Boat at Bernard, Maine Circa 1903

Maine Sloop Boat Euryale - Before 1935

Maine Sloop Boats and a Dory at Gotts Island Pool

Maine Sloop Boats at the Gotts Island Pool Pool

Maine Sloop Boats Gwenn and Fearless Underway in Southwest Harbor

Maine Yard Building Sixty-Foot Yachts

Making Wood Sing

Malcolm S. Ward in front of Unknown House

Malcolm Wayne Stanley

Malvern Cottage, Kebo Street, Bar Harbor, Maine

Malvern Hotel (3)

Malvern Hotel, Cottages, Kebo Street, Bar Harbor

Mambrino - Pilot 35

Man and Child

Man and Vessel on Boat Trailer

Man at J. L. Stanley Fishery (2)

Man Dressed in Egyptian Costume

Man in Uniform

Man O'War Brook Falls

Man, Woman and Dog on Fuller Street

Manager John M. Hooper and Waitresses at the Exchange Hotel, Ellsworth

Manchester - Frank L. Manchester (1873-1957)

Manchester - Russell Gordon Manchester (1927-2007)

Manchester Point (2)

Manchester Point from the Northeast Harbor Swimming Pool

Manchester's Point, Northeast Harbor

Manchesters Point and the Narrows

Mandy Turner House (3)

Mansell - Sir Robert Mansell (1573-1652)

Manset Boat House Dock with Schooner "Tabor Boy" in Background

Manset Boat Yard

Manset Church Cemetery

Manset Library

Manset Marine

Manset Marine Supply

Manset Marine Supply Company

Manset Marine Supply Company, Clark Point, Southwest Harbor (2)

Manset Marine Supply Company, Clark Point, Southwest Harbor - Interior (3)

Manset Marine Supply Company, Clark Point, Southwest Harbor - Rear - Men at Winch

Manset School (2)

Manset School Students on the Steps at Ocean House Cottage/Annex

Manset School, William King House/Tremont Baptist Parsonage and the Ocean House Hotel Cottage/Anne

Manset Schoolhouse (grades 6 - 8)

Manset Shore - Cold Storage - Wards Hall - The Ocean House

Manset Shore and Stanley Wharf After the J. L. Stanley Wharf Fire

Manset Shore Showing Ocean House and Stanley House

Manset Shore Showing Sluice

Manset Town Dock

Manset Union Cemetery

Manset Union Church (6)

Manset Union Church and Manset Library (2)

Manset, Maine Sunrise

Manuel and Nettie (Norwood) Silva with baby Eldora Silva.

Manuel Silva and Fishing Boat

Manzer - Gladys (Manzer) Muir (1886-1977)

Map and Cottage Directory of Baker Island, Great Cranberry Island, Little Cranberry Island, Sutton Island, Maine - 1958

Map and Cottage Directory of the Village of Bar Harbor - 1890

Map of Casco Bay, Maine Showing Route of Steamers of the Casco Bay Steamboat Co.

Map of Hancock County

Map of Mount Desert

Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine

Map of Shore from Bear Brook to Schooner Head

Map of the City of Belfast, Waldo Co. Maine

Map of the City of Cambridge

Map of the City of Providence, Rhode Island

Map of the State of Maine

Map of Washington and Part of Hancock Counties, Maine

Map of Wonderland

Map Showing the Extent of 1947 Fire

Marchers in the 2016 Flamingo Parade

Marcus - Dorothy Elder Marcus (1889-1944)

Marcus - Eleanor Chapin Marcus (1882-1894)

Marcus - Linda Chapin (Marcus) Ramseyer (1909-1975)

Marcus - William Elder Marcus Jr. (1883-1970)

Marcus - William Elder Marcus Sr. (1857-1925)

Mare's Island Light Station

Margaret (Mulholland) Birlem

Margaret Arnold Rand (3)

Margaret Arnold Rand - "Daisy" - Pouring Tea

Margaret Arnold Rand - “Daisy”

Margaret Arnold Rand (1868-1930) - "Daisy" - "Love"

Margaret Arnold Rand Rowing the Round Bottom Skiff, "Undine" in Bar Harbor

Margaret Arnold Rand, Lucy Ellis Bemis and Josephine

Margaret Arnold Rand's Bedroom

Margaret Arnold Rand's Studio

Margaret Birlem at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Margaret Elizabeth Cogswell

Margaret Ellen (McManus) Carroll, Mrs. William Lloyd Carroll

Margaret Kranking Painting of Southwest Harbor Public Library

Margaret Maggie C. (Comeau) Trask, Mrs. Lorenzo S. Trask (3)

Margaret Mullins and her granddaughter Lillian

Margarita Safford Cottage (2)

Margorie Alice Hatfield - Waitress at Jordan Pond House

Marguerite S. King

Marhen - Photo 66

Marian Alcyone (Rogers) Bullen and Daughter Alcyone Bullen at the Duck Pond

Marian Alcyone (Rogers) Bullen and Daughters Alcyone Rogers and Susan Lane Bullen

Marian Cooper Morton at the Dock

Marian Cooper Morton Picking Flowers

Marian F. and Annie Downs Clark with Mary S. and Gladys Ella Whitmore

Marilyn E. Dolliver House (2)

Marilyn Eva Dolliver

Marilyn Eva Dolliver - Easter 1961

Marilyn Eva Dolliver at the Organ

Marina Dock at Northeast Harbor, Maine

Mariner Hotel (2)

Marion - Charles Walter Marion (1865-1954)

Marion and Ralph Smiling, Probably at the Pemetic Reunion

Marion C. and Samuel W. Mead Cottage (2)

Marion E. Stanley - Before 1916

Marion E. Stanley and Friend, Lonny, Picking Apples

Marion E. Stanley Holding Her Brother, Charles Warren Stanley, on a Horse

Marion E. Turner - Schooner

"Marion E. Turner" Crew

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty (3)

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty and Friend (2)

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty and Margaret Elizabeth Cogswell (2)

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty holding Parasol and Friend

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty in the Vines

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty Reading Hood's "Humorous Poems" to her Sisters

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty Seated at Flax Wheel (2)

Marion Elizabeth Dougherty with Parasol (2)

Marion F. Clark at the Seth Higgins Clark House

Marion Holmes Property at Seawall

Marion Louise (Linscott) Stanley and Nadine as a Baby

Marion Louise (Linscott) Stanley with Richard Lewis Stanley Aboard Lobster Boat Built by Ralph Stanley for Louise (Webber) Jackson O'Brien

Marion Louise (Linscott) Stanley, Mrs. Ralph Warren Stanley Planning Needlework

Marion M. Davids House

Marion Quincy (Winslow) Rand - Copy of Hat Portrait

Marion Quincy Winslow (3)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand (2)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Dinner with "Lucretia" on the Piazza

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand - "4 years, 1 day old"

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand - "Q" - Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand and Beech Tree at Jamaica Pond

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand - Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand - in Blackface - "Pat Flynn Mowing Lawn"

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand - Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand at Bird Bath

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand "4 years, 1 day old"

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and Arnold Augustus Rand (3)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and Arnold Augustus Rand at "Fox Dens" Avenue Shelter

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and Frank T. Dwinell holding "Lucretia"

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and G.W.E. at a Picnic

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and her Mother, Elizabeth Ryerss Kempton Winslow on the Sunset Seat

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and her Nurse, Miss McCarthy

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and Julius Ross Wakefield

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand and Swans at Jamaica Pond (3)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand as "Tildy" in Blackface (3)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Balsam Hut

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Dinner on the Piazza

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Fox Dens

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand at Sunset Seat (2)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in Bathing Costume on the Fox Dens Shore

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in Bridal Dress (5)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in Front of Fox Dens

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in Hammock at Fox Dens

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in Hammock on the Annex Piazza

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand in the Woods at Fox Dens

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand on Beach

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand on Cadillac Path

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand on Fox Dens Steps

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand on the Eastern Promenade (3)

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand on the Piazza

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand Watching Gulls

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand with Charles-Edward Amory Winslow and Anne Fuller Rogers

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand with Cousins Charles-Edward Amory Winslow and Anne Fuller Rogers Winslow

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand, Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand - "Our Mayflower Buggy"

Marion Quincy Winslow Rand, Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand on Cadillac Path

Marion Stanley Holding Nadine with Ralph Stanley

Marion Stanley with Nadine and Marjorie

Marion Whitney (Barrett) Stubing, Mrs. Paul Timothy Stubing

Marjorie Alice Hatfield and Earl

Marjorie Beatrice Watson Sitting in front of her Grandfather's Store

Marjorie Beatrice Watson with her Grandmother, Viola Helen Benson Watson

Marjorie Beatrice Watson with Shark, Bernard, Maine

Marjorie Ellen (Page) Copeland

Marjorie Ellen (Page) Copeland in a Hammock

Marjorie H. Robinson House

Mark Robinson Lawler


Marmac - Cruiser

Marmac Underway off Mt. Desert Island

Marsh Creek, Bass Harbor

Marsh Creek, Bass Harbor, Maine

Marsh Creek, Head of Bass Harbor

Marsh, Ipswich, Massachusetts

Marshall - Maurice C. Marshall (1883-1956)

Marshall - Roscoe Clinton Marshall (1911-1968)

Marshall Point Light

Marshall Point Lighthouse

Martello Tower on Great Head

Martha Brown Fincke House (2)

Martin & Dorothy Green House (2)

Martin Van Buren Babbidge and Susannah A. (Gott) Babbidge - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Buren Babbidge

Mary "Mae Sam" Lurvey (Stanley) Bulger (2)

Mary "May" Melissa (Norwood) Davis Carter Feeding a Young Bald Eagle

Mary (Ellsberg) Pollard

Mary A. (Mrs. Fred) Birlem House

Mary A. Dolliver House

Mary A. Morris, Mrs. Stillman Stanley Dolliver House

Mary A. Ramsdell House (2)

Mary A. Sargent House (2)

Mary Alice (Gilley) Dolliver and Julia A. (Moore) Stanley

Mary Amory Cook Zantzinger in Front of Her House, the Abner Pomroy House

Mary Ann Carroll (4)

Mary Ann Carroll and Everett Elmer Tinker

Mary Anne (Hinckley) Mead at 4 Years Old

Mary Anne (Hinckley) Mead at 6 years old

Mary Anne (Hinckley) Mead at Baker Island

Mary Anne (Hinckley) Mead with Friends

Mary Anne and Laurie Hinckley

Mary Anne Carroll and Students, Eden, Maine

Mary Anne Hinckley

Mary Anne McLean

Mary C. Kaighn House (3)

Mary E. Stanley House

Mary E. Thurston, later Mrs. Paul E. Fleming

Mary Elizabeth (Sentell) Colvin (2)

Mary Elizabeth (Whitmore) Stanley

Mary Elizabeth Dreier House

Mary Elizabeth Herring with Her Mother

Mary Elizabeth Lawler Smallidge

Mary Elizabeth Plimpton (3)

Mary Elizabeth Plimpton and Others on Shore

Mary Elizabeth Plimpton at Pigeon Cove

Mary Elizabeth Whitmore Stanley,George C. Whitmore and Gladys Ella Whitmore

Mary Ellen Chase House (2)

Mary Emma (Lenhard) Coates in the Tyrol Region

Mary Emma (Lenhard) Coates in Vienna

Mary Emma (Lenhard) Coates, Mrs. Archibald Austin Coates (3)

Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates as a Toddler (2)

Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates at 7 years old

Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates with a Wheelbarrow

Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show Catalogue

Mary Emma Wamsley Lenhard (4)

Mary Emma Wamsley Lenhard and Ann Lenhard

Mary Emma Wamsley Lenhard's Passport Photograph

Mary F. Steenstra, Sixteen Years Old, Rowing a Boat

Mary Flavilla (Trask) Hodgkins, Mrs. Curtis H. Hodgkins

Mary Frances Birlem House (2)

Mary Guild Leighton (Homand) Jones

Mary Guild Leighton (Homand) Jones House

Mary H. (Mrs. Almon F.) Ramsdell House

Mary H. Jones' House - Seascape - Before Construction (2)

Mary H. Jones' House - Seascape - Construction

Mary H. Jones' House - Seascape - Finished

Mary H. Jones' House - Seascape - View South (2)

Mary H. Stoddard (Mrs. John L.) Cottage

Mary J. Gilley House

Mary Jane Jennie Mason, Mrs. Joseph B. Mason

Mary Jane Winstead

Mary Jones Interviews with Ralph Stanley and Eric Henry about SWH Buildings - Oral History Tapes

Mary L. (Mrs. Charles) Rich House

Mary Lafferty Walker at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Mary Leith Ober and Milan R. Ober

Mary Longfellow Cousins, Edgar F. Cousins, Irene Cousins and Herbert Burnham Cousins

Mary Lou (Davis) Mayo (2)

Mary Louise (Buck) Hinckley (3)

Mary Louise (Buck) Hinckley with dog Dusty

Mary O'Brien Weds Cpl. Worcester in Southwest Harbor

Mary Rose

Mary Rose - Dragger

"Mary Rose" Launching

Mary S. (Mrs. Christian) Febiger Cottage

Mary S. Snow

Mary S. Snow Cottage

Mary S. Whitmore

Maryann and John Herrin

Marycarol Lenahan, Mrs. Donald P. Lenahan at Jesuit Spring - West on Fernald Point, Southwest Harbor

Mason - Joseph B. Mason (1842-1915)

Mason - Mary Jane (Mason) Mason (1848-1932) aka Jennie

Mason - Maud E. (Mason) Trask (1870-1937)

Mason - William Emerson Mason (1859-1937)

Mason - William Thomas Mason (1821-1863)

Mason Stephenson on the Lawn at Journey's End

Masonic Hall (3)

Massachusetts State Senator Thomas Lafayette Wakefield

Mast Step on Freedom

Mathews - Albert Mathews (1820-1903)

Matilda (Gilley) Allen


Matinicus Rock Light

Matron at Jordan Pond House


Mattie Dolliver: Dairy Farmer at the Age of 75

Mattie I. (Mrs. Franklin S.) Dolliver House (2)

Maud E. Mason Trask

Maud Holmes (Mrs. Frank) Gilley House (2)

Maud Phillips with Howard and Alfrieda Leonard

Maurice Rich House

Maurice Richardson Rich and Amanda Mandy (Robinson) Rich with House and Post Office

Maurice Richardson Rich House (2)

Maurice Roosevelt Beal House (2)

Maurice Stanley Rich with Wilder Hilton Dolliver at Machiasport Canning Company, C.H. Rich's Wharf, McKinley

Max G. and Mary Emma (Lenhard) Coates in Venice

Mayflower - Passenger Steamer

Mayflower Marine Railways Shed

Mayo - Barbara Elaine Mayo (1928-2002)

Mayo - Bryon Heman Mayo (1856-1918)

Mayo - Chana Sherwood (Mayo) Trenholm (1881-c.1965)

Mayo - Donald King Mayo (1893-1924)

Mayo - Dudley Luther Mayo (1855-1924)

Mayo - Edward Dolliver Mayo

Mayo - Eleanor Ruth Mayo (1920-1981)

Mayo - Elizabeth Belle (Mayo) Holmes (1861-1934) aka Lizzie

Mayo - Emma (Mayo) Casey (1880-1960)

Mayo - Florence Gladys (Mayo) Crocker (1884-1974)

Mayo - Fred Sidney Mayo (1877-1949)

Mayo - Gideon Joseph Mayo (1768-1858)

Mayo - Isaac Pepper Mayo (1774-1866)

Mayo - Jacob Schoppy Mayo (1818-1912)

Mayo - Joanna (Mayo) Lurvey (1815-1907)

Mayo - Lawrence Dudley Mayo (1926-2004)

Mayo - Leonard Neal Mayo (1927-1998)

Mayo - Lisa Caroline (Mayo) Wilkinson (1887-1965)

Mayo - Michael Lawrence Mayo

Mayo - Sarah Frances (Mayo) Rich (1852-1927)

Mayo - Simeon Holden Mayo (1867-1933) aka Sim

Mayo - William Irving Mayo (1859-1939)

Mayo and Holmes Family Outing

Mayo Family

Mayo Picture Theater

Mayo, Wilkinson, Lawler Family Picnic at Seawall

McCandlish Cottage (2)

McCaslin - Mary Louise (McCaslin) Mitchell (1884-1975) aka Mae

McEachern - Archie F. McEachern (1924-2000)

McEachern & Hutchins Hardware Store (2)

McEachern & Hutchins Loading Dock

McFarland - Lewis A. McFarland (1895-1972)

McInnes - Walter Scot McInnes (1871-1940)

McIntire - Thomas Andrew McIntire II (1930-)

McIntire - Thomas Andrew McIntire (1869-1954) aka T.A.

McKenna - Peggy McKenna (1947-)


McKinley and Bass Harbor from Bernard Side

McKinley Canning Company

McKinley Ferry

McKinley Fish & Freezer Co.

McKinley Fish & Freezer Co., McKinley, Me.

McKinley from Bernard - Showing Dr. Watson's Lobster Smack Onaway

McKinley from Head of Bass Harbor

McKinley Post Office

McKinley School (3)

McKinley School Students

McKinley School, McKinley, Maine

McKinley School, McKinley, Maine.

McKinley to Bernard

McKinley, Maine

McKinley, Maine Postmark

McLean - Edward Reid McLean (1852-1884)

McManus - Margaret Ellen (McManus) Carroll (1888-1967)

McMullen Avenue, McKinley, Maine

McMullen Quarry

McMullen Quarry on Somes Sound - I

McMullin - Frances McMullin Sr. (1822-1906)

McMullin - Frank McMullin Jr. (1856-1917)

McMullin Store

McWilliams - Julia Carolyn (McWilliams) Child (1912-2004)

MDI Business Location Map

Meadows near the Saco River

Meadows near Zaandam - Photo 61

Mears - Edward Bley Mears (1854-1947)

Medical Fallacies Among The Laity

Meditation of "Love"

Medric - Sardine Carrier

Melbourne Cecil Rich

Melinda L. Newman House

Melissa Carroll at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Melissa Carroll, Rosemary Lawler Theriault, and Meda Norwood at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Meltiah Jordan House

Melville F. Mitchell Sr. House

Melville Freeman Mitchell Sr. House

Melville Moore House and Store

Melvin Farley in front of The Field House

Melvin L. Farley House

Members of Company 158, Great Pond CCC Camp

Members of James M. Parker G.A.R. Post #105 Assembled for Memorial Day at the Somes House Hotel

Members of the Theodore Benson Jr. Family at the Mountain House

Memorial Maintenance

Memories Party on the steps of The Roberts House

Men and Fish on the Wharf

Men and Women at the First Odd Fellows Building, Southwest Harbor, Maine

Men at the Quarry (2)

Men at Work at Hall Quarry

Men at Work on Boat at Southwest Boat Corporation

Merchants Row

Meredith Adelle (Rich) Hutchins

Meredith Adelle (Rich) Hutchins (1939-2016)

Meredith Adelle Rich - with Underwood Company Water Tower, McKinley, Maine

Meredith Adelle Rich and Philip Clifton Rich

Meredith Adelle Rich at the Clifton Melbourne Rich House

Meredith Adelle Rich Before the 1956 Prom

Meredith I - Lobster Boat

Meredith II - Lobster Boat

Merle Everett Black's Spray Hood Lobster Boat on Little Island in Bass Harbor

Merrill B. King House - 1881

Merrill B. King House - 1921

Merrill Baxter King House (4)

Merrrill Elmer “Boots” Stanley House

Merry Wings - Maine Sloop Boat

Merryconeag - Passenger Steamer

Mert's Gift Shop

Mert's Gift Shop, Southwest Harbor

Mess Hall at Great Pond CCC Camp

Methodist Church

Methodist Church - Northeast Harbor

Methodist Church - Southwest Harbor

Metropolitan News Company, Boston, MA.

Miantonomah - Schooner

Michael Lawrence Mayo

Mid Century Lighthouse Seascape Oil Painting

Midge (Hinckley) Smith

Mildred Betty I. (Bartlett) Porter, Mrs. Donald Porter

Mildred Colton Esty Cottage (2)

Mildred E. (Reed) Carver, Mrs. Albert Jefferson Carver at Seal Cove

Mildred Everett - Miss Mildred Everett's Cottage, Seal Harbor

Mildred G. (Butler) Freeman House (2)

Mildred Helen Walls and Nellie Walls

Mildred M. Smith Cottage (2)

Mildred O. Hill House

Mildred Priscilla Rufsvold - University of Wisconsin

Miles W. Weaver House (2)

Miles Waverly Weaver

Milk Bottle (Raw Milk) from Nelson Herrick's Farm, McKinley, Maine

Mill Street (2)

Mill Street in the Snow (2)

Miller - Georgianna Parker (Miller) Johnson (1842-1907)

Millicent Flavilla Trask

Millie Lawton, Arthur Lawton, Willie Parker, Jack Parker and Fred Parker at the William Gilman Parker House

Milliken - Anne (Milliken) Franchetti (1919-)

Milliken - Gerrish Hill Milliken (1877-1947)

Milliken - Susannah (Milliken) Gott (1781-1859)

Mills - Cora Enola Mills (1888-1975)

Mills - Crosby Greening Mills (1920-2007)

Mills - Dalen Crosby Mills (1946-)

Mills - Jesse Newell Mills (1894-1972)

Mills - Olaus L. Mills (1856-1939)

Mills Cottage - View from Shore

Mills family photos

Millstein - Hyman D. Millstein (1910-1960)

Milner - Craig Milner

Milton and Ruth Kittredge

Milton Bub Higgins in his Father's Navy Patrol Hat

Milton Donald Kittredge (2)

Milton Donald Kittredge - Milton Rides Out

Milton Donald Kittredge and Ruth C. Kittredge (2)

Milton Donald Kittredge on a Rocking Horse - Going to see Dampa

Milton Donald Kittredge on Tricycle with Ruth

Milton Donald Kittredge with Kitten

Milton Donald Kittredge with Suzanne

Milton H. and Elsie M. Dolliver House (2)

Milton Haynes Dolliver (4)

Milton Haynes Dolliver and Elsie May (Robinson), Mrs. Milton Haynes Dolliver

Milton Haynes Dolliver Holding his Brother, Harold W. Dolliver

Milton Kittredge and Wasson Tapley

Milton Lee Pomroy and David Abner Pomroy

Milton Lee Pomroy and Velma Arlene (Murphy) Pomroy (3)

Milton Lee Pomroy and Velma Arlene (Murphy) Pomroy and Children

Milton Lee Pomroy and Velma Arlene (Murphy) Pomroy with son Alton Abner Pomroy

Milton Lee Pomroy and Velma Arlene Murphy Pomroy and Children

Milton Lee Pomroy in WWII

Milton Norwood in front of R.M. Norwood Company

Milton on the Roof of his Hen House

Mina T. (Harper) Emery

Mina Vennetta (Wilbur) Gott

Mineola - Passenger Steamer

Minerva Louise (Mitchell) Reed (3)

Minerva Louise (Mitchell) Reed and her half brother, Julius “Johnie” “Judy” Edgar Mitchell

Minerva Louise (Mitchell) Reed, Mrs. Howard Wesley Reed and Wesley Eugene Reed

Mining Casemate, Great Diamond Island

Minister at the Manset Baptist Church

Minnie C. (Butler) Stanley, Alice M. (Campbell) Butler, Flora Belle (Butler) Murphy Lawton

Minnie E. Mitchell House

Minnie Estelle Barker & Edith Barker (Mrs. J. Howard) Rogers House (2)

Minnie Estelle Barker and Edith I. Barker Cottage (2)

Minnie Marie (Mitchell) Dolliver, Mrs. Rudolph Eugene Dolliver

Minturn Quarry

Miss Alice L. Fowler Cottage

Miss Alice Wetherbee Cottage

"Miss Brooks Concious"

"Miss Brooks Unconcious"

Miss Caldwell and Harry Seaton Rand

Miss Caldwell and Jean Tewksbury Rand at Afternoon Tea (2)

Miss Grace Simmons and Ms. Mabel Colvin House

Miss Hooper's Den

Miss Julie - Lobster Boat

Miss Killam's House

Miss M.L. Wilson in Tow

Miss Mildred Everett Cottage

Miss Mildred Everett's Cottage, Seal Harbor, Maine (4)

Miss Myra Herrick House

Miss Peterson at Piano

Mississippi Sternwheel Steamer at St. Louis, Missouri

Mitchell - Austin Malvery Mitchell (1892-1954)

Mitchell - Emma Almira (Mitchell) Reed (1858-1932)

Mitchell - Henry Stanley Mitchell (1860-1953) aka Stan

Mitchell - Julius Edgar Mitchell (1902-1982) aka Johnie or Judy

Mitchell - Minerva Louise (Mitchell) Reed (1906-1983)

Mitchell - Minnie Marie (Mitchell) Dolliver (1897-1979)

Mitchell - Nathaniel Pinkham Mitchell

Mitchell - Nathaniel Pinkham Mitchell Jr. (1875-1948)

Mitchell's Cove (2)

Model of Dragger, Sea Fox at Southwest Boat Corporation

Model of Steamer "Tremont"

Model Ship Weathervane for TopGallant Flagpole

Monetelle Gott with two cats.

Montell Gott Lives Alone On Island Ancestors Bought 162 Years Ago

Montelle D. Gott in the Great Gott Island Post Office

Montelle D. Gott's Buildings at the Outer Pool on Great Gott Island

Montreville Clark Gilley House

Montreville Gilley House

Monument Cove

Monument Cove Blizzard

Monument Cove on Somes Sound

Monument Cove: Somes Sound

Moon - Thomas C. Moon (1851-1933)

Mooney - Daniel Smith Mooney (1844-1924)

Moonlight at Deep Cove

Moonlight at Fresh Pond

Moonlight at Sea - Photo 02

Moonlight at Sea - Photo 03

Moonlight at Sea From "City of Rockland"

Moonlight East from Camp

Moonlight in Somesville Looking East Across the Sound

Moonlight on the Upper Saranac

Moonlight View Between Bear and Greening Island from the Piazza

Moonrise from Fox Dens (2)

Moore - Albert D. Moore (1870-1944)

Moore - Ann M. (Moore) Rich (1932-1984)

Moore - Arthur E. Moore (1884-1959)

Moore - Esther (Moore) Trask (1909-2002)

Moore - Fanny (Moore) Dolliver (1802-1875)

Moore - Harvey A. Moore (1900-1971)

Moore - Isaac Thomas Moore (1872-1963)

Moore - John Stanley Moore (1827-1914)

Moore - Julia Iva (Moore) Gilley Marson (1863-1922)

Moore - Mabel Florence (Moore) Stanley (1888-1939)

Moore - Mattie (Moore) Dolliver (1863-1945))

Moore - Philip Moore (1871-1937)

Moore - Ruth Moore (1903-1989)

Moore Family at Enoch Newman Moore House

Moore's Garage (2)

Moore's Garage Co. - After the Fire (2)

Moore's Garage Co. and Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co.

Moore's Harbor, Isle Au Haut

Mooring Maintenance Barge Oscar at Southwest Boat Marine Services Dock

Moosabec Light

Moosabec Light House

Moose Peak Light House (2)

Moose-a-Bic Light House

Moosehead - Passenger Steamer

Mor Glaz (2)

Morgan - Louisa Pierpont (Morgan) Satterlee (1866-1946)

Morning Star - Friendship Sloop-Maine Sloop Boat

Morning Star and Freedom at Sea

Morning Star with alternate planks removed during rebuild

Morrill - Bertha M. (Morrill) Judkins Jones (1893-1920)

Morrill - Charles Barrett Morrill (1934-2020)

Morrill - Henry Sumner Morrill (1855-?) aka Teddy

Morrill - Leslie William Morrill (1894-1980) aka Les

Morris - George W. Morris

Morris A. Dolliver House

Morris Augustus Dolliver and Ruth Carroll Kittredge Dolliver, Mrs. and Mrs. Morris Augustus Dolliver

Morris Augustus Dolliver House (2)

Morris Boat Yard

Morris Yacht Company

Morris Yachts Boat Shed and Head of the Harbor, Southwest Harbor, Maine - After 1972

Morrow Cottage

Morse - Frederick Wesley Morse (1870-1929)

Morse - Wilbur A. Morse (1853-1949)

Morsman - Edgar Martin Morsman Jr. (1873-1951)

Morton - Marian Cooper (Morton) Rogers (1892-1971)

Moses Morse Sawin and Sawin's Express on Oxford Street, Cambridge

Moses Richardson / Perry Warrington Richardson House, Bass Harbor, Maine

Moss and Rock Garden

Moss Garden

Motenko - Howie Motenko

Mother and Child

Mother with Baby

Motley's Pond from Charles River

Motley's Pond from Riverdale

Motley's Pond, Dedham, Massachusetts

Motley's Pond, Town of Dedham

Motor Yacht

Motor Yacht Carmarette on Clark Point, Southwest Harbor

Motor Yacht Owned by Atwater Kent

Motor Yacht Placida and Tender

Moulden - Elizabeth Ellen (Moulden) Thurston (1858-1953)

Mount Auburn Cemetery (2)

Mount Desert - Sidewheel Steamer

Mount Desert Congregational Church of Southwest Harbor (2)

Mount Desert from Little Duck Island - Center Section

Mount Desert from Little Duck Island - Eastern Section

Mount Desert from Little Duck Island - West Section

Mount Desert Hills, Probably from Great Granberry Island

Mount Desert Island

Mount Desert Island - Mountain and Stream in Winter

Mount Desert Island - View from the Outer Islands

Mount Desert Island - Water View (8)

Mount Desert Island from Islesford

Mount Desert Island Photo Album 1902-1905

Mount Desert Island, and the Cranberry Isles.

Mount Desert Memories Party on the steps of The Roberts House

Mount Desert Rock and Light Station

Mount Desert Rock Light Station (6)

Mount Desert Rock Light Station - Lighthouse and Buildings (4)

Mount Desert Rock Light Station - Lighthouse and Buildings - Before 1918

Mount Desert Rock Light Station Boat House

Mount Desert Souvenir : Fifteenth Annual Excursion of the Massachusetts Press Association, July 5-9, 1884

Mount Desert Street at Bar Harbor from Malden Hill - Mt. Desert Street

Mount Desert Views 1884

Mount Desert Yacht Yard Inc.

Mount Holyoke Basketball Banner

Mount Katahdin (2)

Mount Katahdin - Labor Day Weekend 2006

Mount Vesuvius from the SS Kaiser Wilhelm II - Photo 14

Mount-Desert Guide-Book, page 70

Mountain and Rooftop

Mountain View From McKinley

Mountain View from Southwest Harbor, Maine

Mountains of Mount Desert Island

Mountains on Mt. Desert Island Then and Now

Mouth of Hadlock Pond Brook

Mouth of Lake Clear Brook (2)

Moving the George Ripley Fuller House

Mr. & Mrs. Austin Malvery Mitchell House

Mr. & Mrs. George Ward House

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mitchell House

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson Bee and Children - Albert Wilson Bee and Charles Everett Bee

Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Bartlett Homer at the Launching of Great Lakes Freighter, Arthur B. Homer

Mr. and Mrs. Barton Haxall Grundy and Barbara Haxall Grundy at Journey's End

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Arno Stanley and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Schoff Cottage (2)

Mr. and Mrs. George Delorin Atherton House

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lathrop Rand on the Steps at Fox Dens

Mr. And Mrs. Lewis Kennison Robinson and Children

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Merrill Stanley and Children - Mary Helen Stanley and Alberta Mildred Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton (Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton) at Home in Houlton, Maine (2)

Mr. And Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton (Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton) Off for Bass Harbor (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton and Rebecca (Whitmore) Lurvey Carroll, Mrs. Jacob William Carroll

Mr. Dunn Raking Hay at Thorndike Cottage

"Mr. Fox" at Fox Dens

Mr. Goodale's Donkey Cart and Boy

Mr. Goodale's Donkey Cart and Children (2)

Mr. Hank's House (3)

"Mr. Locke's House" - Warren Andrew Locke House (2)

Mr. M with his Horses "Daisy" and "Lillie"

Mr. McKay's Boats

Mrs. and Mrs. Francis E. Fahey, Francis E. Mickey Fahey and Eunice Elizabeth Ulish Fahey at Chesuncook Lake, Maine

Mrs. Elmsley's Grandson (2)

Mrs. Emily S. Rogers Cottage

Mrs. Foster's Piazza

Mrs. Fox at the Balsam Hut

Mrs. Frank E. Torrey House

Mrs. J. Scott Cottage and Tea Room

Mrs. James Scott House

Mrs. John H. Longmaid House

Mrs. Josephine Richardson House

Mrs. Lawton's Tea Room and Candy Shop

Mrs. Lawton’s Tea Room and Candy Shop

Mrs. Leslie F. White House

Mrs. Melvin Freeman Mitchell Jr. - Lewis E. Closson House

Mrs. Nancy Newman Sawyer House

Mrs. Salsbury and Gordon Manchester III at Mary Emma Wamsley (Lenhard) Coates' Art Show

Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton (Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton) with Minnie.

Mrs. Vira J. (Sim H.) Mayo House

MT 454 Army Boat

Mt. Desert Bridge (2)

Mt. Desert House on Main Street in Somesville - Between 1888 and 1904

Mt. Desert House on Main Street in Somesville - From the Shore of Somes Harbor

Mt. Desert Island Bridge Dedication

Mt. Desert Island Hospital

Mt. Desert Island, Maine, The Bubbles

Mt. Desert Oceanarium

Mt. Desert Toll Bridge on Thompson Island

Mt. Desert, Me. Echo Hill.

Mt. Desert, Me. The Old Mill.

Mt. Dessert Island Bridge Dedication

Mt. Dessert Island Free Bridge Opening

Muffin the Rand family cat

Mulgrave from the Ferry

Mulholland - Margaret (Mulholland) Birlem (1910-1989)

Mullen - Collista F. (Mullen) Gott (1853-1940)

Mullens Head Park, North Haven

Mullins - Lillian E. (Mullins) Mayo (1889-1979)

Mulroney - Sarah Margaret (Mulroney) Nice (1917-2008)

Mum's Mink

Municpal Pier at Bar Harbor, Maine

Murphy - Albion Murphy (1850-1910)

Murphy - Bertha C. (Murphy) Neal (1887-1968)

Murphy - George W. Murphy Jr. (1800-1862)

Murphy - Isaac T. Murphy (1860-1938)

Murphy - John Tyler Murphy (1870-1957)

Murphy - Kathlyn L. (Murphy) Reed (1882-1965) aka Katie

Murphy - Leta H. (Murphy) Burnside (1906-?)

Murphy - Lida M. Murphy (1899-1969)

Murphy - Velma Arlene (Murphy) Pomroy (1901-1984)

Murphy - Viola A. (Marshall) Murphy (1877-1965)

Murphy - William E. Murphy (c.1880-)

Museum Traces Island's History - Abbe Museum Blends Ruth Moore Poetry With Great Gott Island Artifacts

Musgrave - Thomas Bateson Musgrave (1831-1903)

Musgrave Freed: Justice Freedman Releases the ex-Banker from a Sanitarium

Musgrave Tea Tower (2)

Musgrave v. Farren

Musgrave's Unique Suit: What Wall Street Knows of the Father's Business Career

My Grandmother Lived for the Factory Whistle

My Share - Lobster Boat

My Shepard - Lobster Style Cabin Launch

Myra and John A. Walls House

Myra J. Wooster - Freighter

Mysie Black Bell (2)

Mystic Isle Explorer' Club - Duck Island Expedition


Nadine, Richard, and Marjorie Stanley

Nahum Norwood House

Nan and Art Kellam

Nan and Art Kellam on the Shore of Placentia Island (2)

Nan Kellam and Dot Church Sitting in Front of Homewood

Nan Kellam and Marianne New

Nan Kellam in a Hammock on Placentia Island

Nan Kellam in front of Homewood

Nan Kellam in the Spizzler

Nan Kellam with a Friend on the Shore of Placentia Island

Nan Kellam with Guests at Homewood

Nan Kellam with the Spizzler

"Nana and Sweet Peas" - Mary Ann Forbes

"Nana," Mary Ann Forbes and May

"Nana," Mary Ann Forbes, at a Flax Wheel

"Nana" - Mary Ann Nana Forbes - and Family Dog Pug

Nancy (Dunbar) Bulger interviewed by David Spurling

Nancy (Young) Lopaus Ingalls

Nancy & Ricky - Lobster Boat

Nancy B - Mackerel Seiner

Nancy B.

Nancy Eleanor (Stanley) Stone

Nancy Gilley Stanley - Mrs. William Doane Stanley (2)

Nancy S. Newman Sawyer House

Naples from the SS Kaiser Wilhelm II - Photo 13

Natalie Todd - Schooner

Nathalie Mabel (Davis) Gott

Nathan and Philena C. Clark Homestead

Nathan Carlton Smallidge

Nathan Carlton Smallidge House (2)

Nathan Clark (1843-1907)

Nathan Clark Cottage "Three Chimneys"

Nathan Clark House

Nathan Clark House "Three Chimneys" (2)

Nathan Clark II House

Nathan Clark III and Philena C. Clark Homestead

Nathan Clark III House

Nathan H. Stanley House (2)

Nathaniel - Lobster Style Powerboat

Nathaniel Gott House

Nathaniel Gott Jr. House (2)

Nathaniel Pinkham Mitchell Jr. and Mary Louise Mae Mitchell

Nathaniel Pinkham Mitchell Jr. and Mary Louise Mae Mitchell Aboard Lobster Boat Togo (2)

Nathaniel Southgate Shaler Cottage

Nathaniel Southgate Shaler’s Cottage, “Seven Gates,” on Martha’s Vineyard

Native American Camp at Bar Harbor - "Indian Village" First Location

Native American Camp at Bar Harbor - "Indian Village" Second Location (3)

Native American Camp at Southwest Harbor - "Indian Lot"

Native Birds of Mount Desert Island and Acadia National Park

Natural Bridge, Sutton Island (2)

Nautical Chart - Approaches to Blue Hill Bay

Naval Coaling Station, Lamoine, Maine (2)

Neal - Ebed Wilder Neal (1879-1950)

Neal - Elias Craig Neal (1833-1897)

Neal - George Arthur Neal (1872-1939)

Near Baddeck

Near Bellagio - Photo 28

Near Brace's Rock (2)

Near Lyman Barn

Near Monihendam - Photo 65

Near Mrs. Mailman's

Near Mystic Pond

Near Stony Brook

Near Stony Brook Station (2)

Nearby (2)

Neck Broken by Fall: Esteemed Southwest Harbor Woman Victim of Sad Accident

Nehemiah H. Cousins Cottage (2)

Nehemiah Higgins Cousins House and Family in Southwest Harbor, Maine

Nehemiah Higgins House


Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor (2)

Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor, Maine

Neil Stanley Peterson and Norman Kimball Wedge

Neil Stanley Peterson House

Neilson - Albert Pancoast Neilson (1930-) aka Albie

Neilson - Harry Rosengarten Neilson (1893-1949)

Neilson - Harry Rosengarten Neilson Jr. (1928-1994)

Nell and Seth Thornton

Nell and Seth Thornton and Unidentified Woman Having Tea on the Porch

Nell and Seth Thornton at the U.S. Capitol

Nell and Seth Thornton with Beatrice Carroll and Unknown Woman

Nell and Seth Thornton's Travels Between Southwest Harbor and Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton - Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and first cousin Gladys Ella Whitmore

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Prince at Home in Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton at Camp on Portage Lake

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton at Home in Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton Leaving Southwest Harbor for Houlton

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton, at Home, Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton's House at Ashland, Maine (2)

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton's House in Ashland, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton's Living Room at Ashland, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and Seth Sprague Thornton's New House at Houlton, Maine (3)

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton and two nieces

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton Driving a Carriage on Bridge to Winterville, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton Leaving Southwest Harbor for Houlton

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton on Prince with Seth Sprague Thornton, Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton with Minnie and Moses at Houlton, Maine (2)

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton with Prince at Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton and Sister (2)

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton and Sisters Reading the new Ladies Home Journal

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton Driving Sleigh with Prince at Houlton, Maine

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton with Moses

Nell Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton, Mrs. Seth Sprague Thornton with Richard Thornton Carroll at the Mountain House

Nell Rebecca Carroll

Nell Rebecca Carroll Thornton House (2)

Nell S. (Mrs. Seth) Thornton House

Nell, Grace, and Viola Carroll and Children

Nellie B. (Mrs. Leon E.) Higgins House

Nellie B. (Mrs. Leon E.) Higgins House

Nellie D. Hicks Mitchell House

Nellie D. Mitchell House

Nellie Hannah (Gott) Joyce, Mrs. Oliver J. Joyce

Nellie O. (Mrs. Thomas R.) Savage House (2)

Nellie O. Savage House (2)

Nellie Rebecca (Carroll) Thornton (1871-1958)

Nellie Rebecca Carroll Thornton with Cat

Nelson Curtis House

Nelson Eliot Spurling

Nelson Herrick Farm (2)

Neptune - Transportation Barge

Neptune Theater at H.G. Reed's Store, McKinley, Maine - Advertisement 1938

Nest and Eggs of Black Guillemot

Nest of a Blackpoll Warbler

Nest of Herring Gulls on Great Duck Island

Nests and Eggs of the Common Eider on Little Duck Island

Net Reel at Preble's Cove

New Addition at Fox Dens

New Boston

New Building at Hall Quarry

New Buildings at Jackson Memorial Laboratory

New Cruiser at Ronald Rich's Boat Shop, Southwest Harbor, Maine

New Facts Concerning the Cross on Flying Mountain

New Garden on the Eastern Promenade

New Hampshire - Little River

New Mt. Desert Bridge

New Primary School, Southwest Harbor

New Seawall Motel Announcement

New York Nautical School Ship, Sloop St. Mary's at Entrance to Somes Sound

New York Nautical School Ship, Sloop St. Mary's Under Sail

New York Nautical School Ship, Sloop St. Mary's, Sails Furled

"New York" House on Great Gott Island

Newbury Street home of William Lawrence Underwood and his Sisters

Newell - Lyne Sterling Newell Jr. (1884-1954)

Newkirk - Eliza Jacobus (Newkirk) Rogers (1877-1966)

Newman - Agnes Maude (Newman) Robinson (1875-1916)

Newman - Dorothy (Newman) Bulger (1808-1894) aka Dolly

Newman - Harry Edward Newman (1887-1954)

Newman - Henry Edwin Newman (1818-1894)

Newman - Jarvis Ward Newman (1935-2019)

Newman - Laurence Saunders Newman (1905-2002)

Newman - Ora E. (Newman) Seavey (1900-1975)

Newman - William Spurling Newman (1825-1901)

Newman's legacy, and his boats, will sail on

Newport House (2)

Newport House, Bar Harbor, Maine (2)

Newport Mountain, later Champlain Mountain

Newspaper Article Describing George Cough and His Family

Newspaper Clippings featuring the Claremont Hotel

Newspapers including articles about the fire of 1947

Nice - Frederick Millard Nice (1911-1985)

Nick's Cove (2)

Nick's Cove on Eagle Lake

Niles Beach, East Gloucester (2)

Niligraga Drying Her Sails (2)

Niliraga - Captain Ralph Warren Stanley - Alongside the Cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli

Niliraga - Schooner


Nirvana - 1st Owner's Flag

Nirvana - Yawl

No Fresh Water on Little Duck Island

"No Seat Without a Sweeping View of the Ocean"

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Bracy - Wesley Peterson Bracy

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for Harvard Riley Beal

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built For Howard Lester Power

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for John Frank Closson

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for Joseph Elwood Spurling

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for Louise (Webber) Jackson O'Brien

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for Oscar Ove Krantz

No-Name - Lobster Boat - Built for Russell Edgar Pettigrove

No-Name Lobster Boat Built for Harvard Riley Beal

Noble - Katherine Noble (1880-1971)

Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast

Noonan - Lucy Ann (Noonan) Benson (1830-1905)

Nordgren - Tyler Nordgren

North End of Irving Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts

North from The Castle (2)

North Haven and Vinal Haven

North Haven and Vinal Haven, Maine

North Haven Landing

North Haven, Fox Island Thoroughfare from Kents Cove

North Haven, Maine

North Haven, Maine Showing Vinalhaven in the Distance

North Part of Northampton, MA

North Star

Northeast Corner of the Parlor

Northeast from Henry Lathrop Rand's Balcony

Northeast Harbor

Northeast Harbor and Seal Harbor Cottage Directory - 2011

Northeast Harbor Cottage Directory - 1991

Northeast Harbor Fleet Dock

Northeast Harbor from Flying Mountain (2)

Northeast Harbor from Flying Mt., Southwest Harbor, Maine.

Northeast Harbor, Maine - The Inner Harbor

Northeast Harbor's Schoolhouse Ledge - a Place for a Peaceful Hike

Northerly - Schooners - Auxiliary Schooners

Northern Light - Schooner

Northern Light II -- Bermuda 40

Northwest from The Castle

Northwood Kenway and Misty

Norton Estate (2)

Norumbega - Passenger Steamer (2)

Norumbega Mountain

Norwood - Daniel Fairfield Norwood (1861-1924)

Norwood - Eldora E. (Norwood) Hopkins Torrey Harmon (1876-1972) aka Dora

Norwood - Eugene Millard Norwood (1896-1918)

Norwood - Frances E. (Norwood) Linnenbuerge (1904-1976)

Norwood - James Franklin Norwood (1914-1986)

Norwood - Julia Booth (Norwood) Gott (1875-1924)

Norwood - Lena G. (Norwood) Mitchell (1897-1992)

Norwood - Mary Melissa (Norwood) Davis Carter (1901-1956) aka May

Norwood - Robie Melvin Norwood Jr. (1873-1955))

Norwood - Robie Melvin Norwood Sr. (1838-1909)

Norwood - Seth Wademere Norwood (1878-1966)

Norwood Carpenter Shop and Gilley Plumbing

Norwood Cove School (2)

Norwood Road (2)

Norwood Road - View from Dirigo Hotel (2)

Norwood Road by Causeway Dam

Norwood Road from Above the Rand Property Line

Norwood Road Leading to Fox Dens

Norwood's Cove (4)

Norwood's Cove after Sunset

Norwood's Cove and Western Mountain

Norwood's Cove at Low Tide

Norwood's Cove from the Village Path

Norwood's Cove in the Fog

Norwood's Cove, Southwest Harbor, Me.

Not Chained to a Tree

Notes on the Origins of Some American Tractors


Novelty - Sardine Carrier

Noyes - Bessie M. Noyes (1897-1981)

Noyes - George A. Noyes (1916-1991)

Noyes - John A. Noyes (1898-1967)

Nubble Quarry

Nubble Quarry Showing the Stone Skids and Derrick

Nurse - Miss McCarthy

Nutter - Abbie Lucinda (Nutter) Ober (1869-1947)

Nutting - Otto Clyde Nutting (1875-1972)

Nyberg - Helen (Nyberg) Lawson (1876-)


O. Crosby Bean Souvenir Goods, Bangor, Maine

O.K. - Utility Boat

O'Brien - Mary Louise (O'Brien) Worcester (1922-2016)

Oak Point (2)

Ober - Aram Tilden Ober (1835-1919)

Ober - Leslie C. Ober (1845-1928)

Obituary for Chester E. Clement

Obituary for Dr. Daniel Gould in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

Obituary for Gladys (Manzer) Muir

Obituary for Hannah Kent Schoff

Obituary for Iona Helen (Stanley) Rollins

Obituary for Jarvis W. Newman

Obituary of Nettie C. (Allen) Higgins

Objects of the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Ocean Belle - Lobster Boat

Ocean Drive (3)

Ocean Drive - 1966

Ocean Drive - Acadia National Park

Ocean Drive Before Paving

Ocean Drive from Otter Cliffs

Ocean Drive in Winter

Ocean House (2)

Ocean House Hotel

Ocean House Hotel and Landing After Remodeling

Ocean House Hotel, Ocean House Cottage/Annex and Tremont Baptist Parsonage from the Shore

Ocean House Slip, Manset, Me.

Ocean House, Southwest Harbor, Maine.

Ocean View Cabins on Route 3 in Seal Harbor

Ocean View Hotel

Ocean View Hotel, Swans Island (3)

Octavia Fifield Millinery

Octavia Fifield Millinery, Bernard, Maine - I - Between 1887 and 1896

Octavia Fifield Millinery, Bernard, Maine - II - Between 1887 and 1896

Octavia Rhodesia Gray Allen

Odd Fellows Building

Odd Fellows Building Cellar Hole (4)

Odd Fellows Building Cellar Hole - Main Street

Odd Fellows Building Space & Old Masonic Hall (2)

Odd Fellows Hall (2)

Off Sandy Hook - Photo 88

Office of Dr. Alexander Fulton and Dr. Abigail Mary (Redman) Fulton in Ellsworth

Officer's Recreation Hall at Great Pond CCC Camp

Officers and Men at Great Pond CCC Camp

Offshore Fishing Style Boat Built for Nelson Rockefeller

Offshore Fishing Style Boat for Nelson Rockefeller

Olaus L. and Jeannette Nettie May (Greening) Mills with Frank E. and Grace (Ludwick) Poland

Olaus L. and Jeannette Nettie May (Greening) Mills with Grace (Ludwick) Poland, Mrs. Frank E. Poland

Olaus L. Mills - Member of the Second Traverse Jury, October Term

Old Barque Beach, Bass Harbor, Me.

Old Bridge at Head of Bass Harbor - The Osborne Milton Kittredge House (2)

Old Burying Ground

Old Burying Ground - Southwest Harbor

Old Center Meeting House (4)

Old Custom House in Annisquam

Old Farmhouse

Old Fish House in Lobster Cove

Old Gentleman

Old House on Camden Road

Old house on Vine Street

Old Houses and Gaelic Church on St. Anne's Road

Old Houses at Halifax

Old Houses on St. Anne's Road (2)

Old Hulk in Bass Harbor

Old Marsh School

Old Masonic Hall (2)

Old Masonic Hall - Theater - School

Old Masonic Hall and J.T. Crippen Company

Old Masonic Hall and Odd Fellows Building

Old Mill at Seal Cove, Mt. Desert Island, Me.

Old Oaks Near Wayside Inn

Old Primary School as Southwest Harbor Police Department

Old Primary School as Southwest Harbor Town Office

Old Sloop Yacht on Lobster Cove

Old Sloops at Rock End Dock

Old Ward House (2)

Old Willow Tree at Nathaniel Southgate Shaler’s Cottage, “Seven Gates,” on Martha’s Vineyard

Older Children's Room

Olin Stephens at the Helm of "Rebecca" with Ralph Warren Stanley Aboard

Oliver H. Fernald House

Oliver H. Fernald House - Valour House

Olivette - Auxiliary Sail Steamer

Olsen Memorial Chapel (5)

Olsen Memorial Chapel, McKinley, Maine

Olson - Inez Ivey (Olson) Krantz (1898-1963)

On Beaver Brook Reservation

On Board the "Gwen"

On Penzance Road, Land's End

On Shore East of Seal Harbor

On Slope to Echo Lake

On Spring Pond Inlet

On the Piscataquog River

"On the Scow" at Deacon's Cove

On the Shore at Mystic Pond (4)

On Top of Newport Mountain, Mount Desert

One of a Collection of Placecards for Jordan Pond House

Open Streamlined Boat (3)

Open Streamlined Boat Built for Carroll Sargent Tyson, Jr.

Opening Day at the Bar Harbor-Yarmouth Ferry Terminal, Bar Harbor

ordan Pond and the Bubbles - Before Park Creation in 1916

Order of the Eastern Star

Order of the Eastern Star, Tremont Installation

Original Stanley House Hotel with Mansard Roof

Original Stanley House Hotel with Mansard Roof - Enlarged

Orin A. Donnell and Charles Eliot's Grandson, Michael Eliot Goriansky

Orithia Clark Steenis

Orman Charles Worcester, Alton Elwell Tundy and Roscoe D. Worcester at Trundy's Store in Southwest Harbor, Maine

Orr - Alice M. (Orr) Thurston (1882-1944)

Orr - Alonzo Albert Orr (c. 1842-1895)

Orrin Fernald House

Osborne Milton Kittredge - Grampa and The Children

Osborne Milton Kittredge and his grandson, Milton Donald Kittredge, in a Cart

Osborne Milton Kittridge House and Store (2)

Oscar - Mooring Maintenance Barge

Oscar & Ora Seavey House

Oscar and Ora Seavey House

Oscar Krautz Cottage

Oscar Randall Seavey and the School Bus

Osgood - Irving Osgood (1845-1914)

Osmond Emery

Osmond Emery Harper House

Osmond Emery Harper with David B. Benson and Katherine Gertrude Benson and a Load of Hay at Seawall

Osmond Harper House

Osprey - Ketch

Otis Hill

Otmar Franz Karban and Kerstin Stracke-Weiss

Otter Cliff

Otter Cliff - Before 1905

Otter Cliff from Ocean Drive (2)

Otter Cliff Radio Station (2)

Otter Cliffs

Otter Cliffs, Ocean Drive, Arcadia National Park

Otter Cove (2)

Otter Creek Cliffs

Otter Point

Otter Point and Otter Cliff

Otter Point Shore Looking Back to Great Head

Otto Clyde Nutting and Thalia Rebecca (Bailey) Nutting

Otto Clyde Nutting at the launching of cruiser “Thalia B.” fromHinckley’s.

Otto Clyde Nutting House

"Our Last Lunch" - Fox Dens - Season 1907

Outer Beach on Greening Island

Outer Long Island, off Mt. Desert, Me.

Outline and Index Map of City of Cambridge, Massachusetts, from actual Surveys and Official Plans

Owens Cutter

Owl's Head

Owl's Head Light (2)

Owls Head Harbor (2)

Owls Head Light (4)

Owls Head or Rockland Near Simpsons House

Oxford Street, Cambridge

Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts


P.W. Richardson & Son Wharf (2)

Pa John's 78th Birthday at Rum Island - John Carroll (1875-1964)

Packer on Break at the Addison Packing Company, Southwest Harbor (2)

Packer Wading on Break at the Addison Packing Company, Southwest Harbor

Packers on Break at the Addison Packing Company, Southwest Harbor (2)

Packing Room at the Underwood Factory, McKinley, Maine

Page - Francis Johnson Page (1847-1923)

Page - Katheryne "Carrie" Winstead (Page) Kellam (1882-1972)

Page - Marjorie Ellen (Page) Copeland (1930-2002)

Paine - Richard Cushing Paine Sr. (1893-1966)

Paine - Walter Cabot Paine II (1923-)

Painting Bridges

Painting Islands - Uniting Community with Art

Painting of a gaff rigged sailboat by Howe D. Higgins

Painting of Brig Carrie F. Dix - Lisbon 1882

Painting of Clark's Wharf by Charles Morris Young

Painting of Dock and Harbor Scene

Painting the Tower at Great Duck Island Light (2)

Paintings of the Late Philip Lyford on Display at Westport

Palestine - Schooner

Palms at the Villa Serbelloni - Photo 26

Panorama of Bar Harbor

Panorama of Sea Ledges

Panorama of Southwest Harbor from Manset Town Dock

Panorama of Southwest Harbor in Winter

Panoramic View of Bar Harbor, Maine

Pará, Brazil (2)

Parade on Main Street at Freeman's Store, Southwest Harbor

Paradise Cove on Somes Sound

Paradise Cove, Somes Sound, Maine

Paradise Cove, Somes Sound, Mt. Desert, Me.

Paradise Point Showing Sargent's Mountain

Park Theater

Park Theater Doors at the Birches

Park Theater, Southwest Harbor

Parker - Andrew Edward Parker (1875-1957)

Parker - Dora Lucinda Parker (1875-1973)

Parker - Fred Cutter Parker (1876-1903)

Parker - George Henry Parker (1873-1927)

Parker - Jack Cutter Parker (1887-1980)

Parker - Jesse Lindon Parker (1881-1966)

Parker - Joseph Gilman Parker Jr. (1842-1908)

Parker - Joseph Gilman Parker Sr. (1805-1843)

Parker - Mabel H. (Parker) Keene (1862-1937)

Parker - Mary Cutter Parker (1869-1948)

Parker - William Edwin Parker (1890-1962)

Parker - William Gilman Parker (1832-1890)

Parker and Thurston Wharf

Parker Wharf

Parker Wharf, Bernard, Maine

Parker's Wharf

Parking Space and Lookout Area on Summit of Cadillac Mountain

Parlor at Frank Mortimer Wakefield's House

Parlor at the Frank Mortimer Wakefield House in Dedham, Massachusetts

Parlor Corner and Bedroom

Parlor Facing Southeast

Parlor Looking East

Parritt- Florence C. (Parritt) Young (1918-2002)

Parsons - Abby (Parsons) MacDuffie (1860-1937)

Parsons - Gary A. Parsons (1941-2006)

Part of a Stained Glass Panel Depicting Lobster Boat Wolfhound

Part of the Island House

Part of the Town of Brookline

Part of Town of Falmouth, Woods Hole

Part of Ward 23, City of Boston

Part of Ward 8, City of Cambridge

Part of Ward 9, City of Cambridge (2)

Part of Wards 10 & 11, City of Cambridge

Part of Wards 22 & 23, City of Boston

Part of Wards 6 & 7, City of Boston

Part of Wards 9 & 10, City of Cambridge

Part of Wards 9, 10 & 11, City of Cambridge

Parts of Wards 4, 6 & 7, City of Springfield

Parts of Wards 6 & 7, City of Worcester

Party of Young People Playing on the Road Being Built Down Green Mountain

Party on Rocks in Gloucester

Party on the Deck of the S.S. Cimbria at Southwest Harbor, Maine - 1878

Passenger Boat Asticou at Great Duck Island

Passenger Boat Asticou at the Northeast Harbor Dock

Passenger Boat Poor Richard Under Construction

Passenger Excursion Boat Liberty at Bar Harbor

Passenger Launch - Fishing Boat, Three Sisters at Beal's Fish Wharf, Southwest Harbor

Passenger Launch "Florence"

Passenger Launch Florence

Passenger Launch Steamer Agnes

Passenger Steamer Belfast

Passenger Steamer Boothbay Steaming Out of Blue Hill Maine

Passenger Vessel "Frenchman's Bay" at Bar Harbor

Pasture Lot Point (3)

Pat Singleton, Bev Shores, and Nan Kellam on the Shore of Placentia Island

Path and Rocks

Path at Fox Dens

Path Near Clematis Brook

Path Near Jordan Pond - Before Park Creation in 1916

Path to Valley Cove

Path up the Hill from Bungalow

Pathmaker -- The Tragic Death of Waldron Bates

Pathmakers: Cultural Landscape Report for the Historic Hiking Trail System of Mount Desert Island

Patsy S. - Cruiser

Paul Timothy Stubing

Pawlus - Evelyn Mae (Pawlus) Sarns (1937-)

Payson - Anna Holden (Payson) Bee (1854-1939 )

Peabody - Francis Howard Peabody (1831-1905)

Peabody - Robert Swain Peabody (1845-1917)

Peak's Island, Portland Harbor

Peaked Hill Bar Life Saving Station (2)

Peaked Hills Bar Life Saving Station, Cape Cod, Mass.

Peapod - Skiff

Pearson - Dorothy (Pearson) Rand (1889-1973)

Peary's Arctic Ship "Roosevelt" - Steam Schooner

Pease - Captain Jesse H. Pease (1836-1901)

Ped Sargent's Livery Stable

Pemaquid Light (2)

Pembroke House with Woman in Carriage

Pembroke Mill From Below

Pemetic Class Reunion

Pemetic Elementary School

Pemetic High School (4)

Pemetic High School - National Honor Society Members

Pemetic High School - Student Council

Pemetic High School 7th and 8th Grades - Fall 1939

Pemetic High School Band Marching

Pemetic High School Class of 1946 - 40th Reunion

Pemetic High School Class of 1953 Reunion

Pemetic High School Freshmen 1940-1941

Pemetic High School Graduation 1958

Pemetic High School Junior Varsity Cheerleaders 1964-1965

Pemetic High School Lawn - Site of the Old Primary School

Pemetic High School Lawn, Site of the Old Primary School

Pemetic High School Students in Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado

Pemetic Hotel - aka The Castle

Pemetic Hotel - The Castle

Pemetic School group photos for teams and clubs

Pemetic Yearbook 1921

Pemetic Yearbook 1922

Pemetic Yearbook 1923

Pemetic Yearbook 1924

Pemetic Yearbook 1925

Pemetic Yearbook 1926

Pemetic Yearbook 1927

Pemetic Yearbook 1928

Pemetic Yearbook 1929

Pemetic Yearbook 1930

Pemetic Yearbook 1931

Pemetic Yearbook 1932

Pemetic Yearbook 1933

Pemetic Yearbook 1934

Pemetic Yearbook 1935

Pemetic Yearbook 1936

Pemetic Yearbook 1937

Pemetic Yearbook 1938

Pemetic Yearbook 1939

Pemetic Yearbook 1940

Pemetic Yearbook 1941

Pemetic Yearbook 1942

Pemetic Yearbook 1943

Pemetic Yearbook 1944

Pemetic Yearbook 1945

Pemetic Yearbook 1946

Pemetic Yearbook 1947

Pemetic Yearbook 1948

Pemetic Yearbook 1949

Pemetic Yearbook 1950

Pemetic Yearbook 1951

Pemetic Yearbook 1952

Pemetic Yearbook 1953

Pemetic Yearbook 1954

Pemetic Yearbook 1955

Pemetic Yearbook 1956

Pemetic Yearbook 1957

Pemetic Yearbook 1958

Pemetic Yearbook 1959

Pemetic Yearbook 1960

Pemetic Yearbook 1961

Pemetic Yearbook 1962

Pemetic Yearbook 1963

Pemetic Yearbook 1964

Pemetic Yearbook 1965

Pemetic Yearbook 1966

Pemetic Yearbook 1967

Pemetic Yearbook 1968

Pendleton Sisters - Schooner

Penelope Hinckley at the Helm

Penny and Mary Louise Hinckley

Penny Hinckley

Penny Hinckley as a Teenager

Penobscot - Sidewheel Walking Beam Steamer

Penobscot Mountain

Penury Hall (3)

Pepper - Charles H. Pepper Jr. (1866-1889)

Pepper - Frances Wharton (Pepper) Scott (1869-1942) (2)

Percy E. Torrey House

Perennial Parents

Perkins - Elizabeth (Perkins) Lawton (1826-1910)

Perkins - Jean Falconer (Perkins) Finlay (1884-1951)

Perley Stanley House

Perry L. Lawson's Dragger U and I off of Clark Point

Perry L. Lawson’s “U and I” Sinking During Hurricane Edna (2)

Perry Ped L. Sargent at his Auto Livery

Perry Warrington Richardson

Perry Warrington Richardson House (2)

Perry Warrington Richardson Store (2)

Perry Warrington Richardson's Store as Bass Harbor Country Store (2)

Perry Warrington Richardson's Store, Bass Harbor, Maine

Peter Blanchard and Nan Kellam Aboard Rundy Turnstone (2)

Peter Blanchard, Nan Kellam, and Unknown Man on Placentia Island

Peter Dolliver IV

Peter Dolliver IV - Gravestone

Peter Dolliver IV House (2)

Peter Godfrey Sailing the Ketch Rose

Peter Herman Adler at the McKinley Post Office

Peter S. Moore House (2)

Peter Stanley House (2)

Peter Theodore Benson III and Children

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. - Early 1950

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. (1891-1963) and Family

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. and David B. Benson

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. and Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson with William Benson

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. and Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson's Children (2)

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. and Leslie Frank White Sr. on The Ocean House Porch - Just Before They Razed It

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. House (2)

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. on his Fordson Tractor at Seawall

Peter Theodore Benson Jr. with two Great Danes

Peter Theodore Benson Jr.. Gertrude Katherine (Gatcomb) Benson and Children

Peter Theodore Benson Jr.. Gertrude Katherine Benson and Children

Peter Theodore Benson Jr.'s Children

Peter Theodore. Benson, Jr. House

Peter Warren Peterson (2)

Peter Warren Peterson at the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Peter Warren Peterson Attending the Party for Peter Rabbit's 100th Birthday

Peter Warren Peterson Reading in the Stacks (2)

Peter Warren Peterson Reading on the Window Seat

Peter Warren Peterson With His First Horse

Peter Warren Peterson With Horses

Peter Warren Peterson Writing at the Southwest Harbor Public Library

Peterson - Dorothy Ruth (Peterson) Stanley Fitch (1925-2016)

Peterson - Eleanor D. Peterson

Peterson - Elizabeth Safford Peterson (1855-1925)

Peterson - Neil Stanley Peterson (1917-1979) aka Doc

Peterson - Peter Warren Peterson (1949-2010) aka Pete

Peterson - Philmore M. Peterson (1916-1992)

Petit Plaisants Cottage - Home of Elizabeth S. Peterson - Gotts Island, Maine - I

Petit Plaisants Cottage - Home of Elizabeth S. Peterson - Gotts Island, Maine - II

Petit Plaisants Cottage - Home of Elizabeth S. Peterson - Gotts Island, Maine - III

Petit Plaisants Cottage at The Head

Pettigrove - Beatrice A. (Pettigrove) Latty (1915-1999)

Pettigrove - Clarence Homer Pettigrove (1875-1937)

Pettigrove - Halsey C. Pettigrove (1901-1980)

Phebe M. (Gott) Jordan, Mrs. Daniel H. Jordan and Unknown Man

Pheobe M. Gott

Philena C. (Whittaker) Clark (1846-1921)